
Account 2

While King Chlodovocar dwelt at Paris he sent secretly to Cloderic,son of Sigibert,king of Cologne,and said unto him:“Behold,your father is old and lame. If he should die,his kingdom would be yours on the strength of our friendship together”. Then it came to pass that Sigebert quitted the city of Cologne and crossed the Rhine to enjoy himself in the forest of Buconia. And as he slept in his tent about noon time,his son sent assassins against him,and caused him to perish,in order to gain his kingdom. The murderer sent messengers to Chlodovocar saying:“My father is dead,even as was enjoined,and I have in my possession both his wealth and his kingdom. Send,therefore,some of your people,and I will freely commit to them whatever you wish of his treasures”.

When Chlodovocar’s messengers came,Cloderic opened before them the treasures of his father;but as he thrust his hand deep down in the chest,one of the messengers raised his “Franciska” [the Frankish battle axe] and cleft his skull. Then Chlodovocar straightway presented himself at Cologne,assembled the folk there and spoke to them:“Hear what has befallen. While I sailed upon the river Scheldt,Cloderic,the son of my kinsman,pursued his father,pretending that I desired him to kill him;and while Sigebert fled across the forest of Buconia,Cloderic compassed his death by brigands. Then he himself — at the moment he was opening the treasures of his father — was smitten and slain!I know not by whom. I am in no way an accomplice in these deeds;for I cannot shed the blood of my kinsfolk — something utterly unlawful!But since the thing is done,I give you council;if you are willing,receive me as your king. Have recourse to me and put yourselves under my protection”.

The Ripuarian Franks of Cologne welcomed these words with loud applause,and with the clashing of their shields. They lifted Chlodovocar upon a shield,and proclaimed him king over them.....

Daily did God cause Chlodovocar’s enemies to fall into his hand,and increased his kingdom;seeing that he went about with his heart right before the Lord,and did that which was pleasing in His eyes. xS8Zrg12cjm4NYOY/NknIug4h0Ta3Q2hwxw5ycOmSecrwMAvQxYgavUhDRqR9cak
