90.AnEye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident [2003年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write an eye-witness account of a trafficaccident. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline givenbelow in Chinese:
An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident
(1)Last summer, on themorning of June 12th, I was on the way to the shopping mall. After Ileft the subway station, I was walking on the sidewalk. (2)It was right at that time that a car accident occured.
It happened whenI was about to cross the street. (3) I stoodthere on the sidewalk when I heard people’s screaming sound and the abrupt loud“crack”noise. As I turned around, I found that two taxis collided into eachother. One of the taxis was severely damaged. And when some pedestrians and Iran close to help, I found both drivers and the passengers inside were hurt onthe head or else where. Luckily, someone called 120 and they were sent tohospital immediately.
(4)From the stopping trace onthe road, I suppose that the two taxi drivers were obviously driving too fast. Theywere not supposed to drive at such a speed that was quite a danger to others . Eachdriver on the road should show enough concern for life. They should abidestrictly by the traffic rules.
(5)I call for all drivers to keep an eye on theirspeed while driving, and to be more careful at rush hour.
(2) 这是强调句,强调车祸发生的时间。
(4) 这部分是从记叙过渡到议论分析,指出了车祸发生的原因。
(5) 最后呼吁司机遵守交通规则。
sidewalk n. 人行道
collide vi. 碰撞;抵触
pedestrian n. 步行者,行人
abide v. 遵守
rush hour n. 交通拥挤时间
①It was right at that time that…
②I call for all…to keep an eye on…
91.VolunteersNeeded [2006年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a poster recruiting volunteers. You shouldwrite at Least 120 words following the outline given below:
Volunteers Needed
Dear fellow students,
As the summervacation is just around the corner, (1)our SchoolStudents Union is organizing a voluntary program this summer and the recruitmentis about to start.
(2)The program is designed toteach students in some rural schools in western China where teachers are badlyneeded. Our volunteers will provide basic courses such as Chinese, English,physics to the students there. (3)The recruitment starts from today to June 21st, and we arescheduled to set off on June 28th. The program will stop on August 30th.
(4)All students who areinterested in the program are expected to take our qualification test on June22nd. We are convinced that your participation will bring remarkablevalue to both you and the children. Anyone who want to apply for the programplease feel free to (5)call010-6868686 or send your email to stunion@163.com .
SchoolStudents Union
June 17th,2006
(1) 开门见山地说明海报要招募志愿者的意图。
(2) 指出志愿者活动的目的。
(3) 陈述活动的日程安排。
(4) 指出报名条件。
(5) 提供联系方式。
around thecorner 即将来临
voluntary adj. 自愿的,自发的;志愿的
recruitment n. 招募;招聘
set off v. 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开
remarkable adj. 异常的,引人注目的;卓越的;显著的
①As the summer vacation is just around the corner, our SchoolStudents Union is organizing a voluntaryprogram this summer and the recruitment is about to start.
②Anyone who want to apply for the program please feel free to call…orsend your email to…
92.ABrief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction [2004年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a compositionentitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction.You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:
Your role: atour guide
Your audience:a group of foreign tourists
Yourintroduction should include:
1.some welcoming words
2.the schedule for the day
3.a description of the place thetourists will be visiting (e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.)
A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning, andwelcome to Beijing. (1)First,please allow me to introduce myself. I am a tourist guide from Youth TravelService and it is my great honor to share the whole day with all of you. (2)I hope you will have agreat time during this trip.
(3)Now I would like to informyou of the schedule of today’s trip. Our first stop is (4)the Great Wall, themajor tourist attraction in Beijing. After lunch, we will visit the Summer Palace, the royal park for Chinese ancientemperors. In the evening, there will be some traditionalChinese performances waiting for us. We will go back to Beijing SunshineHotel at about 22:00.
(5)The Great Wall of China,the Eighth Wonder in the world, was once thought to have been built entirelyduring the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 208 BC, but it is now believed to havebeen started earlier. The present relics were constructed in the Ming Dynasty.(6)The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide,1,500-mile-long structure was built to keep out invading enemies. Becauseof its rich history and magnificent appearance, the Great Wall attractstourists, scientists, and historians and will continue for generations.
(7)If youhave any questions about the trip or the tourist attractions we are visitingtoday, feel free to ask me at anytime. Now let’s start our tour!
(1) 该句是进行自我介绍的常用句型,礼貌而得体。
(2) 预祝游客游览愉快,是惯用句式。
(3) 开始解说旅游行程。inform…of the schedule为正式用语,符合导游的身份。
(4) 本段提到了两处景点和中国传统表演,景点名称的译法都比较准确。
(5) 本段挑选了长城进行了详细的介绍。
(6) 介绍了长城的结构和作用。
(7) 本句是导游解说末尾的惯用语。
schedule n. 时间表;计划表;一览表
the Great Wall 长城
the SummerPalace 颐和园
emperor n. 皇帝,君主
relic n. 遗物,遗迹,废墟,纪念物
magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的
①First, please allow me to introduce myself. I am…and it is my greathonor to…
②I hope you will have a great time during…
③Now I would like to inform you of the schedule of…
④If you have any questions about the trip or the tourist attractionswe are visiting today, feel free to ask me at any time.
93.AReply Letter to a Friend [2004年1月真题]
Directions: Inthis section you are required to write a letter in reply to a friend’s inquiryabout applying for admission to your college or university. You should write atleast 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinesebelow:
Dear Jane,
(1)It is both surprising anddelightful to hear that you are going to apply for my university. (2)Based on my knowledgeabout your interests and specialties, I suggest that you apply for themajor of International Trade, since I still vividly recall your enthusiasm andpassion when you were talking about being a foreign trade salesman in thefuture. (3)OurBusiness School is renowned for learned professors and significant influence onbusiness circle.
(4)Naturally, therequirements for applicants of Business School are strict even rigorous. Youhave to be one of the top ten students in your school, with a minimum score of 120 in English and 130 in mathematics in the university entrance exams. Any publication of academic papersor participation in social activities is preferable, while two (5)recommendation lettersfrom your teachers are compulsory. For the interview section, you mustsubmit a detailed research proposal for yourfuture study.
(6)As for the preparationwork, you should review the basic knowledge first. Come to audit somerelevant courses here if you have time. In addition, confidence is also veryimportant. I wish you good luck.
(1) 表示获得朋友的消息很开心,这是书信开头的常见方式。
(2) 给出建议之前先给出建议的根据,即基于对朋友兴趣和特长的了解,更有说服力。
(3) 对自己学校该专业的优势介绍是必不可少的。
(4) 这一段集中介绍商学院对于申请者的要求。用naturally开头,简洁有力,也是对上文很好的过渡;真是因为该校商学院的优势,所以对申请者的要求很高。
(5)recommendation letters指“推荐信”。下文的research proposal指“研究计划”,这些是申请学校的常用语。
(6) 此段给出备考建议。
specialty n. 专长,专业
vividly adv. 生动地
rigorous adj. 严格的,严厉的
minimum adj. 最少的,最低的
preferable adj. 更好的,更可取的
compulsory adj. 强制的;必须的
audit v. 旁听
①It is both surprising and delightful to hear that you are going to…
②Based on my knowledge about your…I suggest that you apply for…sinceI still vividly recall your enthusiasm and passion when you were talking about…
③…is preferable, while…are compulsory.
94.ALetter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus [2002年1月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Serviceon Campus. You should write at least 100 words, and base your compositionon the outline given in Chinese below:
Dear Mr. President,
(1) I am Li Ming, a sophomoreof the business school. (2)I venture to write a letter to you about the canteen serviceon campus which has given rise to many complaints among students.
(3)The biggest complaint isthe poor quality of the food. The rice is too hard for us to chew, andthe vegetables are so overcooked as to lose their nutrients. The fish and meatare often too salty to eat. The only thing we are satisfied with is the freesoup. (4)However, theprice of the food is surprisingly high. As a result, many of us go outto have meals.
(5)Admittedly, the diningenvironment has been improved, with the wall painted and some Chinesecalligraphy works posted up. But only one canteen isnot enough to hold such a large number of students and teachers. Weoften feel difficult to find seats to have meals in the canteen. (6)What’s worse, the staff isnot gentle and friendly to us at all.
All in all, thecanteen service could be better. (7)I hope you will address these problems as soon as possible.
Sincerely Yours,
Li Ming
(1) 首先简单地做自我介绍。
(2) 说明写信理由。
(3) 这里指出饭菜质量差。
(4) 指出食物价格超高。
(5) 指出就餐环境有所改善,但是餐厅座位不够。
(6) 指出食堂员工服务态度不好。
(7) 提出自己的愿望。
sophomore n. 大学二年级生
nutrient n. 营养物
Chinesecalligraphy works 中国书法作品
①I venture to write a letter to you about the canteen service oncampus which has given rise to much complaint among students.
②Admittedly, the dining environment has been improved, with the wallpainted and some Chinese calligraphy works posted up.
95.ALetter to a Schoolmate [2001年6月真题]
Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Writea letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you duringthe week-long holiday. You should write at least 100 words according to thesuggestions given below in Chinese.
Dear Xiao Wang,
(1)Iam glad to learn that you aregoing to visit me during the week-long holiday. (2)I am writing this letter to extend the warmwelcome of our family, and to tell you our arrangement during the holiday.
(3)Onthe first two days, I will showyou round our city, which is famous for its long history. We will visit some ofthe most famous historical sites and some scenic spots in and round the city. Iknow you are crazy about climbing mountains, so (4)on the third and fourth day, we can go to climb Dabie Mountain, not faraway from my home. I think it will be very pleasant and refreshing to climbmountains on such cloudless autumn days. (5)On the next day, we can play table tennis or badminton with some of myfriends if you like. They are also glad on hearing that you are coming verysoon. (6)On the lasttwo days, we can stay at home towatch TV, VCD or read books to relax ourselves.
(7)Justcall me before you set off, I will meet you at the station. There is no need for you to take anythingwith you. I’ll prepare everything for you. I am sure you will have a good timewhen you are here. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Zhang Ying
(1) 首先表达对对方的欢迎。
(2) 说明写信的目的。
(3) 说明前两天的行程安排,去参观一些名胜古迹和景点。
(4) 指出第三、四天去爬大别山。
(5) 提出第五天去打打乒乓球或者羽毛球。
(6) 提议最后两天在家里休息一下。
(7) 这个建议提得好。
historical sites 历史遗迹
scenic spots 旅游景点
set off 出发,动身
①I am glad tolearn that you are going to visit me during the week long holiday.
②Just call mebefore you set off, I will meet you at the station.
③I am lookingforward to seeing you soon.
96.ALetter Applying for a Job
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Li Ming, a student of English major who isexpecting graduation in the upcoming June. (1)I am writing this letter to apply for theposition of general manager assistant of your company as advertised inyesterday’s newspaper. Although Iam currently a student, (2)I amfully confident that I am qualified for the position.
(3)Firstof all, the advertised position isin line with my studies in the university, in which I have obtained sufficientpractice in translating all kinds of documents and interpreting variousbusiness negotiations. Besides, I also experienced work (4)of similar nature to yours when I was employed part-time by XXX companyduring last summer vacation. Therefore,I assure you that I will be able to fulfill the duties to your completesatisfaction. (5)I am also attaching a resume of my previousworking experience and a transcript of the degree courses.
(6)I amvery interested in the opportunity to work for your company, and I hope that Ican be granted a chance for interview. (7)Thank you foryour courtesy in reading this letter and I would be pleased to supply you withany further information, or reference that you may require.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
(1) 在进行自我介绍之后,说明写信目的以及得知招聘信息的来源。
(2) 表达自己的信心。
(3) 第二段主要介绍自己的条件,以及自己如何符合招聘的要求。
(4) 指的是“性质相似”。
(5) 这是一句比较实用的话,在申请工作的时候经常需要附上简历。
(6) 最后再次表达对这份工作的兴趣以及希望得到面试机会。
(7) 这句话显得非常谦逊,感谢对方读信,并愿意提供进一步资料。
upcomingadj. 即将来临的
in line with 符合
assure v. 确保,保证,担保
attach v. 附上
resume n. 履历,简历
grant v. 同意,准予
courtesy n. 谦恭,礼貌
①I am writing thisletter to apply for the position of…
②Although I amcurrently a student, I am fully confident that I am qualified for the position.
③Therefore, I assureyou that I will be able to fulfill the duties to your complete satisfaction.
④I am also attaching a resume of my previous workingexperience and a transcript of the degree course.
⑤I am very interested in the opportunity to workfor your company, and I hope that I can be granted a chance for interview.
⑥Thank you for your courtesy in reading thisletter and I would be pleased to supply you with any further information, orreference that you may require.
97.ARecommendation Letter
Suppose you are Professor John in an institute. Writea letter to recommend your former student Li Yan to continue her study in a university.
Dear Sir or Madam,
(1)Itis my pleasure to recommend Miss. Li, one of my former students to continue herstudy in your university.
Li Yan received a master’s degree from our institute thissummer. (2)Shedistinguished herself not only in the grades, but also in her ability to workindependently. Because of herdiligence and unusual intelligence, she surpassed all her classmates at graduation.
As dean of the college of International Economics andTrade, I have had close contact with her. (3)I found Miss. Li not only motivated and sincerein her own academic field, but aggressive and resolute in her performance as aleader in nonacademic activities.
She was the leader of several school societies and also,the representative of her class throughout her graduate study.
So I have no hesitation in recommending her and (4)feel confident that she is well qualified toparticipate in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. John
(1) 信的开头说明写信目的,这符合英语书信的习惯。
(2) 指出被推荐者优秀表现在哪里。
(3) 进一步论述被推荐者的优点。
(4) 表示对被推荐者有信心。
recommend v.推荐
institute n.学院,研究所
diligence n.勤奋,勤勉
intelligencen. 智力
surpass v. 超过,优于
dean n. 院长,系主任
resoluteadj. 坚决的,果断的
①It is my pleasure to recommend Miss. Li, one ofmy former students to continue her study in your university.
②She distinguishedherself not only in the grades, but also in her ability to work independently.
③I found Miss. Li not only motivated and sincerein her own academic field, but aggressive and resolute in her performance as aleader in nonacademic activities.
④So I have no hesitation in recommending her andfeel confident that she is well qualified to participate in a program leadingto the Ph.D. degree.
98.AnAppreciation Letter
Dear Richard,
(1)I amwriting to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident theother day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. (2)Ifit had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to anearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been beyondimagination.
The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well. Inaddition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. (3)Everyone says that it was your quick-wittedresponse in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.
Although nowadays many people talk about the need to beunselfish and to help others, actually very few of them practice what theypreach. But you have showed by your actions that you are an exception. (4)I would like to express my heartfelt gratitudeonce again for your selfless help. Best wishes to you!
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
(1) 首句交代了写信的目的以及事情的经过。
(2) 这句话写得好,该句用了虚拟语气,意思是“要不是你给我急救并送我去附近的医院,我担心后果不堪设想”。
(3) 强调句式,指出是由于Richard机智灵敏的反应使现在情况这么好。
(4) 文章最后再次表达了感激之情,与开头相呼应。
beyond imagination 不堪设想
heal v. 愈合,治愈,恢复健康
quick-wittedadj. 机智灵敏的
emergency n.紧急情况,突发事件
heartfeltadj. 衷心的,真诚的
①I am writing to thankyou for…
②If it had not been for your assistance in…I fearthat the consequences might have been beyond imagination.
③Everyone says that itwas…that has led to this satisfactory outcome.
④I would like toexpress my heartfelt gratitude once again for your selfless help.
99.AResignation Letter
【范文】Dear Richard,
(1)Aftercareful consideration and soul-searching, I have decided to resign my positionas an internal auditor at ICC company. I assure you it was not an easy-decision to make.
Perhaps you have heard me mention on occasion that I wouldlike to run my own accounting business. Ever since I graduated from PekingUniversity, this has been my long-range goal. (2)I am thinking of applying for an MBA inaccounting in a graduate business school and eventually sitting for the CPAexam. (3)I am suggestting an effective date of January 30.Ifyou would like more time to find a replacement, I am writing to extend that bytwo weeks. However, if you feel that an earlier department would be moreconvenient to you, I will certainly understand.
(4)Icherish the experience I have received at ICC company. I’m confident that it will be very usual to me in myfuture career.
Yours sincerely
(1) 这句话的说法比较恰当,说明自己做出抉择是经过深思熟虑的。
(2) 交代了辞职的原因。
(3) 在辞职信中商量离职时间,这种做法很可取。
(4) 间接地表达了对公司的感激之情。
careful consideration and soul-searching 深思熟虑
resign v. 辞职
long-rangeadj. 长期的,远大的
MBA=Master Of Business Administration 工商管理硕士
CPA exam 注册会计师考试(其中CPA全称是Certified PublicAccountant)
①After careful considerationand soul-searching, I have decided to resign my position as…
②I am suggestting aneffective date of…
③I cherish theexperience I have received at…company.
100.ALetter Applying for the Ph.D. Program of Peking University
Dear Professor Richard,
(1)Myname is Li Ming, and I am a graduate student of Wuhan University, majoring inlinguistics. I just went to thewebsite of your university, and found the Ph.D. program of your departmentquite attracts me. Thus I would like to apply to be a Ph.D. student in youruniversity upon obtaining my master’s degree.
(2)Pleaseallow me to further introduce myself.During my graduate study, I have found myself (3)ardentfor doing research in the field of linguistics. In particular, I haveparticipated in (4)aproject hosted by my supervisor onphenomena pertaining to language, culture, and international communication, inthe process of which I have co-authoredtwo articles that have beenpublished in renowned international journals. Besides, I have also presented mywork in three conferences on linguistics and communication respectively. Consideringthe specialty your department lies in, I deem myself (5)a good fit for your Ph.D. program.
Moreover, I would be extremely grateful if you can provideme with detailed information about your department as well as life in theuniversity town. (6)Thankyou very much and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Ming
(1) 开门见山地介绍自己,紧接着说明自己如何得知该博士项目,以及表达自己的兴趣。
(2) 进一步介绍自己,这一段中考生可以自己发挥想象力来写一些理由。
(3) 这个词用得比较好,说明了本人对研究的热情。
(4) 在写求学申请信时,要说明自己的研究经历以及做研究的潜力。这里作者用自己参加项目、撰写文章并发表、以及参加大学宣读文章等理由来说明自己的学术潜力。其中,“co-author”这个词是名词作动词用,比较灵活生动。
(5) 表示自己很适合对方的项目。
(6) 最后表达感激之情,并且表达早日得到回复的期望。
ardent adj. 热心的,热情洋溢的
host v. 主持
supervisorn. 导师
pertain to 属于,关于,附属
co-author v.合著
renownedadj. 有名的,有声誉的
specialty n.专业
gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
①Please allow me tofurther introduce myself.
②Considering the specialty your department liesin, I deem myself a good fit for your Ph.D. program.
③Moreover, I would beextremely grateful if you can provide me with detailed information about…
④Thank you very muchand I am looking forward to hearing from you.