
Chapter 01 Don Quixote of La Mancha
第1章 拉曼查的堂·吉诃德

Alonso Quixano was a middle-aged gentleman in La Mancha.

He lived with his young niece.

He liked to read stories about knights.

He spent most of his time reading.

One day Alonso said to his niece and his friends, the curate and the barber, "I've decided to become a knight. From now on my name is Don Quixote and my horse will be called Rosinante."

Words Up 你认识吗?

middle-aged 中年的

gentleman 绅士

niece 外甥女;侄女

knight 骑士

spend 花时间,度过(spend-spent-spent)

curate 牧师

barber 剃头匠,理发师

decide 决定



Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Alonso Quixano was a middle-aged gentleman in La Mancha.


▶La Mancha:拉曼查,西班牙中南部的一个地区,因塞万提斯的《堂·吉诃德》而闻名。

He spent most of his time reading.



From now on my name is Don Quixote and my horse will be called Rosinante.


▶from now on:从现在起

▶will be called:将被称为……

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Alonso Quixano wanted to become a ______.

□ barber

□ knight

"A knight without a lady is like a tree without fruit.

Dulcinea del Toboso will be the lady of my heart,"

Don Quixote said to himself.

In fact, Dulcinea was just a country girl.

Her real name was Aldonza Lorenzo and Don

Quixote had never seen her before.

Soon Don Quixote began to prepare to be a knight.

He polished his great-grandfather's armor and helmet.

"All right, I'm ready to travel the world!"

Don Quixote exclaimed and left his home village.

Words Up 你认识吗?

lady 淑女

fruit 果实

heart 心;爱

prepare 准备

polish 擦亮

armor 盔甲

helmet 头盔

exclaim 呼喊,大叫

village 村庄



Expressions Up 你知道吗?

A knight without a lady is like a tree without fruit.



In fact, Dulcinea was just a country girl.


▶in fact:实际上

He polished his great-grandfather's armor and helmet.



Quiz Quiz 考考你

Who was Dulcinea del Toboso?

□ A beautiful princess.

□ A country girl.

Now Don Quixote had a big problem.

A knight needed to be dubbed by a lord in a castle.

Soon he arrived at an inn, but he thought it was a castle.

"What a nice castle! I'll stay here tonight," he said.

Then he knelt before the innkeeper and said,

"My Lord, I wish to be dubbed."

The innkeeper was surprised at first.

But he decided to make fun of this mad man.

With a sword he hit Don Quixote on the shoulder and said, "I dub you a knight."

"Ouch!" Don Quixote felt pain, but he was very happy.

Words Up 你认识吗?

dub 授予……的称号

lord 贵族

castle 城堡

inn 客栈,小旅馆

kneel 跪(kneel-knelt-knelt)

innkeeper 客栈老板

sword 剑

pain 疼痛


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

A knight needed to be dubbed by a lord in a castle.


▶need to be done:需要被……

But he decided to make fun of this mad man.


▶make fun of:取笑

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Don Quixote was dubbed by __________.

□ a lord in a castle

□ an innkeeper

The newly-dubbed knight left the inn for adventure. He met a group of merchants on the road.

Don Quixote said to them,

"No one can go from here. You must first say that Dulcinea del Toboso is the most beautiful lady."

The merchants said, "What is this man talking about?"

Don Quixote became angry and tried to attack them.

But Rosinante stumbled and Don Quixote fell to the ground.

The merchants laughed and beat him.

After they left, a farmer from La Mancha came by and saw the poor knight.

"What's the matter, Don Quixote?" he asked.

"I fought ten giants and fell off my horse,"

Don Quixote answered.

The farmer took Don Quixote to his home.

Words Up 你认识吗?

merchant 商人

attack 袭击

stumble 绊倒

fall 跌落(fall-fell-fallen)

laugh 大笑

beat 打(beat-beat-beaten)

farmer 农夫

giant 巨人

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

He met a group of merchants on the road.


▶a group of:一队(人)

You must first say that Dulcinea del Toboso is the most beautiful lady.



▶the most beautiful: beautiful的最高级形式,多音节形容词在前面加most构成最高级。

I fought ten giants and fell off my horse


▶fall off:跌落

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

Don Quixote attacked the merchants and they fell to the ground.

When Don Quixote got better, he wanted to continue his adventure. He met a farmer named Sancho Panza.

"I'm Don Quixote of La Mancha. You will be my servant from now on. We will fight evil for Lady Dulcinea," said Don Quixote.

Sancho was just a poor farmer.

He was not interested in knights or their


He only wanted some money.

"How will you pay me?" asked Sancho.

"We will have an island. I will make you the governor of it," said Don Quixote.

"Very good! I will be your servant," said Sancho.

Words Up 你认识吗?

continue 继续

servant 仆人

fight 战斗(fight-fought-fought)

evil 邪恶

pay 给……报酬

island 岛

governor 总督


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

When Don Quixote got better, he wanted to continue his adventure.


▶get better:恢复,好转

He was not interested in knights or their adventures.


▶be interested in:对……感兴趣

Quiz Quiz 考考你

What did Sancho Panza really want?

□ Adventures.

□ Some money.

Words & Sentences 1

A 练练看用所给的字母组成与图片对应的单词,并抄写两遍。

B 选择适当的词填空。

With a ________ the innkeeper hit Don Quixote on the shoulder.

□ sword

□ castle

Don Quixote arrived at an ________, but he thought it was a castle.

□ merchant

□ inn

"You will be my ________ from now on," Don Quixote said to Sancho.

□ knight

□ servant

C 仿照例句,用所给的词造句。


princess princesses

He liked to read stories about princesses .

knight knights

➞ __________________________________.

merchant merchants

➞ __________________________________. ciYOknvFtQs4N/e20Lw6nVrXM2cmdlfTFLr29Ufus32e8Sy+x9HJ7SKZ4pkYiH/c
