
Title XLVL Concerning Transfers of Property

1.The observance shall be that the Thunginus or Centenarius shall call together a “Thing,” and shall have his shield in the “Thing,” and shall demand three men as witnesses for each of the three transactions. He (the owner of the land to be transferred) shall seek a man who has no connection with himself,and shall throw a stalk into his lap. And to him into whose lap he has thrown the stalk he shall tell,concerning his property,how much of it-or whether the whole or a half-he wishes to give. He in whose lap he threw the stalk shall remain in his (the owner’s) house,and shall collect three or more guests,and shall have the property — as much as is given him — in his power. And,afterwards,he to whom that property is entrusted shall discuss all these things with the witnesses collected afterwards,either before the king or in the regular “Thing,” he shall give the property up to him for whom it was intended. He shall take the stalk in the “Thing,” and,before 12 months are over,shall throw it into the lap of him whom the owner has named heir;and he shall restore not more nor less,but exactly as much as was entrusted to him.

2.And if any one shall wish to say anything against this,three sworn witnesses shall say that they were in the “Thing” which the “Thunginus” or “Centenarius” called together,and that they saw that man who wished to give his property throw a stalk into the lap of him whom he had selected. They shall name by name him who threw his property into the lap of the other,and,likewise,shall name him whom he named his heir. And three other sworn witnesses shall say that he in whose lap the stalk was thrown had remained in the house of him who gave his property,and had there collected three or more guests and that they had eaten porridge at table,and that he had collected those who were bearing witness,and that those guests had thanked him for their entertainment. All this those other sworn witnesses shall say,and that he who received that property in his lap in the “Thing” held before the king,or in the regular public “Thing,” did publicly,before the people,either in the presence of the king or in public “Thing” — namely on the Mallberg,before the “Thunginus” — throw the stalk into the lap of him whom the owner had named as heir. And thus 9 witnesses shall confirm all this. IYeojUVvEkFFiLgS0sNYGG4osyPMfZfr7uudA6RIF+9nZOpPEO9K/Uf9f6tY518G
