

63.Limitingthe Use of Disposable Plastic Bag [2008年12月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Limitingthe Use of Disposable Plastic Bags. You should write at least 120 wordsfollowing the outline given below:







Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bag

(1)Not long ago, disposable plastic bags were widely used inChina. (2)Whenwe went shopping, stores often provided them for our convenience. Wewere so dependent on plastic bags that (3)life without them seemed to be impossible for many.

(4)However, disposable plastic bags pose a threat to humanbeings mainly in three respects. Firstly, they are difficult to (5)decomposenaturally, thus polluting the environment and poisoning animals. (6)It is reported that manyseabirds mistake plastic bags for food and die after swallowing them. Secondly,plastic bags, when heated, can release toxic substances that are harmful to ourbody. Additionally, the excessive production of plastic bags is purely a wasteof resources.

(7)Fortunately,the government is taking action to cope with the issue, such as chargingplastic bags and enhancing public awareness of environment protection. Itis also desirable to use paper bags as a substitute. By limiting the use ofdisposable plastic bags, we can make better use of resources and maintain ahealthy environment.


(1) 文章开头先指出塑料袋曾被广泛使用,引出话题。

(2) 举例说明在现实生活中,几乎离不开塑料袋。

(3) 双重否定句的使用突出了一次性塑料袋使用的普遍性。

(4) 本段为全文的核心,从三个方面具体阐述广泛使用一次性塑料袋的危害。

(5) decompose指的是塑料袋的分解和腐烂。

(6) 用具体的例子进行论证,进一步增强了论点的说服力。

(7) 最后一段联系国家目前采取价格机制来限制塑料袋使用的政策,以及推广纸袋代替塑料袋等具体方法,进而阐述减少使用塑料袋对社会、环境的积极影响。


disposable adj. 一次性使用的

decompose vi. 分解;使腐烂

toxic adj. 有毒的;中毒的


①We were so dependent on the use of…that life without them seemed tobe impossible for many.

②However, …pose a threat to…mainly in…respects.

③Fortunately, the government is taking action to cope with the issue,such as…

64.GlobalShortage of Fresh Water [1996年6月真题]

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a compositionon the topic Global Shortage of Fresh Water.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on theoutline (given in Chinese) below:









Global Shortage of Fresh Water

(1)The fact that seawatercovers 70 percent of the earth may always give us the illusion that fresh wateris also sufficient and will never be used up. But to our disappointment,the fact is just the opposite.

In fact, freshwater is rather limited on the earth. Especially in recent years, (2)the population continuesto grow at a high speed; a large amount of water has been polluted and wastedevery day; and the demand for water by industry is rising. Actually,some big cities in China can not supply enough daily water for citizens. (3)More seriously,some African countries keep a perennial state of water shortage.

(4)It ishigh time that we adopted some effective measures to tackle the problem.First of all, everyone should be made aware that water is precious and limitedand everyone should conserve water. Besides, water pollution should be strictlyeradicated. Furthermore, world population should be sternly controlled. (5)Only by these means can wesucceed in solving the problem of global water shortage in the near future.


(1) 此句用了两个同位语从句,句中的fresh water呼应了标题。

(2) 此处使用并列句指出淡水资源短缺的原因。

(3) 指出更严重的情况。

(4) 这是第三段的中心句,该段主要写我们应该采取的措施。

(5) 使用倒装句式强调只有通过这些方法才能解决全球性水资源短缺,篇末点题。


illusion n. 幻觉;错觉;错误的观念或信仰

perennial adj. 多年生的;常年的;四季不断的;常在的;反复的

eradicate v. 根除;消灭

sternly adv. 严厉地;坚决地


①The fact that…may always give us the illusion that…

②It is high time that we adopted some effective measures to tacklethe problem.

③Only by these means can we succeed in solving the problem of…in thenear future.








Green Travel

(1)Recently the topic ofgreen travel has been widely discussed, which has aroused public attention andhas gained more popularity among people. To some extent, it has become afashion.

(2)Green travel, especiallypublic transport, makes a positive contribution to the environment and society.(3)On one hand,public transport has the potential to reduce (4)carbon dioxide emissions, which is a majorcontributor to local air pollution and smog. In this sense, green travel makesthe environment clean and gives people a healthy living environment. On the other hand, public transport plays animportant role in reducing the social costs of transport, which is manefistedin easing the traffic jam, saving time spent commuting and decreasing vulnerabilityto the increase of fuel price.

We have only one world we can live in. I hope through green travelwe can protect the environment and save resources. (5)In my opinion, no matter where we go, we are supposedto choose green travel. If you are near the place where you want to go, you cango there on foot or by bicycle. If you are far away from it, you can choose busor subway.


(1) 开门见山地提出绿色出行的话题。

(2) 这是第二段的中心句,指出绿色出行对环境和社会的积极贡献。

(3) 分别从对环境和对社会两个方面的贡献来谈绿色出行的好处。

(4) 指“二氧化碳排放量”。

(5) 最后提出对于出行的建议,即尽量采取步行、骑自行车、乘公汽或地铁的方式出行。


carbon n. 碳;复写纸

dioxide n. 二氧化物

commute v. 来回往返(于两地)


①Recently the topic of…has been widely discussed, which has arousedpublic attention and has gained morepopularity among people.

②Green travel, especially public transport, makes a positivecontribution to the environment and society.

66.Howto Solve Energy Crisis







How to Solve Energy Crisis

(1)Man is faced with a bigproblem—the energy crisis, which is becoming more andmore serious. (2)First, with the increase of the world population, thedemand for fuels is growing steadily. Second,the rapid development of industry and agriculture calls for an increasingamount of coal, oil and natural gas.

(3)Confronted with the energycrisis, we should take a series of effective measures to save energy. (4)For one thing,people all over the world should be taught to realize the severe fact that thenatural resources on the earth are limited and nonrenewable. For another, to solve the problem, the governments ofall countries are supposed to lay down the rules and regulations to restrictthe amount of gas used by cars. Finally,scientific researches should be encouraged to work out efficient methods ofconserving fuels and to seek new sources of energy.

(5)Personally,I believe that solar energy is a possible source of clean, inexpensive andabundant energy. It does not pollute the environment and costs only theamoutn of money needed to install solar panels to absorb the sun’s rays. Consequently,I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because solar energy will beable to help us to solve the energy crisis.


(1) 开篇点题,指出能源危机问题越来越严重。

(2) 人口增加以及工农业的快速发展都使得能源消耗加大。

(3) 这是第二段的中心句,这一段写解决能源危机应该采取的措施。

(4) 分三点论述解决能源危机的措施。

(5) 提出太阳能将会帮人类解决能源危机。


conserve vt. 节省,节约;保护

abundant adj. 充足的,丰富的

await v. 等候,等待


①Man is faced with a big problem-the energy crisis, which is becomingmore and more serious.

②Confronted with the energy crisis, we should take a series ofeffective measures to save energy.

③Personally, I believe that solar energy is a possible source ofclean, inexpensive and abundant energy.


Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Noise Pollution by discussing the possible solutions to noise pollution. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180words.




Noise Pollution

(1)In recent years, noisepollution has become a serious problem. Noises from various sources likeurban traffic, industries, construction and even people’s social activities aredisturbing people’s daily life.

(2)Noise pollution does greatharm to people’s life, so effective measures must be taken to control it.(3)First of all,we should strictly control the noise sources. For example, honking is notallowed in living communities. Moreover, we shoulddevelop more advanced noise-control equipments and better soundproof materials.Last but not least, noise pollution can bereduced by planting more trees, because one of the functions of trees is toabsorb the noise made by the people.

(4)Inbrief, with all the measures to be taken, noise pollution will surelyget controlled in the foreseeable future.


(1) 开篇点题,指出噪音污染已经成为一个严重的问题。

(2) 该句承上启下,第二段主要谈论解决噪音污染的措施。

(3) 谈到了解决噪音问题的三个措施,主要从声源和传播介质两个角度来说。

(4) 最后总结全文,指出噪音污染在未来必将得到控制。


urban adj. 都市的,市区的

source n. 来源

honk vi. 发出汽车喇叭声

soundproof adj. 隔音的

absorb v. 吸收

foreseeable adj. 可预知的,能预测的


①…does great harm to people’s life, so effective measures must betaken to control it.

②In brief, with all the measures to be taken…will surely getcontrolled in the foreseeable future.







Air Pollution

The developmentof the modern world relies greatly on energy, which mainly comes from theburning of fuels. (1)Theserious consequence it has led to is air pollution, which has become one of themajor problems of the modern world.

(2)Urgent measures are neededto tackle the above-mentioned problem. On the one hand, the emission ofpollutants should be restrained. (3)For example, we can use the solar energy or windenergy instead of coal and petroleum so as to reduce the emission ofpollutants. On the other hand, we may as well plant more trees (4)in that trees canmake the air clean.

The protection of environment is of great importance to every memberof our society. (5)Aslong as the government, society and all individuals make joint efforts, a soundsolution to air pollution is not far away.


(1) 开篇点题。

(2) 第二段的中心句,该段阐述应对空气污染的措施。

(3) 举例说明如何减少污染物的排放。

(4) in that表示“因为”。

(5) 这是问题解决型文章惯用的结尾句式,值得借鉴。


urgent adj. 紧急的

emission n. 排放

pollutant n. 污染物

solar adj. 太阳的

petroleum n. 石油


①The serious consequence it has led to is…, which has become one ofthe major problems of the modern world.

②Urgent measures are needed to tackle the above-mentioned problem.

③As long as the government, society and all individuals make jointefforts, a sound solution to…is not far away.






沙尘暴是沙暴和尘暴两者兼有的总称,是指强风把地面大量沙尘物质吹起并卷入空中,使空气特别混浊,水平能见度小于一千米的严重风沙天气现象。本题以沙尘暴为话题,要求考生写一篇议论文。根据作文提纲, 文章首先要提出沙尘暴问题很严重,接着说明沙尘暴形成的原因,最后提出预防沙尘暴的措施。



(1)There is no denying thefact that sandstorms have become a grave problem with which we are confronted.Reports are often heard upon sandstorms attacking North China and other partsof the world. Actually, sandstorms have become widespread. They have severelyaffected people’s daily life and hindered the development of economy.

(2)A number of factorsaccount for the rampancy of sandstorms, but the following might be the mostcritical ones. In the first place, overgrazing and clear-cutting havedevastated the vegetation in formerly green mountains and plains. Consequently,desert has spread and become the major source of sandstorms. In the secondplace, the bare construction cites in cities also contribute to sandstorms.

(3)In viewof the seriousness of the situation, effective measures must be takenimmediately before things get worse. In the first place, it is imperativethat pertinent laws be worked out and rigidly enforced to protect vegetation.In the second place, a (4)deep-going, widespread andever-lasting campaign should be launched to enhance people’s awarenessof environmental protection. (5)With proper laws andan alert public, it will only be a matter of time to solve the problem ofsandstorms.


(1) 开篇提出问题,指出沙尘暴是我们面临的一个严重的问题。

(2) 本句是第二段的主旨句,说明本段重点讨论沙尘暴形成的原因。

(3) 这是第三段的主旨句,本段主要说明预防沙尘暴的措施。

(4) 三个形容词分别从深度、广度和持久度三个方面并列修饰campaign,使文章内容显得更生动。

(5) 这里的proper laws和an alert public与前文的两条措施相呼应,此句值得借鉴。


grave adj. 重大的;严肃的

confront v. 面对,遭遇

hinder v. 阻碍,妨碍

rampancy n. 蔓生,猖獗

overgraze v. 过度放牧

devastate v. 毁灭,毁坏

vegetation n. 植被

imperative adj. 必要的;命令的

pertinent adj. 相关的


①There is no denying the fact that…have become a grave problem withwhich we are confronted.

②A number of factors could account for the rampancy of…but thefollowing might be the most critical ones.

③In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures mustbe taken immediately before things get worse.

④With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter oftime before…become things of the past.

70.Leada Low-carbon Lifestyle





“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,从而减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。本文要求写一篇关于低碳生活的议论文,是考生比较熟悉的一个话题。文章应该首先说明低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎,紧接着应重点说明过低碳生活的好处,最后提出自己的建议。


Lead a Low-carbon Lifestyle

(1)Nowadays, there are aconsiderable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestylewhich find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using publictransportation system in their daily life.

(2)Low carbon lifestyle canendow us and our society with numerous benefits. It goes beyond doubtthat low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot to the environmental protection andit is a favorable way to slow down the rate of climate change of our earth.

We are supposedto undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is ofgreat significance. (3)Andthere is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such anenvironment-friendly life. (4)For one thing, we are expected to minimize the use ofprivate cars, which emit a large amount of greenhouse gases. For another, cultivating the public awareness ofenergy conservation is crucial. For instance, we can turn off electricalappliances if unnecessary as well as using renewable materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seekopportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon dioxide.

(5)Inbrief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us andonly in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.


(1) 本句包含两个定语从句和一个同位语从句,分别由who,which和that引导。适当地使用长句子使文章读起来更有气势。

(2) 这是第二段的主旨句,该段写过低碳生活的好处。

(3) 第三段的主旨句,这一段指出过低碳生活应该采取的做法。

(4) 提出三条建议,分别是减少使用私家车,提高公众节约能源的意识和多植树。

(5) 简要的总结全文。


endow v. 赋予;捐赠

emit v. 发出


①Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who preferto lead a low-carbon lifestyle which find expression in the fact that more andmore commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life.

②It goes beyond doubt that low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot tothe environmental protection and it is a favorable way to slow down the rate ofclimate change of our earth, which also means a lot to our health.

③In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for usand only in this way can we form a harmoniousrelationship with the environment. rJQ3CobhYs3h8VeEXhCD+htcxrjGQUcvg7Ehl0yBBanGKiFWXbIQ5AKT/ZFdUT14
