
Title XLV. Concerning Migrators

1.If any one wish to migrate to another village and if one or more who live in that village do not wish to receive him,-if there be only one who objects,he shall not have leave to move there.

2.But if he shall have presumed to settle in that village in spite of his rejection by one or two men,then some one shall give him warning. And if he be unwilling to go away,he who gives him warning shall give him warning,with witnesses,as follows:I warn thee that thou mayst remain here this next night as the Salic law demands,and I warn thee that within 10 nights thou shalt go forth from this village. After another 10 nights he shall again come to him and warn him again within 10 nights to go away. If he still refuse to go,again 10 nights shall be added to the command,that the number of 30 nights may be full. If he will not go away even then,then he shall summon him to the “Thing,” and present his witnesses as to the separate commands to leave. If he who has been warned will not then move away,and no valid reason detains him,and all the above warnings which we have mentioned have been given according to law:then he who gave him warning shall take the mutter into his own hands and request the “comes” to go to that place and expel him. And because he would not listen to the law,that man shall relinquish all that he has earned there,and,besides,shall be sentenced to 1200 denars,which make 30 shillings.

3.But if anyone have moved there,and within 12 months no one have given him warning,he shall remain as secure as the other neighbours. lAunpOl9ibXLgltrOV7ZPM4bVmT2cMslpHlciOIba7KOAJfHCiz40SPTqKQCW7pV
