
E. B. White: Most Companionable of Writers


From bbc.co.uk 译/陈继龙



On 11 July, 1899, a baby boy entered the world full of promise and hope. Then his parents named him Elwyn Brooks White. Under this name, he became the world-famous author of Charlotte's Web, co-author of The Elements of Style and "number-one wheel horse " for The New Yorker. E. B. White is adulated as one of the most skillful masters of the English language of the 20th Century, and possibly several other centuries as well.


Elwyn was the youngest of Samuel Tilly White and Jessie Hart White's brood of six in Mt Vernon, New York, a suburb of Manhattan. Elwyn was an anxious little boy who did not like school, but loved boats and writing, and did enjoy playing with musical instruments and the barnyard animals kept behind his huge home.

Elwyn's teenage years can be summarized in a similar way to his childhood ones: he tried hard, did his best and worried that it wasn't good enough. He left for Cornell University in 1917. Cornell was a good place for a young writing man. Elwyn quickly rose through the ranks of The Cornell Daily Sun to become Editor-in-Chief. The best thing that happened to him was the acquisition of a nickname. The college's first president had been Andrew White, and all those surnamed "White" in Cornell forever after were nicknamed "Andy". Andy happily used his new name for the rest of his life.


Following graduation, Andy bounced unhappily between newspaper and writing jobs. He was shy, lacked confidence and applied high standards to himself.

In Seattle, Andy became a journalist for The Seattle Times, but was unsuited for the job because his writing took a humorous slant on news events while tragedies upset him so much he couldn't write about them at all. The editor finally gave him a daily column to himself, and Andy filled it with humorous paragraphs in the style of many literary columns of the 1920s:

We Answer Hard Questions:

Sir: What does it take to become a successful businessman?

Answer: A successful business.


On 19 February, 1925, Andy purchased the first issue of a new magazine called The New Yorker. It promised to be funny, satirical and literary. Andy immediately started sending pieces in. Among his first published contributions, there was a casual essay describing his reaction when a waitress spilled a glass of buttermilk on him that changed his life. Andy described how, with composure and dignity, he comforted the waitress, paid for the soup and even left her a tip. The readers loved it. Andy discovered that "the world would pay a man for setting down a simple, legible account of his own misfortunes". For most of the rest of his career, Andy published steady accounts of his own misfortunes, to popular acclaim.

In the summer of 1925, the magazine's editor, Harold Ross, hired a young married lady named Katherine Sergeant Angell. Katherine was intelligent, confident and a born leader. When she urged him to hire the writer who signed his pieces "EBW", Ross didn't hesitate.

EBW did hesitate. He refused to join full-time because he lacked faith in his ability to make a living as a writer. Years into his career he was liable to disappear to Maine for vacation without any warning.

Voice of The New Yorker

"Newsbreaks" were column-fillers consisting of news items from other papers. Andy's job was to add a pithy punch line to the newsbreak, something his subtle sense of humor was aptly suited for.

Ross soon learned that "there was practically no purpose to which words could be put that White was unable to master", and soon Andy was writing Notes and Comments, Talk of the Town, casual essays, light verse, reviews, advertisements and cartoon captions .

Andy heeded two important pieces of advice in his writing: Omit needless words and Just say the words. He aimed for unaffected simplicity and straightforwardness, always sympathising with the reader. His prose is clear, honest and beautiful. He wrote playfully, he wrote satirically, he wrote seriously and sometimes forcefully, but he rarely wrote fiction, and never tried to arouse in his reader terror, hate, passion or yearning. Still, there is no denying his mastery over metaphor, word choice and sentence structure.

Making the Most Beautiful Decision of His Life

Andy couldn't recall when he became infatuated with Katherine, but said he’d been half in love with her for a long time. He wooed her silently but not wordlessly with poems. But Katherine still hoped to salvage her marriage which was in a shambles . Accordingly, she and Andy eventually agreed to limit their interaction strictly to business.

By late 1928, Andy had mastered all the writing required of him for The New Yorker and felt like he was stagnating . He turned Talk of the Town over to a colleague and joined a friend at a Canadian summer camp while Katherine was acquiring a divorce in Reno , Nevada. When he returned in late September, he and Katherine tentatively picked up their relationship, and the two were soon talking marriage. Andy was naturally hesitant. Katherine was a divorced mother of two and seven years older than he was. But finally Andy made a decision.

Andy later called it "the most beautiful decision of his life" and remained a doting husband until the day he died. Katherine returned the sentiment and supported Andy through his emotional ups and downs.

Making Strides

The New Yorker struggled through World War II, but in late 1943 Ross recalled the Whites to New York out of desperation for writers. In return, Ross agreed to allow Andy to write more sober and opinionated Notes and Comments pieces. This he did, and Notes and Comments became a voice of reason through some of America's more tumultuous days.

For quite a while Andy had been thinking about writing a children's book. Back in New York, he settled down to compile one. In 1945, Stuart Little was published to lousy reviews. It became a bestseller.

For quite a while, Andy was almost happy. Usually, he was highly critical of his work, terrified of being stuck in a rut and depressed about his accomplishments. Now he had proof that he’d done something worthwhile.


As a final bolster to his self-esteem, Charlotte's Web hit the bookstores in October, 1952 and was an instant runaway bestseller. It remains one of the best-selling children's books of all time.

The result was more fame than the quiet, shy Andy knew what to do with. At first, he accepted a few awards and honorary degrees, but he soon learned to turn them all down. The only medal he actually felt proud to receive was the Presidential Medal of Freedom, though he later wrote that he wasn't sure what to do with it; a drawer seemed unnecessarily obscure, while casually tossed on the hall table seemed ostentatious .

Aging Gently

In 1957, the Whites retreated back to Maine, where Andy revised The Elements of Style, published The Points of My Compass, a collection of previously printed essays; wrote The Trumpet of the Swan, another children's book; and allowed Charlotte's Web to be made into a film.

Andy aged gently. For him, a happy moment was perching on the back porch stairs babysitting some goslings . He enjoyed telling funny stories about the antics of Jones, his "sad neurotic dog—just like his master" to his family over a martini. He answered bags of fan mail from children around the world and edited newsbreaks for The New Yorker.

Katherine died in 1977. A crushed and phobic Andy composed her funeral service, but didn't attend it. He continued to live on his farm and write until arthritis and cataracts made that impossible.

One day Andy came in from the barn, worried about a knock he’d received to his head. Within weeks, he developed a form of dementia and was bedridden. His son Joel visited him daily.

[Joel] would read aloud to his father and discovered that he enjoyed listening to his own writings, though he wasn't always clear about who the author was. Sometimes he’d raise a hand and impatiently wave a passage away: not good enough. Other evenings he’d listen until the end ... and then ask again whO'd written these words. "You did, Dad," Joe said. There was a pause and Andy said, "Well, not bad."

—Roger Angell in Let Me Finish

On 1 October, 1985, E.B. White died. Today, E.B. White is remembered best for Charlotte's Web and The Elements of Style, but his efforts are scattered across libraries throughout the English-speaking world and his legacy lives on in the front of The New Yorker.







































1985年10月1日,E·B·怀特与世长辞。今天,E·B·怀特留给人们最深的记忆是《夏洛的网》和《风格的要素》,但事实上,他的成就已遍布全世界英语国家的图书馆,而他遗留下来的文风仍然在《纽约客》杂志最重要的位置延续着。 +Yhkt1PaWDpPOm80TxiOjZ/KNa61VFY3j2VpNKhrJMre9bc4mZMJTTlGgrohmlR2
