
Chapter 01 Life at the Riverbank
第1章 河岸生活

Mole lived in a house under the ground.

One spring morning, he was cleaning his little house.

"Oh, I'm tired. It is never interesting.

I'll go outside!" he cried.

He went out and walked along the riverbank.

Suddenly, he saw a dark hole in the bank across the river.

Two brown eyes twinkled inside the hole.

Then a head came out. It was the Water Rat.

Words Up 你认识吗?


mole 鼹鼠

ground 地面

interesting 有趣的

riverbank 河岸

dark 黑暗的

hole 洞

water rat

twinkle (眼睛)闪闪发光

water rat 水鼠

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

He went out and walked along the riverbank.



he saw a dark hole in the bank across the river



Quiz Quiz 考考你

________ came out of the dark hole across the river.

□ Rat

□ Mole

"Hello, Mole!" Then Rat came across the river on a little boat.

Soon, Mole was in the boat on the river, too!

"I'm so excited! This is my first time in a boat!" exclaimed Mole.

"Really? Oh, poor Mole! Let's spend the day on the river. I have some food," said Rat.

Rat rowed and Mole looked all around him.

"So you live by the river. What a wonderful life!" said Mole dreamily.

"Yes, the river is my friend. It gives me food, and of course I wash in it.

It's my whole world and I don't want any other," said Rat.

Words Up 你认识吗?

boat 船

exclaim (因兴奋而)呼喊

spend 度过,消磨(spend-spent-spent)

food 食物


row 划船

wonderful 奇妙的

wash 洗

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Rat came across the river on a little boat


▶come across:(从另一边)过来

▶on a little boat=in a little boat 乘一条小船

What a wonderful life!多么奇妙的生活啊!



Quiz Quiz 考考你

Where did Rat live?

□ He lived under the ground.

□ He lived by the river.

Rat and Mole had a delicious lunch on the riverbank.

They could see the river passing lazily by.

"Oh, look! There's Toad!" shouted Rat.

Mole saw Toad rowing past them in a boat.

"He is always trying new things. Sometimes he talks too much about himself. But he is my good friend," said Rat.

Later, Rat said, "Would you like to stay with me for a while? I will teach you all about the river."

"Oh, thank you, Rat. I am so happy," said Mole.

From that day Mole started to learn everything about the river. He learned to swim, row a boat and enjoy lazy days in the sun.

Words Up 你认识吗?

delicious 可口的

lazily 缓慢地

teach 教(teach-taught-taught)

learn 学

swim 游泳(swim-swam-swum)

enjoy 享受……的乐趣

lazy (一段时间)令人懒洋洋的

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

They could see the river passing lazily by.


▶see sb./sth. doing:看到某人/物正在做某事

Would you like to stay with me for a while?


▶Would you like to...?:你想(做)……吗?

▶for a while:一段时间,一阵子

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Mole started to ________ everything about the river.

□ learn

□ teach

Rat and Mole sat in the sun on the riverbank one morning.

"Rat, I would like to meet Toad. Can we visit him?" asked Mole.

"What a good idea! Toad always welcomes visitors!" exclaimed Rat.

So Rat and Mole rowed over to Toad Hall.

It was a grand house with a beautiful garden.

They found him in the garden.

"Oh, Rat! I wanted to see you!" Toad jumped up." Toad, this is my friend, Mole," said Rat.

"Hello. I have something exciting to show you!" cried Toad.

He took Rat and Mole to the yard.

Words Up 你认识吗?

visit 拜访

welcome 欢迎

grand 壮观的

garden 花园

find 找到(find-found-found)

show 展示

yard 庭院

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

I have something exciting to show you!



He took Rat and Mole to the yard.


▶take A to B:带A到B处

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Did Rat and Mole visit Toad?

□ Yes, they did.

□ No, they didn't.

There was a gypsy caravan in the yard.

"I will travel the whole world," said Toad.

Mole was very interested.

He looked at the kitchen, the beds, the books, the games and the food in the caravan.

"Everything is here for us. Let's go!" said Toad.

The three friends left Toad Hall that afternoon.

"What a beautiful day! This is better than the river!" exclaimed Toad.

Mole was so excited, but Rat was already missing the river.

Words Up 你认识吗?

gypsy caravan

gypsy caravan 吉普赛大篷车

travel 旅行

kitchen 厨房

game 游戏用具

leave 离开(leave-left-left)

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

This is better than the river!




Quiz Quiz 考考你

Toad, Rat and Mole left Toad Hall in a caravan.

T □ F □

The next morning Toad, Rat and Mole heard a strange noise behind them.

They looked back and saw a lot of dust in the road.

The strange noise came again, "Poop! Poop!"

Then the thing went past them.

The horse was very scared.

It ran into the ditch and the caravan turned over.

The windows and everything inside were broken.

Rat jumped up and down angrily in the road.

But Toad said dreamily, "I never knew!

That was a motorcar! Now that's the thing for me!"

"We'll just have to walk then. Come on," Rat sighed.

They went back to their home.

The next day, Toad bought a very large and expensive car!

Words Up 你认识吗?

dust 尘土

road 道路

scared 害怕的

ditch 沟

break 摔坏(break-broke-broken)

large 大的

expensive 昂贵的

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

They looked back and saw a lot of dust in the road.


▶a lot of=lots of 许多,大量

It ran into the ditch and the caravan turned over.


▶turn over:翻过来

Quiz Quiz 考考你

________ went past the caravan making a strange noise.

□ The horse

□ The motorcar VbLjjITTWOMsyvI6Sc3vBNMh7yLEO9Fv/5qI+aXfFv3rD6wQKzp9pgT91a8blye8
