
The Hemingway You Didnot Know


By Chris 译/辛献云



Fifty years after his death, Ernest Hemingway remains a commanding presence in the literary world. His works annually sell well into the seven figures, and several of his astounding 27 books and 50+ short stories are considered to be masterpieces of American literature. Even the finest works of fiction pale in comparison , however, to Papa Hemingway's real life. His exploits are legendary: winner of both the Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes, world class sports fisherman, big game hunter, boxer, war correspondent … the list goes on. Leaving the criticism of his literature for the pros, let's instead take a look at the amazing life of the man himself. His life was filled with the grand adventures that fill the dreams of many young boys and grown men alike.

Hemingway the Sportsman

As an accomplished outdoorsman, Hemingway was equally at home both stalking a lion through Africa's long grass and cruising the Gulf Stream in search of marlin. Hemingway had learned how to handle a gun at a young age and was an accomplished hunter. His interest in the sport varied between pheasant and duck shooting out West to big game safaris in East Africa. Hemingway's love for safari was very clear in his uncontainable excitement in planning his second major hunt in 1954: "Going back to Africa after all this time, there's the excitement of a first adventure. I love Africa and I feel it's another home, and any time a man can feel that, not counting where he's born, it is where he's meant to go."


During this second safari Hemingway became quite the professional hunter. The local game warden even left him temporarily in charge of the district he was quartered in. Hemingway loved the post and spent most of his days sorting out problem lions and elephants at the request of the local farmers.

Yet while Hemingway loved hunting, it was when he had a rod in his hand that he was truly successful. It was from the deck of the Pilar that Hemingway famously landed the largest marlin caught to date in 1935, weighing an astonishing 1,175 lbs. Truly, his greatest exploit by his own reckoning may very well not have been his literary achievements, but his success with rod and reel.

Hemingway the Boxer

Hemingway had practiced the sweet science since childhood and at one point was a successful amateur boxer. Following one of his victories in a fishing tournament in Bimini , the locals who had participated became angered at his ability to better them in the fish waters they had fished their entire lives. Seeing an opportunity to combine his passions, he offered the locals a chance to win back their lost money. The terms were simple: go toe to toe with old Papa in the ring for three rounds and win, and the money would be theirs. The first challenger, a man who locals claimed could "carry a piano on his head", made it only a minute and a half before the 35 year old Hemingway put him on the deck. The next three challengers suffered a similar fate, and Ernest went home with his prize money.

Hemingway's love for boxing was unmatched by his other passions, and he even had a boxing ring built in the backyard of his Key West home. He often dedicated his time not spent writing in Key West to boxing.

Hemingway's love of the sport carried over into the literary world as well. Several of his works reflect his love for the sport, including short stories Fifty Grand and The Battler, and the novel The Sun Also Rises.

Hemingway the War Hero

As a young man, Hemingway served with the Red Cross on the Italian Front in World War I. Originally, he had sought to enlist in the Army, but poor eyesight barred his admittance, leading him to take a position with the Red Cross as an ambulance driver instead. Not long after arriving at the Italian Front Hemingway was seriously wounded. While delivering chocolates and cigarettes to soldiers on the line, he was hit by trench mortar fire, leaving over two hundred shrapnel fragments in his leg and nearly destroying his knee. Despite this gruesome injury, Hemingway managed to drag another injured soldier to safety, having stuffed the cigarettes he was carrying into his own wounds to temporarily stop the bleeding. Hemingway was to receive the Silver Medal of Military Valor from the Italian government for his courageous actions that day.


Much later in life, Hemingway left again for Europe to see the action of World War II as a war correspondent. No stranger to action, Hemingway joined the Royal Air Force on bombing raids and followed infantry divisions around Europe wherever the fighting was heaviest. He witnessed the D-Day invasion from a landing craft just offshore and recorded many of the horrors of the war. Hemingway went on to take a much more active role in the combat he was there to document, often assuming the role of soldier himself in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions’ guidelines for war correspondents. In the chaos of war, Hemingway allegedly went on to form his own unit, which inexplicably had twice the firepower and alcohol rations of all other units, no doubt Papa's doing. An investigation into his actions during the war by the Army later charged him with several violations of his non-combatant status, including actions such as stripping off his non-combatant insignia and posing as a colonel in order to lead a French resistance group into battle.

Several high ranking friends testified on his behalf, and at the end of the investigation he was not only cleared of all charges, but was awarded the Bronze Star for Bravery as a war correspondent. Colonel Lanham, a close friend, noted: "He is without question one of the most courageous men I have ever known. Fear was a stranger to him."

Hemingway the Survivor

Perhaps most unbelievable of all Hemingway's exploits was the sheer number of potentially fatal diseases and accidents he survived. Aside from the remnants of fragment in his leg left over from the World War I mortar hit, he also bore a bullet wound in his leg. This was the result of a self inflicted gunshot, an accident that occurred while trying to finish off a still thrashing shark he had dragged aboard while shark hunting. Hemingway's more severe injuries and ailments came later in life. In his later years he survived pneumonia, skin cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and several major injuries.

During his last safari in East Africa, he survived two plane crashes. News of the first crash, deep in the jungles of Uganda, set off reports of his death back home, spawning numerous obituaries which Hemingway would later read daily over his morning coffee with amusement. The second crash, following just several days after the first, was much more severe, and Hemingway was severely injured as a result. He suffered from a laundry list of injuries, including first degree burns, internal bleeding, ruptured kidney, ruptured spleen , ruptured liver, etc. Quite the ordeal, yet Hemingway managed a smile for the reporters waiting at his evacuation point, saying to them "my luck". Not a month later Hemingway was back in action, this time receiving second degree burns on his left hand and face while fighting a wildfire.

He survived all this and lived to tell the tale.

Hemingway the Legend

Hemingway's life experiences provided the source material for his literary works, and much of his life can be seen reflected in his fiction. The male protagonists in so many of his stories share both his machismo and his hidden pains, yet always exhibited grace under pressure. As he himself said: "In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dulled and know I had to put it on the grindstone again and hammer it into shape and put a whetstone to it, and know that I had something to write about, than to have it bright and shining and nothing to say."

Critics during and after his lifetime tried to paint Hemingway as overly macho, claiming that his public persona was merely an act. Through reading his works and the biographies written about him by close friends, it becomes clear that Ernest Hemingway was not acting. He was, in fact, one of the most genuine men who ever lived. He lived life as he wished, never missing opportunities and never forsaking his passions. Perhaps he is best summed up by actress Marlene Dietrich, a close friend: "I suppose the most remarkable thing about Ernest is that he has found time to do the things most men only dream about. He has had the courage, the initiative, the time, the enjoyment to travel, to digest it all, to write, to create it, in a sense. There is in him a sort of quiet rotation of seasons, with each of them passing overland and then going underground and re-emerging in a kind of rhythm, refreshed and full of renewed vigor."






















在海明威的生前身后,总有一些评论家试图将他描绘成一个过分追求男子气概的人,声称其公共形象只是在装模作样。但在读了他的作品和其好友写的有关他的传记之后,我们能清晰地看出,欧内斯特·海明威并不是在演戏。事实上,他是一个活得最真实的人。他过的是自己想过的生活,从不放过任何机会,也从未舍弃过自己热爱的东西。也许,他的好朋友、演员马琳·迪特里希的话是对他一生最好的总结:“我认为欧内斯特最突出的特点在于,大多数男人只能在梦中想一想的事,他却花时间做到了。从某种意义上来说,他一直都有勇气、进取心、时间和情趣去旅游、消化、写作和创造。在他的内心深处,季节在悄悄地流转,每一个季节都先降临大地,然后转入地下,然后重现,周而复始,循环往复,每次都生机勃发,充满新生的能量。” OO3wrT6RIh8hoxHCE/8RMTVvSVsUL8WjoSNr8Qyh7LWJJ/6N7wivdR5MNwfzT9DD
