
4.2 Operating Method

4.2.1 Moxa Stick Moxibustion Suspended Moxibustion

The acupuncturist applies a burning moxa stick vertically above a selected point/area without touching the skin so that moderate heat can be felt on the area. The suspended heating modes of moxibustion can be gentle moxibustion, circling moxibustion and pecking sparrow moxibustion. Gentle moxibustion

Ignite a moxa stick at one end and suspend it 2 ~ 3cm above the treatment area of the skin to transmit a mild warmth sensation to the area until the skin becomes slightly red without burning sensation. Circling moxibustion

Ignite a moxa stick at one end and suspend it 2 ~ 3cm above the treatment area and move it in a circular motion parallel to the skin to bring mild warmth sensation to the area without burning the skin. Pecking sparrow moxibustion

Ignite a moxa stick at one end and suspend it 2 ~ 3cm above the treatment area and move the stick up and down over the acupoint without touching the skin like a bird pecking a tree. Pressing Moxibustion

Put 6 ~ 8 layers of tissue-paper, gauze or cotton cloth etc. on the treatment area and press the area using a burning moxa stick by keeping it for 1 ~ 2 seconds to bring the heat to the skin. Once the patient feels partial burning and pain, the moxa stick should be removed. Press 3 ~ 7 times at each acupoint. When the skin becomes slightly red, the moxa stick and the paper or cloth can be removed.

Pressing moxibustion usually uses medicated moxa stick. Choose the different moxa stick according to the pathology of a disease. See the Annex A.

4.2.2 Warm Needling Moxibustion

Needle the selected acupoint as usual. After the arrival of qi and the suitable manipulations of reinforcing or reducing, directly place a small section of the moxa stick (about 1 ~ 3cm long) on the needle handle and ignite it. Or wrap a 2 ~ 3g ball-shaped moxa floss on the needle handle and ignite it. When it burns out, remove the ashes and then the needles. A piece of cardboard would be placed on the skin around the needle to catch the ashes as they fall to avoid burning the skin.

4.2.3 Moxa Cone Moxibustion Direct Moxibustion

Start by making an appropriate size of moxa cone with moxa of high quality to suit the patient’s condition. Then place the moxa cone directly on the selected point and ignite its top. In order to fix the moxa cone on the skin, apply some adhesive or stimulus such as garlic juice, vaseline, glycerine, water, or medical alcohol before placing the moxa cone.

When 50% ~ 80% of the moxa cone has burned and the skin appears flush and burning sensation is felt,removes the moxa cone and replaces it with another one. Repeat the procedure until the required amount of cones is completed. This method involves light stimuli without scar and purulence. Hence, it is called nonscarring moxibustion, or heat sensation moxibustion.

When more than half of the moxa cone is burned and the skin flushes and burning sensation is felt, the acupuncturist can press, tap gently or scratch the skin around the buring moxa to reduce the pain sensation and distract the patient’s attention. When the moxa cone is burned out, put another one until the required amount of cones is completed. This strong stimulation may lead to aseptic suppuration with scars. This method is called scarring moxibustion, diathermic moxibustion, and suppurative moxibustion. Various sizes of moxa cone for direct moxibustion are shown in the Annex D. Indirect Moxibustion

Place a selected material on the treatment area and place a moxa cone on the material then ignite the moxa cone from its top. When the skin reddens or the heating pain is felt, lift the material with moxa cone away from the skin for a moment and replace at once. Keep doing so until the end of the treatment. For patients who need light stimuli, when 2/3 of the moxa cone has burned, remove the moxa cone or replace it with a new one until the required amount of cones is complete. For patients who need strong stimuli, when 2/3 of the moxa cone has burned, the acupuncturist can gently tap or scratch the surrounding area to distract the patient’s attention and relieve the pain. When the moxa cone is burnt out, put another one until the required amount of cones is complete.

Refer to Annex B for the method of common indirect moxibustion and its preparation.

4.2.4 Moxa Burner Moxibustion

The moxa burner is used by putting moxa sticks or moxa floss into the moxa burner to start the treatment.  Its advantages are convenient, safe, and comfortable.

Refer to Annex C for the common moxa burners and their usage. Moxibustion with Moxa Stand

Insert the burning moxa stick in the moxa stand from the top and fix the stand directing on the acupoint. Acupuncturist or patient can adjust the position of moxa stick in order to regulate the temperature suitable to the patient’s tolerance. After the treatment, remove the moxa stand and take out the moxa stick. Then put out the fire and clean up the ashes. Moxibustion with Moxa Barrel

Firstly take out the inner barrel to put the moxa floss into it and replace the inner barrel. Then ignite the moxa floss and place the moxibustion barrel outdoor. Wait until the smoke becomes less and the exterior surface of outer barrel becomes hot. Bring it back indoor and put a lid on it. Arrange the patient in an appropriate posture and place the moxa barrel on the appropriate chosen area over 8 ~ 10 layers of cotton cloth and gauze. Have the patient feel a comfortable level of heat without burning the skin. After the treatment, remove the moxa barrel and put out the fire and clean up the ashes. Moxibustion with Moxa Box

Place the moxa box on the moxibustion area of the body. Prepare suitable moxa floss or moxa stick according to the required treatment time. Ignite moxa floss or moxa stick on the iron gauze which is in the lower part of the box and place the lid on top. Have the patient feel comfortable warmth without a burning sensation. The skin flushes. If patient has a burning sensation, open the lid or slightly lift up the moxa box away from skin for a short while, and then place it down again. Keep doing so repeatedly until the required amount of cones is complete. After the treatment, remove the moxa box, put out the fire and clean up theashes. Moxibustion with Moxa Bowl or Plate

Ignite the moxa floss and put it into a ceramic bowl or plate. When the bottom of the bowl or plate is hot enough, place it over 8 ~ 10 pieces of gauze or cotton on the treatment area. The heat should be felt comfortable by the patient and never burn the skin. After the treatment, remove the instrument, put out the fire and clean up the ashes. Moxibustion with Moxa Cylinder

Ignite the incense stick and put it into the moxa cylinder. When the head of the cylinder is heated, place it on the layers of gauze or cotton on the treatment area. The heat should be felt comfortable by the patient and make the skin become red without burning the skin. After the treatment, remove the incense stick, put out the fire and clean up the ashes. G0o6a8B648vRx3CCqwOdX2oRB3qnbT3RCOjPIpouSvEVC03q5EgAzUbAesjpKrEc
