
Preliminary Conclusions

1.The structural reform of supply-side needs to accelerate the development to integrate in the internationally advanced airport economy

Supported by the international air transport system,airport economy is a kind of high-end form developed worldwide,which is just an emerging field in China. ZAEZ is a bold exploration in airport economy for China. It is meant to transform the economic development pattern,promote the structural reform of supply-side,and to adapt and lead the new normal. We should treat the construction and development of ZAEZ with international view,focus on the speed and internationalization with great political enthusiasm and innovation courage,form larger advantages in manufacture-related service industry,and explore courageously in the new way of international aviation hinge and ZAEZ development,so as to gather experience in the structural reform of supply-side,find a new way of opening-up in the central and western region of china,lay the foundation of industry structure adjustment and economy promotion in Henan,which will create much more substantial development benefit for the citizens by job enlargement and increased income.

2.Airport economy is promising under the “One Belt,One Road” Initiative

The initial attempt of ZAEZ shows the great charm of airport economic development in the process China’s economy involving in the world economy. Especially,the high increase of passenger and cargo throughput in ZAEZ and its leading role in the leap development of open economy in Henan and its surrounding regions shows us that the airport economy has already been the new engine of Henan development,which also shows clearly that the national strategy of constructing international aviation hub in Zhengzhou(located in the middle of China)besides Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou is advancing,strategic and general. Airport economy has been and will continue exerting an important influence on the cultivation of advantages and the development of the aerialSilk Road in the central and western regions. With the advantages of airport economy being further clearly in Zhengzhou and with the promotion of concerning policies and regulations,airport economy has great potential in making further development opportunity and has a bright future. Just as John·Kasarda says,Zhengzhou will be the leading aerotropolis of China if it can combine the airport planning,urban planning and business location planning dynamically. Aerotropolis will promotes the hinterland economy development internally,forms aerial Silk Road externally,builds the bridge of China’s integration into the global economy,and accelerates the implement of the “One Belt,One Road” Initiative.

3.Zhengzhou Airport economy development promotes the innovation of regional development mode

Joel Garreau,the writer of Edge City ,proposed that city development always relied on the most advanced means of transportation at that time. John·Kasarda,author of Aerotropolis pointed out that the outline and destiny of city has been deepening on the means of transportation. The construction of international aviation hub has great influence on the airport economy development in Zhengzhou and Henan. The significant feature of airport economy is speed. After several years’ development,“Zhengzhou speed” is well-known both at home and abroad. “Zhengzhou speed” is created by the improvement of the local investment environment,the optimization of the international business environment and the advance of government management efficiency,which manifests development advantages of central China and the exploration of regional development pattern. This progress is just the spectacular lightspot during the reform and development in Henan. Therefore,ZAEZ is a beacon that lights up the future direction of comprehensively deepening reform and “Synchronization of Five Modernizations”,creates the new pattern of inland open development,and finds a new path for the structural reform of supply-side. This new pattern based on the practice of Henan which is a huge province with one hundred million people will be of great theoretical importance. It may be a symbol of that the traditional theory of regional development that 80% of the developed regions centralized in the coastal area or along the river since the industrial revolution will be changed. The hotspot of regional development theory will turn to the inland areas for that the air transportation has been playing an expanding effect on the global economy development. If this analysis is true,the theory of development economy will appears significant innovation,the global pattern of regional economic development will meets historical major changes,and some inland regions suitable for airport economy development will receive important opportunities.

4.Zhengzhou Airport economy development shows us the trend of future regional development with four characteristics

In 2012,the proportion of service industry in GDP exceeded the proportion of the secondary industry for the first time. The service industry has become the most active factor in economic development,and it has entered in the golden period of comprehensive development. Keeping with the provincial and national development trend,Zhengzhou airport economic development also presents a new trend with four characteristics. Firstly,the regional economy development shows characteristic of servitization. High-speed international logistic development,cross-border electronic commerce,and cloud computing and large data services have provided huge space and great impetus for construction of the service industry in Henan province. Secondly,the service industry development shows characteristic of informatization. The service industry,especially for the manufacture-related one,will realize informatization completely by taking the information age express and taking advantage of the opportunities of cloud computing and big data. Thirdly,the information industry development shows characteristic of intelligentization. All kinds of smart equipment’s penetration have rapidly increased in China,especially for smart phone for its penetration is the highest in the world. The big data research and application is moving towards intelligentization which will be of far-reaching influence on our future work and life. Fourthly,the industry development shows characteristic of greenization. Currently,the green development has become people’s basic demands. This demand will force us to completely change the development concept,adjust the industrial development path,reintegrate the resources configuration structure of the whole society,and to promote sustainable development,so that we can live with blue sky,green water and hills together,enhance the quality of economic and social development,and satisfy the general public for the historic pursuit of green development.


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(Zhang Zhancang,the president of Henan Academy of Social Sciences,Senior Researcher,doctoral supervisor. Chen Ping,associate researcher of Regional Economic Review of Henan Academy of Social Sciences. Peng Junjie,research assistant of Institute of Urban and Environment of Henan Academy of Social Sciences.) 6PzElz2c1WChPYk50HFn5jOc5lnvi2a7UtWRki4b7OTHJ8dZ2nlJOaV45wFODjRs
