
Chapter 1 At Home

第1章 在家里

All children except one grow up.

They begin to know it after they are two.

And that was when Wendy Darling began to know it.

The Darlings lived in London at Number 14.

Wendy was the oldest.

Then came John and little Michael.

The children had a nurse.

Their nurse was a big dog named Nana.

Nana's doghouse was near the children's room.

When the children cried, she would always wake up.

Nana was a treasure.

Mrs. Darling didn't know what she would do without her.

The Darlings were a happy family.

That was until Peter Pan came.

One evening, Mrs. Darling tucked the children into bed.

Then she sat by the fire to sew.

Soon, she fell asleep.

She had very strange dreams.

She dreamed about Neverland.

Suddenly, the window blew open.

There was a boy dressed in a suit of leaves.

He dropped to the floor like a cat.

A strange, small light flew beside him.

She woke up suddenly and looked around her room.

She saw the boy from her dreams and screamed.

It was Peter Pan!

Down the hall, Nana heard the scream.

She ran into the room and tried to jump on Peter.

But he was too quick.

The dog could only catch his shadow.

Nana held Peter's shadow in her mouth.

Peter got away. He jumped out of the window.

Mrs. Darling screamed again.

She thought the boy had fallen out of the window.

She ran down to the street. He was not there.

She looked up into the sky.

He wasn't there either.

She only saw a flash of light.

It looked like a shooting star.

Mrs. Darling looked carefully at Nana's mouth.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It looks like the boy's shadow.

Well, he needs his shadow.

He'll come back for this.

I'll put it in my dresser drawer."

Mrs. Darling folded up Peter's shadow.

Then, she went to sleep.

A few nights later, Mr. and Mrs. Darling were getting ready for a party.

They dressed up in their best clothes.

They were in a hurry to get to the party.

They forgot to open the door of the children's room for Nana. She was left outside, and the children were asleep.

The smallest star in the sky yelled, "NOW! Go, Peter!"

A twinkling light flew into the children's room.

It was a tiny fairy called Tinker Bell.

Then the window blew open.

Peter Pan dropped to the floor.

"Tink," he whispered.

"Do you know where they put my shadow?"

"In the chest of drawers," she said.

Her voice sounded like small bells tinkling.

Peter jumped toward the drawers.

He dug through them.

There was his shadow!

Peter was annoyed with his shadow.

He tried to stick it on with a bar of soap.

That didn't work. Peter started to cry.

The sound of his crying woke Wendy up.

"Boy," she said, "why are you crying?

And what are you doing in my room?

And who are you? And..."

"I'm Peter Pan. I'm crying because my shadow won't stick."

Wendy took out her needle and thread.

She began to sew his shadow back on.

"You're so wonderful," said Peter.

"Thank you, Peter. I'd like to give you a kiss," said Wendy.

"So give it to me." He opened up his hand.

Wendy realized that Peter didn't know what a kiss was.

She didn't want to hurt his feelings.

So she gave him a thimble instead.

"I'd like to give you a kiss, too."

Peter gave her an acorn.

"Thank you, Peter. I'll put your kiss on a chain and wear it around my neck."

Wendy looked at him carefully.

"How old are you, Peter?"

"I don't know.

I ran away from home the day I was born."

"Really?" asked Wendy.

"Why did you do that?"

"I heard my father and mother talking.

They were talking about what I would be when I grew up.

But I don't want to grow up. So I ran away."

"Where do you live now, Peter?" asked Wendy.

"I live with the lost boys in Neverland.

The lost boys are children who fell out of their carriages.

Their mothers and fathers forgot about them.

I am their captain."

"How wonderful!

You must have lots of fun with them!"

"Yes, I do. But we're very lonely.

We don't have any mothers after all.

I wish I had a mother.

She could tell me bedtime stories."

"I know lots of stories," said Wendy.

Peter sat on the windowsill.

"Why don't you come with me then?

You can tell me all of your stories."

Peter took Wendy by the hand.

"Come, and fly away with me."

"Peter, I can't fly."

"I'll teach you. Come with me."

"Hmm. Wait a minute, Peter."

She ran to get her brothers.

"Wake up! Wake up! Peter Pan has come!

He's going to teach us how to fly!"

John and Michael woke up.

Peter then threw some fairy dust on them.

"Wiggle your shoulders," he said.

Soon they were all flying!


except prep. 除了

grow up 长大

nurse n. 保姆

doghouse n. 狗屋

wake up 醒来

treasure n. 很有用的人或物

until prep. 直到

tuck sb. into bed 盖好被子使其安睡

sew v.


fall asleep 睡着

dream n.

blow v. 风吹

suit n. 一套衣服

fly v.


scream v. 尖叫

hall n. 走廊,过道

quick adj. 快的

catch v. 捕捉


shadow n. 影子

look up 向上看

a flash of light 一道闪光

look like 看起来像

shooting star 流星

carefully adv. 仔细地

dresser n. 衣橱,矮柜

drawer n. 抽屉

fold up 叠起

get ready for 为……做准备

in a hurry 匆忙

forget v. 忘记


yell v. 叫喊

twinkling adj. 闪亮的

tiny adj. 很小的

fairy n. 仙女

whisper v. 小声说

chest of drawers 多屉柜,衣橱

tinkle v. 叮当作响

dig through 寻找

be annoyed with 为……烦恼

stick on 粘住

bar n.

work v. 起作用

needle and thread 针线

wonderful adj. 极好的

realize v. 意识到

hurt one's feelings 伤某人的心

thimble n. 顶针

instead adv. 作为替代

acorn n. 橡子

chain n. 链子

born adj. 出生的

carriage n. 婴儿车

captain n. 队长

have fun 玩得开心

lonely adj. 孤独的

after all 毕竟

windowsill n. 窗台

throw v.


dust n. 粉末

wiggle v. 摆动

shoulder n. 肩膀

One Point Lesson

When the children cried, she would always wake up.


would :老是,总会(表示习惯行为)

e.g. When I was a child, I would go fishing with my dad.


He wasn't there either .


either :也,而且→either用于否定句或否定词组后加强语气,too通常用于表肯定的句末或单词、词组后。

e.g. A: I'm happy. (我很高兴。) / B: I'm happy, too . (我也很高兴。)

A: I'm not happy. (我不高兴。) / B: I'm not happy, either . (我也不高兴。)

They forgot to open the door of the children's room for Nana.


forget to do :忘记要做某事 / forget doing :忘记做过某事

e.g. I forgot to send the letter.


I forgot sending the letter.


You must have lots of fun with them!


must :想必,一定(表示揣测或推定)

e.g. He must be rich.


He's going to teach us how to fly !


how to do :(指方式、方法)怎样,如何

e.g. I don't know how to ride a bicycle.


Comprehension Quiz

A 选择适当的词填空。

annoyed feelings bedtime tucked dressed

① One evening, Mrs. Darling ___________ the children into bed.

② Peter was ___________ with his shadow.

③ The Darlings ___________ up in their best clothes.

④ Wendy didn't want to hurt Peter's ___________.

⑤ Mother could tell me ___________ stories.

B 下面的话分别是谁说的?将名字写在相应的横线上。

① I don't want to grow up.


② NOW! Go, Peter!


③ Boy, why are you crying?


④ I'll put it in my dresser drawer.


C 根据故事内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。

① Peter Pan fell out of the window at Number 14.


② Peter knew what a kiss was.


③ Peter showed Wendy how to fly.


④ The lost boys' mothers and fathers had forgotten about them.


⑤ The children's nurse was a big girl named Nana.


D 选择正确的答案。

① What did Nana catch when she jumped on Peter?

(a) An acorn.

(b) His shadow.

(c) Tinker Bell.

② What did Mr. and Mrs. Darling forget when they hurried for a party?

(a) To wake up their children.

(b) To close the window.

(c) To open the door for Nana.


A ① tucked ② annoyed ③ dressed ④ feelings ⑤ bedtime

B ① Peter ② Tinker Bell ③ Wendy ④ Mrs. Darling

C ① F ② F ③ T ④ T ⑤ F

D ① (b) ② (c) 3Gy3kHCn44dHDVHfkLm14G9K1XbnaxlJk+AitjBBiNjH3+D/uB9gglsBSrIqmfuc
