
1 Alternatives to Prison监狱的替代性选择

Some people think lawbreakers should be sent to prison,while others think that alternatives to prison are more suitable,especially for minor offences. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

For hundreds of years,prison has been the primary mode of punishment for those that break the law. There is a school of thought 1 ,however,that prison is not the best way to deal with most criminals,and that a more progressive approach would yield benefits for society as a whole.


Those that oppose a new approach focus on the concept of justice. They feel that if someone has committed a crime they should be punished; anything less is an insult to victims. Such people also stress the importance of deterrent. Prison life can often be unpleasant,and many feel that is the way it should be. It seems logical that criminals will think twice about committing a crime if there are going to be serious consequences.


However,it is worth asking ourselves what prison actually achieves. In the case of dangerous and violent criminals,prison serves an important role in that it keeps such people off the streets and makes society a safer place. However,in the case of non-violent criminals,for example petty thieves or recreational drug users,it is highly questionable whether prison is the best place for them. Prisons,by definition,are full of criminals. Making small-time 2 criminals spend months or years of their life with other,often more hardened criminals is bound to have a negative influence on them,and impressionable young people can easily get drawn into the wrong crowd. Prison also has the effect of wearing away an individual's self-respect and independence,making it less likely they will succeed on release. As for the deterrent factor,there is simply no evidence that the threat of jail prevents crime. The United States locks up more people than any other nation by far and has particularly harsh prisons,yet crime is still higher than in other developed nations. Alternatives such as community service or compulsory training courses are far more positive and allow offenders to do something constructive. When not attending such activities offenders can stay with family members,with an electronic tag monitoring their whereabouts. Studies have shown that the family is often a stabilising influence for offenders,and certainly can only be an improvement on forcing them to spend 24 hours a day in a degrading environment surrounded by criminals.



In conclusion,prison may satisfy some people's sense of justice,but in truth it serves little constructive purpose,not serving as a deterrent and sometimes turning minor offenders into career criminals. Prison should be seen as a last resort for those who pose a genuine risk to society,not a bin to toss undesirables. Sentencing should focus on getting offenders to do something useful,or better still 3 learn something useful,so that they can gain a sense of achievement. Punishment alone is unlikely to give offenders much hope for the future,and it is the absence of hope that often leads to crime in the first place.



shuzi1 school of thought ”指的是“一种看法”,使用“there is a school of thought”可以避免使用“some people think”这种常见表达。比如说“There is a school of thought that making drugs illegal does more harm than good”就要比说“Some people think making drugs illegal does more harm than good”更能体现语言运用能力。

shuzi1 small-time ”这个表达实际上和time并没有关系,其意思是“次要的”或“不重要的”。其反义词是“big-time”。“small-time”后面通常要加被修饰的名词,而“big-time”不必如此。例如:①He wanted to be a football superstar,but is still playing in small-time leagues.②Small-time thievery won't make you rich.③I'm singing on TV tonight; I've finally reached the big-time!

shuzi1 better still ”可以用在想要提出更好选择的时候。例如:①Local authorities should take steps to restrict this type of antisocial behaviour,or better still ban it outright.②Remember to buy a birthday card for your mother,or better still make one yourself.③The government should get more unemployed people back into work,or better still encourage them to start their own business. 27mxW6UdT8954Ay7RERQF2NnP62cA+o5H4XMIneTmK7fpg43ObCa+M0+XfD5P4/8
