

近年来,“老虎”与“苍蝇”共打,让我们国家的政治氛围逐渐清洁整肃,在众多“虎”与“蝇”的罪状中,常见此一条——“与他人发生不正当性关系”,于是,有人调侃说,这些败类,“共产”虽未做到,但“共妻”一项,倒是贯彻得不错。然,对出此戏言者,笔者有意劝其好好读读《共产党宣言》(Manifesto of the Communist Party) ——须知“共产”与“共妻”实在是两件完全不相干的事。

不错,《宣言》中确有“共妻”(community of women)字样,但那实际上是两位导师在第二章“Proletarians and Communists”中辩驳资产阶级(The bourgeois)对共产党人的种种攻击时引用的对方之说法,而非己方之主张。而己方主张,简言之,“The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.”(27页)

显然,“产”确是要“共”,但“产”为何与“妻”并立?追根溯源,将“妻”与“产”扯上关系,始自私有制,因而抱住私有制不放的人,听到“共产”,便自然想到“共妻”。虽然《创世记》里说,原本平等的夫妻关系,因为妻子夏娃引诱丈夫亚当偷吃禁果,惹恼了上帝,于是被上帝罚,要一生依赖丈夫,被丈夫统治[“your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”(Genesis, 3:17) ];真实历史却告诉我们,男女之地位变化,与禁果无关——当男人接管了地球万物之后,他们也接管了女人:“[When] private property appears: master of slaves and of the earth, man becomes the proprietor also of woman.”


从古至今,许多我们熟悉的有关婚姻、家庭的故事,实际都与“财产”有关。在《旧约》中,值得赞颂的女性并不多,在这少数之中,好媳妇路得(Ruth)要算得一个:在丈夫死后,她陪着孤独的婆婆内奥米(Naomi)远走他乡Bethlehem(伯利恒)——即使这里曾经是婆婆的故乡,如今,家中没了男丁的婆婆,在此地也几乎形同异乡人了:“When they came to Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them; and the women said, 'Is this Naomi?' she said to them, 'Call me no longer Naomi, call me Mara, for the Almighty(万能的上帝)has dealt bitterly with me. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty; why call me Naomi when the Lord had dealt harshly with me, and the Almighty has brought calamity(灾难)upon me?' ”(Ruth, 1:19—21)

家里没了男丁,女人几乎等同于没有了生计——即使原先的田产尚在,也无人耕作,只能荒废;所以,路得才要到别人家的田地里捡拾麦穗糊口,而那块田地的主人正是她丈夫本家的亲戚波阿斯(Boaz)。于是,当路得遵照婆婆的嘱咐,晚上去侍奉曾经善待她的波阿斯的时候,波阿斯说:“May you be blessed by the Lord, my daughter; this last instance of your loyalty is better than the first; you have not gone after young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, do not be afraid, I will do for you all that you ask, for all the assembly of my people know that you are a worthy woman. But now, though it is true that I am a near kinsman(男性家属), there is another kinsman more closely related than I. Remain this night, and in the morning, if he will act as next-of-kin for you, good; let him do it. If he is not willing to act as next-of-kin for you, then, as the Lord lives, I will act as next-of-kin for you.”(Ruth, 3:10—13)

在这一层上看,路得的“义”在于她完全尽到了对于夫家的责任,使夫家从血脉到财产都不至有所损失。当然,正因为路得首先是为夫家守住“财产”,因而当波阿斯去找那更近的族人时,他首先谈的并不是路得的婚事,而是路得夫家的土地,路得则是与这片土地连带需要“赎买”的:“The day you acquire the field from the hand of Naomi, you are also acquiring Ruth the Moabite, the widow of the dead man, to maintain the dead man's name on his inheritance.”(Ruth, 3:5)原本打算“接收”这块地的族人,知道顺带“接收”他人之妻会有损于自己的产业(因为路得之夫的名字,随着路得,还要一同进入这户人家,从而留在那块地产上),便拒绝了,于是波阿斯便获得了亡人的“产”与“妻”,也算尽了自己的义务。


在西方历史中,像路得的故事里这种“名义”上的血脉延续被看得颇重,违反这种“道义”的,极可能遭到天谴。比如,《创世记》中记载,Judah(此犹大非彼犹大)的大儿子珥(Er)娶妻不久便死了,犹大便让次子俄南(Onan)与珥的妻子他玛(Tamar)同房以便给哥哥“立后”,俄南不愿自己的儿子却不归自己“名下”,便在与嫂子同房时耍诡计,使嫂子不能怀孕,结果触怒了上帝,被罚而死。犹大惧怕自己的三子示拉(Shelah)也受牵连而死,便让儿媳回娘家,要她等候三子长大成人,“Remain a widow in your father's house until my son Shelah grows up.”(Genesis, 38:11)可是,他玛回娘家后,夫家消息却落得个石沉大海——犹大自然是不愿三子也被这女人“克”掉。于是他玛竟然化装成妓女,蒙了面,专在城门口等公爹。与公爹同寝后,押了他的印、带子和手杖。日后,他玛有了身孕,而公爹也落了个哑口无言,只道:“She is more in the right than I, since I did not give her to my son Shelah.”(Genesis, 38:26)自然,他玛的儿子也便成了合法继承人。


与此相比,中国的历史上,“兄终弟即”,这样的规定在王族中并不罕见,但同时继承亡兄的遗孀与孤子,却是少有,若真有这等事,也必然被认为是大逆不道。或许,与西方人相比,中国人更加现实,不屑于做像“maintain the dead man's name”这种只是为了“虚名”的事。

历史上,女人,不论东西方,往往是在与土地——最真实的财产——建立起联系之后,才在家庭中树立起稳固地位,而要建立这一层联系,又往往需要个儿子——因为儿子是土地的继承者,而母亲则在丈夫与儿子之间建立起一条有关土地的纽带。在没有建立这条纽带时,妻子是可以随意转让的。《创世记》中就记载了亚伯拉罕曾认尚未育子的妻子为妹子,以免自己被觊觎其妻美貌的异邦人伤害的故事; 而同样的做法也被他的儿子以撒学了去,在行走于异邦之时,照样称呼妻子为妹子。

到了资本主义时代,因为与土地的关系逐渐松散,夫妻关系也相应有了改变。按照《共产党宣言》的说法,The bourgeois把妻子看作是一种“生产工具”,就像他们把几乎一切都看作“生产工具”一样。“The bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production. He hears that the instruments of production are to be exploited in common, and, naturally, can come to no other conclusion than that the lot(命运)of being common to all will likewise fall to the women.”(33页)其实,夫妻关系这种感情上的事,并不在《宣言》的探讨范围之内,将妇女从“生产工具”的地位解放出来,才是其根本诉求,可惜这一点却被有意无意地忽视了。“He(指资产阶级)has not a suspicion that the real point aimed at is to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production.”(34页)

《宣言》辛辣地指出:“Bourgeois marriage is in reality a system of wives in common and thus, at the most, what the Communists might possibly be reproached(责备)with, is that they desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed(用伪善来掩盖的), an openly legalized(法制化的)community of women. For the rest, it is self-evident that the abolition of the present system of production must bring with it the abolition of the community of women springing from that system, i.e., of prostitution both public and private.”(34页)显然,不论是“虎”或“蝇”,贪官们“与他人发生不正当性关系”的行为,正是The bourgeois的“普遍”行径,与“共产”本就扯不上关系。

《宣言》中说The bourgeois的社会是真正实行“共妻”制的社会,这话并非空穴来风。虽然在之前的社会中,“通奸”也并非绝无仅有,但是“蔚然成风”的确始于The bourgeois当道之后。在古代,通奸是大罪,如《尚书》载:“男女不以义交者,其刑宫”;西方的经文、法典中也都规定对通奸者处以“乱石打死”或“火焚”等重刑,但自近代以来,通奸则普遍不再入罪。在费孝通先生初版于1947年的《乡土中国》 一书中,记载了一件有意思的事,有位兼任司法官的县长与他谈到这样一个令他难以裁决的案子:“In this case, a man who discovered that his wife was sleeping with another man had beaten up that man. In rural areas, beating up someone like this is justice. But adultery(通奸)is not a crime; besides, there was no proof. Assault and battery(暴力殴打), however, are crimes.”(119页)而像《红与黑》中描述的,小镇镇长家夫人,不是成为家庭教师的猎物,便是被其他绅士觊觎的情形,大概也是写实。

“产”与“妻”原本是两码事。“共产”是理想,“共妻”则根本是无稽之谈和某些人的妄想罢了。 ZekW0tHZpt9/RaAlFGSZKTbAG0d/Fw5FphtdJfuj5ryPcTAN1WOWO2bC6MJB+FA+
