Venice came into being after the Lombard hordes invaded Northern Italy in AD 568. The Romans who lived in the cities of this area retreated onto hundreds of small islands that lay just off the coast of the Adriatic Sea. They built their houses and other buildings on wooden beams called "pilings." To connect the islands, they built hundreds of bridges. Most of these bridges are arched so that boats can pass under them. As a result, many of the "streets" of Venice are actually waterways.
Later, these surviving Romans formed a republic. The government encouraged commerce, and Venice soon developed into an important commercial hub.
Today, Venice is a world-famous tourist attraction because of the canals that form many of its "streets." Boats called "gondolas" take people from one area of the city to another. The commercial spirit of Venice lives on today in the busy Rialto market. There, tourists can find all sorts of goods on sale.