
Cate Blanchett: Australia's Queen of Drama


By Cleo Glyde 译/ 宋怡秋



"It's not my job—and it's certainly not my interest—to get up there and tell the world who I am," states one of the world's most acclaimed actors, Cate Blanchett. Not peevishly —just to clarify.

Of course, the world is interested anyway. In the slipstream of acclaim garnered by her emotionally raw performance in Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine, Blanchett is in London to attend the movie's premiere. In NYC, she is also emblazoned across billboards as the cucumber-cool face of Giorgio Armani's new fragrance, Sì.

Talking about her amazing year since her tenure as co-artistic director of the Sydney Theatre Company ended, our conversation turns to the psychological tightrope that all celebrated actors must walk between performance, real life and public persona—as seen through the distorting lens of global fame.

Whatever, maintains Blanchett. "It doesn't matter. The public 'Cate Blanchett' is not actually who I am, so it doesn't worry me at all," she says. "Acting is about holding up a mirror and reflecting people back at themselves, which I know sounds clichéd and wordy. But I am who I am and that's the person my family knows. If you see me on stage or in a movie, you see a different side."

Make that so , so many different sides. As opposed to actors who largely play what passes for 'themselves' in vehicles , Blanchett's famous and eerie ability to shapeshift has been the hallmark of our fascination and respect since she levitated from the Sydney theatre world in her 1998 breakout title role in Shekhar Kapur's Elizabeth, humanising British history's most compelling queen.


Blanchett has smashed it on the world stage ever since. There are the bold, quirky career choices, including gender bending as Bob Dylan in I'm Not There ; a pantheon of plum stage roles such as Blanche DuBois and Hedda Gabler ; the Streepian ability to completely disappear into fully realised portrayals, each one unrecognisable from the next. And the classy, Teflon-coated private life, anchored by a famously strong marriage to playwright Andrew Upton and their three boys: Dashiell, 11, Roman, nine, and Ignatius, five. Oh, and that patrician beauty the camera devours.

But that intimidatingly perfect aura melts away when you meet or talk to the 44-year-old Blanchett. The hauteur of her appearance belies an amazing volubility —the lady loves to talk. I first interviewed her over coffee and cake at a cafe in Sydney's Balmain six years ago, when she was bursting with excitement about taking the helm at the STC alongside Upton—clearly a dream project for such theatre creatures. Dressed in bohemian-mum mode, twisting her hair in her fingers and talking earnestly about the rehearsal process, she was far more jobbing actor than frosty movie star.

Our next meeting, backstage at the STC this year, followed her electric performance in Jean Genet's The Maids, which is about as dark as it gets. After conjuring the play's highly stylised, sadomasochistic mind games onstage, lurching between abasement and demented grandeur, Blanchett strolled in purposefully in cream slacks and silk shirt to meet-and-greet the press after the show. She deftly took on all the questions and wonderment at the weird disconnect between being in and out of character. "How do you come down afterwards?"

"Well, there is no hope at the end of the play, really. No edifying ending. It's all bad—that's Genet …" she laughs. And her mood is light.


This meeting bookends Blanchett's five-year tenure as co-artistic director—it has ended while Upton stays on solo. Although Blanchett has described the past five years as the most creative of her life, she is now free to answer cinema's siren call. Blanchett returns to screens next year in Terrence Malick's Knight of Cups with Christian Bale, and will shoot David Mamet thriller Blackbird opposite Catherine Keener as well as heist drama Triple Nine with Christoph Waltz. But right now it's Oscar-buzz time in anticipation of January's nominations. How can it not be? Blue Jasmine is the kind of rare female-centric film that performers relish —one of the best since Blanchett succumbed to the grip of Judi Dench's covetous lesbian predator in Notes on a Scandal (2006).

Accepting the title role in Blue Jasmine without reading the script as a nod to auteur Woody Allen, Blanchett is riveting as the Park Avenue wife who loses everything—including her grip on reality. The emotional intensity of her performance is a huge departure from Allen's usual mannered, smart-funny New Yorker dialogue. But, in our recent phone conversation, I confess how funny I found Jasmine as she recoils from all the attendant horrors of leaving her gilded cage.

"There's that schadenfreude , isn't there? We do delight in other people's downfalls. And Woody is so brilliant at finding the comedy in the absurd and the tragic; that's his hallmark, I think."

Always a sucker for the messy glamour of a drama-queen character in freefall, I'm not the least surprised that Blue Jasmine has resonated with audiences. "We all theatricalise ourselves," theorises Blanchett, "particularly in the face of social media. We're constantly acting out this other self, without seeing how pompous and unreal we are being, or how tenuous our grip on reality actually is. Perhaps people are connecting with somebody whose vision of themselves doesn't fit into the way the world actually works. It's quite comic …"

Blanchett's thoroughbred physicality is pitch-perfect in the film, adding an irresistible grace note to Jasmine's denial. Wearing a glittering cardigan shrugged over a tapered dress that clings to her pin-thin figure like molten gold, she exudes wealth and sophistication, visually transcending the slings and arrows of corporate corruption, pills, booze and bankruptcy even as her psychological and financial world crumbles around her.

It's this ability to shine—with the added depth of her talent—that makes Blanchett a natural fit for the Armani brand. When asked to define elegance, Italy's fashion maestro describes it as "that natural lightness of touch that is a form of deep sophistication, and an indication of self-assurance." So Blanchett, who wears her talent and beauty with said lightness of touch, was a fabulous choice for the launch of his new signature woman's fragrance, Sì.

Blanchett's career may also play the whole spectrum. Her counterintuitive turn as the trashy, malevolent sexual force in 2001's The Shipping News haunts me still. But it's her recurring role as the regal elf queen, Galadriel, in the adaptations of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit that embodies her other-worldly quality. The elfin goddess returns this Boxing Day in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (with the last instalment due next year). What on (Middle) Earth is it like to show up for a film that is so largely crafted in post-production?

"Of course it's more difficult to suspend disbelief and take yourself seriously when there's so much green screen, but this is where the director comes in. Someone like a Steven Spielberg or Peter Jackson is your bridge to the animated world and your character; you just entirely believe in the universe. There's still quite a lot of the magic on the set, and the costumes are there. Peter [director of The Hobbit] does the rest, communicating the circumstances, character motivation, what's coming to bear. You fall into his natural ability as a storyteller. What could be better?"

We talk about being mothers of sons and wanting to raise good men. "I think it's the example you set as a woman. The other day, my middle son spent the entire evening talking to a make-up artist and really good friend of mine about her new scent and how his favourite smell is cinnamon," she says. "I'm quite pleased that they don't seem to demarcate the difference between traditionally feminine and masculine concerns. That's quite elastic for them."

Blanchett believes their upbringing has made her sons into theatre kids. "It's [spending] the past formative five years backstage. They see the fun and also the hard work of a collective endeavour that's not just about the actors, but also the skills of the people in workshop and the hard work at the box office. They get that it's about more than the person in front of the curtain or on the 30-foot screen, that so-called celebrity stuff that the world is obsessed with."

And who does she think is worth obsessing over? Who would she take into deep space? "My husband," she responds promptly, "for the entertainment value. I mean, I'm obsessed with Julian Assange , but I wouldn't take him into deep space."




















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