
Hans Christian Andersen: Father of the Modern Fairy Tales


By Terri Windling 译/辛献云



It's commonly supposed that all fairy tales are stories from the folk tradition, passed through the generations by storytellers since the dawn of time. While it's true that most fairy tales are rooted in oral folklore, many of the best-known stories actually come to us from literary sources. In nineteenth century Denmark, the writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805~1875) penned some of the best-loved fairy tales of all time: The Little Mermaid, The Wild Swans, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, and many others.

Although today Andersen is primarily known as a writer of stories for children, during his lifetime he was also celebrated for his other literary works, including six novels, five travel journals, three autobiographies, and numerous poems and plays. The modern image of Andersen is of a simple, innocent, child-like spinner of tales. Letters and diaries by Andersen, however, draw the picture of a very different man: a sharply intelligent, ambitious writer with a hardscrabble past, a love of high society, and a tortured soul. Likewise, Andersen's fairy tales, when read in the original Danish, are far more sophisticated and multi-layered than the simple children's fables they've become in all too many translated editions. The writer was no innocent naïf recounting fancies whispered by the fairies; he was a serious artist, a skillful literary craftsman, a shrewd observer of human nature and of the social scene of nineteenth century Denmark.

Chasing the Dream of Acting on Stage

Andersen's fairy tales can be read simply as magical adventures, but for the discerning reader they contain much more, bristling with characters drawn from Andersen's own life and from the many worlds he traveled through in his remarkable life's journey. Like the ugly duckling, born in a humble duck-yard, Andersen was born the son of a poor cobbler in the city of Odense, where the family shared a single room and lived a hand-to-mouth existence. Tall and gawky , ill at ease with other children, the boy spent most of his time reading and dreaming. Odense, at that time, was a provincial city still rooted in its rural past, with a living tradition of Danish folklore and colorful folk pageantry. Andersen learned Danish folk tales in his youth from old women in the spinning room of the insane asylum where his grandmother worked.

Andersen began writing at an early age, but his true ambition was to go on stage as an actor, dancer, or singer. At the age of 14, three years after his father's death, he left home and Odense altogether, traveling alone to Copenhagen to make his fame and fortune. Determined to join the Royal Theater, he presented himself to the theater's director, who bluntly advised the uneducated youth to go home. Growing desperate, Andersen pestered every luminary he could think of until he met Weyse, an accomplished composer. Weyse had risen from poverty himself, and he took pity on the boy. Weyse promptly raised a sum of money that enabled Andersen to rent a cheap room and to study with Siboni, director of the Royal Choir School.

Thus began a new period in Andersen's life. By day he studied and loitered in the theater, rubbing shoulders with some of the most famous men and women of Denmark's Golden Age; by night he lived in a mean little room in one of the city's most squalid neighborhoods, often going without meals and spending what little money he had on books. He practiced scenes from famous plays and began to study dance at the Royal Theater's Ballet School. But by the age of 17, his voice had changed; his gawky physique had proven unsuited to ballet. He was dismissed from school and informed that he had no future on the stage.

A youth other than Hans Christian Andersen might have crumbled under this blow, but throughout his life he possessed a remarkable degree of confidence and never lost faith in his worth, no matter how often he faced rejection.

Dreaming of Becoming a Playwright

Determined to find success in Denmark's theater but barred from a performance career, Andersen focused on his remaining talent: he’d become a writer of plays. He’d already submitted one play to the Royal Theater, which had promptly been turned down. Now the boy dashed off another play. It, too, was turned away. Yet the play had shown a glimmer of promise, and this brought him to the attention of Jonas Collin, the financial director of the Royal Theater. Collin decided to do something to solve the problem of Andersen, arranging an educational fund to be paid by the King of Denmark.

Andersen was sent away to a grammar school in the town of Slagelse. Four years later he returned to Copenhagen, where he lived in a small, clean attic room, studied with private tutors, and took his meals with the Collins and other prominent families. A year later, Andersen wrote his first book, A Walking Tour from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern Point of Anger. The book was a hit, quickly selling out its entire print run. He then wrote a play, which, to his delight, was accepted at the Royal Theater. Now Andersen concentrated on writing and publishing his first collection of poems.

Despite this bright beginning, the early years of his career were rocky ones. It was not until his books and poems began to excite attention abroad that critics started to take him seriously in his native land. This mixture of praise (from abroad) and censure (at home) was hurtful and confusing to Andersen. He grew into a man with two distinct and conflicting sides to his nature. In his talents he was supremely confident, speaking candidly of his high ambitions and rhapsodizing over each success. Yet he could also be sensitive, emotional, and hungry for approval to a debilitating degree.

A Different World of Fairy Tales

Andersen began to write fairy tales at the age of 29, with great excitement. His earliest stories are more clearly inspired by Danish folk tales than his later works—yet none are direct, unadorned retellings of Danish folk stories. Rather, these are original fictions that use Danish folklore as their starting point and then head off in bold new directions, borrowing further inspiration from The Thousand and One Nights, the German tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, and so on.

It's impossible today to fully understand the sensation these little stories caused, for nothing quite like them had ever been seen in Danish literature. The tales were revolutionary for several reasons. Across Europe, the field of children's fiction was still in its very early days and was still dominated by dull, pious stories intended to teach and inculcate moral values. Andersen's magical tales were rich as chocolate cake after a diet of wholesome gruel, and the narrative voice spoke familiarly, warmly, conspiratorially to children, rather than preaching to them from on high. And unlike the folk tales collected by the Grimms, set in distant lands once upon a time, Andersen set his tales in Copenhagen and other familiar, contemporary settings, mixed fantastical descriptions with common ordinary ones, and invested everyday household objects with personalities and magic. Even the language of the stories was fresh and radical.

Becoming Famous All Over the World

When Andersen was 33, the specter of poverty was banished from his life forever. Now he no longer depended on friends, or on the fickle whims of the reading public; now he was free to write as he liked—and for a time he put aside the writing of novels, which had been his bread and butter, and concentrated on fairy tales. Andersen wrote two hundred and ten fairy tales in all, published over the course of his life. The tales were translated across Europe, then made their way around the world, making him the best-known Scandinavian writer of his age.

But the lack of sophistication in the English text caused Andersen to be labeled as a writer for children only. Andersen himself railed against the notion of being viewed as a man whO'd spent his life with children. "I said loud and clear that I was dissatisfied ... that my tales were just as much for older people as for children, who only understood the outer trappings and did no comprehend and take in the whole work until they were mature—that naiveté was only part of my tales, that humor was what really gave them their flavor."

Though Andersen's humor is indeed a salient characteristic of the tales, what many readers remember most about Andersen's work is its overwhelming sadness. The little match girl dies, and the little mermaid is betrayed by her prince. Even tales that end happily—The Ugly Duckling, The Wild Swans—are heart-wrenching in their depiction of anguish endured along the way. People may find reading Andersen's tales a particularly wrenching experience—and yet they read them over and over, both attracted to and disturbed by their unflinching depiction of pain.

In 1867, when he was 62 years old, Hans Christian Andersen returned to Odense. A choir sang, and the entire city was illuminated in his honor. "A star of fortune hangs above me," Andersen once wrote. "Thousands have deserved it more than I; often I cannot understand why this good should have been vouchsafed to me among so many thousands. But if the star should set, even while I am penning these lines, be it so; still I can say it has shone, and I have received a rich portion." Andersen died in 1875, and his stories live on.























1867年,62岁的汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生回到了家乡欧登塞。在唱诗班的歌声中,整个城市张灯结彩,迎接他的归来。“幸运之星对我格外眷顾,”安徒生曾经写道,“成千上万的人都比我更有资格得到它,我常常难以理解为什么在成千上万的人中它偏偏对我青睐有加。但如果幸运之星真要陨落,即使就在我写这些话的时候,那就让它陨落好了。我依然可以说,幸运之星曾经闪耀过,我已得到它慷慨的眷顾。”1875年,安徒生与世长辞,但他的作品却永垂不朽。 KYt+MXGk2mLB0gnnXGVbCI0UVU2JkfygOd5UFlOvXOmzmMe02pnJGSn8ByEk0/bf
