
Word List 3

reinforce /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrs/

【释】v. 加强;巩固 (strengthen or support)

【例】This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.

【近】strengthen, fortify, bolster up, shore up

valid /ˈvælɪd/

【释】adj. 有根据的 (well-grounded)

【例】a valid argument

【近】sound, reasonable, rational

【释】adj. 有效的 (effective)

【例】This train ticket is valid for three days.

collective /kəˈlektɪv/

【释】adj. 集体的 (done by a group)

【例】a collective protest

【近】mutual, communal


parameter /pəˈræmɪtər/

【释】n. 界限 (a limit or boundary)

【例】That would be enough to make sure we fell within the parameters of our loan agreement.

【释】n. 参数

fiber /ˈfaɪbər/

【释】n. 纤维 (a thread or filament)

elite /ɪˈliːt/

【释】n. 精英 (a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities)

【例】an elite group of senior officials

confine /kənˈfaɪn/

【释】v./n. 限制 (limit; restrict)

【例】Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage.

【近】enclose, imprison

physician /fɪˈzɪʃn/

【释】n. 医生,内科医生 (a person qualified to practice medicine)

【近】doctor, specialist


【释】adj. /ɪˈlæbərət/ 复杂的 (detailed and complicated in design and planning)



【释】v. /ɪˈlæbəreɪt/ 详细说明 (explain or describe in detail)

【例】A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday.

manual /ˈmænjuəl/

【释】n. 使用手册 (a book of instructions)

【例】The worst part of the set-up is the poor instruction manual.

【释】adj. 体力的,手工的 (requiring human effort)

【例】They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs.

particle /ˈpɑːrtɪkl/

【释】n. 颗粒 (tiny piece)

【释】n. 极小量 (a tiny piece of anything)

【例】There is a particle of truth in his statement.

initiate /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/

【释】v. 开始 (cause to begin)

【例】The government has initiated a program of economic reform.

clip /klɪp/

【释】v. 修剪 (trim)

【例】He clipped off a length of wire.

【释】v. 夹住 (fasten)

【例】He clipped the microphone onto his collar.

spectrum /ˈspektrəm/

【释】n. 光谱 (the set of colors into which a beam of light can be separated)

【释】n. 范围 (a range of a particular type of thing)

【例】A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting.

【近】range, sweep, extent, scope

ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/

【释】n. 仪式 (ceremony)

【例】The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.

intensity /ɪnˈtensəti/

【释】adj. 强度

【例】The pain increased in intensity.

【近】strength, power, magnitude


objection /əbˈdʒekʃn/

【反】【释】n. 对 (the act of protesting)

【例】Despite objections by the White House, the Senate voted today to cut off aid.

【近】protest, complaint, opposition

undermine /ˌʌndərˈmaɪn/

【释】v. 逐渐破坏;削弱 (weaken gradually)

【例】What they don’t understand is that being boring limits their power and undermines their effectiveness.

【近】threaten, compromise, diminish

【反】strengthen, enhance

fraction /ˈfrækʃn/

【释】n. 部分 (a part of a whole: fragment)

【例】I sold the car for a fraction of what I paid for it.

【近】part, subdivision, division, portion


【释】n. 分数

depict /dɪˈpɪkt/

【释】v. 描绘 (portray; describe)

【例】The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman.

【近】portray, represent, illustrate

adolescent /ˌædəˈlesnt/

【释】n./adj. 青少年(的) (a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity)

【例】Most adolescent problems are temporary.

【近】teenager, juvenile

discourse /ˈdɪskɔːrs/

【释】n. 辩论;论文 (written or spoken communi-cation or debate)

【例】a powerful discourse on art

【近】discussion, conversation, talk, dialogue

【释】v. 论述 (speak or write authoritatively about a topic)

【例】He discoursed for several hours on French and English prose.

partial /ˈpɑːrʃl/

【释】adj. 部分的 (existing only in part)

【例】He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics.

【释】adj. 偏袒的 (favoring one side in a dispute above the other; bias)

【例】Mollie confesses she is rather partial to pink.

resemble /rɪˈzembl/

【释】v. 像,类似 (look like)

【例】You resemble your mother very closely.


subtle /ˈsʌtl/

【释】adj. 微妙的 (barely perceptible)

【例】There are subtle differences between the two versions.



merge /mɜːrdʒ/

【释】v. 合并 (join)

【例】The two countries merged into one.



slot /slɑːt/

【释】n. 狭缝;槽沟;投币口

【例】He put a coin in the slot.

【近】slit, crack, hole

【释】n. 时间段 (a time assigned on a schedule or agenda)

【例】The show has returned to its regular slot of 10:30 on Saturdays.

linguistic /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/

【释】adj. 语言的 (of or relating to language or linguistics)

【例】The word is said to be a linguistic unit that has a single meaning.

bulk /bʌlk/

【释】n. 体积,容量 (size or volume)

【例】The chair is hard to move because of its bulk.

【近】mass, scale

【释】n. 大块,大部分 (the main or greater part)

【例】We spent the bulk of the summer at the beach.


transmit /trænsˈmɪt/

【释】v. 传播 (cause (something) to pass on from one place or person to another)

【例】Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children.


nasty /ˈnæsti/

【释】adj. 令人难受的 (unpleasant)

【例】This divorce could turn nasty.

【近】disagreeable, disgusting


explicit /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/

【释】adj. 明确的,清楚的 (clear and complete)

【例】They were given explicit instructions.

【近】clear, plain, straightforward


projection /prəˈdʒekʃn/

【释】n. 放映 (presentation)

【例】Television utilizes the cinematographic projection principle.

【释】n. 预期,预测 (prediction)

【例】supplementary information system for analysis and projection purposes

spray /spreɪ/

【释】v. 喷涂,喷射

【例】The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.


progressive /prəˈɡresɪv/

【释】adj. 逐步的 (gradual)

【例】One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.

【释】adj. 前进的 (moving forward)

【释】adj. 先进的 (favoring or promoting progress)

【例】progressive schools

interfere /ˌɪntərˈfɪr/

【释】v. 干涉 (impede, obstruct)

【例】The police are very unwilling to interfere in family problems.

bundle /ˈbʌndl/

【释】n. 束,捆

【例】a bundle of papers/firewood

【近】bunch, pile

defect /ˈdiːfekt/

【释】n. 缺陷 (flaw)

【例】a character defect



portray /pɔːrˈtreɪ/

【释】v. 描绘 (describe, depict)

【例】He was one of the first to portray animals from the New World.



thread /θred/

【释】n. 线

【例】loose threads

【近】filament, yarn, string

【释】v. 穿过 (pass through)

【例】thread a needle

【释】n. 螺纹

barrel /ˈbærəl/

【释】n. 桶

【例】The wine is aged for almost a year in oak barrels.

radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/

【释】n. 辐射

【例】They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.

donor /ˈdoʊnər/

【释】n. 捐赠者

【例】Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.

【近】patron, sponsor

commodity /kəˈmɑːdəti/

【释】n. 商品 (something that is sold for money)

【例】Crude oil is the world’s most important commodity.

loop /luːp/

【释】n. 环形 (circular shape)

【例】Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.

obscure /əbˈskjʊr/

【释】v. 遮掩,隐藏 (keep from being seen; conceal)

【例】His face was partially obscured by sunglasses.

【反】reveal, illuminate, clarify

【释】adj. 模糊的,复杂难懂的 (difficult to under-stand)

【例】The contracts are written in obscure language.

【反】clear, obvious, distinct

【释】adj. 无名的,鲜为人知的 (little-known)

【例】The origin of the custom is obscure.

【近】uncertain, unknown, doubtful


compensate /ˈkɑːmpenseɪt/

【释】v. 补偿 (reimburse; make up for)

【例】Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.

embed /ɪmˈbed/

【释】v. 使嵌入,使插入 (enclose in)

【例】Workers embedded the posts in concrete.

【近】plant, set, fix


【释】v./ˈæɡrɪɡeɪt/ 聚集 (combine into a single group)

【例】The website aggregates content from many other sites.

【近】gather, concentrate, conglomerate

【释】n. /ˈæɡrɪɡət/ 合计;集合体;总计

【例】The three smaller parties gained an aggregate of 25 per cent of the vote.

conceive /kənˈsiːv/

【释】v. 想出 (form or devise in the mind)

【例】He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts center.

manipulate /məˈnɪpjuleɪt/

【释】v. 操作 (control something using the hands)

【例】The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate.


【释】v. 操纵,控制 (control someone to your advantage)

【例】Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.

sensation /senˈseɪʃn/

【释】n. 感觉;知觉 (feeling; perception)

【例】Floating can be a very pleasant sensation.


trait /treɪt/

【释】n. 特点 (distinguishing characteristics)

【例】Anger and compassion are both very human traits.

【近】characteristic, attribute

compact /ˈkɒmpækt/

【释】adj. 紧密的 (closely packed together)

【例】The grey clouds had become more compact and the sky suddenly grew dark.


【释】adj. 简洁的 (concise)

【例】The system models problems in a highly compact and natural way.

commentary /ˈkɑːmənteri/

【释】n. 评论 (a descriptive spoken account)

【例】The show mixed comedy with social commentary.

configuration /kənˌfɪɡjəˈreɪʃn/

【释】n. 安排,格局 (an arrangement of parts or elements)

【例】Geographers study the configuration of the mountains.


metaphor /ˈmetəfər/

【释】n. 暗喻 (figurative language)

【例】Metaphor and simile are the most commonly used figures of speech in everyday language.

【近】analogy, comparison

dilemma /dɪˈlemə/

【释】n. 困境 (the situation of making difficult choice)

【例】The country’s decision to go to war has caused a major dilemma for its allies.


colonial /kəˈloʊniəl/

【释】adj. 殖民地的

【例】Dutch colonial authorities imprisoned him for his part in the independence movement.

diagnose /ˌdaɪəɡˈnoʊs/

【释】v. 诊断;断定 (recognize (as a disease) by symptoms)

【例】The test is used to help in diagnosing heart disease.

【近】identify, determine, distinguish, recognize

invade /ɪnˈveɪd/

【释】v. 侵略,入侵 (enter so as to subjugate or occupy)

【例】The island was invaded during the war.

【近】occupy, conquer, capture, seize

【反】withdraw from, respect

reproduce /ˌriːprəˈduːs/

【释】v. 繁殖 (proliferate; multiply)

【例】Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.


immune /ɪˈmjuːn/

【释】adj. 免疫的 (protected or exempt)

【例】Adults are often immune to German measles.

sphere /sfɪr/

【释】n. 领域 (area)

【例】This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US.

【释】n. 球体;球形 (a round solid figure)


nucleus /ˈnuːkliəs/

【释】n. (原子或细胞)核

【近】core, hub

adjacent /əˈdʒeɪsnt/

【释】adj. 邻近 的 (close or near)

【例】Their house is adjacent to a wooded park.

【近】contiguous, close to, near

specimen /ˈspesɪmən/

【释】n. 标本;样本 (sample)

【例】He has a collection of insect specimens.

【近】sample, instance, illustration

empirical /ɪmˈpɪrɪkl/

【释】adj. 实证的 (based on observation or experience)

【例】They collected plenty of empirical data from their experiments.



magnetic /mæɡˈnetɪk/

【释】adj. 有磁性的 (capable of being attracted by or acquiring the properties of a magnet)

【例】If we charge it with electricity, it will become magnetic.

【释】adj. 有吸引力的 (possessing an extraordinary ability to attract)

【例】Her glacial beauty is magnetic.

complement /ˈkɑːmplɪment/

【释】v. 补充 (add to; supplement)

【例】The team needs players who complement each other.


crude /kruːd/

【释】adj. 粗糙的;天然的 (simply made; in its natural state)

【例】Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.

【近】coarse, raw, primitive

【反】sophisticated, decent

【释】adj. 粗略的

【例】Birthplace data are only the crudest indicator of actual migration paths.

vague /veɪɡ/

【释】adj. 模糊的 (unclearly perceived)

【例】They had only a vague idea where the place was.

conceptual /kənˈseptʃuəl/

【释】adj. 概念的;想法上的

【例】a conceptual framework within which children’s needs are assessed

magnitude /ˈmæɡnɪtuːd/

【释】n. 巨大;规模 (the great size or extent of something)

【例】We hadn’t grasped the magnitude of the task we were facing.

【近】vastness, size, extent, expanse

circulation /ˌsɜːrkjəˈleɪʃn/

【释】n. 发行量 (number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold)

【例】By increasing its circulation the newspaper hoped to increase its advertising.

layout /ˈleɪaʊt/

【释】n. 布局 (the way in which the parts of things are arranged)

【例】The layout should be clear and easy on the eye.

viable /ˈvaɪəbl/

【释】adj. 能存活的 (capable of surviving or living successfully)

【例】viable organisms

【释】adj. 有望成功的 (capable of working successfully; feasible)

【例】There is no viable alternative.


bizarre /bɪˈzɑːr/

【释】adj. 古怪的 (odd)

【例】She wore a bizarre outfit.

【近】absurd, fantastic, crazy

【反】realistic, reasonable

impulse /ˈɪmpʌls/

【释】n. 冲动 (a sudden strong desire to do sth.)

【例】I had a sudden impulse to tell the woman pouring the wine that I loved her.

【近】urge, instinct, drive, whim

【释】n. 动力 (impetus)

【例】The individual provides the impulse which sets the process of litigation in motion.

【释】n. 脉冲 (a pulse of electrical energy)

【例】nerve impulses

aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/

【释】adj. 美学的 (relating to art or beauty)

【例】making aesthetic improvements to the building

【近】artistic, graceful, elegant

irrelevant /ɪˈreləvənt/

【释】adj. 不相关的 (unconnected)

【例】Whether I trust you or not is irrelevant now.

protocol /ˈproʊtəkɔːl/

【释】n. 礼仪 (official etiquette)

【例】According to protocol, he first reported to the Director of the hospital.

【释】n. 协议,草案

【例】This is a very secure and reliable protocol that provides end-to-end security sessions between two parties.


primitive /ˈprɪmətɪv/

【释】adj. 原始的,远古的 (belonging to a very simple society with no industry, etc.)

【例】Primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals.


【反】modern, sophisticated, advanced

decay /dɪˈkeɪ/

【释】v./n. 腐烂 (rot)

【例】The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.


【释】v./n. 衰败 (gradual destruction)

【例】Popular cinema seems to have decayed.

problematic /ˌprɑːbləˈmætɪk/

【释】adj. 造成困难的 (constituting or presenting a problem or difficulty)

【释】adj. 值得怀疑的

【例】Some places are more problematic than others for women travelling alone.


cord /kɔːrd/

【释】n. 线;绳 (long thin flexible string or rope)

【近】thread, lace, ribbon

static /ˈstætɪk/

【释】adj. 静止的 (immobile; stationary)

【例】Prices on the stock market, which have been static, are now rising again.



dialect /ˈdaɪəlekt/

【释】n. 方言 (a regional variety of language)

【例】It is often appropriate to use the local dialect to communicate your message.

【近】language, speech

fringe /frɪndʒ/

【释】n. 边缘 (a narrow area along the edge of something)

【例】a fringe of moss around the tree

【近】perimeter, periphery, margin

spontaneous /spɑːnˈteɪniəs/

【释】adj. 自发的;自然的 (arising from a natural inclination)

【例】spontaneous applause

【近】voluntary, automatic

fusion /ˈfjuːʒn/

【释】n. 融合 (mixture)

【例】The show is a fusion of news and entertainment.

【近】blend, combination, coalescence

onset /ˈɑːnset/

【释】n. (尤指不愉快事情的)开始 (the beginning of something)

【例】The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years.

【近】start, beginning, arrival, appearance


aluminum /ˌæljəˈmɪniəm/

【释】n. 铝

syllable /ˈsɪləbl/

【释】n. 音节 (a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound)

【例】The stress falls on the second syllable.

analogy /əˈnælədʒi/

【释】n. 类比 (a comparison of two things based on their being alike in some way)

【例】I would make an analogy with Microsoft and Apple.

【近】similarity, parallel, correspondence, likeness

implicit /ɪmˈplɪsɪt/

【释】adj. 含蓄的 (implied)

【例】These assumptions are implicit in his writing.


indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/

【释】adj. 本土的 (native)

【例】Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.


basin /ˈbeɪsn/

【释】n. 盆地

【例】The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world’s lowest-lying basin, the lowest point being 154 meters below sea level.

【释】n. 流域

【例】the Amazon basin

rotate /ˈroʊteɪt/

【释】v. 转动 (turn with a circular movement)

【例】Stay well away from the helicopter when its blades start to rotate.


coherent /koʊˈhɪrənt/

【释】adj. 连贯一致的 (logical and consistent)

【例】a coherent policy for the transport system


【反】incongruous KWK2gneGZk4SBzJ3mLcWID41cB3ncBpJvLwoYztrIvoQdCI77q5uDv77N0p4GB18
