ACRS (Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards):反应堆安全顾问委员会
AEC (Atomic Energy Commission):原子能委员会
APA (the Administrative Procedure Act):行政程序法
BMA (the Beachfront Management Act):海滨地区管理法
BO (Biological Opinion):生物学意见
BOR (Bureau of Reclamation):美国开垦局
CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality):国家环境质量委员会
CERCLA (the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation,and Liability Act):综合环境反应、赔偿和责任法(超级基金法)
C.F.R.(Code of Federal Regulation):联邦法规法典
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora):濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约
CVPIA (the Central Valley Project Improvement Act):中部峡谷工程促进法
DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation):(州)环境保护部
EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment):环境影响评价
EIS (Environmental Impact Statement):环境影响报告书
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency):美国联邦环境保护局
ESA (the Endangered Species Act):濒危物种法
Fed.Reg.(Federal Register):联邦公告
FWCA (the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act):鱼类和野生生物协调法
FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service)(内政部)鱼类和野生生物服务局
HEW (Department of Health,Education and Welfare):卫生、教育和福利部
HUD (Housing and Urban Development):美国住房与城市发展部
LAER (Lowest Achievable Emission Rate):可行的最低限度排放标准
MRGCD (Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District):格兰德河中部保护区
NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards):国家环境空气质量标准
NAPCA (National Air Pollution Control Administration):国家空气污染控制局
NCP (National Contingency Plan):国家应急计划
NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act):国家环境政策法
NFPA (National Forest Products Association):国家森林制品协会
NPL (National Priority List):国家优先权名单
NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council):自然资源保卫委员会
NSPS (New Source Performance Standards):新污染源排放标准
NSR (New Source Review):新污染源审查
PSD (Prevention of Significant Deterioration):防止(空气质量)显著恶化
RCAA (Rio Chama Acequia Association):查马河灌溉水渠协会
RSEDRA (the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act):开垦中的州发生旱灾时紧急救济法
SIP (State Implementation Plan):州实施(空气污染控制)规划
SJC (San JuanChama):圣胡安—查马(地名)
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority):田纳西流域管理局
U.S.C.(United States Code):美国法典
WQIA (the Water Quality Improvement Act):水质促进法