翻译时不能简单地或机械地逐字照译,硬凑成英文,必须认真分析上下文,掌握词的确切含义,然后用适当的英文表达,必要时需要变换一些词,如“小记者”译成teenage reporter,“深感忧虑”译成deeply concerned等,都是采用了变通手段。
词类转换是翻译中常见的手段,通过词类的转换可以突破原文的句式,引起句法的转换,如“近来,研究人员发现感冒可以通过人的手传染。”可译为Recent research discoveries indicate that flu can be spread by handcontacts.原文中的“发现”是动词,而译文根据上下文的需要,灵活地把动词转换成名词discoveries。词类的转换常见的有以下几种情况:
a. 这只船容易倾覆是因为它的造型不合理。
This boat is aptto overturn because it is unreasonably shaped.
比较:This boat is apt to overturn because its shape is unreasonable.
b. 这座工厂的先进的安装线与合理的生产组织给我们留下深刻的印象。
The factoryimpressed us deeply with its advanced assembly lines and the reasonableorganization of production.
句中“给我们留下深刻印象”也可以译成made a strong impression on us that...但是这样一来,句子的其他部分就会弄得很复杂,不如译成动词短语为好。
c. 他们的结论是新方法有很多优点。
They concludedthat the new method had a lot of advantages.
此句当然也可译成:Their conclusion was that the new method had a lot of advantages.
在这样的语言环境中,其后半句就只能采用第一种译法,而不能采用第二种译法,如可以译成:When asked which method was better, they concluded that…(或they arrived at the conclusionthat…)而不能译成:Whenasked which method was better, their conclusion was that...
a. 我们的图书馆正在改建中。
Our library isunder reconstruction. 比...is being reconstructed更为正式。
b. 这台备用发电机是在万一停电时使用的。
This emergencygenerator is used in case of the interruption of service(in case of powerinterruption) 比incase the service/thepower is interrupted更加书面化。
c. 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。
Hisabsent-mindedness during experimenting nearly caused an explosion of thechemical.
d. 消防队员奋战了好几小时,才控制住了火势。
The firemenbattled against the flames for several hours before getting them under control.比译成before theycontrolled them更符合英语表达习惯。
a. 我们确信这个实验是会成功的。
We are sure thatthe experiment will turn out a success.
b. 世界上只有海水取之不尽,用之不竭。
In our worldonly the sea water is inexhaustible.
a. 由于老板拒绝工人们提高工资的要求,工人们决定继续罢工。
Since the bosshad refused their demand for higher pay, the workers decided to go on striking.
b. 她抱着满满的一堆衣服走进房去。
She walked intothe room with her arms full of clothes.
c. 他总是打开窗子睡觉。
He always sleepswith the windows open.
d. 她说她是来拿那些文件的。
She said she camefor those documents.
(1) 简单句与复合句之间的转换
a. This is thehotel designed jointly by two of the third year students of the ArchitectureDepartment of Tongji University.(简单句)
b. This is thehotel which was designed jointly by two of the third year students of theArchitecture Department of Tongji University.
c. This is thehotel which two of the third year students of the Architecture Department ofTongji University designed jointly.(复合句)
a. He was thefirst man to fly across the Atlantic.(不定式)
b. He was thefirst man that flew across the Atlantic.(定语从句)
c. He was thefirst man flying across the Atlantic.(分词)
This is the roomto be adapted for use as a garage.(=This is the room that will be adapted foruse as a garage.)
a. 走进大厅,我们就发现它的内部结构很宏伟。
Entering the greathall, we found its interior structure was very magnificent.(=When we enteredthe great hall, we found…)
b. 由于不知道怎样使用这些精密仪器,他们请实验员做一次示范表演。
Not knowing how touse these precision instruments, they asked the laboratory technician to give ademonstration of them.(=Because/As they didn’t know how to use…)
In order tosolve the problem of traffic jam, we have made a large amount of investigations.(=Inorder that the problem of traffic jam can be solved, …)
a. 屋顶有漏洞,房子需要修理。
There beingleaks in the roof, the house needs repair.(=Since there are leaks in the roof,the house needs repair.)
b. 如果从全面考虑,他的计划值得推荐。
All thingsconsidered, his method is worthy of recommendation.(=If all things areconsidered, …)
a. 一到达火车站,他就发现家乡已经大大地变样了。
On arriving atthe station, he found his hometown had greatly changed.(=As soon as he arrivedat the station, …)
b. 这房子尽管富丽堂皇,但是住起来一点也不舒服。
With all itsmagnificence, the house is not at all comfortable to live in.(=Though the houseis magnificent, it is not at all comfortable to live in.)
a. 他坚持要我们把调查的结果公诸于众。
He insisted onour making public the results of our investigations.(=He insisted that we makepublic the results of our investigations.)
b. 他们充分利用废旧材料修理房屋的做法是值得高度赞扬的。
Their making fulluse of the scrap and waste materials in repairing houses deserves highcommendation.
a. 这只表似乎修过好几次了。
It seems thatthe watch has been repaired for many times.(=The watch seems to have beenrepaired for many times.)
b. 她可能已经服用了过量的安眠药。
It is possiblethat she has taken an overdose of sleeping pills.(=She may have taken anoverdose of sleeping pills.)
(2) 并列句与简单句的转换
a. He had a goodcommand of mathematics, and so he decided to teach mathematics after graduation.(并列句)
b. Having a goodcommand of mathematics, he decided to teach mathematics after graduation.(简单句)
a. The window ofthis room is very large, hence it can admit an adequate amount of sunlight.(并列句)
b. The window ofthis room is large enough to admit an adequate amount of sunlight.(简单句)
a. This is afire extinguisher, and it is used only in emergency.(并列句)
b. As a fireextinguisher, it is only used in emergency.(简单句)
a. This is themost luxurious hotel in our town, which was designed by a student of theArchitecture Dept. of our University.(复合句)
b. This is themost luxurious hotel in our town, and it was designed by a student of theArchitecture Dept. of our University.(并列句)
a. Yesterday wepaid a visit to the town’s museum, where we saw a lot of rare insect specimens.(复合句)
b. Yesterday wepaid a visit to the town’s museum, and there we saw a lot of rare insect specimens.(并列句)
a. The telephoneoperator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.(复合句)
b. We had notyet finished our conversation, and then we were cut off by the telephoneoperator.(并列句)
a. Hardly hadthe train started moving when it accelerated to 80 miles an hour.(复合句)
b. The train hadjust started moving,and almost simultaneously it accelerated to 80 miles an hour.(并列句)
a. We had to makea detour to avoid the busy center of the town, because it was blocked by thetraffic accident.(复合句)
b. The busycenter of the town was blocked by the traffic accident, so we had to make adetour to avoid it.(并列句)
a. Stir theliquid slowly with a glass rod, and it will become denser and denser.(并列句)
b. If you stirthe liquid slowly with a glass rod, it will become denser and denser.(复合句)
a. Don’t parkyour car here, or you will be fined 5 dollars.(祈使句)
b. If you parkyour car here, you will be fined 5 dollars.(复合句)
(4) 复合句之间的相互转换
Professor Wang, whohas a good command of several foreign languages, is qualified to be aninterpreter on that occasion.
As professorWang has a good command of several foreign languages, he is qualified to be aninterpreter on that occasion.
When he entered,the telephone was ringing.
He entered whilethe telephone was ringing.
When he reachedthe airport, the airliner had taken off.
He reached theairport after the airliner had taken off.
(1) 被动译成被动
a. 这个实验该由学生们自己去做。
This experimentshould be done by the students themselves.
b. 关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题已由市政府予以充分重视。
Full attentionhas been paid by the municipal government to the improvement of the housingconditions of the urban inhabitants.
(2) 主动译成被动
a. 随着科学技术的发展,化学能是很容易转变为电能的。
With thedevelopment of science and technology, chemical energy can readily be changedinto electric energy.
b. 又一座立交桥将于年底通车。
Another flyoverwill be opened to traffic by the end of this year.
c. 她已经动过三次手术了。
She has beenoperated on for three times.
d. 很容易看出这录音机已经修理过好几次了。
It can easily beseen that the recorder has been repaired several times.
a. 众所周知,中国八百年前,就发明了火箭。
As is known toall, the rocket was invented in China over 800 years ago.
b. 他说三个月就能完成这项工程。
He said thisproject could be completed within 3 months.
c. 每十分钟生产一台机器是完全可能的。
It is quitepossible that a machine is turned out in every 10 minutes.
(3) 被动含义译成主动形式
a. 这一章需要重写。
This chapterneeds rewriting.(=this chapter needs to be rewritten.)
b. 这篇论文值得一读。
This thesis isworth reading.
c. 干柴容易燃烧。
Dry wood burnseasily.
d. 那本小说很畅销。
That novel sellsvery well.
e. 这扇窗子打不开。
This window willnot open.
a. 由于好些字母已被磨损,招牌已经看不清楚了。
The sign was nolonger legible because much of the lettering had worn away.(比较:The sign could no longer beread easily because…)
b. 许多星星用肉眼是看不见的。
Many stars are invisibleto the naked eye.(比较:Many stars are not seen with the naked eye.)
(4) 主动含义译成被动形式——系表结构
a. 花园的门是关着的。
The garden gatewas closed.
比较:It was closed by the ranger.(被动)
b. 家具上布满了灰尘。
The furniture iscoated with dust.
比较:The iron door was coated with a layer of paint to prevent it fromrusting.(被动)
c. 我们已经作好最坏的准备。
We have beenprepared for the worst to happen.
比较:The breakfast has been prepared.(被动)
译文的增词、减词都是为了更确切、更忠实地表达原文的内容和精神。译文中添加一些原文没有的词句,表面上看似不忠实,但仔细分析就会发现这些增加的词句所表达的意思并非无中生有,而是隐含在原文中的。减词是在不影响原文意思的情况下省略无关紧要的词语,避免拖泥带水。如“感冒可以通过人的手传染”可以译为flu can be spread by hand contacts,其中的contacts就是根据译文需要添加上的。而“百姓出现吃饭点灯难现象”中的“现象”一词可以省略,译成people do not even have matches to light their stoves就足以表达原文中的信息。
(1) 增添必要的代词。
a. 没有调查就没有发言权。
He who makes no investigationand study has no right to speak.
b. 交出翻译之前必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。
Before handingin your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if thereis anything in it to be corrected or improved.
(2) 增添必要的冠词。
We must make a comprehensiveanalysis of a problem before it can be properly solved.
(3) 增添必要的介词。
a. 你是白天工作还是夜间工作。
Do you work indaytime or at night?
b. 地区没什么城乡差别。
There is little differencebetween town and country in this region.
(4) 增添必要的连接词语。
a. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
Modesty helpsone to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
b. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
So long as greenhills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.
(5) 增添必要的背景解释性词语。
a. 班门弄斧。
Showing off one’sproficiency with the ax before Lu Ban the master carpenter.
b. 这真是俗话说的,“旁观者清”。
It is just asthe proverb goes, “The onlooker sees most of the game .”
(1) 省略不必要的重复、冗词之类的赘言。例如:
We answer thatthe Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that it is amanifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine.
(2) 省略概念范畴类的词语。例如:
After herfriends heard about her family difficulties, they offered her a helping hand.
(3) 省略过详的细节描述。例如:
The garden was aparadise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and moremoney than could be spent.