1.DueAttention Should Be Given to Spelling [2010年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to writea short essay entitled Due Attention Should Be Given toSpelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outlinegiven below in Chinese:
Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling
Correct spellingis a basic skill in studying English. (1)However, nowadays spelling is neglected by many students intheir English study.
(2)They have their ownreasons for misspelling. First of all, they prefer an easy way ofstudying language, which causes some losses and changes in spelling. Second,the teachers are not very strict with students’ spelling. In China, teachersseem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary rather than spelling.
(3)To change this bad habit,from my point of view, the teachers and students should work together.On the one hand, the teachers should pay more attention to students’ spelling,asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling fromthe very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the studentsthemselves are supposed to be aware of the necessity of correct spelling inEnglish study.
In conclusion, correct spelling is so important that both teachersand students should try their best to achieve correct spelling.
(1) 提出与文章话题相关的现象,为下文的论述作铺垫。
(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段从学生和老师两个方面指出了原因。
(3) 这一段写为了改变这种状况老师和学生应该怎么做,与上文相呼应。
neglect v. 疏忽,忽视
be serious with对……认真对待
be concernedwith 关注……
be conscious of…=beaware of… 意识到……
①However, nowadays…is neglected by many students in their Englishstudy.
②To change this bad habit, from my point of view…should worktogether.
2.Creatinga Green Campus [2009年12月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Creatinga Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following theoutline given below in Chinese:
Creating a Green Campus
(1)Recently, “green campus”has become an increasingly popular concept in universities and colleges,which, undoubtedly, will bring an everlasting benefitto both our campus and our society.
(2)“Green campus” not onlymeans creating a green environment on campus, but also refers to that thestudents should be educated and have an environmental sense in their mind.Of course, this concept is of great importance for the students because it setsgoals toward the future of the world. (3)“Green campus” plays an important part in educating the younggeneration and the consciousness of “green campus” will definitely produce aprofound effect on their actions after their graduation.
In order to realize “green campus”, there is much work to do. (4)To begin with, itis necessary to work out effective principles for the development of (5)sustainable and recyclablecampus. Then, it calls for people’s awarenessof the serious pollution around us and actual action to reduce the waste. Finally, the ties between campus and society shouldbe strengthened to ensure that “green campus” can work smoothly with the effortsof the whole society.
(1) 文章开头提出与话题相关的现象,这是一种很常见的开篇方式。
(2) 阐释“绿色校园”的含义。
(3) 此句指出了“绿色校园”对于学生的积极影响。
(4) 此段提出了建设“绿色校园”应该采取的三条措施。
(5) 这里使用了两个形容词进一步解释了“绿色校园”的含义。
everlasting adj. 永久的
definitely adv. 肯定地
profound adj. 深厚的,意义深远的
sustainable adj. 可持续的
recyclable adj. 可循环的
①Recently, “green campus” has become a more and more popular conceptin universities and colleges, which, undoubtedly, will bring an everlastingbenefit to both our campus and our society.
②“Green campus” not only means creating a green environment oncampus, but also refers to that the students should be educated and have anenvironmental sense in their mind.
③“Green campus” plays an important part in educating the younggeneration and the consciousness of “green campus” will definitely produce a profoundeffect on their actions after their graduation.
3.Recreationalactivities [2008年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Recreational activities. Youshould write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
Recreational Activities
(1)People have access to awealth of recreational activities, which help to release their strain andstress. These activities range from sports to online activities.
(2)There is an on-going hotdebate arguing whether they are beneficial to the public or not. Withregard to such a question, different people have different views. (3)Some people believe thatrecreational activities are helpful for them to keep healthy both physicallyand mentally. (4)However,some others claim that recreational activities also bring many problems.For instance, many young people are easily addicted to the virtual world, whichseriously affects their study and health.
(5)In my view, I reckon that the advantages of recreationalactivities outweigh its disadvantages. They do give us a good chance tobuild a strong body and mind, which helps improve our work efficiency. As longas we can manage our time reasonably, the recreational activities willdefinitely provide more benefits to us.
(1) 开篇点题,指出人们能参加多种多样的娱乐活动。
(2) 引出本文讨论的主要问题。
(3) 指出一些人的观点,即娱乐活动使人们受益。
(4) 指出另一些人的观点,即娱乐活动有危害性。
(5) 提出自己的观点,认为娱乐活动利大于弊。
access n. 进入;使用权
recreational adj. 娱乐的,消遣的;休养的
release v. 释放
on-going adj. 正在进行的;继续的,持续的
with regard to adv. 关于;至于
reckon v. 认为;估计
①People have access to a wealth of recreational activities, whichhelp to release their strain and stress.
②There is an on-going hot debate arguing whether they are beneficialto the public or not.
③In my view, I reckon that the advantages of recreational activitiesoutweigh its disadvantages.
4.WhatElectives to Choose? [2007年12月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled What Electives to Choose. Youshould write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
What Electives to Choose?
With the reform of Chinese higher education, many collegesand universities have begun to put emphasis on nurturing students’ abilities. (1)As a result, all kinds of elective courses areavailable for all the students.
(2)Studentschoose their own electives for different reasons. (3)Forsome, practical skills are the essenceof college education, so courses on computer science, marketing and finance arehighly preferred. For others, optional courses are good chances for them tosatisfy their personal interests, so courses concerning literature, history, andphilosophy are welcomed.
(4)Takeme as an example. I stand for thenotion that the university is not only a place for survival skills, but also aplace of knowledge and critical reasoning. (5)Although my major is mathematics, the electives Ichoose consist of English Literature, an Introduction to Western history, andArt, which are really helpful to broaden my horizon.
(1) 点题,指出所有的学生都可以上各种各样的选修课。
(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段写学生选择不同的选修课有不同的原因。
(3) 具体指出一些人为了学习实用技能,另一部分人为了满足自己的个人兴趣。
(4) 作者以自己为例说明选择选修课的原因。
(5) 指出我选择的选修课并说明原因。
put emphasis on重视,强调;把重点放在……
nurture v. 养育;鼓励;培植
optionaladj. 可选择的;随意的;非强制的
stand for 代表;支持;象征;担任……的候选人
notion n. 概念;见解;打算
①With the reform of Chinese higher education, many colleges anduniversities have begun to put emphasis on nurturing students’ abilities.
②I stand for thenotion that …is not only…, but also …
5.Welcometo Our Club [2007年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Welcome to our club. You should write at least 120words following the outline given bellow in Chinese:
Welcome to Our Club
(1)Welcome to English club!Our club aims to improve your spoken English. As many Chinese studentshave trouble in speaking English fluently,our club will provide you many opportunities to practice your oralEnglish.
If you join us: (2)Firstly, you cannot only practice spoken English, but also have a good knowledge of westerncultures, since we will have different topics about western countries everyweekend. Secondly, as we are going to inviteforeign teachers from other universities, you will have chances to speak toforeigners, which will surely help improve your spoken English. Moreover, you will become more confident in our clubby communicating with others.
(3)You caneither email us by English@126.com or call us directly, the phone number is18888888.We are looking forward to seeing you!
(1) 第一段首先表达对大家加入俱乐部的欢迎,同时对该俱乐部作了简单的介绍。
(2) 这一段详细地说明了加入俱乐部的三个好处,分别是理解西方文化、提高口语水平和增强自信心。
(3) 给出联系方式,号召大家加入。
aim to 致力于……
have trouble indoing… 做某事有困难
have a goodknowledge of… 了解
become/beconfident in… 对……有信心
①Welcome to…club! Our club aims to…
②You can either email us by…or call us directly, the phone number is…
6.ACampaign Speech [2005年1月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speechin support of your election to the post ofchairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words followingthe outline given below in Chinese:
A Campaign Speech
Dear fellow students,
(1)I am honored to stand hereand give a speech to all of you. (2)First, please allow me to briefly introduce myself:My name is Li Ming, and I am a junior from the School of Foreign Languages. Ihave been a student assistant in the President’s office for two years.
I am firmlyconfident in my qualification for the position of President of the StudentUnion. (3)To beginwith, I have gained rich experience in social activities as a studentassistant and have also been awarded as “Excellent Student Leader” in myschool. In addition, I am a warm-heartedperson who is always ready to help anyone in need. I alsohave a wide range of interests, playing guitar, (4)to name one of them.
If elected as President, I will organize various activities related to academic studies,entertainment and sports to satisfy your needs. Besides, I am going to invite some famousprofessors to give lectures to you in order that you can learn more knowledge. Inshort, I would like to serveall the students heart and soul. (5)Please vote for me, and Iwill prove to you how wise your choice is today. Thankyou for your attention.
(1) 演说词开头的固定模式,表示自己很荣幸有机会发表演讲。
(2) 在演说开头通常要进行简单的自我介绍。
(3) 这一段用了三个理由来支持主句的观点,说明自己为何有信心。三个观点分别使用了to begin with、in addition、also作为连接词,过渡自然。
(4) to name one of them是一个不错的列举表达法。
(5) 这是常用的拉票词,使用祈使句恰当地表明了作者的真诚和希望。
junior n. 大学三年级学生
qualification n. 资格,条件
award v. 授予,奖励
range n. 范围
entertainment n. 娱乐
①I am honored to stand here and give a speech to all of you.
②I am firmly confident in my qualification for the position of…
③Please vote for me, and I will prove you will not regret your choicetoday.
7.StudentUse of Computers [2002年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Student Use of Computers. You should write at least120 words, and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below:
Student Use of Computers
(1)The decade of 1990s haswitnessed a dramatic increase in the student use of computers. As can beseen from the chart, in 1990, a student spent about two hours on the computerevery week, in 1995 the number doubled and in 2000, the average time a studentspent on the computer per week (2)soared to 20 hours.
(3)Several reasons canaccount for such changes. (4)First, computers make our life easier. With the helpof computers, we can do our work, communicate with our friends, and getentertained without going out of the door. Second,the price of computers becomes lower and lower, thus more and more universitiesand families can afford to buy one. Consequently, they are always available tothe students. Besides, the fast development ofthe Internet enlarges our demands for using computers.
(5)However,there are still some problems emerging with students’ using computers. Manystudents get addicted to computer games or vulgar information on the Internet,which is not good for their studies and health. Another problem is that somestudents spend too much time in front of computers so that they have littletime to interact with the real world. Computer is a (6)double-edged sword, so we should try to be themasters instead of slaves of it.
(1) 开篇点题,The decade of 1990s has witnessed…这种表达值得借鉴。
(2) 表示“飙升”,比用increase要好。
(3) 第二段的主题句。
(4) 分三个层次指出了学生使用电脑时间飙升的原因。
(5) 指出大学生使用电脑的问题。
(6) 表示“双刃剑”。
decade n. 十年
soar vi. 飙升
get entertained得到娱乐
available adj. 可以得到的
get addicted to上瘾
vulgar adj. 庸俗的, 粗俗的, 低级的
①The decade of 1990shas witnessed…
②Several reasons can account for…
③…is a double-edged sword, so we should…
8.Isa Test of Spoken English Necessary? [2000年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The firstsentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 100 words,and base your competition on the outline given in Chinese below:
Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?
(1)A test of spoken Englishwill be included as an optional component of the College English Test, whichleads to a heated debate as to whether a test of spoken English is necessary ornot. Opinions on the matter vary from person to person. (2)Some people hold the viewthat it is of great importance to have oral tests, which can examine thetestees’ speaking ability on the one hand and stimulate them to speak Englishon the other.
(3)There are still othershaving an opposite opinion. They argue that testing spoken English is awaste of time and energy, since written tests can fully measure the testees’abilities.
(4)As forme, I am with the former viewpoint. I suppose that the oral test isquite indispensable. It goes without saying that spoken English is essentialfor communicating with English speakers. Oral English tests can not onlyexamine the testees’ oral expressing ability, but also encourage or even forcethem to speak English rather than just read and write it. Therefore, as a worldtrade major, (5)it istime that I tried my utmost to improve my oral English and participatedin such a test.
(1) 开篇点题,指出是否需要口语考试引发了人们激烈的争论。
(2) 一部分人认为口语测试很有必要。
(3) 另一部分人持相反的观点。
(4) 这是观点对比型文章中经常用到的句子,作者同意前一种观点。
(5) 提出自己的打算。
optional adj. 可选择的
component n. 组成部分
heated debate激烈争论
stimulate v. 刺激,鼓舞,激励
indispensable adj. 不可或缺的,必需的
①…leads to a heated debate as to whether…or not.
②Opinions on the matter vary from person to person.
③As for me, I am with the former viewpoint.
④It goes without saying that…
⑤Therefore, as a…it is time that…
9.HowI Finance My College Education? [2000年1月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education. You should writeat least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese)below:
1.上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决;
How I Finance my College Education?
Nowadays inChina, (1)students ingrowing numbers are admitted to universities and colleges. Therefore, itis impossible that students go to college solely in the support of governmentfinance. (2)They haveto pay their tuition and fees more or less.
(3)Students can finance theircollege education in various ways. (4)To begin with, if the student’s family is affluentenough, he can always depend on his parents, as is the most common case inChina. Secondly, some excellent students canapply for scholarships to reduce the tuition burden. Furthermore,for the students from poverty-stricken regions, they can choose to turn to thebank for a loan, which they can repay after graduation. Still another very useful way is that students can do some part-timejobs so as to earn their tuition and living allowances.
(5)In mycase, I am fortunate enough to be born in a well-to-do family. Myparents paid most of the tuition and fees for me. (6)But personally, I prefer to earn the tuition and feesby myself, because by doing so I can accumulatesome working experience, which is not available in class. What’s more, I canreduce my parents’ burden by earning money. In my spare time, I work as anEnglish tutor. I will continue doing so until my graduation.
(1) 这种表达比more and more students更正式一些。
(2) 指出大学生必须缴纳一定的学费,介绍了话题涉及的背景。
(3) 第二段的主题句,给出主题句使文章的脉络很清晰。
(4) 条理清晰地介绍了四种筹集学费的途径。
(5) 说明我的情况,我主要是靠父母的资助。
(6) 指出我更倾向于通过自己的努力挣学费,并给出了理由。
tuition n. 学费
affluent adj. 富裕的
apply forscholarship 申请奖学金
poverty-strickenregion 贫困地区
livingallowance 生活津贴
①To begin with…Secondly…Furthermore…Still another very useful way isthat…
②But personally, I prefer to…because…
10.ReadingSelectively or Extensively [1999年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should writeat least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese)below:
Reading Selectively or Extensively
(1)Recently, there arises ahot debate as to whether we should read selectively or extensively. Differentpeople hold different opinions.
(2)Some people think that weshould read selectively. They maintain that with the fast development ofscience and technology, an increasing number of books are published every day.Thus, it is impossible for us to read all the books. Besides, different peopleneed different kinds of books, so some books are of no use to some people. Therefore,we should adopt the approach of selective reading.
(3)Still there are otherskeeping an opposite view. They claim that nowadays our society needs interdisciplinarytalents, who should have a good knowledge of many subjects. If a man knows muchin one field but knows nothing in others, he may not be recruited by a company.Thus, we should read extensively.
(4)As forme, both views hold water to some extent. I think we should readextensively first and then read intensively about the subjects we areinterested in.
(1) 凡是文中涉及对于同一事物持两种相反的观点都可以用这种句型开头。
(2) 提出一些人的观点。
(3) 提出另一些人的相反观点。
(4) 提出自己的观点,折中上面两种观点,即先博览群书,再选择那些我们感兴趣的书籍深入阅读。
hot debate 激烈的辩论
an increasingnumber of 越来越多……
interdisciplinarytalents 复合型人才
recruit v. 征募,聘用
hold water 站得住脚,合情合理,说得通
①Recently, there arises a hot debate as to whether…
②Different people hold different opinions.
③As for me, both views hold water to some extent.
11.Gettingto Know the World outside the Campus [1997年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. Youshould write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on theoutline (given in Chinese) below:
Getting to Know the World outside the Campus
(1)It has become increasinglyessential for college students to get to know the world outside the tower of ivory.While the modern society is developing so fast, the university still teaches usknowledge years before and we can hardly exercise our practical abilities. Wemay only find that we can not keep pace with the world when we graduate fromcollege. Therefore, the earlier we get to know the world, the sooner we canadapt to it.
To get to knowthe outside world, we should (2)get close tosociety. There are many ways for us to approachsociety, but generally they can be listed as follow. (3)First, we can conduct a survey of society in summeror winter holidays by going to factories or the countryside. Besides, we can do part-time jobs in society. Most important of all, we can know the world outsidethe campus through mass media such as newspaper, TV, broadcast and evenInternet.
As far as I am concerned, I have already realized the importance ofknowing the society outside the campus. (4)In my spare time, I will read newspapers, conduct socialinvestigations, and if possible, I will find a part-time job. I have theconfidence that I won’t be a bookworm.
(1) 开篇点题,指出大学生了解校外世界的必要性。
(2) 指出大学生了解校外世界的三条途径,分别是做社会调查、做兼职、读报纸看电视等。
(3) 这里使用同义替换,使文章的表达显得更丰富多彩。
(4) 指出自己关于了解校外世界的打算,注意这里使用将来时。
essential adj. 基本的,必要的
adapt v. 适应;改编
approach v. 接近
conduct v. 进行,实施
survey n. 调查
investigation n. 调查
bookworm n. 书呆子
①It has become increasingly essential for…to…
②There are many ways for us to…but generally they can be listed asfollow.
③As far as I am concerned, I have already realized the importance of…
12.HowI Overcame my Difficulties in Learning English? [1992年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following twoquestions:
How I Overcame my Difficulties in Learning English?
(1)Most Chinese students havelearned English for ages and the overwhelming majority of them have encounteredsome difficulties in English learning. Some have difficulty in writing,while others in speaking. (2)For me, it is listening and speaking that caused me the mosttroubles. I can seldom catch the words in listening tests, let alonedirectly talk to others.
(3)I have spared no effortsto improve my listening and speaking abilities and finally made great progress.I made use of every spare moment to listen to English tapes and broadcasts likeVOA or BBC. Besides, I took every chance to talk with others in English to practicemy oral English, for listening and speaking are closely related to each other.With long-time persistence, my listening and speaking abilities have greatlyimproved.
All in all, practice makes perfect. (4)Through persistent efforts, Iovercame all the obstacles in English learning.
(1) 开篇点题。
(2) 指出自己学习英语的困难在听力和口语方面,为下文论述如何克服困难作铺垫。
(3) 这是该段的中心句,该段写克服这些困难所做的努力。
(4) 文章最后总结全文并点题,这是很好的结尾方式。
have difficultyin doing… 做某事有困难
spare noefforts 不遗余力,竭尽全力
persistence n. 持续;固执;存留
①Most Chinese students have learned English for ages and theoverwhelming majority of them have encountered some difficulties in Englishlearning.
②For me, it is listening and speaking that gave me the most troubles.
③I have spared no efforts to improve my listening and speakingabilities and finally made great progress.
④Through persistent efforts, I overcame all the obstacles in Englishlearning.
13.StudyingAbroad or Not
Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Studying Abroad or Not by commenting on the phenomenon of sudents’studying abroad. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180words.
Studying Abroad or Not
(1)Recently, the upsurge ofgoing abroad to study has spread from colleges to elementary schools. (2)Many people hold that itwill certainly be beneficial for students because they will be exposedto entirely new ideas and trends, and such experience can enrich theirknowledge and enhance their confidence and persistence. What’s more, they canlearn to be independent and grow up without the shelter of their parents.
(3)Yet many others keep anopposite view. They insist that it will be difficult for a student to adaptto the new diet, custom, climate of a foreign country and without proper guidance,the student may get lost.
(4)As forme, I think the latter opinion holds water. Although teenagers’ studyingabroad may bring favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about. Onlywhen the students can make judgments and tell good from bad can they go abroadto study.
(1) 指出话题产生的背景是出国留学热。
(2) 一些人认为出国留学有益。
(3) 另一些人持相反的观点。
(4) 作者提出自己的观点,同意后面一种观点,即不赞成学生出国留学。
upsurge n. 高潮
shelter n. n. 庇护,避难所
①Recently,the upsurge of…has spread from…to…
②As forme, I think the latter opinion holds water.
14.Abilityand Educational Background
1 现在很多公司招聘都看重学历,认为学历是能力的象征;
2 一些人则持相反观点;
3 我的看法。
Ability and Educational Background
(1)Nowadays, numerouscompanies attach great importance to the applicants’ educational backgoundsrather than their abilities when they recruit new employees. They seemto have reached a consensus that the higher the degree, the higher the ability.
(2)However, many others holddifferent views. They argue that though the degree may have something todo with the ability, it is anything but the determining factor. (3)High educational degreesdo not necessarily mean high abilities. Maybe a student, who is good atacademic research and achieves a high degree. lacks the practical ability andthere is a good chance for that.
From my point of view, I suppose the latter opinion holds water. (4)High educationalbackgrounds are not equal to high abilities.
(1) 指出现象并点题,这样的开篇方式值得借鉴。
(2) 这一段主要提出另一些人相反的观点。
(3) 该句中的necessarily一词用得妙,说话不能太绝对。
(4) 此句是总结全文的主旨句,放在篇末点题。
consensus n. 共识
necessarily adv. 必然地,必须地
①Nowadays, numerous companies attach great importance to theapplicants’ educational history rather than their abilities when they recruitnew employees.
②They seem to have reached a consensus that the higher the degree,the higher the ability.
③High educational degree does not necessarily mean high ability.
15.Howto Eliminate Cheating on Exams?
Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Eliminate Cheating on Exams. You should write at least 120 words but no morethan 180 words.
How to Eliminate Cheating on Exams?
(1)Nowadays, it is veryprevalent that college students cheat on exams. Trying to eliminatecheating has become a common part of people’s life. Cheating on exams on campushas especially aroused great concern.
(2)There are two majorreasons why students cheat on exams. First, as to some students who areunder great pressure from their parents or fear to fall behind others, they areeager to get high scores in exams. As to others, they devote all the time toplaying and intend to pass the exams without paying efforts. (3)Cheating on exams doesgreat harm to both students and teachers. Cheating on exams generatesunfairness for those who do not cheat. And to those who cheat on exams, theycannot find out what their problems are in the study. Also, teachers cannotknow the true levels of the students who cheat.
(4)The examis not the aim but a way to test the effect of education. So we shouldmake students understand the exam is not the most important. To achieve that,we should change students’ idea about exams and change society’s attitudetowards exams.
(1) 提出大学生考试作弊很常见的现象,发人深思。
(2) 两类学生分别有各自作弊的原因。
(3) 考试作弊对学生和老师的危害。
(4) 道出了考试的本质,考试不是目的,而是测试教学效果的一种手段。
prevalent adj. 流行的,普遍的
generate v. 引起
①Nowadays, it is very prevalent that…
②…has become a common part of people’s life.
③…has especially aroused great concern.
16.MyViews on Examinations
Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on Examinations by commenting on the advantages and disadvantages of exams. You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words.
My Views on Examinations
(1)InChina, the examinations are used as a chief means to decide whether a student hasmastered a particular subject.
(2)Althoughthe role they plays is quite efficient, their side effects cannot be ignored. To begin with, examinations lower the qualityof teaching. (3)Sinceteachers’ teaching abilities are measured by examination results, they are inclinedto teach their students the knowledge that will appear in the tests to helpstudents get through the exams. Inaddition, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad studyhabits. (4)The students aredriven to memorize mechanically rather than think creatively since their scoreis more important than their abilities. Moreover, the students may cheat in order to pass theexams.
(5)Althoughexaminations have many negative effects, they do bring benefits. For one thing, examinations can urge studentsto study hard in order to pass them. For another, they help to check students’learning efficiency so as to change the learning methods.
(1) 开篇点题,指出考试是衡量学生的重要方式。
(2) 该句承上启下,使文章过渡自然。
(3) 指出应试教育的原因和弊端。
(4) 这一句进一步指出应试教育的弊端。
(5) 这也是过渡句,该段主要写考试带来的好处。
incline vi. 倾斜;倾向;易于
get through 通过
urge sb. to dosth. 敦促某人做某事
①In China, the examination is used as a chief means to decide whethera student has mastered a particular subject.
②Although the role it plays is quite efficient, its side effectscannot be ignored.
③Although examinations have many negative effects, they do bring usbenefits.
Online Education
The (1)newly-coined word “onlineeducation” may by no means sound strange to most people. (2)During the past severalyears, hundreds of online education colleges have sprung up aroundChina.
(3)Why could online educationbe so popular in such a short period of time? (4)First of all, if we want to catch up with the developmentand the great pace of modern society, we all should possess an urgent andstrong desire to study, but most people nowadays are under so enormouspressures that they can hardly have time and energy to study full time atschool. Furthermore, online education enablesthem to save a great deal of time spent on the way between home and school. Last but not least, the quick development ofInternet, which makes possible all our dreams of attending class on the net,should also be another critical reason.
(5)Personally,I appreciate this new form of education. As indeed a helpful complement to thetraditional educational means, it can provide different learners with moreflexible and various ways to learn. Most of all, through online education, wecan stick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latestknowledge.
(1) coin有“造字,杜撰新词语”的意思。
(2) 时间状语,引出要描述的现象。
(3) 主题句以问句的形式提出,引起读者的兴趣。
(4) 条理清晰地列出了三条网络教育形成热潮的原因。
(5) 引出自己的观点。
spring up 出现,涌现,萌芽
urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的
①The newly-coined word…may by no means sound strange to most people.
②During the past several years, hundreds of…have sprung up aroundChina.
③… another critical reason.
④Most of all, through…we can…and at the same time…
18.FakeResearch Paper
Fake Research Paper
(1)Recently, it is oftenheard that some professors with illustrious reputation in famous universitieshave gotten stuck in fake research papers. Soon afterwards, theuniversities would make corresponding punishments on those involved. People can’thelp asking what has happened.
(2)The main causes of this fraudphenomenon lie in the factors of being prompted by profits, of the loss ofmorality and of incorrect administration. (3)First of all, the professors in universities have no choice but to publish theses if they wants toget promoted. Since the research results can only be achieved after many longtrials, the professors lured by interests will take the plunge. Secondly, some professors are not aware of the graveconsequences that plagiarizing generates. What’s more,the universities also bear an unshirkable responsibility for its incorrectadministration.
(4)Then,what measures should be taken to prevent such events from happening again?First, the university should tighten supervision and provide more facilities.Second, the government should reform the promotion system and encourageprofessors to pay more attention to academic research.
(1) 开篇提出现象并点题。
(2) 第二段的主题句,该段主要写出现虚假论文的三个原因。
(3) 这里分条论述了原因,使用这些连接词使文章条理清晰,层次分明。
(4) 使用疑问句引起读者的兴趣。
illustrious adj. 著名的
reputation n. 名声,名誉;声望
fraud n. 诈骗,欺诈
thesis n. 论文
get stuck in 陷入
get involved 涉及,卷入
lure v. 诱惑;引诱
take the plunge冒险
grave adj. 重大的;严重的
plagiarize v. 剽窃,抄袭
unshirkable adj. (责任等)无法逃避的
tighten v. 绷紧;变紧
①Recently, it is often heard that some professors with illustriousreputation in famous universities have gotten stuck in fake research papers.
②The main causes of this fraud phenomenon lie in the factors of beingprompted by profits, of the loss of morality and of incorrect administration.
Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Off-campus Housing by commenting on the phenomenon of students’ off-campus housing. You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words.
Off-campus Housing
(1)Nowadays there is agrowing trend to live off campus among college students. Living offcampus has both its benefits and shortcomings.
(2)For one thing,living off-campus can bring students a lot of freedom. They won’t be bound by theregulations of the university dormitory and can do whatever they want inwhatever time they like. They can stay up late and surf on the Internetwhenever they need. For another, living off-campusoffers them more private space and they don’t have to get along with those cantankerousroommates. (3)As everycoin has two sides, living off campus may be accompanied by the securityproblem and we will lose the chance to experience the rich and colorful life oncampus. Besides, living off campus is more costly than living on campus.
(4)As faras I am concerned, it is not advisable forcollege students to live off campus, for it is expensive, dangerous and inconvenient.
(1) 提出与话题相关的现象。
(2) 分点论述校外住宿的好处。
(3) 过渡短语,引出下文论述的校外住宿的坏处。
(4) 提出我的观点和建议。
shortcoming n. 缺点,短处
bound adj. 受约束的
cantankerous adj. 脾气坏的,爱吵架的,难相处的
①Nowadays there is a growing trend …among college students.
②As far as I am concerned, it is not advisable for college studentsto…
Skipping Classes
(1)Nowadays, skipping classesis gaining ever-increasing popularity among college students. Somepeople think that this behavior is undisciplined, while others argue thatskipping classes is for better learning.
(2)Actually, advantages ofskipping classes coexist with disadvantages. For those tedious classes,we may skip them to do some more meaningful things. (3)For example, we can skip the tedious politicalclasses to learn how to deliver a public speech in English, which is consideredmore useful for college students. (4)As every coin has two sides, skipping classes has itsdisadvantages. We cannot learn the knowledge or skills of the subjectsif we skip classes. Besides, skipping classes is regarded as a behavior ofdisrespecting teachers.
(5)As faras I am concerned, we may skip classes selectively, that is to say, weonly skip those we are not interested in or those which are not important. Forthe compulsory courses and some important optional courses, we may as wellattend them.
(1) 开门见山,提出与话题相关的现象,引发读者的思索。
(2) 指出逃课的利与弊并存。
(3) 举例说明逃课的好处。
(4) 比喻用得恰到好处。
(5) 给出自己的观点。
gain ever-increasingpopularity 越来越流行
undisciplined adj. 无纪律的
tedious adj. 沉闷的,冗长乏味的
①Nowadays…is gaining ever-increasing popularity among college students.
②As every coin has two sides…has its disadvantages.
③As far as I am concerned, we may…that is to say…
21.UnhealthyHabits of College Students
Unhealthy Habits of College Students
(1)Many unhealthy livinghabits can be seen on young people, especially college students. The typicalones include being addicted to computer games, spending money like water andstaying up late.
(2)All the unhealthy habitswill generate negative impacts. (3)First of all, they may have a bad influence onstudents’ physical health and psychological fitness. Besides,the students with such bad habits will keep their minds away from the study andfind out that they have learned nothing useful when they graduate. In addition, they may also disturb others’ rest. (4)Therefore, never can weturn a blind eye to these phenomena.
(5)It ishigh time that we took measures to eliminate these unhealthy habits.First, the universities or colleges should cultivate students’ awareness ofregular schedule. Secondly, some regulations should be made to punish those whoare against the rules. Only by doing so can we hope to see the students enjoytheir colorful and healthy life in the ivory tower.
(1) 开篇点题,指出年轻人尤其是大学生存在很多不健康的生活习惯。
(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段指出这些不健康生活习惯的危害。
(3) 此处分条指出了三点危害,使用连接词使文章显得层次分明、条理清晰。
(4) 这里使用倒装句强调我们绝不能对这些现象熟视无睹。
(5) 这是第三段的中心句,该段指出纠正这些不良习惯应该采取的措施。
be addicted to 对…上瘾;沉溺于
generate v. 使形成;发生
turn a blindeye to 熟视无睹;对……视而不见
①…will generate negative impacts.
②Therefore, never can we turn a blind eye to these phenomena.
22.TheImportance of Reading Classics
The Importance of Reading Classics
(1)It is widely acknowledged that books, especially theclassics, present the precious accumulation of wisdom and knowledge beyond thelimitation of time or space. (2)Reading the classics is both important andbeneficial to the character development and personal growth of the youngpeople.
Nowadays, withthe development of society and science, people have less opportunity to readthese kinds of books. (3)There are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon. (4)To begin with, manyprefer to choose the contemporary books that are easier to understand. Another important reason is that modern people haveto cope with the quick pace and unavoidable stress of their work or life. Therefore,they can hardly devote time to reading books. What’smore, there are many other leisure activities in the modern societywhich young people usually take part in instead of reading.
(5)Formy part, I should encourage otherschoolmates and peers to read classics, especially those filled with life-longmotivation and wise thoughts, which may not guarantee them short-term returnsbut will bring them far-reaching rewards.
(1) 开篇点题,指出阅读经典书籍的好处。
(2) 这一句进一步分析了阅读经典的重要性。
(3) 这是第二段的主题句,第二段主要写阅读经典书籍的人越来越少的原因。
(4) 从三个方面分析为何现代人不愿意阅读经典,一层接一层,过度自然。
(5) 提出我们大学生应该采取的做法。
acknowledgev. 承认
accumulation n. 积累
opportunityn. 时机,机会
contemporaryadj. 当代的
unavoidableadj. 不可避免的
leisure adj.空闲的
sagaciousadj. 睿智的,有远见的
guarantee v.保证,担保
far-reaching adj. 意义深远的
play asignificant role in 在……方面发挥重要作用
be beneficialto 对……有利
①It is widelyacknowledged that…
②…is both importantand beneficial to…
③To begin with…Anotherimportant reason is that…What’s more…
23.Goingto Business is More Preferable than Teaching
Going to Business is More Preferable than Teaching
Recently, manyChinese schools and colleges have encountered an acute shortage of teachingstaff. (1)Comparedwith the situation that hundreds of candidates competing for one vacancy in bigcompanies, there may be only one applicant for a school where ten teachersmight be needed.
(2)What has caused suchsituation? To start with, the ever-widening (3)pay gap is an important factor. The income of thestaff in companies may be several times higher than that of the teachers withthe same degree. Secondly, it is universally believed that success can only beobtained in businesses. Never has teaching been taken into consideration whenit comes to success.
(4)To sumup, it is the pursuit of a material as well as spiritual life that contributes mainlyto college graduates’ preference for business over teaching.
(1) 以求职时的悬殊人数比例来说明经商的人多、从教的人少的现象。
(2) 以疑问句总起第二段,引起读者的兴趣。
(3) 指“薪水差距”。
(4) 最后总结全文,material和spiritual分别与第二段提到的两点原因相对应,使文章前后呼应。
acute adj. 严重的
vacancy n. 空缺;空位;空白;空虚
①Compared with thesituation that…there may be…
②To sum up, it is…thatcontributes mainly to…
24.IsHomeschooling Advisable?
Is Homeschooling Advisable?
(1)Today, a growingnumber of children in China are staying at home, not because they are giving upeducation but because their parents think they will actually receive a bettereducation at home. They are being homeschooled at every level—kindergarten,primary, junior middle and even senior middle school.
(2)People’s opinions vary onhomeschooling. Some people support it, saying China’s current educationmode puts heavy study pressure on students and many of them suffer fromdepression and even commit suicide. Some oppose to it, maintaining thatstudents need interaction with classmates so that they can fit into society.Still, there are people who insist that homeschooling is a game for the richonly, which cannot be expanded to the whole of society.
(3)Personally,I think homeschooling is advisable as long as the family can afford it.As people’s personalities differ, education should be diversified. What’s more,we do have successful examples of homeschooling. (4)For example, Zheng Yuanjie, a famous Chinese writerof children’s stories had his son study at home after his son finished primaryschool study. Today, his son has grown up to be a successful person.
(1) 时间状语,提出现象。
(2) 第二段的主题句,指出人们看法各异。
(3) 提出我的观点。
(4) 以一个在家上学成功的人作为例子论证在家上学是可取的。
commit suicide 自杀
diversify v. 使多样化
①Personally, I think…is advisable as long as…
25.LargeCompanies or Small Companies
Large Companies or Small Companies
(1)Upon graduating, collegestudents will face the first choice in their career life: to go to a largecompany or a small one? Many graduates prefer large companies for thefollowing reasons. (2)First,large companies are systematic for both the management and the operation. Second, large companies have cultivated their ownculture after years of development, which is beneficial to the shape of the newworkers’ values. Moreover, the experience ofworking in large companies will be a valuable asset when hunting for a secondjob.
(3)While others believe thatsmall companies can offer people a better environment to develop and explorethe potentials. People are exposed to all kinds of experiences and expected todo a great many things without too much regulation or guidance. Thus, peoplemay develop the ability to handle a variety of complicated things.
(4)As faras I am concerned, there is something reasonable in both statements. Admittedly,there are indeed some disadvantages of working in large companies, but comparedwith the advantages it has, the negative points are fairly trifles. (5)Therefore, I prefer towork in large companies.
(1) 开篇点题。
(2) 分三条说明原因,使用这些链接词使文章条理很清晰。
(3) 提出另一些人的观点。
(4) 最后一段作者提出自己的看法。
(5) 文章最后作者给出了自己的选择。
systematic adj. 系统的;体系的;有系统的;分类的
cultivate v. 培养;陶冶;耕作
asset n. 资产;优点
potential adj. 潜能
complicated adj. 难懂的,复杂的
trifle n. 琐事
①Upon graduating, college students will face the first choice intheir career life: to go to a large company or a small one?
②As far as I am concerned, there is something reasonable in bothstatements.
26.Howto Improve Students’ Mental Health?
Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Improve Students’ Mental Health. You should write at least 120 words but no morethan 180 words.
How to Improve Students’ Mental Health?
(1)Recentyears has witnessed an increasing rate of suicideamong college students who are tormented by various mental problems. Regarding this, people come to realize that (2)theimportance of psychological health can’t be emphasized too much andthat only with a healthy mind can people live a happy life. (3)Consequently, it’s high time that we tookeffective measures to improve the mental health of students.
(4)Onthe one hand, schools are supposed tospare no effort to help students maintain psychologically healthy. Relevantcourses and activities should be introduced. Besides, it would be better ifthere is a psychological counseling hotline or office for students to turn towhenever psychological aid is needed.
(5)Onthe other hand, it is we students that should take major responsibilities for our own health. As amatter of fact, more things can be done on our part. First, we’d better nurturean optimistic view towards life. Second, it’s good for us to do sportsregularly to strengthen our physical health which is generally believed to beclosely connected with psychological health. The last but not least important,we should take initiatives to communicate with people around us so that we canshare our happiness and sorrows with each other.
(6)Tosum up, with the joint efforts fromschools and students ourselves,I believe students can develop a healthypersonality and live a happy life.
(1) Recent years haswitnessed…意为“近些年见证了……”,这种表达值得借鉴。
(2) 表示“再怎么强调心理健康的重要性也不过分”。
(3) 引出主题,开始讨论相关举措。
(4) 一方面,学校应该采取的措施。
(5) 另一方面,学生自己应该采取的措施。
(6) 总结全文。
witness v. 见证
suicide n. 自杀
torment v. 折磨,使痛苦
psychological adj. 心理的,精神上的
emphasize v. 强调
relevant adj. 相关的
counsel v. 咨询
responsibility n. 责任,义务
nurture v. 培养
optimistic adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的
initiative n. 积极性,主动权
sorrow n. 悲伤,伤心事
①Recent years haswitnessed…
②The importance of…can’t be emphasized too much.
③Consequently, it’s high time that we tookeffective measures to…
④On the one hand…onthe other (hand)…
⑤To sum up, with thejoint efforts from…I believe…
27.TheCraze of Pursuing Graduate Studies
The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies
Each year, millions of Chinese college students participatein (1)qualifyingexaminations for graduate studies,primarily in Master’s programs.
(2)Amazingly,most students pursue graduate studies not out of their voluntary will. Faced with the harsh reality in the job market,many college graduates find that going to graduate school is a good way toavoid unemployment and to enhance one’s competitiveness in future job hunting.(3)However, without that voluntary initiative, moststudents who do enter graduate school are not motivated. For them, the onlything that ultimately counts is the degree or the diploma which they expectcould give them an upper hand against other job hunters. As so manyundergraduates proceed onto graduate studies, the employment situation remainsas severe as ever. Instead of bringing about apparent competitive (4)edges,two or three years of additional academic training is simply a waste of timeand energy.
(5)Therefore, we need to be rational when it comes topursuing graduate studies.
(1) 指“研究生入学资格考试”。
(2) 指出大多数学生考研不是出于自愿,下文交代他们是被残酷的人才招聘市场所逼。
(3) 此处转折,本以为读研能提高找工作的竞争力,然而由于动机不正,找工作时并没有多大的优势。
(4) 指“优势”。
(5) 最后得出结论,即我们应该理性对待考研。
participatevi. 参与,参加
voluntaryadj. 自愿的
harsh adj. 残酷的
ultimately 最终地
proceed vi. 继续进行
severe adj. 严峻的
rationaladj. 理性的
①Therefore, we need tobe rational when it comes to…