beat 打 v
She tried to beat them off.
bottle 瓶子 n
confused 困惑的 a
draw 画画 v
dream 梦 n
drink 喝 v
elbow 手肘 n
fountain 喷泉 n
The garden was full of fountains.
garden 花园 n
judge 法官 n
a person who hears and decides cases in a law court
king 国王 n
leave 离开 v
to go away from someone or somewhere
letter 信 n
paper 文件 n
queen 王后 n
rabbit 兔子 n
splash 飞溅着行进 v
She saw a little mouse splashing in the water.
↔ stay 留下
steal 偷 v
tear 眼泪 n
thief 小偷 n
trumpet 喇叭 n
unlock 开锁 v
watch 表 n
wet 湿的 a
covered in water
write 写 v
year 年 n