
Annex A(Informative) International Standard Proposal of Scalp Acupuncture Point Line

A.1 International Standard Proposal of Scalp Acupuncture Point Line

A.1.1 MS1 Ezhongxian(Middle Line of Forehead)

Midlemid-sagittal line of forehead,1 cun long from Shenting(DU24)straight downward,extending 0.5 cun superior and inferior anterior to the hairline,belongs to the Governor Vessel.

A.1.2 MS2 Epangxian I(Lateral Line 1 of Forehead)

Line 1 lateral to mid-sagittal line,superior to the inner canthus,1 cun long from Meichong(BL3) straight downward,belongs to the Bladder Meridian.

A.1.3 MS3 EpangxianⅡ(Lateral Line 2 of Forehead)

Line 2 lateral to forehead,1 cun long from Toulinqi(GB15)straight downward,superior to the pupil,belongs to Gall Bladder Meridian.

A.1.4 MS4 EpangxianⅢ(Lateral Line 3 of Forehead)

Line 3 lateral to forehead,1 cun long,0.75 cun medial to Touwei(ST8)straight downward,0.5 cun superior and inferior to the hairline,between Gall Bladder and Bladder Meridians.

A.1.5 MS5 Dingzhongxian(Middle Line of Vertex)

Middle line of vertex,extending from Baihui(DU20)interiorly to Qianding(DU21),belongs to Governor Vessel.

A.1.6 MS6 Dingnie Qianxiexian(Anterior Oblique Line of Vertex-Temporal)

From Qian Sishencong(EX-HN1)oblique to Xuanli(GB6).It traverses the Gall Bladder and Bladder Meridians diagonally.

A.1.7 MS7 Dingnie Houxiexian(Posterior Oblique Line of Vertex-Temporal)

From Baihui(DU20)obliquely to Qubin(GB7).It traverses the Governor Vessel,Gall Bladder and Bladder Meridians diagonally.

A.1.8 MS8 Dingpangxian I(Line 1 Lateral to Vertex)

Bilaterally 1.5 cun lateral to middle line of vertex,1.5 cun long posteriorly from Chengguang(BL6) belongs to the Bladder Meridian.

A.1.9 MS9 DingpangxianⅡ(Line 2 Lateral to Vertex)

Bilaterally 2.25 cun 1 ateral to middle line of vertex,1.5 cun posteriorly from Zhengying(GB17)belongs to the Gall Bladder Meridian.

A.1.10 MS10 Nieqianxian(Anterior Temporal Line)

From Hanyan(GB4)to XuanLi(GB6),belongs to Gall Bladder Meridian.

A.1.11 MS11 Niehouxian(Posterior Temporal Line)

From Shuaigu(GB8)to Qubin(GB7),belongs to Gall Bladder Meridian.

A.1.12 MS12 Zhenshang Zhengzhong xian(Upper-Midd le Line of Occiput)

From Qiangjian(DU18)to Naohu(DU17),belongs to Governor Vessel.

A.1.13 MS13 Zhenshang Pangxian(Upper-Middle Line of Occiput)

0.5 cun lateral and parallel to upper-middle line of occiput.

A.1.14 MS14 Zhenxia Pangxian(Lower-Lateral Line of Occiput)

2 cun long from Yuzhen(BL9)straightly inferior,belongs to Bladder Meridian.

A.2 Location and Indications

A.2.1 Forehead Area(Chart A1)


Chart A1 Anterior View

A.2.1.1 Middle Line of Forehead MS1 Ezhongxian

Location:This line is in the middle of the forehead,running 0.5 cun superiorly and inferiorly respectively to the anterior hair line.Acupuncture needle is inserted into DU24(Shenting),reaching 1 cun anterio-inferiorly.It is on the Governor Vessel.

Indications:Headache,involuntary laughing,weeping,insomnia,amnesia,dream-disturbed sleep,mania and nasal disorders.

A.2.1.2 Lateral Line of Forehead MS2 EpangxianⅠ

Location:This line is lateral to the middle line of forehead,and on the line linking the inner canthus.It extends between 0.5 cun superior and inferior to the hair line.Acupuncture needle is inserted into to BL3(Meichong),reaching 1 cun anterio-inferiorly.It is on the Bladder Meridian.

Indications:Disorders of the upper-jiao,such as coronary heart disease,angina pectoris,bronchial asthma,bronchitis and insomnia.

A.2.1.3 Lateral Line 2 of Forehead MS3 EpangxianⅡ

Location:This line is lateral to MS2,and superior to the pupils,extending 0.5 cun superior and inferior to the hair line.Acupuncture needle is inserted into GB15(Toulinqi),reaching 1 cun anterio-inferiorly.It is on the Gallbladder Meridian.

Indications:Disorders of the middle-jiao,such as acute or chronic gastritis,gastro-duodenal ulcer and liver-gallbladder diseases.

A.2.1.4 Lateral Line 3 of Forehead MS4 EpangxianⅢ

Location:This line is lateral to MS3.Acupuncture needle is applied to the place 0.75 cun medial to ST8(Touwei),a line extending 0.5 cun superior and inferior the hair line.It is the midline between the Gallbladder and Stomach Meridians.

Indications:Disorders of the lower-jiao,such as functional uterine bleeding,impotence,seminal emission,uterine prolapse,above and below frequent and urgent urination.

A.2.2 Vertex Area(Chart A2~A3)


Chart A2 Top of Head


Chart A3 Lateral View

A.2.2.1 Middle Line of Vertex MS5 Dingzhongxian

Location:This line is on the mid-sagittal line of vertex.Acupuncture needle is applied to the line 1.5 cun from DU20(Baihui)to DU21(Qianding).It is on the Governor Vessel.

Indications:Disorders of lower back,leg and foot,such as paralysis,numbness,pain,cortical polyuria,nocturia in children,prolapse of rectum,gastroptosis,prolapse of uterus,high blood pressure and pain in the top of head.

A.2.2.2 Anterior Oblique Line of Vertex-Temporal MS6 Dingnieqianxiexian

Location:This line is on the temporal side of the head,on the line linking EX-HN1(Qian Sishencong)and GB6(Xuanli),which obliquely passes through the Bladder and Gallbladder Meridians.

Indications:It is effective for central motor dysfunction of the contralateral limbs.The line is divided into 5 equal segments.Acupuncture applied to the upper1/5,the middle and lower2/5,and is used for contralateral central paralysis of the lower limbs,contralateral central paralysis of the upper limbs and facial,motor aphasia,salivation and cerebral arteriosclerosis respectively.

A.2.2.3 Posterior Oblique Line of Vertex-Temporal MS7 Dingniehouxiexian

Location:This line is on the temporal side of the head,on the line linking DU20(Baihui)and GB7(Qubin),and it obliquely passes through the Governor Vessel,Bladder and Gallbladder Meridians.

Indications:It is effective for central sensory disturbance of contralateral limbs.The line is divided into 5 equal segments.Acupuncture needle is applied to the upper 1/5,the middle and lower 2/5,for contralateral sensory disturbance of the lower limbs,the upper limbs,the head and face,respectively.

A.2.2.4 Lateral Line 1 of Vertex MS8 DingpangxianⅠ

Location:This is on the top of the head,1.5 cun lateral to and parallel to the middle line of vertex.Acupuncture needle is applied to BL6(Chengguang)posteriorly reaching 1.5 cun.It is on the Bladder Meridian.

Indications:Disorders of the lower back,leg and foot,such as paralysis,numbness and pain.

A.2.2.5 Lateral Line 2 of Vertex MS9 DingpangxianⅡ

Location:This line is on the top of the head,0.75 cun laterals to the lateral line 1 of vertex and 2.25 cun laterals to the middle line of vertex.Acupuncture needle is applied to GB17(Zhengying)posteriorly reaching 1.5 cun.It is on the Gallbladder Meridian.

Indication:Disorders of the shoulder,arm and hand,such as paralysis,numbness and pain.

A.2.3 Temporal Area(Chart A4)


Chart A4 Posterior View

A.2.3.1 Anterior Temporal Line MS10 Nieqianxian

Location:This line is on the temporal side of the head,on the line linking GB4(Hanyan)and GB6(Xuanli).It is on the Gallbladder Meridian.

Indications:Migraine,motor aphasia,peripheral facial palsy and oral disease.

A.2.3.2 Posterior Temporal Line MS11 Niehouxian

Location:This line is on the temporal side of the head,directly above the ear apex,on the line linkingGB8(Shuaigu)and GB7(Qubin).It is on the Gallbladder Meridian.

Indications:Migraine,dizziness,deafness and tinnitus.

A.2.4 Occipital Area

A.2.4.1 Upper Middle Line of Occiput MS12 Zhenshangzhengzhongxian

Location:This line is on the occipital area,on the mid-sagittal line superior to the external occipital protuberance,on the line linking DU18(Qiangjian)and DU17(Naohu).It is on the Governor Vessel.

Indications:Eye diseases.

A.2.4.2 Upper Lateral Line of Occiput MS13 Zhenshangpangxian

Location:This line is on the occipital area,on the line 0.5 cun lateral to and parallel to the upper middle line of occiput.

Indications:Eye diseases,such as cortical visual disorder,cataract,nearsightedness and painful conjunctivitis.

A.2.4.3 Lower Lateral Line of Occiput MS14 Zhenxiapangxian

Location:This line is on the occipital area.It is 2 cun long from BL9(Yuzhen),extending inferiorly.It is on the Bladder Meridian.

Indications:Balance disturbance,posterior headache and bilateral pain of the lower back and imbalance due to cerebellum disease. k7JnvXMsG/DZ4lJ/b3kF6oMSMnfH0L+kzchSCtN5YVPadZzhk29B+EFQ94/xyw1l

