
Mark Twain:Novelist, Humorist and Citizen of the World


By Shelley Fisher Fishkin 译/ 覃学岚



William Faulkner called Mark Twain "the first truly American writer"; Eugene O'Neill dubbed him "the true father of American literature". Charles Darwin kept The Innocents Abroad on his bedside table, within easy reach when he wanted to clear his mind and relax at bedtime. The Gilded Age gave an entire era its name. Joseph Conrad often thought of Life on the Mississippi when he commanded a steamer on the Congo. Friedrich Nietzsche admired Tom Sawyer. Lu Xun was so entranced by Eve's Diary that he had it translated into Chinese. Ernest Hemingway claimed "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn," while his fellow Nobel laureate Kenzaburō Ōe cited Huck as the book that spoke so powerfully to his condition in war-torn Japan that it inspired him to write his first novel. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt took the phrase "new deal" from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, a book which led science fiction giant Isaac Asimov to credit Twain with having invented time travel. When José Martí read Yankee, he was so moved by Twain's depiction of "the vileness of those who would climb atop their fellow man, feed upon his misery, and drink from his misfortune" that he wanted to "set off for Hartford [Connecticut] to shake his hand."





Twain has been called the American Cervantes, Homer, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Rabelais. From the breezy slang and deadpan humor that peppered his earliest comic sketches to the unmistakably American characters who populated his fiction, Twain's writings introduced readers around the world to American personalities speaking in distinctively American cadences . The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was America's literary Declaration of Independence, a book no Englishman could have written—a book that expanded the democratic possibilities of what a modern novel could do and what it could be.

Twain helped define the rhythms of our prose and the contours of our moral map. He saw our best and our worst, our extravagant promise and our stunning failures, our comic foibles and our tragic flaws. He understood better than we did ourselves American dreams and aspirations, our potential for greatness and our potential for disaster. His fictions brilliantly illuminated the world in which he lived and the world we inherited, changing it—and us— in the process . He knew that our feet often danced to tunes that had somehow remained beyond our hearing; with perfect pitch he played them back to us.

His unerring sense of the right word and not its second cousin taught people to pay attention when he spoke, in person or in print. ("The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.")

Twain's quirky, ambitious, strikingly original fiction and nonfiction engaged some of the perennially thorny, messy challenges we are still grappling with today—such as the challenge of making sense of a nation founded on freedom by men who held slaves; or the puzzle of our continuing faith in technology in the face of our awareness of its destructive powers; or the problem of imperialism and the difficulties involved in getting rid of it. Indeed, it would be difficult to find an issue on the horizon today that Twain did not touch on somewhere in his work. Heredity versus environment? Animal rights? The boundaries of gender? The place of black voices in the cultural heritage of the United States? Twain was there. Satirist Dick Gregory once said that Twain "was so far ahead of his time that he shouldn't even be talked about on the same day as other people."

At the beginning of his career, Twain was lauded as a talented humorist. But the comic surface turned out to mask unexpected depths. ("Yes, you are right," Twain wrote a friend in 1902, "I am a moralist in disguise.") Time and time again, Twain defied readers’ expectations, forging unforgettable narratives from materials that had previously not been the stuff of literature. As William Dean Howells once put it, "He saunters out into the trim world of letters, and lounges across its neatly kept paths, and walks about on the grass at will , in spite of all the signs that have been put up from the beginning of literature, warning people of dangers and penalties for the slightest trespass ."

Humane, sardonic , compassionate, impatient, hilarious , appalling, keenly observant and complex, Twain inspired great writers in the 20th century to become the writers they became—not just in the U.S., but around the world. Writers marveled at the art Twain wrought from the speech of ordinary people—speech whose previous appearance in literature had most often been treated with ridicule. Jorge Luis Borges observed that in Huckleberry Finn "for the first time an American writer used the language of America without affectation." Twain taught American authors from Arthur Miller to Toni Morrison , and countless others important lessons about the craft of fiction. Some key figures in the visual arts, as well, found reading Mark Twain transformative. Cartoonist Chuck Jones, for example, who played a key role in developing such icons of American popular culture as Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote, and Bugs Bunny, tracks these characters back to his early reading of Mark Twain's Roughing It.

Born in 1835 in the village of Florida, Missouri, Sam Clemens (who would take the name "Mark Twain" in 1863) spent his boyhood in the town of Hannibal, Missouri. In 1847, when his father died, 11-year-old Sam ended his formal schooling and became a printer's apprentice in a local newspaper office, later working as a journeyman printer in St. Louis, New York, Philadelphia, Washington and elsewhere. He spent two years learning the river and becoming a riverboat pilot, but his career on the river was ended by the Civil War. After spending two weeks in a ragtag unit of the Missouri State Guard that was sympathetic to the Confederacy, he set out for the Nevada Territory with his brother and tried to strike it rich mining silver. Although he failed as a prospector, he succeeded as a journalist. He got his first taste of national fame when his Jumping Frog story (The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County) appeared in 1865. He courted Olivia Langdon of Elmira, New York, and published The Innocents Abroad in 1869, to great popular acclaim. He married, started a family, and began writing the books for which he is best known today while living in the family mansion he built in Hartford, Connecticut. Financial problems forced him to close the house and relocate the family to Europe in the early 1890s. Later in that decade he would pull himself out of bankruptcy by embarking on a lecture tour that took him to Africa and Asia. As the 19th century ended and the 20th century began, he condemned his country—and several European powers—for the imperialist adventures they had pursued around the world, and he became vice president of the Anti-Imperialist League. The accolades and honors bestowed on him in his later years failed to fill the hole in his heart created by the death of his wife and two of his daughters. He died in 1910.

In 1899, the Times dubbed Twain " Ambassador at Large of the U.S.A." He had seen more of the world than any major American writer had before him, and his books would be translated into over 70 languages. Cartoonists made him as recognizable an icon worldwide as "Uncle Sam". Twain was one of the U.S.A.'s first genuinely cosmopolitan citizens, someone who felt as at home in the world as in his native land.

"What is the most rigorous law of our being?" Twain asked in a paper he delivered the year Huckleberry Finn was published. His answer? "Growth. No smallest atom of our moral, mental or physical structure can stand still a year.... In other words, we change—and must change, constantly, and keep on changing as long as we live." This child of slaveholders who grew up to write a book that many view as the most profoundly anti-racist novel by an American clearly spoke from his own experience. Troubled by his own failure to question the unjust status quo during his Hannibal childhood, Twain became a compelling critic of people's ready acceptance of what he called "the lie of silent assertion"—the "silent assertion that nothing is going on which fair and intelligent men are aware of and are engaged by their duty to try to stop." Experience also taught him not to underestimate the transformative power of humor. The greatest satirist America has produced wrote that the human "race, in its poverty, has unquestionably one really effective weapon—Laughter. Power, Money, Persuasion, Supplication , Persecution—these can lift at a colossal humbug —push it a little—crowd it a little—weaken it a little, century by century; but only Laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of Laughter nothing can stand."











“我们人类最严酷的法则是什么?”吐温在《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》出版那一年宣读的一篇论文中这样问道。他的回答?“是发展。我们的道德、精神和身体结构的最小原子没有一个能保持一年静止不动的……换句话说,我们在不断地变化,也必须不断地变化,只要生命不息,变化就不止。”这个奴隶主的孩子长大后写了一本书,而在很多人看来,这本书是一个美国人用自己的亲身经历写出的一部最深刻的反种族主义的小说。在汉尼拔度过的那段童年时光,吐温未能对当时不公平的现状提出质疑,对此,他一直深感不安。这种不安使得他对人们轻易接受那种他称之为“无声断言的谎言”的行为提出了犀利的批评——这种“无声的断言认为,正在发生的这一切对于有良知的聪明人来说,既意识不到,也无责任加以阻止”。经验还教会了他不要小看幽默的变革威力。这位美国有史以来最伟大的讽刺作家曾这样写道:“人类,虽然贫困,却无疑有一种真正有效的武器——笑声。权力、金钱、劝导、祈祷、迫害——这些东西可以把谎言的巨石举起来,推一推,挤一挤,然后一个世纪复一个世纪,将之削弱那么一点;但只有笑声的摧枯拉朽之力才能将之化为碎屑,一举销毁。笑声所向披靡,世间无一物可与之匹敌。 JMVHv7KUkI6vcZNx9XSuOOKrh7m+5ZiuFi7x0xruMU7Wlgk77a7QN+vMt9wJGPDD
