
Word List 3

character / ˋkærəktə / n. 字符;性格

[例] a Chinese character 一个汉字 // He has a strong but gentle character. 他性格坚强而又温柔。

insect / ˋInsekt / n. 昆虫

[记] 词根记忆:in+sect(切割)→昆虫是节肢动物→昆虫

[例] Most people think cockroaches are disgusting insects. 大多数人认为蟑螂是一种非常恶心的昆虫。

part / pɑːt / n. 部分;角色 v. 分离,分别

[例] If a small part of the plane were to fail, the plane would explode in the sky. 飞机上一个小零件出了问题都会使飞机在空中爆炸。// They parted enemies. 他们分手后成了死对头。

[考] 1. take part in 参加 2. play a part in... 在…中起作用 3. in part 在某种程度上;部分地 4. part with... 与…分离

bear / beə / v.(bore, borne/born, bearing) 承担;忍受 n. 熊

[例] Who will bear the losses caused by pollution? 谁将承担污染所造成的损失?// I can't bear sad music. 我受不了悲伤的音乐。

angle / ˋæŋgl / n. 角度

[例] The reporter wrote the story from the political angle. 记者从政治角度写了这篇报道。

outgoing / ˋaʊtgəʊIŋ / adj. 好交际的,外向的;即将离职的

[记] 组合词:out(出去)+going(去)→爱出去的→好交际的

[例] She is an outgoing girl. 她是个外向的女孩。

give / gIv / v.(gave, given, giving) 给,付出

[用] 1. give多接双宾语,即give sb. sth.(=give sth. to sb.) 把某物给某人: He gave me some advice. 他给了我一些建议。 2. given... 考虑到,鉴于;假使: Given his age, he is a great tennis player. 考虑到他的年龄,他是一名很棒的网球运动员。// Given the rain, we'll stay home. 如果下雨,我们就待在家里。

[例] Collecting coins gives him great pleasure. 收集硬币给他带来了很多乐趣。

[考] 1. give up 放弃 2. give in 屈服,让步 3. give off 放出,发出(光、 热等) 4. give out 分发;发出(气味等) ;用尽

wander / ˋwɒndə / v. 游荡;漫步;流浪

[记] 联想记忆: 去流浪(wander) 吧,途中会充满奇迹(wonder)

[例] As I moved up the hill, my attention wandered for a few minutes. 上山途中我有几分钟走神了。

[考] wander about/around 徘徊,游荡

[参] wandering(adj. 流浪的);wanderer(n. 漫游者;流浪汉)

idea / aIˋdIə / n. 主意,意见;打算,想法

[记] 联想记忆: 理想化的(ideal)想法(idea)

[例] I had no idea what to do when I faced the difficult math problem. 当我面对这道数学难题时,我不知道该怎么办。

sort / sɔːt / v. 分类,拣选 n. 种类,类别

[考] sort of 副词词组,表示 “有几分,多少”: When you give someone a tip, you're sort of being polite. 当你给小费时,在某种程度上你是在礼貌待人。

call / kɔːl / n. 叫;电话 vt. 称呼;呼唤;叫;给…打电话

[例] contact call 联系电话 // call the public's attention 唤起公众的注意

[考] 1. call sb. 给某人打电话 2. call sb. sth. 称呼某人为…: Don't call me “Joe”. 别叫我乔!

[参] recall(vt. 回忆,记起)

how / haʊ / adv. 怎样,如何;多少;多么

[例] Edward didn't know how to express his love when facing the beautiful girl. 爱德华面对那个漂亮女孩时不知道怎么表达他的爱意。

early / ˋɜːli / adj. 早的,早期的 adv. 早,在早期

[记] 联想记忆: 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)的一首歌曲叫Early Morning

[例] In order not to miss the first bus, Tom got up very early. 为了不错过第一班车,汤姆起得很早。

independent / ˌIndIˋpendənt / adj. 独立的,有主见的

[例] Symbols and the things they stand for are all independent of each other. 符号与它们代表的事物之间是相互独立的。

[参] independently(adv. 独立地);independence(n. 独立)

dismiss / dIsˋmIs / v. 解雇;解散

[记] 词根记忆:dis(分开)+miss(送,放出)→解雇;解散

[例] He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss him. 他太不负责了,我决定解雇他。

content / kənˋtent / adj. 满意的 / ˋkɒntent / n. 内容;含量

[记] 词根记忆:con+tent(伸展) →全身舒展→满意的

[例] After a good meal, we were all content. 美餐一顿之后,我们都心满意足了。// This dessert has a high fat content. 这种甜点脂肪含量很高。

[考] 1. be content with... 对…满意 2. be content to do... 乐于做…

permit / pəˋmIt / v.(permitted, permitted, permitting) 许可,允许 n. 许可证,执照

[记] 词根记忆:per+mit(放)→放进来→许可

[用] 1. permit doing sth. 允许做某事: We do not permit smoking in the office. 我们不允许在办公室里抽烟。 2. permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事: They were not permitted to enter the building. 他们不能进入这幢楼。

[例] You need a permit to park here. 在这里停车需要许可证。

[参] permission(n. 允许,许可,同意)

court / kɔːt / n. 法庭,法院;球场

[例] football courts 足球场

[考] go to court 上法庭

[参] courtyard(n. 庭院,院子)

youth / juːθ / n. 青春;青年

[例] The twins played and studied together in their youth. 这对双胞胎小的时候在一起玩耍和学习。

[参] youthful(adj. 年轻的)

possession / pəˋzeʃn / n. 所有,拥有;财产,所有物

[例] The photo of her husband is Mary's most precious possession. 玛丽丈夫的这张照片是她最珍爱的物品。

[考] 1. in possession of 拥有 2. in the possession of(某物)为(某人)所有

[参] possessive(adj. 所有的,占有的)

arrive / əˋraIv / vi. 到达,达到

[用] arrive是不及物动词,后接表示地点的名词时需要用at(接小地方) 或in(接大地方) 􀏑 We arrived at the airport at six. 我们6点钟到达了机场。// She arrived in Rome just now. 她刚刚到达罗马。

[参] arrival(n. 到来,到达)

unless / ənˋles / conj. 如果不,除非

[例] It is known to all that unless you exercise regularly, you won't keep good health. 众所周知,经常锻炼才会保持健康。

risk / rIsk / n. 冒险,风险 vt. 冒…的危险

[用] risk doing冒险做…: He got well⁃prepared for the job interview, for he couldn't risk losing the good opportunity. 他为面试做了充分准备,因为他不能冒险失去这个好机会。

[考] take a risk冒险: The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise. 最好的领导知道冒险并不是盲目地行动。

harvest / ˋhɑːvIst / n./v. 收割;收获(物)

[例] A skilled worker can harvest 9⁃14 kilograms of tea leaves a day. 一位娴熟的工人每天可以采9~14公斤的茶叶。

mental / ˋmentl / adj. 精神的,脑力的

[记] 词根记忆:ment(想;心智)+al(…的)→精神的,脑力的

[例] Forgiveness can be helpful to your mental and physical health. 宽容有助于你的身心健康。// mental disorders 精神错乱

electric / IˋlektrIk / adj. 电的

[记] 词根记忆:electr(电)+ic(形容词后缀)→电的

[例] an electric clock电子钟


/ fɔːlv.(fell, fallen, falling) 落(下) ,降落;跌倒(英autumn) n. 秋季

[考] 1. fall apart 倒塌 2. fall behind 落后 3. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 4. fall off 跌落,从…上掉下 5. fall asleep 入睡 6. fall ill 生病

hand / hænd / n. 手;指针 vt. 交付;传递

[例] hand luggage 手提行李

[考] 1. shake hands with... 与…握手 2. take/hold one's hand 拉着某人的手 3. put up one's hand=raise one's hand 举手 4. hand in 上交 5. hand out 分发 6. be at hand 在手边;即将到来 7. hand over 移交 8. hand in hand 手拉手;联合 9. in hand 在手头上;在掌握中 10. give sb. a hand 帮助某人 11. hand down 把…传下去 12. Hands up!举起手来!

relief / rIˋliːf / n. 缓解(疼痛);轻松

[记] 联想记忆: 信仰(belief)可以使人的心灵得到宽慰(relief)

[例] This persuasive girl can bring some relief to low⁃spirit people. 这个有说服力的女孩能够带给情绪低落的人一些慰藉。

figure / ˋfIgə / n. 数字;人物 v. 认为;(在心里) 描绘

[记] 发音记忆: “菲戈”→菲戈是绿茵场上的著名人物(figure)→人物

[考] figure out 计算出;弄明白: I cannot figure out why he quitted his job. 我弄不明白他为什么辞职。

extra / ˋekstrə / adj. 额外的,外加的

[例] I had to work extra hours to finish the report. 我得加班来完成这个报告。

clear / klIə / adj. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的

[例] Professor Green gave a clear explanation of the difficult problem. 格林教授对这个难题做了清晰的讲解。

luggage / ˋlʌgIdʒ / n. 〈总称〉 行李

[例] My luggage was stolen at the bus station. 我的行李在公交车站被偷了。

govern / ˋgʌvn / v. 统治;管理

[例] The Liberal Democratic Party governed Japan for more than 40 years. 自由民主党统治了日本40多年。

[参] government(n. 政府)

lovely / ˋlʌvli / adj. 美好的,可爱的

[例] The little girl looked lovely in a white long dress. 那个小女孩穿着白色的长裙,看上去很可爱。

familiar / fəˋmIliə / adj. 熟悉的

[考] 1. be familiar with sth.对某事物熟悉,通晓 2. be familiar to... 为…所熟悉: These stories are familiar to us. 我们都熟知这些故事。

辨:familiar, similar

familiar, similar在词形上相似,用法上接近,容易混淆。familiar意为“熟悉的”,惯用搭配有be familiar with, be familiar to; similar意为“相似的”,惯用搭配为be similar to, 表示“与…相像”。

somewhere / ˋsʌmweə / adv. 在某处,到某处

[例] I’ve seen her somewhere before. 我以前在什么地方见过她。

forgive / fəˋgIv / vt.(forgave, forgiven, forgiving) 原谅,宽恕

[考] 1. forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人某事 2. forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人做了某事: Tom cannot forgive himself for not seeing her mother before she died. 汤姆永远不能原谅自己,因为他未能在母亲去世前见她一面。

corporation / ˌkɔːpəˋreIʃn / n. 团体;公司,企业

[记] 词根记忆:corpor(团体)+ation→团体;公司

[例] Mary works for a corporation that produces computers. 玛丽为一家生产计算机的公司工作。

back / bæk / adv. 回(原处);向后 adj. 后面的 n. 背后,后部;背

[考] 1. get back to 回到;恢复 2. take back 收回 3. at the back of 在…的后面 4. back and forth 来回,往返 5. back up 后退;支持;备份


1. The Somali robbers' frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to ______ all nations to take immediate action.(2009福建)

A. fight for

B. apply for

C. call on

D. wait on

2. When you are home, give a call to let me know you ______ safely.(2010全国1卷)

A. are arriving

B. have arrived

C. had arrived

D. will arrive

3. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ______ building.(2009湖北)

A. respect

B. friendship

C. reputation

D. character

4. The new group of students is better⁃behaved than the other group who stayed here ______ .(2007北京)

A. early

B. earlier

C. earliest

D. the earliest

5. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to ______ its reality.(2008湖北)

A. make up

B. figure out

C. look through

D. put off

6. ______ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grew into the international stars.(2009江西)

A. Giving

B. Having given

C. To give

D. Given

7. The Liberal Democratic Party ______ Japan for more than 40 years.

A. controlled

B. powered

C. governed

D. charged

8. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ______ close you may be to victory.(2013湖南)

A. how

B. that

C. which

D. where

9. — I'm tired. I'm taking next week off.

— ______ ,honey. You do need a break.(2013陕西)

A. Not so sure

B. Forget it

C. Great idea

D. No way

10. It was announced that only when the fire was under control ______ to return to their homes.(2008江西)

A. the residents would be permitted

B. had the residents been permitted

C. would the residents be permitted

D. the residents had been permitted

11. Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.(2010山东)

A. relief

B. safety

C. defense

D. shelter

12. All the photographs in this book, ______ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.(2012陕西)

A. unless

B. until

C. once

D. if

13. Some parents are just too protective. They want to ______ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.(2009湖北)

A. spot

B. dismiss

C. shelter

D. distinguish

14. Get the car thoroughly checked; I want to be ______ worry on the trip.

A. clear of

B. free of

C. clear from

D. free from

15. According to the new research gardening is a more ______ exercise for older women than jogging or swimming.(2001上海)

A. mental

B. physical

C. effective

D. efficient

答案:CBDBB DCACC AACDC Zi8gzWOl99evPbSkvgNcD2Ap2pGFIjpL7XAPiaRRkxfdMA6dD1wPY1pf6ADW0oq1
