
Charles in Charge


By Radhika Jones 译/ 辛献云



In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels published in Britain. People had been writing novels for a century, but nobody aspired to do it professionally. Many works of fiction appeared anonymously, with attributions like "By a Lady." The steam-powered printing press was still in its infancy; the literacy rate in England was under 50%. And novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral, toxic or just plain bad.

In 1870, when Dickens died, the world mourned him as its first literary celebrity: a career writer and publisher, famous and beloved, who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose characters were held up as moral touchstones. Today Dickens’ greatness is unchallenged. Evicting him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa.

How did Dickens get to the top? For all the sentiment readers attach to stories, literature is a numbers game , and the test of time is exceedingly difficult to pass. Some 60,000 novels were published in the Victorian era , from 1837 to 1901; today a casual reader might be able to name a half-dozen of them. It's partly that Dickens was a stylistic genius, whose writing attracted audiences highbrow and low. It's partly that his career rode a wave of social, political and scientific progress. But it's also that he rewrote the culture of literature and put himself at the center. No one will ever know what mix of talent, ambition, energy and luck made Dickens such a singular writer. But as his bicentenary arrives, it is possible to understand how he made himself a lasting one.

Posthumous Papers

Dickens got into novel writing by accident. As a young man, he longed to be an actor and trained to be a reporter. He dashed off fictional stories from time to time. In 1836 he accepted a magazine commission to write a series of comic sketches , at 14 a month, to accompany a set of illustrations of sporting life. The result, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, was a sensation. It established Dickens as a peerless ventriloquist , able to channel the voices of both swells and servants, and as a gifted writer of serials, which became the standard method of publication in an era when books were expensive but cheap periodicals thrived. Most important in terms of his legacy, The Pickwick Papers established him as a financially viable artist, bestriding the gap between creativity and commerce. From Pickwick to his deathbed, he wrote for an audience, and he wrote for money—two forces that before his time had had little to do with art.



Dickens’ commitment to his audience also struck a contradictory balance: he cultivated a mass readership by creating a sense of personal intimacy. Readers felt he was speaking directly to them, and often he did. He channeled his thespian ambitions into live dramatic readings; his bloodcurdling performance of the brutal killing of Nancy in Oliver Twist caused fainting spells among audience members. "He invented that form of publicity," says Nicholas Dames, a Victorian scholar and chair of the English department at Columbia University. "He invented merchandising. All those things that we associate with publishing culture—he was essentially the first." And Dickens knew it. He called himself the Inimitable, a nickname that stuck.

As his audience grew, Dickens took great care to keep his populist touch. Midway through the writing and publication of David Copperfeld, he received a letter from an acquaintance objecting to a minor character, Miss Mowcher, who is implicated in a scheme involving the seduction of David's childhood friend Little Em’ly. Like the letter writer, Miss Mowcher happened to be a dwarf. Dickens responded that all his characters were composites and he hadn't meant to suggest that deformity of size might signify deformity of soul. But when Miss Mowcher reappears in the novel, he backpedals and clears her of any wrongdoing. It's an awkward, implausible scene, but Dickens cared more about appeasing his wounded reader. He felt responsible to her, and to all his readers, and they adored him in return.

As immediate as the response was to his work, Dickens knew that his writing was only as powerful as his ability to control it. Authors possessed limited copyright protection in England at the time his career began and virtually none abroad. American magazines pirated his work outright. Dickens fought successfully for stronger terms of copyright in England and for international agreements to prevent unauthorized translations and theft. He even advocated for an authors’ union. As the editor of two weeklies, he was cultivating new talent and he wanted writers to profit from their work, during and after their lifetime.

He also began to think posthumously in his fiction. His early novels were rooted in problems specific to his time: the Poor Law of 1834 (Oliver Twist), the abusive schools in Yorkshire (Nicholas Nickleby). As he matured, his criticism became more oblique . He invented grand, allegorical evils: the Circumlocution Office in Little Dorrit, the parasitic court case of Jarndyce & Jarndyce in Bleak House—giant grinders of corruption and inefficiency that mangled all who entered them. When people read Oliver Twist, they knew whom to blame and what to fix. With Dickens’ later novels, says Dames, "You can't identify who the bad guy is anymore. Everything seems so systemic."


Critics found these novels dreary and diffuse . Henry James , reviewing Our Mutual Friend for the Nation in 1865, wrote, "For the last 10 years it has seemed to us that Mr. Dickens has been unmistakably forcing himself. Bleak House was forced; Little Dorrit was labored; the present work is dug out as with a spade and pickaxe." But Dickens wasn't writing for the critics. His deft touch with comedy and pathos kept his loyal readers happy, and he had a new readership in mind: posterity.

His final bit of legacy building involved the appointment of his close friend John Forster as his biographer. When Forster's Life of Charles Dickens appeared, two years after the great writer's death, it included a tale that Dickens had been too ashamed to tell all but a handful of people: that as a child he had been sent for a time to work in a blacking factory while his father was in debtor's prison. Readers were stunned. They already knew the details but from the young David Copperfeld, who speaks of being "thrown away" at age 10 by his cruel stepfather to labor in a warehouse. They knew that Amy Dorrit was born in the debtor's prison to which her father was consigned. They knew that Pip, the hero of Great Expectations, carries a lifelong burden of shame about his low origins. Until Forster's biography, they didn't know where all this shame came from. It was Dickens’ last plot twist —the revelation that at his characters’ most vulnerable moments, their creator was speaking from experience. It surprised his readers and kept him alive in their minds.


Immortal and Inimitable

The Dickens bicentenary coincides with another leap in literary culture: the rise of electronic text. The debate about e-books still focuses on the merits of page vs. screen. But the far more profound effect will be in disrupting the numbers game of literature—the game that began with the Victorian fiction boom, which began with Dickens.

E-books are changing the idea of being in print. Publishing was designed as a Darwinian process in which authors compete to be printed and then thousands of books go the way of the passenger pigeon . Digital flies, self-publishing and print-on-demand technologies raise the possibility that this natural selection will be warped . The traditional definition of going out of print means that the content is no longer accessible. The digital version lives in perpetuity . In some ways, that's a good thing but it exacerbates the problem of quantity.

The flood of books in the 19th century elicited two powerful institutional responses: the rise of prize culture and the rise of literature as a field of study. The message was that the masses needed help figuring out what to read, and the cultural elite was going to provide it. The Nobel Prize was first awarded in 1901, the Pulitzer in 1917. About the same time, the study of English literature became a mainstream field, and a canon of approved literary texts began to take shape.

A century later, the curatorial influence of these institutions has been eroded by the same food that brought them into existence. The English canon, which came under pressure for being largely populated by dead white males, has been expanded and modernized. Prizes have metastasized . As James English writes, the ratio of awards to new titles of fiction, poetry and drama has risen tenfold since the 1920s. At the same time, the culture of reviews and criticism has fragmented. Anyone with a smart phone can review a new novel, or an old one.

If Dickens had been around for the first Nobel, he wouldn't have won it. His style drew scorn from critics for much of the early 20th century, when complicated, even inhospitable writing came into fashion. (One of the tenets of modernism was that if it wasn't difficult, it wasn't art.) But regular people kept reading him. And around midcentury he was rescued by, among others, George Orwell , who latched onto him as a social critic. It was his dark, dreary novels that did the trick . They were presciently modern, it turned out. Dickens, so quintessentially of his time, was also ahead of it.

Once, an educated person could read pretty much everything important, because there weren't as many books and an educated person by definition possessed the money to buy books and the leisure to read them. The same publishing machine that helped spread literacy in the 19th century made it impossible for all the readers to read anywhere near all the books. Now the idea is laughable.

So the Dickens bicentenary is a celebration of his immortality, but it's also a celebration of consensus, a sigh of relief. The verdict on Dickens is sound. He's been questioned and cross-examined and voted in. The exponential accumulation of fiction combined with the widening of its circle of stewards—prize givers and professors, yes, but also recommendation engines and top 10 lists—may make that kind of consensus difficult for future readers. They'11 have more writers to choose from, more tastemakers to choose them and infinite piles of books in the cloud. The advantage will go to those novelists who don't just reflect the culture but also transform it. Will the readers of the future find their 21st century Dickens on the Pulitzer roster or the best-seller list or FanFiction.net? This much is clear: on Feb. 7, 2112, they'11 be wishing the original Inimitable a very happy 300th birthday.






















因此,狄更斯诞辰两百周年纪念既是庆祝他的不朽地位,也是庆祝人们终于达成一致意见,可以松口气了。人们对狄更斯的看法,经历了质疑、反复盘问乃至最后投票表决,最终得出了合情合理的裁定。在将来,要为读者作出一个类似的裁定将变得更加困难,因为小说数量在呈指数级增长,而且评判者的圈子也变得越来越大——有颁奖机构和大学教授,还有网站的推荐引擎和十大优秀图书排行榜等等。他们需要从更多的作家中进行筛选,需要有更多的仲裁者来进行仲裁,还有一堆堆高耸入云的图书需要评判。那些不仅反映文化而且改变文化的作家无疑将占据优势。那么,在普利策获奖者名单上,在畅销书排行榜上,或者在同人小说网站上,未来的读者能否找到他们21世纪的狄更斯呢?有一点是显而易见的:2112年2月7日,他们将会向这位富有创意的“不可模仿者”道一声:“三百岁生日快乐!” RFP7I8QHsHc8kiN0mUqwhJnvF8an3MJNzLHHqDz2wcoat4YqRlMqJE6bDcN3QNPs
