
Chapter 01

Down the Rabbit Hole

Alice sat next to her sister.

Her sister was reading a book.

"What a boring book! It has no pictures or dialogue," said Alice. It was very hot. She was getting sleepy.

Suddenly, a white rabbit ran by her!

"Oh! I'm going to be late!" said the White Rabbit.

He looked at his watch and kept running.

"Oh, my! The rabbit can speak!" said Alice.

Then she ran after the White Rabbit.

The White Rabbit jumped into a hole, and she followed him.

Whoosh! Alice was falling down the hole.


Words Up 你认识吗?

boring 无聊的

picture 图画

dialogue 对话

rabbit 兔子

watch 表

speak 说话

hole 洞

fall 落下



Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Alice sat next to her sister.


▶next to:在……隔壁,挨着

I'm going to be late!


▶be going to do sth.:将要做某事

He looked at his watch and kept running.


▶keep doing sth.:继续做某事,保持某动作或状态

Quiz Quiz 考考你

What did Alice follow?

□ Her sister.

□ The White Rabbit.

Thump! Alice fell on a pile of dry leaves.

"It's getting very late!"

the White Rabbit said and went away.

Alice was in a long hallway with many locked doors.

She saw a small golden key on a glass table.

The key unlocked a small door.

Alice saw a beautiful garden outside the small door.

"I want to go into the garden,

but I am too big," she said.

Then Alice found a bottle with the words

"DRINK ME" on it. She drank from it.

"Oh, I am getting smaller and smaller," she cried.

Finally, Alice was small enough to go through the door,

but she left the golden key on the table.


Words Up 你认识吗?

leaf 叶子( pl. leaves)

hallway 走廊

golden 金色的

glass 玻璃

unlock 开锁

bottle 瓶子

drink 喝(drink-drank-drunk)

finally 最后,终于

leave 留下(leave-left-left)


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

I am getting smaller and smaller


▶get smaller and smaller: 变得越来越小;形容词比较级+ and + 形容词比较级表示“越来越……”。

Alice was small enough to go through the door


▶go through:穿过

▶形容词+ enough + to do sth.:足够……以至于能做某事

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Why was Alice getting smaller and smaller?

□ Because she drank from the bottle.

□ Because she unlocked the door.

Next, Alice found a piece of cake with the words

"EAT ME" on it. She ate it.

"Oh, I am getting bigger and bigger," she cried.

Thump! Her head hit the roof of the hall.

She was too big to go into the garden.

She cried and cried.

Soon her tears made a big pool.

In a few moments, the White Rabbit ran by her. He had a pair of gloves and a fan.

Alice asked him for help, "Please, Sir..."

"Oh, my!"

The White Rabbit dropped the gloves and the fan in surprise.

Then he ran away.


Words Up 你认识吗?

cake 蛋糕

roof 屋顶

tear 眼泪

pool 池塘

glove 手套

fan 扇子

drop 丢下

run away 跑掉


a piece of cake

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

She was too big to go into the garden.



He had a pair of gloves and a fan.


▶a pair of:一双,一对

Alice asked him for help


▶ask sb. for sth.:向某人要求/请求某物

Quiz Quiz 考考你

What did the rabbit have?

□ A piece of cake.

□ Gloves and a fan.

Alice picked up the gloves and the fan.

"It's very hot," she said.

She put on one of the little gloves and kept fanning herself.

"Oh, I'm growing small again!" cried Alice.

She ran back to get the key,

but slipped into the pool of her own tears.

She saw a little mouse splashing in the water.

"Oh, Mouse! Do you know a way out of this pool?" asked Alice.

The Mouse looked at her but said nothing.

Alice started talking about her cat, Dinah.

Shaking with fear, the Mouse swam quickly away.


Words Up 你认识吗?

pick up 捡起

fan 扇风

slip 滑倒

splash 飞溅着行进

shake 抖

fear 害怕

swim 游泳

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

She put on one of the little gloves and kept fanning herself.


▶put on:戴上,穿上

▶fanning:以单元音+ 单辅音结尾的单音节动词,现在分词要双写辅音字母再加-ing。

She saw a little mouse splashing in the water.


▶see sb. doing sth.:看见某人正在做某事

Shaking with fear, the Mouse swam quickly away.



Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

The Mouse swam away because he was afraid of Alice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please come back, Mouse.

I will never talk about cats again," Alice said softly.

The Mouse swam back to Alice and they swam to the shore together.

There were many strange birds and animals on the shore.

They were all wet, so they started thinking of a way to get dry.

"Let me tell a story. By the end of the story we will be dry," said the Mouse.

The story was really long, but everyone was still wet.

"Brrr!" Alice said as she shivered with cold.


Words Up 你认识吗?

softly 轻声地

shore 岸

strange 奇怪的

animal 兽,动物

wet 湿的

shiver (因寒冷等)颤抖



Expressions Up 你知道吗?

They were all wet, so they started thinking of a way to get dry.


▶think of:考虑;想起

By the end of the strory we will be dry


▶by the end of: 到……为止

Quiz Quiz 考考你

When the Mouse finished the story, everyone was __________ .

□ wet

□ dry

The Dodo, a big ugly bird, said,

"Let's have a Caucus Race."

No one knew what a Caucus Race was.

The animals and birds just ran in a circle.

After half an hour, the Dodo cried out, "It is over!"

Then everyone was dry.

Alice asked the Mouse to continue his story.

The Mouse told a long poem, but it was boring.

Alice didn't listen.

The Mouse was angry and walked away.

"Please come back," said Alice,

but the Mouse didn't answer.

"Oh, where is Dinah? I wish she was with me," said Alice.

"Who is Dinah?" asked the Dodo.

"Dinah is my cat. She is a great bird hunter –

Oh, I'm sorry!"

It was too late.

The animals and birds started leaving.

Alice was alone again.


Words Up 你认识吗?

ugly 丑的

race 赛跑

circle 圆圈

continue 继续

poem 诗

hunter 猎手

leave 离开


Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Alice asked the Mouse to continue his story.


▶ask sb.to do sth.:叫某人做某事

I wish she was with me


▶Iwish + 主语+ 一般过去时:虚拟语气,表示与现在的事实相反。

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Who told the long poem?



