

79.NothingSucceeds Without a Strong Will [2011年12月真题]

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, “Quittingsmoking is the easiest thing in the world. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” Youshould write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




Nothing succeeds without a strong will

You may have heard of Mark Twain’s humorous saying,“Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I’ve done it hundreds oftimes.” What do you get from it? (1)Quitting-smokingseems easy, but without a strong will it can never be achieved. The same istrue with doing other things. (2)Although there are thousands of ways to success,a strong will is always the most important guarantee. In a word, nothing succeeds without a strong will.

Only those who have a strong will can achieve success,which has been proved by the long history of human being. (3)Take one of the greatest inventors Thomas Edison as an example, without a strong will, he would never have donethe experiments over and over again until he finally succeeded.

For us students, if we don not have a strong will to study hard, we cannever have the joy of success. When confronted with difficulties or frustration,we should believe that where there is a will, there is a way.


(1) 评论幽默的话,指出坚强的意志对于戒烟的重要性,并延伸到做任何事情。

(2) 指出坚强的意志是成功的重要保证,引出话题。

(3) 以伟大的发明家爱迪生为例论证只有意志坚定的人才能获得成功。

(4) 结合自身,进一步谈意志力对于学生的重要性。


guarantee n.保证

confront v. 面对

frustrationn. 挫折


①The same is true of…

②When confronted with difficulties or frustration,we should believe that where there is a will with efforts, there is a way.

80.Do“Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? [1998年6月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?. Youshould write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on theoutline (given in Chinese) below.






Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?

(1)It is taken for granted bymany people that some numbers can bring them good luck. (2)For instance, somepeople think numbers like “6” or “8” are lucky numbers, because they bear similar pronunciation to the related Chinese characters which mean “good luck”. They try to get as many “6”s or “8”s as possible while choosing their cell phone number. Some young people even choose a date, the numbers of which consist of a “6” or an “8” to hold their wedding.

(3)Yet many others do notthink so. They firmly believe that numbers are just mathematical symbolsused for counting so they have nothing to do with luck. (4)They would ratherattribute good luck to diligent work and careful preparation than to theso-called “lucky numbers”.

(5)As faras I am concerned, I suppose the latter opinion holds water. The sayingthat “lucky numbers” can bring good luck is out of psychological effect, whichhas no scientific grounds at all. After all, the so-called “lucky numbers”cannot bring good luck.


(1) 提出一些人认为某些数字会带来好运。

(2) 举例说明他们为什么这么认为。

(3) 指出另一部分人不这么认为,他们认为数字与运气无关。

(4) 提出这些人把好运归因于勤奋的工作和细心的准备而不是好运。

(5) 提出自己的看法,赞成后一种观点。


It is taken forgranted 想当然地认为

mathematicalsymbols 数学符号

attribute…to… 把……归因于……

hold water 站得住脚,合情合理,说得通

psychologicaleffect 心理作用

scientificgrounds 科学依据


①It is taken for granted by many people that…

②They would rather attribute good luck to diligent work and carefulpreparation rather than the so-called “luckynumbers”.

③As far as I am concerned, I suppose the latter opinion holds water.

81.PracticeMakes Perfect [1997年1月真题]

Directions: For thispart, you are allowed thirty minutes tow rite a composition on the topic Practice Makes Perfect. You should write at least 100words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese)below:







Practice Makes Perfect

(1)The old saying “practicemakes perfect” is universally accepted today. (2)It means that if you practice a lot in what you are doing,you will be proficient. In other words, only through constant and strugglingpractice can we perform perfectly.

There are manyliving proofs to illustrate this saying. (3)Take English learning for example, most Chinese studentscannot speak fluent English when they graduate from colleges in spite of thefact that they have studied  English for more than a decade at school.Lack of practice may be one of the reasons that can account for it. (4)By contrast, thosewho spend lots of time in speaking, listening, reading and writing usually makegreat achievements in English study.

(5)Anothercase in point is playing the piano, we all know that the famous pianist Lang Lang can play the piano beautifullyand freely, but we never think how hard he had practiced before. (6)To perform one minute onthe stage needs ten years of practicing off the stage.


(1) 开篇点题。

(2) 这里解释了标题所表达的含义。

(3) 以英语学习为例,先从反面论述缺少练习导致不能讲流利的英语。

(4) 再从正面论述练习过后取得巨大成就。

(5) 再举一个弹钢琴的例子,使文章的论据更充足。

(6) 借用谚语,使文章更有说服力。


illustrate v. 阐明,举例说明

by contrast 相比之下;与之相比

makeachievements 作出成绩

in point 相关的;恰当的;中肯的


①It means that if you practice a lot in what you are doing, you willbe proficient. In other words, only through constantand struggling practice can we perform perfectly.

②Another case in point is…

③To perform one minute on the stage needs ten years of practicing offthe stage.

82.Can Money Buy Happiness? [1995年1月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no lessthan 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given inChinese) below:

1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness);

2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil);





Can Money Buy Happiness?

The old saying (1)“Money makes the mare go” is widely spreadthroughout the world, but is it really true? (2)Some people think that money is the source ofhappiness and with money, they can do anything they want and buy whatever theylike. In other words, to them, having money means having everything. They areconvinced that money can buy happiness.

(3)Yet there are alsonumerous people holding the view that money is the root of all evil.They deem that money gives rise to corruption and degeneration of the humannature and almost all the ugly phenomena can be attributed to money. In these people’s eyes, moneycan never buy happiness.

(4)As faras I am concerned, both the above views go to an extreme. Of course,money is essential to life, but money can not buy happiness. Money is only atool, which is neither good nor evil. As long as we make money and use money inproper way, it can be useful for us.


(1) 引用俗语开篇,为引出一些人关于金钱是幸福之本的观点作铺垫。

(2) 提出一些人的观点,他们认为金钱是幸福之本。

(3) 提出另一些人的观点,他们认为金钱是万恶之源。

(4) 最后作者提出自己的观点,认为金钱很重要,但是不能买来幸福。


corruption n. 贪污,腐败;堕落

degeneration n.退化;变性;堕落;恶化

attribute to 把…归因于

essential adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的


①Yet there are also numerous people holding the view that…

②As far as I am concerned, both the above views go to an extreme.

83.Positiveand Negative Aspects of Sport [1993年1月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport. You shouldwrite no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on theoutline (given in Chinese) below:







Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport

(1)Just as the old sayinggoes, “the life lies in the movement”. Sports as the effective way toget fitness are becoming increasingly popular. We can benefit a lot from sports,both physically and mentally. (2)Doing sports helps to promote our blood circulation, buildup our physique and prevent several diseases. Besides, it can help usdigest. Apart from all these physical benefits, it can also enrich our lives.

(3)However, everything hastwo sides, and sport is no exception. (4)Too drastic sports training may hurt people’s bodies, exhausttheir vigor, and even causethem to become sick. Excessive exercise may lead to muscle strain,especially for those who do not do sports regularly.

(5)From mypoint of view, sport brings us many benefits, far exceeding harms. Wecan get refreshed and keep a well-balanced life. As long as we do sportsproperly and regularly, it will yield us incalculablebenefits.


(1) 使用格言增强文章的说服力。

(2) 此句使用并列短语指出运动的好处。

(3) 此句承上启下。

(4) 此句使用并列短语指出太激烈的运动的坏处。

(5) 最后谈论自己的观点。


benefit from 得益于;得利于;因…而得到好处

circulation n. 流通,传播;循环;发行量

physique n. 体格,体形

digest v. 消化

drastic adj. 激烈的;猛烈的

exhaust v. 耗尽

vigor n. 活力,精力

yield v. 产生,带来

incalculable adj. 无数的,无法计算的,不可估量的


①Doing sports helps to promote our blood circulation, build up ourphysique and prevent several diseases.

②However, everything has both its advantages and disadvantages, and…isno exception.

③Too drastic sports training may hurt people’s bodies, exhaust theirvigor, and even cause them to become sick.

④From my point of view…brings us many benefits, far exceeding harms.

84.IsFailure a Bad Thing? [1992年1月真题]

Directions: For this part you areallowed 30 minutes to write a composition in no less than 100 words, on thetopic: Is Failure a Bad Thing? Your compositionshould be based on the following outline (give in Chinese).







Is Failure a Bad Thing?

(1)Failureis common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, there are always two possibleresults: success or failure. Although everyone expects to succeed in what he tries, sometimes failure cannot be avoided.

(2)Differentpeople hold different attitudes toward failure. When faced with faliure, some people can stand up to it,draw a useful lesson from it and try their best to fulfill what they aredetermined to do. Others, however, lose heart and give in. They do nothing butcomplain about themselves and objective conditions.

(3)As apopular saying goes, “failure teaches success”. (4)Inmy opinion, what really counts is not the failure itself, but the properattitude we should take towards it.I trust that as long as we keep on doing what is right and timely correct whatis wrong, that is to say, learn a lesson from failure, we will be bound tosucceed. (5)So I am of theopinion that failure is not a bad thing.


(1) 开篇点题,指出失败是日常生活中的常事。

(2) 这是第二段的主题句,该段写不同的人对失败持不同的态度。

(3) 引用谚语论证,使文章更有说服力。failure teaches success指“失败是成功之母”。

(4) 作者提出自己的看法,即真正重要的不是失败本身,而是我们对待失败的态度。

(5) 文章最后回答了标题的问题。


occurrencen. 事件

fulfill v. 履行,实现,完成


①When faced with it, some can stand up to it,draw a useful lesson from it and try their best to fulfill what they aredetermined to do.

②As a popular sayinggoes, “failure teaches success”.

③In my opinion, what really counts is not thefailure itself, but the proper attitude we should take after it.

85.DifferentWays to Make Friends

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Different Ways to Make Friends. Youshould write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




Different Ways to Make Friends

(1)People choose friends indifferent ways. Some people like those who are similar to them whileothers prefer those who are different.

(2)Each of the two ways hasits own advantages and disadvantages. For the first way, people can do everythingtogether naturally. The one who makes the proposal does not have to considercarefully and his or her friends will not feel obliged to agree. Everybody trulyenjoys other’s company. For the second, the advantages lie in that they can combinedifferent ideas together and everyone will benefit from the unique merits ofothers. (3)However,the two ways both have disadvantages. Those who choose the similar will limit theirsocial circle and thus miss communicating with other wonderful ideas. For theothers, they have to be on the alert all the time in case of annoying others.

Taking all the factors into consideration, I (4)deem that it wouldbe better to make both kinds of friends—some similar and some different. In this way, I can have the best ofboth worlds.


(1) 开篇点题。

(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段主要论述两种交友方式的优缺点。

(3) 表转折,上文论述两种交友方式的优点,下文将论述两种交友方式的缺点。

(4) think的替换词。


be similar to 与…相似

proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚

oblige v. 迫使;强制;赐,施恩惠;责成

lie in 在于…

on the alert 提防;警戒着;随时准备着

in case of 万一;如果发生;假设

annoy v. 骚扰;惹恼;打搅


①Each of the two…has its own advantages and disadvantages.

②Taking all the factors into consideration, I deem that it would bebetter to…

86.HasteMakes Waste






Haste Makes Waste

(1)The idiom “haste makeswaste” means that if you try to do something too hastily or without planning,you’re much likely to end up spending more time, money, etc, doing it.Why do people say so? (2)If one rushes to do something, he may easily neglectsomething important in the process and has to redo it from the beginning.Therefore, it will be better to take a step-by-step approach.

(3)A typical example in pointis memorizing English words. Every English learner wants to enlarge hisvocabulary, but this aim cannot be achieved in one or two days. You shouldstick to remembering some words a day and review them every few days. Only inthis way can you keep the words in your mind firmly. There is no (4)shortcut. If youwant to memorize hundreds or even thousands of words every day withoutreviewing them, you will probably remember nothing.

(5)All inall, we may as well do things without haste; otherwise, we will achieve nothingin the end.


(1) 文章开头解释了标题,这是一种很好的开篇方式。

(2) 说明为什么“欲速则不达”。

(3) 以记英语单词为例说明“欲速则不达”。

(4) 指“捷径”。

(5) 文章最后提出建议,这是很好的结尾方式。


end up 结束,告终

neglect vt. 忽略,疏忽

redo vt. 重做

enlarge one’svocabulary 扩大词汇量

stick to 坚持

shortcut n. 捷径

may as well 最好


①The idiom “Haste makes waste” means that if you try to do something toohastily or without planning, you’re much likely to end up spending more time,money, etc, doing it.

②If one rushes to do something, he may neglect something important inthe process and has to redo it from thebeginning.

③A typical example in point is…

④All in all, we may as well do things without haste; otherwise, wewill achieve nothing in the end.

87.NoPains, No Gains







No Pains, No Gains

(1)The old saying “no pains,no gains” tells us a simple truth: one will not make any achievements ifhe does not work hard and no knowledge or skill can be gained without efforts.

(2)A typical case in point ismemorizing English words.If we do not learn the words by heart, wecannot recognize them in listening or reading, not to mention using them inspeaking and writing. Only when we take great pains to memorize the words canwe better master them. (3)Rome was not built in a day, so neither is vocabularylearning.

We all have the dream to make great achievements in the field we areinterested in, but only those who pay arduous sweat will finally climb to thetop of that field. (4)Edisononce said that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percentperspiration. We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it longenough.


(1) 开篇点题,并解释“不劳无获”。

(2) 本段以记忆英语单词为例论证“不劳无获”。

(3) 借用谚语论证记住英语单词需要下大功夫。

(4) 引用爱迪生的公式论证必须通过努力才能取得成就。


learn…by heart 用心学习

makeachievements 作出成绩

arduous adj. 努力的;费力的;险峻的

formula n. 公式

genius n. 天才

inspiration n. 灵感

perspiration n. 汗水


①A typical case in point is…

②Rome was not built in a day, so does…

③Edison once said that genius is one percent inspiration andninety-nine percent perspiration.

88.MyView on Opportunity





My View on Opportunity

(1)Quite a large number ofpeople complain that there are few opportunities. They admire those whohave numerous chances to achieve success. They attribute the scarcity ofchances to their bad luck.

(2)There are still otherpeople holding an opposite view. They claim that opportunities exist everywhere. Opportunities may occur to anybodyat any time under any circumstances as long as he or she keeps making constantefforts. (3)Thesepeople always get ready for success and even create opportunities bythemselves.

(4)From mypoint of view, opportunities only favor those who keep trying and who are readyfor it. Only by diligent work and adequate preparation can we have abetter chance to create and seize opportunities. (5)For instance, through hard work and good preparation,we can probably become more qualified for a job and thus be more likely to berecruited by the employers. Therefore, opportunities are in our hands when weare well prepared for them.


(1) 指出很大一部分人抱怨自己机会少。

(2) 指出另外一些人认为到处都有机会。

(3) 认为到处都有机会的人时刻准备着成功,他们自己给自己创造机会。

(4) 作者提出了自己的观点,认为机会只青睐那些不断尝试并做好准备的人。

(5) 举例论证上文提出的观点。



diligent adj. 勤奋的,勤勉的


①Opportunities may occur to anybody at any time under anycircumstances as long as he or she keeps makingconstant efforts.

②From my point of view, opportunities only favor those who keeptrying and who are ready for it.

③Only by diligent work and adequate preparation can we have a betterchance to create and seize opportunities.

89.IsHardship a Bad Thing?







Is Hardship a Bad Thing?

(1)Life is never an evenpath, and there are always various hardships on the way.

(2)Different people havedifferent attitudes toward hardship. Some people deem that hardship is abad thing. It can bring people much pressure and torment people psychologicallyand physically. However, others regard it as a blessing. They are convincedthat hardship is an invaluable experience that benefits people in many aspects.(3)It goes beyonddoubt that hardship helps people build up courage, wisdom, andself-confidence. On the contrary, people living in a comfortable environmentwill become lazy and weak-willed, and they will just linger around theiroriginal place, with no determination to advance.

(4)In myopinion, hardship is a blessing rather than a bad thing. It isindispensable in our life, especially for those who grew up in a “greenhouse”.


(1) 开篇提出了文章的关键词hardship,与标题相呼应。

(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段主要论述人们对艰难的不同看法。

(3) 同“It goes without saying that…”。

(4) 作者发表自己的看法,回答了标题的问题,认为艰难是一件好事而不是一件坏事。


deem v. 认为,视作

torment v. 折磨,使痛苦

weak-willed adj. 一直薄弱的

linger around 游荡


①Life is never an even path, and there are always various hardshipson the way.

②It goes beyond doubt that…

③In my opinion…is a blessing rather than a bad thing. 82Hs7/y2ZhnmIEp3elxIFnHqQHWFiT7tjE34dfFj4bXP2kw8uRvbAjGiQA3WxHgr
