
Chapter 01 New Life in England
第1章 英国的新生活

Mary Lennox was born in India.

Her parents never had time for her.

Mary had a nanny.

She gave Mary whatever she wanted.

So Mary became a very spoiled and selfish child.

When Mary was only nine years old, her parents died from a disease. Mary was all alone.

She was sent to live with her uncle, Mr. Craven.

He lived in England, in a place called Misselthwaite Manor.

Words Up 你认识吗?

born 出生的

nanny 保姆

give 给(give-gave-given)

spoiled 被宠坏的

selfish 自私的

disease 疾病

send 送(send-sent-sent)

manor 庄园



Expressions Up 你知道吗?

her parents died from a disease


▶die from:死于

Mary was all alone.


▶all alone:独自一人

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Mary Lennox was born in _______.

□ England

□ India

Mary met Mr. Craven's housekeeper, Mrs. Medlock.

Mrs. Medlock described the manor.

"The house is on a moor, and it is big and gloomy.

Mr. Craven is an unhappy man.

He is hardly ever at home."

"What is a moor?" Mary asked.

"It is miles and miles of empty land,"

Mrs. Medlock answered.

When Mary went to sleep that night,

she felt lonelier than ever.

Words Up 你认识吗?

housekeeper 管家

describe 描述

moor 荒原

gloomy 阴暗的

empty 空的

feel 感觉(feel-felt-felt)

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

He is hardly ever at home.


▶hardly ever:几乎从不

she felt lonelier than ever



▶比较级+than ever:比从前更……

Quiz Quiz 考考你

_______ is miles and miles of empty land.

□ A manor

□ A moor

In the morning, Mary met a maid named Martha.

"How about going outside to play?" said Martha.

But Mary was not interested at all.

"There are many gardens, but one of them is locked by Mr. Craven," said Martha.

Mary turned to her and asked, "Why is it locked?"

"It was his wife's garden and she loved it.

When she died, he locked the door and buried the key.

No one has gone in there for ten years," said Martha.

After that Mary could not stop thinking about the secret garden.

Words Up 你认识吗?

maid 女仆

interested 感兴趣的

locked 锁住的

bury 埋

key 钥匙


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Mary was not interested at all


▶not … at all:一点也不

No one has gone in there for ten years



Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

One of the gardens was locked by Mr. Craven.

Mary went outside and met a gardener.

He whistled and a robin redbreast came to him.

The bird sang a beautiful song with chirps and whistles.

"He wants to be your friend," the gardener said.

"Really? I've never had a friend.

Will you be my friend?" smiled Mary.

The next day, it rained very hard.

Mary decided to look around the house.

The house was very big, and soon she got lost.

Suddenly, Mary heard someone crying.

She saw Mrs. Medlock coming toward her.

"I heard someone crying," said Mary.

"No, you heard nothing!

Go back to your room," said Mrs. Medlock.

Words Up 你认识吗?

gardener 花匠,园丁

whistle 吹口哨;(鸟)叫

chirp 鸟叫(声)

smile 微笑

decide 决定

lost 迷路的

suddenly 突然

toward 朝,向


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

I heard someone crying


▶hear someone doing:听见某人做某事

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Did Mary hear someone crying in the house?

□ Yes, she did.

□ No, she didn't.

One day Martha went to see her family.

Mary was lonely without her.

Mary went outside and saw the gardener again.

"Spring's coming.

Soon the flowers will bloom," he said.

Mary went for a walk near the garden's wall.

The robin redbreast flew to her and chirped.

"Oh, it's you! You remember me," cried Mary.

The robin looked for a worm in the soil.

Mary looked down, too. And she saw something buried there. It was an old key!

"Maybe it's the key to the secret garden,"

she said to herself.

Words Up 你认识吗?

bloom 开花

fly 飞(fly-flew-flown)

remember 记得

worm 虫子

soil 泥土


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Mary went for a walk near the garden's wall.


▶go for a walk:散步

Maybe it's the key to the secret garden


▶the key to…:……的钥匙

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Mary saw _______ buried in the soil.


