
Chapter 03

Who Stole the Tarts?

In the garden, Alice saw the King and Queen of Hearts.

There were many little birds and animals, as well as a pack of cards. The Knave of Hearts was standing in chains before them.

And the White Rabbit was standing near the King.

The White Rabbit had a trumpet in one hand and a paper in the other.

In the middle of the room, there was a large dish of tarts.

"Hmm, they look so yummy. I'm hungry," said Alice.


Words Up 你认识吗?

king 国王

queen 王后

chain 锁链

trumpet 喇叭

paper 文件

yummy 美味的


king queen

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

There were many little birds and animals, as well as a pack of cards.


▶as well as:除……之外(还有)

▶a pack of:一包,一副,一堆

The White Rabbit had...a paper in the other.




Quiz Quiz 考考你

Who was standing in chains?

□ The White Rabbit.

□ The Knave of Hearts.

Alice looked around the room.

"Ah-ha! This must be a courtroom!

Maybe the Knave of Hearts stole the tarts," she said.

The King wore a white wig with his crown on top.

"He is the judge, and the twelve birds and animals are the jury," said Alice.

The jury was writing on the note pad.

Alice looked over the shoulders and said,

"Why are they writing their names?"

"So they won't forget them," said an animal next to Alice.

"How foolish they are!" Alice said.


Words Up 你认识吗?

courtroom 法庭

steal 偷(steal-stole-stolen)

wear 穿,戴(wear-wore-worn)

wig 假发

crown 王冠

judge 法官

jury 陪审团

pad 便笺本

shoulder 肩膀


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Alice looked around the room.


▶look around:四下观望

The jury was writing on the note pad.


▶jury: 集合名词,强调整体时,用单数动词;强调整体中各个成员时,用复数动词。

How foolish they are!


▶how 引导的感叹句,由how + 形容词或副词+ 主语+谓语构成。

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Who was the judge?

□ The twelve birds and animals.

□ The King of Hearts.

Suddenly, the White Rabbit cried, "Quiet, please!"

"Read the paper!" the King said.

The White Rabbit blew his trumpet three times, and read from the paper:

The Queen of Hearts,

she made some tarts,

all on a summer day;

The Knave of Hearts,

he stole those tarts,

and took them quite away.

"Cut off his head!" cried the Queen.

"Not yet, not yet! We have to call people into the room and ask them questions," the White Rabbit said in a hurry.

"All right then," said the King.

Words Up 你认识吗?

read 读(read-read-read)

blow 吹(blow-blew-blown)

quite 完全,彻底

cut off 砍掉

question 问题

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

The White Rabbit blew his trumpet three times, and read from the paper


▶read: 本句中read 读[red],是read [ri;d]的过去式。

the White Rabbit said in a hurry


▶in a hurry: 急忙,赶紧


Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

The King ordered the White Rabbit to cut off the Knave's head.


The Rabbit blew his trumpet three times and cried out,

"The Hatter!"

Then the Hatter came in with a teacup and some bread-and-butter.

"Take off your hat," said the King.

"It's not mine," said the Hatter.

"Stolen! Write that down," the King said to the jury.

"No, no! I keep hats to sell. I'm a hatter," the Hatter explained. He looked very afraid.

"Don't be afraid, or I'll cut off your head," said the King.

The Hatter bit a large piece of his teacup instead of the bread.

He was saying something, but nobody could understand a word of it.

Finally, the King said, "You can go."

The Hatter left the room in a hurry.


Words Up 你认识吗?

teacup 茶杯

bread-and-butter 黄油面包

take off 脱掉

mine 我的(东西)

sell 卖

explain 解释

afraid 害怕的

bite 咬(bite-bit-bitten)

Expressions Up 你知道吗?



▶省略句,完整的说法是The hat is stolen!

Don't be afraid, or I'll cut off your head



The Hatter bit a large piece of teacup instead of the bread.


▶instead of:而不是

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

The Hatter wasn't afraid of the King.

Alice did not feel very well.

"What's wrong with me?" she said to herself.

Oh! She was getting bigger again.

"Oh, my! You're growing bigger," said the Dormouse.

He was sitting next to her.

"I can't do anything," said Alice.

"You can't get bigger here," said the Dormouse.

"Yes, I can!" said Alice.

But Alice wasn't worried at all.

The Dormouse was already asleep.

"Call the next person!" shouted the King.

The White Rabbit looked at his paper, and read the next name, "Alice!"

Alice was very surprised and jumped up.


Words Up 你认识吗?

well 健康的

worried 担心的

already 已经

person 人

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

What's wrong with me?


▶what's wrong with...: 怎么了,出什么问题了

Alice wasn't worried at all


▶not...at all:一点也不,完全不


Quiz Quiz 考考你

Alice was getting __________ again.

□ smaller

□ bigger yf385oUepE3z1H1opqOYQPz3WyqHJPs0Zwm/6czPr1XEXV6FnIm1zaSVM9F0RHej
