



______ is currently becoming a severe problem in China, whichhappens to ______. So long as ______, ______ will always unsurprisingly ______.

Why does ______ become so rampant? First and foremost, ______. Secondly,______. Last but not least, ______. As a consequence, ______.

Above all, the problem can be explained by ______. Therefore, it ishigh time that we should ______. In my view, ______.


During the last decade, there has been a steady rise in the numberof ______. In detail, ______.

Three reasons, in my mind, account for this social phenomenon. Firstand foremost, ______. Moreover, ______. In addition, ______. As a result,______.

Personally, I firmly believe that the problem derives from ______. Thus,if the government make relevant policies and take relevant measures to ______,the problem can be readily solved in ______.


Nowadays, ______ is/are doing great harm to ______.

What are the incentives that drive people to ______? The mostimportant factors should be ______. Furthermore, ______. It directly leads tothe patent and salient harmfulness that ______.

Consequently, it is high time that the whole society shouldcontribute to the collective effort to put an end to ______.



With the rapid growth of our national economy, more and more ______,which causes a serious problem of ______.

Urgent measures are needed to tackle the above-mentioned problem. Onthe one hand, ______ so that ______ is at hand. On the other hand, ______. Moreimportantly, ______.

All in all, only when ______ can we solve the problem of ______ soas to meet everyone’s need. Ultimately, ______.


Nowadays, ______. It has become such a serious problem that it isarousing the concern of the entire society.

To put an end to the serious problem, in my mind, it calls for theefforts from all sides. First of all, ______. Moreover, ______. Last but notleast, ______.

From my point of view, only when all of us join in the efforts of______ at all levels can we expect to have ______ and ______.


If the Chinese people even want to improve their life quality, theproblem of ______ has to be solved. With more and more people ______, thisproblem is becoming more and more serious in terms of scale and scope.

First of all, ______. What’s more, ______. Only when all the peoplestop pursuing personal interests at the price of ______ can we hope to put anend to this unfavorable situation.

The ______ is of great importance to every member of our society. Aslong as the government, society and all individuals make joint efforts, a soundsolution is not far away.



Different people have different views on ______. Some people thinkthat ______. They argue that ______.

Yet others maintain that ______. What they firmly believe is that______.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ______. Forone thing, I am convinced that ______. For another, ______. Therefore, to sumup, ______. Only if ______ can we ______.


Recently there arises a heated debate as to ______. Opinions on thisissue vary from person to person. Some people deem that ______. They hold thereason that ______.

Still there are others arguing that ______. They claim that ______.

Personally, I side with the latter view for three reasons. First andforemost, ______. Besides, ______. Last but not most, ______. In brief, ______.


When it comes to ______, different people hold different opinions. Quitea large number of people maintain that ______. They believe that ______.

Yet there is another group of people holding an opposite view. Theyadvocate that ______.

As for me, I deem the former view holds water. On the one hand,______. On the other hand, ______. It goes beyond doubt that ______. All inall, we should ______.



Recently it seems that ______. Many people, especially ______, thinkit will certainly do good to ______ because ______. Moreover, ______.

Nevertheless, after careful consideration, I have to state that theabove view is more than biased, given the following reasons. First of all,______. Besides, ______. Further more, ______.

We can see clearly that although ______ may bring favorable results,there are still problems concerning ______. It seems necessary for ______ tomake a careful consideration before ______.


Until recently most people hold hostile attitudes towards ______. Somepeople view it as ______ while others consider it ______.

Recent research, however, shows that ______ is of great benefit inmany respects. ______, scientists tell us, ______. Surprisingly enough, ______also ______. The most remarkable thing about ______ is that ______.

Now we can draw that conclusion that ______. I strongly advocatethat we should make good use of it to ______.


In current society, we come across too many people who put muchemphasis on ______. In many cases, ______ has become the sole criterion forjudging a person’s ______.

I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on ______. To beginwith, we should not take it for granted that those who ______ will naturally______. Moreover, ______. Yet, ______.

The above discussion points to a fact that ______. Consequently, itis of vital importance for us to realize that ______.



According to the chart/graph/diagram/table, we clearly learn that______. As early as ______, ______. Then ______. Later, ______. In contrast, by______, ______.

There are many reasons accounting for ______. Firstly, ______. Secondly,______. Finally, ______. As a result, ______.

As far as I am concerned, ______. For one thing, ______. Foranother, ______. In brief, I hold that ______.


What is shown in the chart/graph/diagram/table above indicates thatin recent years, more and more people pay attention to ______. The number ofthose who ______ has increased ______, and furthermore, ______.

There are two factors responsible for the changes. In the firstplace, ______. Moreover, ______. Yet, it is noticeable that ______.

From the analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that ______. Itis possible that in the future, the tendency will ______.


As is shown in the chart/graph/diagram/table above, ______ haschanged drastically in the past ______. While ______, now the percentage of______ is ______. Meanwhile, the number of ______ has soared up to ______.

There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapidchanges. The first is that ______. Secondly, ______.

From my point of view, the changes have a great influence on ______.At the same time, ______. To sum up, ______.



Dear ______,

I’m very ______ to know/learn that ______. I am writing to voice mysuggestions/proposals/views concerning ______. In my opinion, ______. On theone hand, ______. On the other hand, ______.

As to ______, I would like to suggest/recommend that ______, because______. It would be ______. In addition, ______. I am sure that ______.

Please inform me of your feedback on ______. I am looking forward to______.

Truly yours,



Dear ______,

My name is ______, and I am ______. I venture to write you a letterabout ______.

The focus of the complaint is ______. For one thing, ______. Foranother, ______. Under these circumstances, I found/find it ______. Honestlyspeaking, ______. In addition, ______. All in all, there is still much room forimprovement.

I do hope ______. Thank you for your time and kind consideration.

Sincerely yours,



Dear ______,

Thank you very much for ______. To be honest, ______. However, thecurrent situation does not allow me to do this.

This has been a difficult decision for me, but I have to do this. Onthe one hand, ______. On the other hand, ______. In view of these, I regretthat ______. I hope this does not bring you much inconvenience.

I feel very sorry to disappoint you. If ______, I will ______. I doappreciate your ______. Meanwhile, I wish ______.

Sincerely yours,



Dear ______,

I have just learnt that ______. I hasten to tender you a word ofcongratulations on this splendid success of ______.

It is indeed a remarkable thing for ______. The success of your______ proves not only ______, but also ______.

Again, please accept my warm congratulations and please give my bestwishes to ______.

Sincerely yours,



Dear ______,

I am terribly sorry to tell you that ______, and I am writing thisletter to show my deep regret. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude.I hope you will understand my situation and excuse me for ______.

The reason why ______ is that ______. Under that circumstance,______. Therefore, it was not in my power to ______.

If possible, I would like to suggest that ______. I shall be obligedif you will kindly write and tell me ______. I am looking forward to seeing youagain.




Dear ______,

My name is ______, and I ______. I am writing to ______. I will bevery grateful if my application can be considered and accepted.

There are several factors contributing to my application. First ofall, ______. Besides, ______. Furthermore, ______. Therefore, ______.

I sincerely hope you will grant me ______. If you need moreinformation, feel free to contact me at any time by calling ______. Thank youfor your kind consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,



Dear ______,

I am ______ and I would like to apply for the position of ______posted on ______. I have attached a copy of my resume for your consideration. Ibelieve my qualifications are ideal match for your requirements.

I am a major in ______, and I will graduate in ______. In additionto my experience of ______, I ______. I believe my education and experience______. You will find me to be ______.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and ifthere is any additional information you require, please feel free to contactme. It would be great if you give me an opportunity to meet with you forinterview.

Best regards.



Dear ______,

______ at/in ______ on ______. It would be a great pleasure to haveyou attend this event.

I am sure that you will be interested in ______. First, ______. Second,______. Enclosed is the details of ______. Your participation is very importantbecause ______.

The ______ will begin at ______. We do hope that you can make it. Ifnot, would it possible for you to drop us a line before ______? Thank you verymuch.

Best wishes.



Dear ______,

I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for ______.Had it not been for your assistance in ______, I fear that ______ may not have______. I’d like you to know that your help ______. It not only ______, butalso ______. I shall always remember ______.

I hope that I will have the opportunity of returning yourhospitality by inviting you to ______. Will you kindly let me know whether you? I am looking forward to seeing you soon!

Again, I would like to express my thanks to you. Please accept myappreciation and pass my best wishes on to ______. I hope to hear from yousoon.




Dear ______,

I read from today’s newspaper about the recent ______ and I amwriting to extend my deepest condolences.

It broke my heart to ______. I could not believe my eyes when______, and I am really worried about you and your ______. I am crossing myfingers for you now in hope that ______.

I can imagine how difficult it must be for you, and I want to letyou know that you have my full support. We are donating money and necessitiesto ______. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

I feel extremely sorry for the tragedy, and I am convinced that youwill overcome the difficulty and embrace a better life.

Sincerely yours,



Dear ______,

I am writing this letter to call on ______. As some of you may know,______. In fact, ______.

It is necessary for us to ______. On the one hand, ______. On theother, ______. Hence, it is high time ______. Firstly, we should ______. Secondly,______.

Please contact us via ______. Please join us in the effort to______.

Thank you for your participation!




Under the auspices of ______, ______ will be held ______. Theactivity aims to ______. The arrangements are as follows:

First of all, ______. After that, ______. In addition, ______.

Anyone who is interested in the activity is welcome to ______. Pleasecontact us through ______. We are earnestly looking forward to your activeparticipation!




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