
Chapter 01 Sara the Little Princess
第1章 小公主萨拉

It was a dark winter day in London.

A cab was going through the thick fog.

There was a seven-year-old girl in the cab with her father. Sara and Captain Crewe had just finished their long trip from India.

"Here we are. Let's get out of the cab, Sara," said Captain Crewe.

They went up the stairs and rang the bell.

Words Up 你认识吗?

dark 昏暗的

cab 出租马车

fog 雾

finish 完成

trip 旅行

ring 使(铃)响(ring-rang-rung)

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

A cab was going through the thick fog.


▶go through:穿过,通过

Sara and Captain Crewe had just finished their long trip from India.



Quiz Quiz 考考你

Where did Sara and Captain Crewe come from?

□ London.

□ India.

Sara and Captain Crewe went into the drawing room.

When they took a seat, a tall lady came in.

"I'm Miss Minchin. You're Captain Crewe and this is Sara?" she said.

"Yes. I have heard a lot about your school," said Captain Crewe.

Miss Minchin knew that he was very rich.

"It will be a great honor to teach such a beautiful child," she said.

"Please take good care of her," said Captain Crewe.

Captain Crewe held Sara in his arms and kissed her.

"Goodbye, my princess," said Captain Crewe.

"Goodbye, Papa," said Sara.

Words Up 你认识吗?

drawing room 客厅

lady 女士,夫人

honor 荣幸

teach 教

such 这样的


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

When they took a seat, a tall lady came in.


▶take a seat:就坐

It will be a great honor to teach such a beautiful child


▶honor中的 b 不发音,类似的单词还有hour,honest等。

Please take good care of her


▶take care of:照顾,看护

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

Captain Crewe said goodbye to Sara.

"Young ladies," Miss Minchin said.

"I will introduce a new pupil to you."

All the girls in the classroom looked at Sara.

Miss Minchin said, "This is Miss Crewe.

She has just come from faraway India."

The girls and Sara bowed to each other and sat down.

Sara noticed somebody looking at her.

It was a short fat girl about her age.

After class Sara came to her.

"What is your name?" Sara asked.

"Oh, my name is Ermengarde St. John," she answered.

She was happy because Sara talked to her first.

After that, Sara and Ermengarde became good friends.

Words Up 你认识吗?

introduce 介绍

pupil 学生,小学生

faraway 遥远的

bow 鞠躬

notice 注意到

age 年龄


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

I will introduce a new pupil to you.


▶introduce A to B:把A介绍给B

She has just come from faraway India.



far away:(副词词组)遥远

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Sara became a good friend with _______.

One morning Sara heard an angry cry of a little girl.

"Oh, Lottie, stop, please!"

Miss Amelia, Miss Minchin's sister, was trying to stop her crying. But Lottie cried even more loudly.

Sara came near them and said quietly,

"Miss Amelia, may I try to make her stop crying?"

"Oh, Sara, can you?"

Miss Amelia said and went out of the room.

Sara and Lottie looked at each other without a word.

"I don't have any ma-ma-a!" the child cried out first.

"Neither do I," said Sara.

Lottie, a four-year-old child, stopped crying and asked,

"Where is she?"

"She went to heaven. That is where your mama is, too," Sara answered.

From that time Sara was like a mother to Lottie.

On that afternoon, when Sara went into her room, she saw a girl asleep near the fire.

She was Becky, a kitchen maid at the school.

She was always hungry and dirty.

But Sara liked Becky and they became good friends.

Words Up 你认识吗?

loudly 大声地

near 靠近

heaven 天堂

asleep 睡着的

kitchen 厨房

maid 女仆

dirty 脏的



Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Neither do I


▶= I don't have a mama, either我也没有妈妈


She was Becky, a kitchen maid at the school.


▶kitchen maid:帮厨女工,厨房女仆

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Sara was like a _______ to Lottie.

□ teacher

□ mother

Sara got a letter from her father.

He was going to make diamond mines with his friend.

Everyone at the school talked about the news.

"I don't believe in her father's diamond mines," said Lavinia.

"You hate her," Lavinia's friend, Jessie, giggled.

"She thinks she is a princess.

Let's call her 'Princess Sara'," Lavinia said.

The two girls began to call Sara "Princess Sara".

However, Sara's friends were very pleased with the title.

Words Up 你认识吗?

diamond 钻石

mine 矿

believe 相信

giggle 吃吃笑

pleased 高兴的

title 头衔,名称

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Let's call her 'Princess Sara'


▶call A B:称呼A为B

Sara's friends were very pleased with the title.


▶be pleased with:喜欢,满意

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Why did Lavinia and Jessie call Sara "Princess Sara"?

□ Because they liked Sara.

□ Because they didn't like Sara. EhbS9SqIneHErHGJ/imKNvA6a8EzGgvBlLIz4DxQjHJXDGYgufkVSfsbhs8dtdE/
