
Title XVII. Concerning Wounds

1.If any one have wished to kill another person,and the blow have missed,he on whom it was proved shall be sentenced to 2500 denars,which make 63 shillings.

2.If any person have wished to strike another with a poisoned arrow,and the arrow have glanced aside,and it shall be proved on him;he shall be sentenced to 2500 denars,which make 63 shillings.

3.If any person strike another on the head so that the brain appears,and the three bones which lie above the brain shall project,he shall be sentenced to 1200 denars,which make 30 shillings.

4.But if it shall have been between the ribs or in the stomach,so that the wound appears and reaches to the entrails,he shall be sentenced to 1200 denars — which make 30 shillings — besides five shillings for the physician’s pay.

5.If any one shall have struck a man so that blood falls to the floor,and it be proved on him,he shall be sentenced to 600 denars,which make 15 shillings.

6.But if a freeman strike a freeman with his fist so that blood does not flow,he shall be sentenced for each blow — up to 3 blows — to 120 denars,which make 3 shillings. Vu3MzjRvL4oH3VmW62P4WKMpQO2Gh0IafAP070ZukyzNHMC6i+Hw447e88HttwzL
