
Unit 5 A Large Sum of Money


Warm Up

Discuss your ideas on the following questions.

●If you need money for something, where do you usually get it?

●Do you have a job, or do you get money from your parents?

●What advice would you give to others to help them save money?


Listen to a conversation between two students.

Clair: Hey, Bond! What’s up? Why the long face?

Bond: Well, you know how much of a gamer I am. There are tons of new games coming out this year, like GTA V, Batman Arkham Knight, Call of Duty 12…

Clair: Ok, ok, I get it. So why do you look sad? Shouldn’t you be excited about it?

Bond: I know I should be. But what’s the point of getting excited if I don’t get to play them?

Clair: What do you mean?

Bond: Well, do you know how demanding new games are? To have a good gaming experience, you need a super advanced computer. You would need a top notch graphics card, like a GTX 980m. But mine’s just a GTX 570.

Clair: Ok, spare me the technical details please. So your problem is that your computer isn’t good enough?

Bond: Well, I have my eyes on a really cool computer called an Alien Ware 17. It’s just that…

Clair: You can’t afford it.

Bond: Yeah, I have a few hundred dollars, but I’m still a few thousand short. I know my parents would never approve of such a big purchase. I thought of using my credit card, but I don’t have enough credit.

Clair: Oh, no!

Bond: I don’t know what to do.

Clair: I don’t have that kind of money to loan you, but maybe one of your friends does? Why don’t you ask around and see if one of them can help?

Bond: Yeah, I do have friends with that kind of money, and I know they would be happy to help me. But I’ve never borrowed anything from them before, let alone money. I don’t like being in debt. I mean, playing games can be fun, but I gotta think about how to pay them back. Right now I can barely get by on my monthly allowance.

Clair: Yeah. Plus, borrowing money might affect your relationship with them.

Bond: I know, that’s exactly what I’m concerned about.

Clair: Then why don’t you just go find a part-time job to make up the difference?

Bond: A part-time job?

Clair: Yeah, like working in a cafe or a restaurant or something.

Bond: Oh, right. There are a lot of jobs opening up for this spring break.

Clair: You could even find a job on campus. I know the library is hiring assistants. Why don’t you go check it out? You’re a smart kid. I believe you can handle whatever they throw at you.

Bond: I guess that’s one way to do it. I can start saving up. I never thought about what I wanted to do after I graduate, so this is probably a good way to help me figure it out.

Clair: And you get some experience working with others, too. That should come in handy when the time comes to find a real job. Plus, saving up money might teach you to avoid splurging in the future.

Bond: But, the only catch is… I would have to work really hard, like, work my tail off to get that kind of money. How am I gonna have time for other things like parties, clubs and stuff?

Clair: Well, it’s your time. So you would have to decide.

1. Match the words with their meanings.

(1) demanding A. to lend someone something, especially money

(2) top notch B. to make a bad situation better, or replace something that was lost

(3) spare C. difficult or requiring a lot of effort

(4) debt D. being of the highest quality or standard

(5) approve of E. useful

(6) loan F. to spend money more than you can usually afford

(7) get by G. to think something or someone is good or suitable

(8) allowance H. a sum of money that you need to pay back

(9) make (it) up I. to prevent someone from having or doing something, especially something bad

(10) handy J. an amount of money you are given regularly for a special purpose

(11) splurge K. to have enough money for living

2. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

demanding top notch spare debt

approve of loan get by allowance

make it up handy splurged

(1) I’m sorry, but I can’t go to the movies with you tonight. I promise to __________ to you next time.

(2) A pocket knife will come in __________ when you go hiking in the woods.

(3) The president didn’t __________ the new tax policy.

(4) I was lucky because I got a job with a __________ company.

(5) Can you __________ me $5?

(6) I don’t earn a huge salary, but I can still __________.

(7) My wife has __________ $10,000 on clothes within the last two weeks.

(8) Mountain-climbing is a physically __________ activity.

(9) I want to __________ them the trouble of buying me a present.

(10) My parents only give me enough __________ to buy breakfast every day.

(11) After working for 3 months, she was finally able to pay off her __________.

3. Fill in the blanks with information from the dialogue.

Clair: You can’t afford it.

Bond: Yeah, I have a few hundred dollars but I’m still a few thousand short. I know my parents would never approve of such a big purchase. I thought of using my credit card, but I don’t have enough credit.

Clair: Oh, no!

Bond: I don’t know what to do.

Clair: ____________________?

Bond: Yeah, I do have friends with that kind of money, and I know they would be happy to help me.__________.

I mean, playing games can be fun, but I gotta think about how to pay them back.


Clair: Yeah. Plus, borrowing money might affect your relationship with them.

Bond: I know, that’s exactly what I’m concerned about.

Clair: Then why don’t you just go find a part-time job to make up the difference?

Bond: ____________________?

Clair: Yeah, like working in a cafe or a restaurant or something.

Bond: Oh, right. There are a lot of jobs opening up for this spring break.

Clair: ____________________.

Bond: I guess that’s one way to do it. I can start saving up. I never thought about what I wanted to do after I graduate, so this is probably a good way to help me figure it out.

Clair: And you get some experience working with others, too.____________________to find a real job. Plus, saving up money might teach you to avoid splurging in the future.

Focus on Pronunciation


本文中出现的单词有:that, exactly




其他含有元音/æ/的单词有: radish, radical, task, handsome, catch, tap, tackle, gap, hat, abandon, happy

Grammar Review



对几乎不可能的事进行虚拟:If... did/were, then... would/could do

对于过去的事进行虚拟:If... had done, then... would/could have done.

4. Write sentences in English with the structure above.

(1) 如果我是你,我就会出国。


(2) 如果你做了坏事,你会永远自责的。


(3) 如果过去好好学习,现在就能有一份令人享受的工作了。


(4) 如果恐龙没有灭绝,人类就不会统治地球。


Debate Question

Salary is the most important factor of a job.

Independent Task Questions

Share your opinion on the following questions.

1. If you were in need of a large sum of money, would you borrow it from someone else, or save it up yourself? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.

2. If your friend wants to make a purchase but does not have enough money for it, what would you suggest your friend to do? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.

3. When people have extra money, some prefer to save it, while others prefer to spend it. Which one do you prefer? Give reasons and examples to support your answer. Kz5aRcspS38DZZxigmbxvXwMZWD9Cqbf56kbUg+M/oFmt8lKwFiUlc/R9Jh//SwF
