


get in touch 联络,联系

Now that my mother has a telephone, it’s much easier to get in touch with her. 因为我母亲有电话,所以与她联系方便多了。

keep in touch (with)(与……)保持联系

be in touch (with)(与……)保持联系

lose touch (with)(与……)失去联系(表动作)

be out of touch (with)(与……)失去联系(表状态)


get into 进入;陷入;染上

The door was locked and we couldn’t get into the house. 门被锁上了,我们进不了房屋。/ Nobody likes to get into trouble. 没有谁愿意惹麻烦。


get involved in 参与;卷入

If you get involved in the quarrel, you may burn your fingers. 要是你卷入这场争吵的话,你会吃苦头的。


get off 从(车、船、飞机等)下来

Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately. 杰森看到了我,他立即从马上下来了。

get out of 也是“从……下来”之意,但是常指从空间较小的交通工具中出来。如:get out of a car (taxi, spaceship, helicopter)。


get on 登上车,骑上马;进展

She got on the bus and picked a seat up front. 她上了公交车,找了个最前面的座位。


get rid of 摆脱,除去;处理掉

I wish I could get rid of this cold. 我希望能摆脱这场感冒。/Let’s get rid of this old furniture. 咱们把这件旧家具扔掉吧。


get stuck 被卡住,被困住

We got stuck in a terrible traffic jam in Beijing. 在北京,我们被一场严重的交通堵塞困住了。

be stuck 也表示此意,但侧重状态。


get through 完成;通过;打通电话

The candidates didn’t all get through. 报考者没有全部通过。/I rang you but couldn’t get through. 我给你打电话,但没有打通。/ When you get through with your work, let’s go out. 你完成工作后,我们出去吧。

I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can’t seem to ______.(湖北高考)

A. get through

B. get off

C. get in

D. get along

选A。句意:一晚上我都在试着给查尔斯打电话,但是网络肯定有问题,我似乎打不通。get through意为“打通电话”;get off意为“从……下来”; get in意为“进来;收获”;get along意为“进展;相处”。根据句意,本题应选A。


get tired of 厌倦,厌烦

You never get tired of reading this book. 这本书百读不厌。

同义短语:be tired of, be bored with和be fed up with


give away 赠送;分发;泄露(秘密等)

He gave away most of his money to charity. 他把大部分钱都捐赠给慈善事业了。/The little boy gave away his hiding place when he coughed. 小男孩一咳嗽就把他躲藏的地方暴露了。


give in 屈服,让步

The enemy were forced to give in. 敌人被迫投降。

give in to 向……屈服


give off 散发(光、气味等)

The sun gives off heat and light. 太阳散发光和热。


give out 用完,耗尽;发出,散发;分发


After a month their food supplies gave out. 过了一个月,他们的食物已消耗殆尽。/The teacher gave out the examination papers. 老师发了考卷。/The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出很多热量。

同义短语:run out


give sb. a lift 让某人搭车

Can you please give me a lift? My car’s under repair. 请让我搭一下车好吗?我的汽车在修理。


glare at 怒目而视

They stood there, glaring at each other. 他们站在那里,互相怒视着对方。

表示“看”的相关表达:look at 看;stare at 盯着看; glance at 扫一眼


go against 反对,违背

Don’t go against your parents’ wishes. 不要违背父母的意愿。


go ahead 开始;前进;取得进步;说吧

Go ahead and do what you like. 去吧,喜欢干什么就干什么。

—I probably shouldn’t have any more cake.

—Oh, _______. It won’t kill you.(辽宁高考)

A. go ahead

B. hold on, please

C. you’re welcome

D. that’ll do

选A。句意:——我很可能吃不下更多蛋糕了。——哦,继续吃吧。不会把你怎么着的。go ahead意为“继续做,继续干”;hold on, please意为“请别挂断电话”;you’re welcome意为“不客气”;that’ll do意为“行了,够了”,结合语境,本题应选A。


go in for 将某事物当作兴趣或爱好;参加(考试或比赛);选择……作职业

She goes in for a lot of sport. 她很喜欢运动。/She’s going in for the Cambridge First Certificate. 她将参加剑桥初级证书考试。/Have you ever thought of going in for teaching? 你考虑过以教书为职业吗?


go on a diet 节食

I am a little overweight. I shall go on a diet. 我有点过胖了,得节食才行。

on a diet 正在节食


go through 通过;经历;检查;浏览

Cars are not allowed to go through the city center. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。/I wouldn’t gladly go through that unpleasant experience again. 我再也不愿领教那种令人不快的经历。


had better 最好是;应该

后面接动词原形,其否定式为“had better not(最好不要做某事)”。

You had better see a doctor soon. 你最好早点去看医生。


hand back 交还;归还

When you finish reading, please hand back the book. 阅后请将图书归还。

hand down 传承

hand in 上交;交纳

hand on 传给;传递;移交

hand out 分发;发放

hand over 移交;交出


hang about 闲逛

He did not like to hang about all day doing nothing. 他不喜欢整天闲待着什么也不干。

hang around 闲逛

hang out with 与……闲逛

hang in 坚持下去;挺住

hang on 别挂断;稍等;紧紧握住


hardly… when… 一……就……


Hardly had the game begun when it started to rain. 比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来。

I had hardly got to the office _____ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.(全国卷Ⅱ)

A. when

B. than

C. until

D. after

选A。句意:我刚到办公室,妻子就打电话让我马上回家。hardly... when...为固定句型,相当于no sooner... than...,表示“一……就……”,故选A。


have a class/classes(学生)上课

I have a class in the afternoon. 下午我有课。

have/take a class:指学生上课。

give a class:指老师给学生上课或授课。


have a cold 感冒

have a cold中的冠词a不能省略。

When I have a cold, I lose my sense of taste. 我感冒时吃东西就没有味道。

have a cold:强调状态,可以延续。

catch a cold:强调动作,不能延续。


have a gift for 对……有天赋

He has a gift for foreign languages. 他有外语天赋。

have a talent for 有……才能

have a good sense of humour 充满幽默感

have a great interest in 对……很感兴趣


have a go 尝试;试图;试一试

I don’t know whether I can do it, but I’m willing to have a go. 我不知道我行不行,但我愿意试一试。

have a try 试图;尝试


have a good/great time 玩得愉快

We hope you’ll have a good time at the party. 我们希望你们在宴会上玩得愉快。

enjoy oneself 过得愉快;玩得愉快


have a hand in 参与或介入某事物;对某事物有一定责任

It’s none of your business. Don’t have a hand in it. 这不关你的事,你不要插手。

participate in 参加 take part in 参加


have a population of 有……人口

The country has a population of 100 million. 这个国家拥有一亿人口。

a large/small population of 人口众多/稀少


have a say in 对……有发言权

Of course we have a say in this matter. 我们对此事当然有发言权。

have one’s say 有发言权 have no say in 对……没有发言权


have a taste of 尝一尝

I suggest you’d better have a taste of it tonight. 我建议你今晚最好去品尝一下。

have a taste for 喜欢


have a temperature 发烧

Jane has a temperature and has gone to bed. 简发烧了,已经上床睡觉了。

have/run a fever 发烧 run a temperature 发烧


have a word with 与……谈话

I would like to have a word with you. 我想和你说句话。

have words with 与……争吵;吵架


have an appetite for 喜爱;渴望;有……胃口


He has a huge appetite for learning. 他有强烈的求知欲。


have an effect on 对……有影响

Smoking has a bad effect on our health. 吸烟影响健康。

have an effect on:强调一般的影响,侧重“起作用”的意味。

have an impact on:强调重大的影响。

have (an) influence on:强调潜移默化的影响。


have an eye for 有眼力,有眼光,有鉴赏力

She had an eye for the beauty of nature. 她有鉴赏自然美的眼力。

have an eye to 着眼于 have an eye upon 注视;监视


have an impact on 对……有影响

Her speech had a great impact on me. 她的演说对我影响巨大。

have (an) influence on 对……有影响


have a desire to do 想做

I have a strong desire to improve my life. 我强烈渴望改善我的生活。


have difficulty in 在(做)……方面有困难

have difficulty in后接动名词形式作宾语,in可以省略;have difficulty in后面也可以直接跟名词作宾语。

We had a lot of difficulty in finding a parking place. 在寻找停车地点时,我们遇到了很多困难。

have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

I had great difficulty ______ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.(上海高考)

A. find

B. found

C. to find

D. finding

选D。句意:在那家饭店里,我很难在菜单上找到合适的食物。have difficulty (in) doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”,故选D。


have faith in 相信;信任;信仰

I have faith in his ability to succeed. 我相信他有成功的能力。

have no faith in 不信任 believe in 相信;信任;信仰


have fun in/with 玩得愉快;获得乐趣

have fun in后接动名词形式作宾语,in可以省略;have fun with后接名词作宾语。

The children have great fun in playing hide-and-seek. 孩子们从捉迷藏游戏中找到了巨大的乐趣。


have (got) to 不得不;必须

后接动词原形;在表示一次性动作时,have got to=have to,在表示习惯性动作时,则应用have to。

We have got to rush to the hospital. 我们必须赶紧去医院。


have… in common 有……共同之处

Those two have something in common. 那两者有共同之处。

have... in common with... 与……有共同之处

have common interests 有共同的利益


have (an) influence on 对……有影响

Many a woman has great influence on her husband. 许多女人对丈夫有很大影响。

under the influence of 受……的影响;在……作用下

have an effect on 对……有影响


have something to do with 与……有关

否定形式为have nothing to do with(与……无关);用于疑问句时,something要改成anything。

I think the accident has something to do with it. 我认为这起事故与此有关。


have sth. on one’s mind 挂念

He seemed to have something on his mind. 他似乎有什么心事。


have sth. in stock 有现货

We don’t have the book in stock, but we can help you order one. 这本书我们没有现货,但是可以帮您预订。


have sth. to do (某人)有事要做

I have a mountain of work to do today. 今天我有一大堆工作要做。


have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

Do you have trouble finishing the plan? 你完成计划有困难吗?

have trouble with 有……毛病;同……闹纠纷

take the trouble to do sth. 不辞辛苦地做某事


have words with 争吵;吵架

She had words with her elder sister last night. 昨天晚上她和姐姐吵嘴了。

have a word with 与……谈话


hear about/of 听说;听到


I am sorry to hear about your illness and I hope you get well soon. 听说你病了,我很难过,希望你早日康复。

hear from 收到……的信;得到……消息

hear out 听(某人)把话讲完


heart and soul 全心全意地;竭诚

I devote myself heart and soul to the tough task. 我全心全意地致力于这项艰巨的任务。


help oneself (to) 自由取食;依靠自己


Please help yourself to some fish. 吃些鱼吧!


help… out 帮助……解决困难


If you have any difficulty, just let us know and we’ll help you out. 如果你有任何困难,就告诉我们,我们帮助你解决。


help sb. with 帮助某人做(某事)

Give me a call if I can help you with anything. 如果有我帮得上忙的地方,打个电话给我。


here you are 给你

Here you are, sir. Count them carefully please! 先生,给您,请数好。


hit on/upon 突然想到;偶然发现

Then we hit on the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net. 然后我们想到了请观众通过网络捐钱的点子。


hold back 阻止,阻碍;抑制;控制

She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy. 她笑了起来,禁不住流下了喜悦的泪水。/No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史前进的车轮。

hold down 保有,保住;压制

hold on 坚持;不挂断;等一等

hold on to 不把某物给予或售予他人;保留或保有某物

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

hold out 坚持;取出,伸出

hold up 举起;支撑;经受得住检验


how about 怎样;如何

用于询问建议,相当于what about。

How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?


how far 多远;到……程度


And yet, we never forget how far we have to go. 然而,我们永远不会忘记我们还有多远的路要走。


how long 多长;多久


How long will it take me to get there? 我到那儿要花多长时间?


hundreds of 数百的,数以百计的

The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。

millions of 数百万的


hunt for 打猎;搜寻,寻找

The kids were hunting for shells on the beach. 孩子们在海滩上寻找贝壳。


hurry into 急于(做某事);匆匆开始

Time’s up, and they hurry into the office. 时间到了,他们急忙赶进办公室。


hurry up 赶紧;快点

Hurry up or else you’ll be late. 快点,否则你就要来不及了。

—Just a moment. I haven’t finished packing my suitcase.

—______. It’s high time we left for the airport.(天津高考)

A. Go ahead

B. Take it easy

C. Hurry up

D. That’s fine

选C。句意:——稍等,我还没把我的行李箱整理好。——快点,我们该去机场了。go ahead意为“前进,进行;开始;做吧”;take it easy意为“放轻松,别着急”;hurry up意为“快点,赶紧”;that’s fine意为“那很好”。根据句意应选C。


if only 只要;要是……就好了

If only I could get a bite of that cake. 要是我能吃一口那蛋糕就好了。

if only:主要用于引导虚拟语气,表示对现在或未来的愿望,或表示与过去事实相反的愿望。

only if:意为“只有……才;唯一的条件是……”,引导条件状语从句。位于句首时后面的句子要部分倒装。

if not 如果不是的话 if any 如果有的话

if necessary 如果有必要的话


if possible 如果可能的话

if possible是if it is possible的省略,该结构可以放在中心句的前或后。

If possible, she wants to go with us. 如果可能的话,她想跟我们一起去。


impress on/with 铭记;印上;留下深刻印象

My father impressed on me the importance of hard work. 我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。


improve on/upon 改进;做出比……更好的成绩

Let’s try to improve on it. 咱们设法把它改进一下。


in a dilemma 处于进退两难中

The bad weather put us in a dilemma. 糟糕的天气使我们进退两难。

be on the horns of a dilemma 左右为难,进退维谷


in a flash 转瞬间;立刻,立即

In a flash, the truth came to him. 突然间,他明白了真相。

like a flash 转瞬间;立即

on the spot 当场;立即;在现场


in a hurry/rush 立刻;匆忙


She was in a hurry to see her child. 她急切地想见到她的孩子。


in a moment 立刻;马上;一会儿

The problem was solved in a moment. 问题立即得到了解决。


in a nutshell 简言之;概括地(说)

Just give me the facts in a nutshell. 只要简要地告诉我事实。

to put in a nutshell 一言以蔽之,概括地说


in a row 一排;一列;接连地

The teacher told the children to stand in a row. 老师叫孩子们站成一排。

in a line 一排,一行 in a group 一组;成组地


in a way 在某种程度上

in a way相当于to some extent,可放在句首。

In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes. 从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。

in some ways 在某种程度上 in no way 无论如何;绝不


in a whisper/whispers 小声地;低声地

She speaks in a whisper so as not to wake him up. 她轻声说话以免吵醒他。

whisper sth. to sb. 低声对某人说某事


in a word 总之;总而言之

用于对前面内容的总结,与in one word同义。

In a word, the situation is serious. 总而言之,形势很严峻。

in conclusion 综上所述;总之;最后

in summary 总的来说,归纳起来


in accordance with 按照,依照

Use this product only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 须根据制造商的使用说明书使用该产品。

according to 按照;根据


in addition 除此之外;另外;也

in addition使用时,常用逗号将其与后面的句子隔开;表示“另外”时,用法与what’s more较接近。in addition to后接名词或动名词形式作宾语,表示“除……之外(还有……)”,相当于besides。

You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence. 你需要金钱和时间,此外,你还需要努力。

______ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.(天津高考)

A. In reply to

B. In addition to

C. In charge of

D. In place of

选B。in reply to 意为“答复”;in addition to意为“除……之外,也”;in charge of意为“负责”;in place of意为“代替,取代”。句意:除了学校,村庄还有一个诊所,也是在政府的资助下建起来的。


in advance 提前;预先,事先;超过

The rent must be paid in advance. 租金须预付。

in advance of 在……前;比……进步;超过


in agreement with 赞同;与……相符


We are in agreement with their decision. 我们同意他们的决定。


in aid of 以支援或援助……;为了援助……的目的

I’m collecting money in aid of starving children. 为帮助饥饿的孩子们,我正在募捐。

aid sb. in/with sth. 在某方面帮助某人


in all 总计;合计

in all既可以放于句首,也可放于句末。相当于totally,充当状语,常用来引出总结性的句子。

We numbered 20 in all. 我们共计20人。


in amazement 惊讶地;吃惊地

Jack just shook his head in amazement at the collection of toys. 看到这些玩具收藏,杰克摇着头,感到不可思议。

in surprise 惊奇地 to sb.’s amazement 令人感到诧异的是


in answer to 回应;答复

He nodded his head in answer to my question. 他以点头的方式回应了我的问题。

in response to 作为……的回应

receive/wait for an answer 得到/等待回复


in any case 无论如何;总之

The task is tough. In any case, I’m going to try. 这项任务很艰巨。无论如何,我都要试一试。

at all events 无论如何 in a case of necessity 必要时


in appreciation of 为了感谢

He was given a pay rise in appreciation of his excellent work. 由于欣赏他出色的工作而给他涨薪了。


in battle 在战斗中

He showed great courage in battle. 他在战斗中表现得十分勇敢。

at war 处于交战状态 go into battle 投入战斗


in brief 总之;简明地;简而言之

In brief, I have made up my mind to quit my job. 简而言之,我已经决定辞职了。


in case 假使,如果;免得;以防万一

in case是高考经常考到的重要短语,应掌握其含义及用法。in case可以用来引导目的状语从句,也可以放在句末(后面不接任何内容)表示强调,前面往往有just修饰,即just in case(以防万一),并且just的前面用逗号将其与句子其他部分隔开。

In case I forget, please remind me of the meeting. 请提醒我这次会议,免得我忘记了。/They watched him closely in case he should escape. 他们严密地监视他,以免他逃脱。

1. I’ll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately.(四川高考)

A. In case

B. As if

C. Even though

D. Now that

选A。句意:我要出去一会儿。万一发生了什么重要的事情,马上给我打电话。in case意为“万一,以防”;as if意为“好像”;even though意为“即使”;now that意为“既然,由于”。根据句意应选A。

2. I guess we’ve already talked about this before but I’ll ask you again just ______. (浙江高考)

A. by nature

B. in return

C. in case

D. by chance

选C。in case意为“以防万一”;by nature意为“天生”;in return意为“作为回报,作为回应”;by chance意为“偶然”。句意:我想我们之前已经谈论过这个问题,但是我想再问你一遍,以防万一。根据句意应选C。


in case of 如果;假使;以免

in case of后接名词或动名词形式作宾语。位于句首时,表条件,意为“如果;假使”;位于句末时,表目的,意为“以免”。

The meeting will be canceled in case of snow. 如果下雪就取消会议。


in cash 用现金,用现钱

Are you paying in cash or by card? 你用现金还是刷卡支付?


in celebration of 为庆祝……

They held a party in celebration of their victory. 他们办了一个派对以庆祝胜利。

in honour of 为向……表示敬意;为庆祝……;为纪念……


in charge 负责,主管


I guess that he is the one in charge. 我猜想他是负责的人。


in charge of 掌管;负责

Mr. Smith is in charge of this class. 史密斯老师负责该班。

in charge of:表示主动,即前者掌管或负责后者,主语一般是表示人的名词或代词。

in the charge of:表示被动,即后者掌管或负责前者,主语可以是表示人或物的名词或代词。


in common 公共;共有


In common with many others, she applied for a training place. 她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。


in company 在交际场合;一起;结伴


She came in company with a group of girls. 她同一群女孩子一起来的。

for company意为“作伴,一起”,如:

I hate going out alone, so I take my daughter for company. 我不愿独自一人出门,所以带女儿作个伴。


in comparison with/to 和……相比

In comparison with other students, Mike is more diligent. 和其他学生相比,迈克更加勤勉一些。

in comparison 相比之下;比较起来


in conclusion 综上所述;总之


In conclusion he wished us success in our work. 最后,他祝我们工作顺利。


in… condition 处于……的状态

The patient was in pitiful condition. 那个病人处于一种非常可怜的状态。

in good/bad condition 身体健康/不健康


in confidence 私下地;秘密地

in confidence在句中通常作状语。

He told me of his plan in confidence. 他私下把他的计划告诉了我。

in secret 偷偷,暗自


1.______, I can see what you mean, even though I don’t share your point of view.

A. In addition

B. At the end

C. As a result

D. In a way

2.I tried to work on, but I got so tired that I could no longer ______.

A. keep out

B. come down

C. come up

D. hold out

3.The bed has been ______ in the family. It was my great grandmother’s originally.

A. handed out

B. handed over

C. handed down

D. handed round

4.Sometimes I really wonder how I can make friends with a man who has little ______ with me.

A. in order

B. in common

C. the same

D. in conlusion

5.I will speak to the person ______ and ask him to give you another pair or give your money back.

A. in return

B. in relief

C. in common

D. in charge

6.—You have no idea what hardship I’ve had to ______ during the last few months. How terrible!

—Really? But you should have asked me to help you.

A. look through

B. go over

C. go through

D. look up

7.Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance, but her trembling voice ______.

A. gave her away

B. gave her out

C. gave her in

D. gave her up

8.I would appreciate ______ if you paid ______ for this apartment.

A. that; in return

B. it; in charge

C. it; in cash

D. which; in relief

9.Before going into the cave, take more flashlights with you ______ one of these doesn’t work.

A. as if

B. even though

C. so that

D. in case

10.—I’ve studied your program, Peter. Could I make some suggestions?

—______. I am all ears.

A. By no means

B. Take it easy

C. Go ahead

D. With pleasure

11.______ is always the husband who ______ first when a quarrel comes about between the young couple.

A. It; gives away

B. This; gives out

C. It; gives in

D. That; gives off

12.Although the natural disaster situation was quite bad, the soldiers and volunteers were determined not to ______ rescuing the victims in the ruins.

A. give in

B. give up

C. give out

D. give away

13.The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will ______ the shock soon.

A. get out

B. get through

C. get off

D. get over

14.It is certain that he will ______ his business to his son when he gets old.

A. take over

B. think over

C. hand over

D. go over

15.David likes country life and has decided to ______ farming.

A. go in for

B. go through

C. go on to

D. go with

16.If you had ______ your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.

A. looked up

B. thought about

C. gone over

D. gone round

17.We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ______ it. It might be valuable.

A. hold on to

B. keep up with

C. turn to

D. look after

18.I am a new comer to the city. Would you tell me where I should ______?

A. get back from

B. get off

C. get away

D. get out of

19.—Are you ready to leave?

—Almost. I’ll be ready to leave just as soon as I ______ with my work.

A. get through

B. give up

C. carry out

D. set about

20.After a long way she was tired and her legs ______.

A. gave in

B. gave out

C. gave up

D. gave away


01-05 DDCBD

06-10 CACDC

11-15 CBDCA

16-20 CABAB KOhdR0oxQxw/A51Jk0HyNA9SQyA8j9k0evyvs1Yx+/1KuBv8DRG12SZBY3uWHPr4
