

35.Shouldthe University Campus Be Open to Tourists? [2005年12月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Shouldthe University Campus Be Open to Tourists? You should write at Least 120words following the outline given below:







Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?

(1)Recently, a large numberof prestigious university campuses have become new tourist hot spots for travelersfrom both home and abroad, which sparks a heated debate as to whether theuniversity campus should be open to tourists or not.

(2)Opinions on thisphenomenon vary from one to another. (3)Some hold the view that time-honored universitieshave definitely accumulated profound culture and knowledge deposit and they canmake this experience a deep impression in tourists’ minds or even help torealize people’s dreams to be enrolled into them. Besides, the students canbecome visitors’ tourist guides, and thus temper their social abilities. However, others insist that well-noted universitiescan not be opened to tourists, who will inevitably disturb the sereneatmosphere and normal life for students.

(4)From mypoint of view, these opinions are actually reconcilable. Since travelerswant to go on a visit to certain institutions, we can make travel arrangementsduring the interval of winter and summer vacations, which can both cater totravelers’ interest and maintain the academic tranquility for students.


(1) 文章开头指出现象并点题。

(2) 这是第二段的中心句。

(3) 提出了两部分人的观点。

(4) 文章最后提出自己的观点,即让游客寒假和暑假的时候去校园内游览。


prestigious adj. 享有声望的,声望很高的

spark v. 发动,触发

profoundadj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的

temper v. 锻炼

serene adj. 平静的

reconcilable adj. 可和解的,可调和的

tranquilityn. 宁静,平静


①Recently…which sparks a heated debate as to whether…or not.

②Opinions on this phenomenon vary from one to another.

③From my point of view, these opinions are actually reconcilable.

36.HowShould Parents Help Children to Be Independent? [2010年12月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled HowShould Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write atleast 120 words following the outline given below.






How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?

(1)Nowadays, there is agrowing concern over such a phenomenon: some parents take care of almosteverything concerned with their children, including their study, work, and evenmarriage. (2) Some otherparents believe that this love, however generous it is, may prohibit childrenfrom being independent thoroughly.

(3)Then, how should parentshelp children to be independent? (4)First of all, parents should cultivate children’sawareness of being independent, which is supposed to be developed fromchildhood. Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and morehelpful than themselves in this world. Besides,parents should teach their children some basic life skills, such as cooking,washing clothes and so forth so that children can live independently.

(5)Independenceis such an indispensable quality for children that parents may as well act as atutor, not a dictator. (6)Only with parents’ sensible guidance and proper help can childrenbecome totally independent.


(1) 文章开始提出现象——一些父母为孩子包办一切。

(2) 指出一些父母认为这种溺爱会影响孩子完全独立,为下文论述父母应该如何让孩子独立作铺垫。

(3) 提出疑问引起读者继续读下去的欲望。

(4) 此段提出了两个对父母的建议,一个是提高孩子的独立意识,另外一个是教会孩子一些生活技能。

(5) 指出独立性的重要性并提出父母应该表现得像一个教师而不是独裁者。

(6) 使用倒装句强调父母的指导和帮助在培养孩子独立性方面的重要性。


cultivate v. 培养

be supposed to 应该……

indispensable adj. 不可或缺的,绝对有必要的

dictator n. 独裁者


①Nowadays, there is a growing concern over…

②Independence is such an indispensable quality for children thatparents may as well act as a tutor, not a dictator.

③Only with parents’ sensible guidance and proper help can childrenbecome totally independent.

37.FreeAdmission to Museums [2009年6月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Free Admission Museums. You should write at least 120words following the outline given below:







Free Admission to Museums

(1)Recently, an increasingnumber of museums are open to the public with free admission, because thegovernment has been attaching great importance to provide more opportunitiesfor citizens to explore and get access to the knowledge world.

(2)However, the policy of freeadmission to museums may bring some problems as well. For one thing,with more visitors entering museums, there is a greater possibility that exhibitsof the museums will get damaged. For another, it is hard for museums to run asusual without any profits from the visitors.

(3)As faras I am concerned, I am absolutely in favor of this practice. First andforemost, ordinary people have the right to enter the museums to enjoy thedisplays freely. Moreover, kids and teenagers can learn about knowledge invarious domains in a more vivid and interactive way outside the classroom.


(1) 指出现象并说出目的。

(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段主要写博物馆免费开放带来的问题。

(3) 最后作者提出了自己的看法,赞成博物馆免费开放。


admission n. 承认;入场费;进入许可

domain n. 领域

vivid adj. 生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的


①Recently, an increasing number of…

②As far as I am concerned, I am absolutely in favor of this practice.

38.Onthe Spring Festival Gala [2006年12月真题]

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic On the Spring Festival Gala. You should write at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow:







On the Spring Festival Gala

Chinese LunarNew Year—the spring festival is a time and occasion for Chinese people tocelebrate. (1)Watching the CCTV Spring Festival Galain New Year’s Eve has become a routine for most Chinese families.

(2)However, its established status is being challenged by agrowing number of people, who deem that it should be canceled or replaced byother programs. These young people focus theirattention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV.Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold theimportance of the traditional performance. Most people view this show as anannual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve.

(3)Personally,I do not think it should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role inthe celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its appeal and meet youngadults’ need, the upcoming performance should invite more common people to participatein this grand occassion.


(1) 开篇点题,陈述多数人喜欢看春晚的事实。

(2) 指出越来越多人认为应该取消春晚。

(3) 最后一段给出自己的观点并提出建议。作者认为不应该取消春晚,春晚应该邀请更多的普通百姓去参与。


lunar adj. 月亮的,;阴历的

gala n. 祝贺,庆祝;节日,特别娱乐

deem v. 认为

annual adj. 年度的;每年的

staple n. 主要产品;订书钉;主题;主食


①Watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in New Year’s Eve has becomea routine for most Chinese families.

②However, its established status is being challenged by a growingnumber of people, who deem that it should be canceled or replaced by otherprograms.

39.Howto Succeed in a Job Interview? [2001年1月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should writeat least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinesebelow:






How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

Students will probably have to face the big challenge ofbeing interviewed while hunting a job. The job interview provides the employerwith an opportunity to have face-to-face contact with the applicants so as tolearn deeper about their experience, educational backgrounds, as well as theirpersonalities. (1)Theprocess usually plays a decisive role in job recruitment.

Then how to be successful in a job interview? (2)There are several tips the applicants may as wellfollow. First of all,the applicant needs to get dressed properly and neatly. A positive firstimpression usually (3)pavesthe way for success. Secondly, good manner is also very important, as the applicantshould not be (4)arrogantor timid, but polite and courteous. Thirdly, the applicant needs to demonstrate his or herown talents and scope of knowledge with fair confidence. Last but not least, the applicant should remain objective about his or herbackground, without exaggerating or lying about the information.

(5)Tosum up, as long as the intervieweehas the ability for the job, with careful preparation and a fairly confidentand honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.


(1) 第一段解释了job interview的作用,并指出了其重要性,这就为下文的讨论做好了铺垫。

(2) 本段主要就如何面试提出了一些建议,分为四个方面,每一个方面都有一个连接词作为开头,使文章的脉络非常清晰。

(3) 指的是“为……做好铺垫、准备”。

(4) 这两组形容词的使用非常生动。

(5)to sum up通常用来总结全文,这里作者把上述意见精简为careful preparation和afairly confident and honest performance两个短语,是一个非常简练的总结。


candidate n.候选人,应试者

try one’s utmost尽某人最大努力

as long as 只要

arrogantadj. 傲慢的, 自大的

timid adj. 胆小的,羞怯的

courteousadj. 有礼貌的,谦恭的

exaggeratev. 夸大,夸张


①…usually paves the wayfor success.

40.MyView on Fake Commodities [1998年1月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write atleast 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given inChinese) below:






My View on Fake Commodities

(1)Nowadays, there stillexist numerous fake and shoddy commodities around us, such as in thesupermarkets, bookstores and so on. Pirated books can easily be found inthe bookstores, or inferior milk in the supermarkets.

(2)Fake and shoddy productsare bound to result in severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye tothem. On the one hand, they (3)infringe on the rights of consumers, wasting theirmoney and threatening their health and even lives. (4)On the other, the production and sale of fake goodsresult in big losses on the part of lawful producers.

In light of the serious impacts fake commodities generate, effectivemeasures should be taken to eliminate them. (5)It is vital that the related laws and regulations beworked out and strictly carried out to ensure that there is no fake commoditiescirculating in the market. As individuals, what we can do is to strongly resistfake and shoddy commodities. Once we encounter them, we may as well report themto the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. (6)Hopefully, with our joint efforts, that fake and shoddygoods become things of the past will only be a matter of time.


(1) 提出市场上存在大量假冒伪劣商品的现象。

(2) 第二段的中心句。

(3) 指“侵犯消费者的权利”。

(4) 进一步指出假冒伪劣商品的危害。

(5) 提出很重要的建议。

(6) 指出只要我们共同努力,杜绝假冒伪劣商品只是时间问题。


fake and shoddycommodities 假冒伪劣商品

pirated books 盗版书籍

fake milk 劣质牛奶

be bound to 必然,注定会

turn a blindeye to 熟视无睹,对……视而不见

infringe on 侵犯,侵害

resist v. 抵抗


①…are bound to result in severe consequences if we keep turning ablind eye to them.

②In light of the serious impacts…generate, effective measures shouldbe taken to eliminate them.

③Hopefully, with our joint effort, that…become things of the pastwill only be a matter of time.

41.TheTwo-day Weekend [1996年1月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Two-day Weekend. You should write at least 100words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese)below:







The Two-day Weekend

(1)For most college students,the weekend are the favorite days in a week. After studying for five successivedays, we are in both physical and emotional fatigue. (2)During the two days, we can relax, refresh and thenprepare for the next week. We can go hiking,visit our friends or stay in dorms to have a rest. (3)In a word, the two-day weekend is a gas station in our lifetravel.

(4)But just as every coin hastwo sides, there are also some problems the two-day weekend may bring tocollege students. For those students who do not pay much attention tostudy, the two-day weekend may be wasted in playing computers, playing cards,or even gambling. It is really harmful for their future.

(5)As for me, in orderto benefit most from the weekend, I may do many interesting things such asreading novels, listening to music,and taking part-time jobs. (6)All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We shouldcombine work with play together.


(1) 开篇点题,指出对于大多数人来说,周末的两天是一周中他们最喜欢的日子。

(2) 指出双休日的好处。

(3) 把双休日比喻成我们生命旅程中的加油站,比喻很形象。

(4) 这是第二段的中心句,该段主要写双休日可能带来的问题。

(5) 最后作者提出自己应当怎样过好双休日。

(6) 使用英语谚语来说明我们应该劳逸结合。


successive adj. 继承的;连续的

fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累

refresh vi. 恢复精神

hike v. 远足,徒步旅行

dorm n. 宿舍

gamble v. 赌博;投机;孤注一掷


①In a word, the two-day weekend is a gas station in our life travel.

②But just as every coin has two sides, there are also someproblems…may bring to college students.

③All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

42.Advantagesof a Job Interview [1995年6月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Advantage of a Job Interview. You should write atleast 100 words and you should base your composition on outline (given inChinese) below:

1.现在找工作一般都要面试,通过面试,面试者(interviewer)和应试者(interviewee) 可以互相了解情况;






Advantages of a Job Interview

Nowadays, when aperson is hunting for a job, he is most likely to have a job interview first,which (1)provides theopportunity to get to know each other for both parties concerned.

In the interview,(2)the interviewerwill provide fundamental information about the nature of the job, the payment,the working conditions and other things relevant to the job. In addition, theinterviewer will test the candidate, which can help him judge whether the intervieweeis suitable for the job or not.

(3)Theinterviewee can also take advantage of this opportunity to promotehimself. He can demonstrate his confidence and competence through his knowledgeand educational background, and he can also express his enthusiasm for theposition. All that he should do is to make the interviewee believe that he isjust the one who lives up to all the requirements. (4)Through the interview, both sides can have a betterunderstanding and have the idea whether they are fit for each other.


(1) 总述面试的好处,即面试给面试双方提供了互相了解的机会。

(2) 第二段从面试者的角度谈论面试的好处。

(3) 第三度从应试者的角度谈论面试的好处。

(4) 最后总结全文。


take advantageof 利用

competence n. 能力

enthusiasm n. 热心,热忱,热情

live upto  不辜负;做到;实践


①In the interview, the interviewer will provide fundamental informationabout the nature of the job, the payment, the working conditions and otherthings relevant to the job.

②All that he should do is to make the interviewee believe that he isjust the one who lives up to all the requirements.

43.MyIdeal Job [1994年6月真题]







My Ideal Job

From memory, wewere often asked “what would you like to do in the future” when we were stillpupils, and the answers would vary from teacher, scientist, worker to doctor,soldier, driver and so on. (1)Everyone has his own definition about an ideal job.

(2)As for me, I have beendreaming of being a teacher from the very start. Some people may saythat you cann’t make much money if you choose to be a teacher. However, in myview, the ideal has nothing to do with money. (3)What attracts me most to be a teacher is that I can growtogether with the students. Staying with them always give me the feelingthat I am still young. Besides, I can alsoengage in academic research, which is one of my strong points.

(4)To be a qualified teacher,I will do my utmost to gain more professional knowledge as well as teachingskills. What’s more, I will adjust myself to adapt to the role of being ateacher.


(1) 此处出现了文章的核心词ideal job,呼应了标题。

(2) 作者指出了自己的理想职业是教师。

(3) 指出了我选择教师作为理想职业的原因。

(4) 这里指出我怎样为理想的职业做准备。


definition n. 定义;清晰度;解说

from the verystart 从一开始

have nothing todo with 与……无关

engage in 从事于

qualified adj. 合格的;有资格的


①Everyone has his own definition about an ideal job.

②As for me, I have been dreaming of being a…from the very start.

③What attracts me most to be a…is that…

④To be a qualified…I will do my utmost to…

44.MyFavorite Programme [1993年6月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Most Favorite Programme. You should write no lessthan 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given inChinese) below:







My Favorite Programme

It goes withoutsaying that everyone has his own favorite TV program and I am no exception. (1)The program I enjoy mostis Approaching Science and I have never missed once.

The program isabout science popularization, which aims at promoting the scientific spirit,giving publicity to scientific thinking and spread scientific knowledge. Theprogram contains a large amount of information (2)from scientific analysis of hot spots and doubtful points tomystery stories in life. Besides, the videos in the program are extremely vivid.

(3)Severalreasons result in my love for it. Firstly, I can get scientificknowledge from it, which makes me more prudent when confronted with perplexingphenomenon. Secondly, it can help me broaden my horizons and get up on theright side, as we should explore and find out the truth behind the phenomena.In a word, Approaching Science is a program worth watching.


(1) 作者开门见山地指出自己最喜爱的电视节目是《走近科学》。

(2) 指出了该节目的内容和特点。

(3) 这是第三段的中心句,该段主要写我喜欢这个节目的原因。


popularization n. 通俗化,大众化;普及

givingpublicity to 宣传;公布

vivid adj. 生动的

prudent adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的

confront with 使面临

perplexing adj. 复杂的,令人费解的;令人困惑的


①It goes without saying that…

②The program I enjoy most is…

③Several reasons result in my love for it.








Harsh Employment

(1)In recent years, a growingnumber of college graduates have found it increasingly difficult to land a joband even harder to find satisfactory jobs. This phenomenon has arousedwidespread concern.

(2)There are four reasonsaccounting for it. First, courses offered in the universities are sooutdated, irrelevant and impractical that the students themselves find ituseless in reality. Second, owing to the rapid expansion of college enrollment,the supply of college graduates exceeds the demand of the job market. Third,many graduates are reluctant to work in the remote areas or less developedwestern provinces. Last, graduates without working experience are now losingtheir appeal for many (3)transnational corporations.

(4)Here aresome suggestions for students. First, they should develop a rightattitude. Second, they should make every effort to increase their knowledgereserves. In addition, they need to do their utmost to search for jobinformation and send their resumes to different corporations.


(1) 开篇指出大学毕业生就业难的现象。

(2) 第二段的中心句,该段指出就业难的原因。

(3) 指的是“跨国公司”。

(4) 第三段的中心句,该段给学生提了几个解决就业难问题的建议。


satisfactory adj. 满意的

irrelevant adj. 不相干的;不切题的

reluctant adj. 不情愿的;勉强的

exceed v. 超过;胜过

transnational adj. 跨国的

resume n. 个人简历

owing to 由于,因为

do one’s utmost不遗余力,尽力


①In recent years, a growing number of…have found it increasinglydifficult to…and even harder to…

②There are…reasons that account for it.

③Here are some suggestions for…

46.MyView on Job-Hopping

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Job-Hopping by commenting on the phenomenon that somepeople like changing their jobs from time to time. You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words.




My View on Job-Hopping

Many people tendto do one job all their lives. They think that only by sticking to one job canthey achieve success. (1)As an old saying goes, practice makes perfect. Beyondall doubt, constantly doing one job can help one accumulate rich workingexperience.

(2)But there are still othersholding an opposite view. They claim that if the present workingconditions or future opportunities are not satisfactory, they will resign andhunt another job (3)withoutany hesitation. More importantly, by doing different jobs, they canaccumulate various kinds of knowledge and experience.

(4)As faras I am concerned, I think it holds water to change your job if anotherjob is more suitable for you. Sometimes in some jobs you cannot fully displayyour abilities while in others you can fully fulfill your potential. In suchcases, you can consider changing your job. However, if you change your jobsjust for fun or without adequate consideration, it is a waste of time and humanresources.


(1) 使用谚语使文章的论据更有说服力。

(2) 提出另一些人反对的观点。

(3) 此短语描写出了一些人频繁换工作的态度。

(4) 提出自己的观点。


practice makesperfect 熟能生巧

beyond alldoubt 毫无疑问

accumulate v. 积累

without anyhesitation 毫不犹豫地

hold water站得住脚,合情合理,说得通

dig one’spotential 挖掘某人的潜能


①As an old saying goes, practice makes perfect.

②But there are still others holding an opposite view.

③As far as I am concerned, I think it holds water to…

47.OnFood Safety

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Food Safety bycommenting on the problem of food safety. You should write at least 120 wordsbut no more than 180 words.




On Food Safety

(1)In the last several years,cases of the food scandal have constantly been exposed to light by the media:the melamine in milk, tainted steamed bun, and drainage oil, etc. Thepublic doubt that these cases are only (2)the tip of the iceberg. Even the daily foods are notsafe, not to mention those we can not contact directly.

(3)There are a couple ofdriving forces for this. (4)First of all, merchants’ pursuit of wealth is themain reason. They can be desperate enough for coins. Besides,some people have neglected the moral education in the course of economicdevelopment, which gives rise to the rising rate of the problem. Apart from all the above, the lack of adequate regulationsand punishment also encourages their arrogance.

(5)It isurgent that strict measures should be taken to crack down on the “problem foods”.The government should severely punish those illegal corporations to ring alarmbells for the rest. The public should strongly boycott the “problem foods”. Iam firmly convinced that through our joint efforts we are bound to enjoy morerisk-free foods in the days ahead.


(1) 开篇指出许多“问题食品”被媒体曝光,并列举了一部分,引起读者反思。

(2) 指的是“冰山一角”。

(3) 第二段的中心句,该段写出现“问题食品”的原因。

(4) 该段指出了出现“问题食品”的三个原因,使用这些连接词使文章条理很清晰。

(5) 第三段的中心句,该段从政府和公众两个角度提出了解决食品安全问题的措施。


scandal n. 丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤

melamine 三聚氰胺

tainted steamedbun 染色馒头

drainage oil 地沟油

desperate adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的

give rise to 使发生,引起

arrogance n. 傲慢,自大,自负

ring alarmbells 敲响警钟


①In the last several years…have constantly been exposed to light bythe media.

②The public doubt that these cases are only the tip of the iceberg.

③There are a couple of driving forces for this.

④It is urgent that strict measures should be taken to crack down on…

⑤I am firmly convinced that through our joint efforts we are boundto…in the days ahead.







Caring House

(1)Nowadays more and moreelderly people choose to live in the caring house. Some people areholding the opinion that caring houses provide old people with a betterenvironment than homes. Personally I agree with this opinion for the followingreasons.

(2)In the first place,caring houses provide the elderly with (3)first-rate facilities and services, which the familyis lacking in. Nowadays, working couples need to face intense competition andthey need to make more money to support their family. As a result, they haveless time to care for the old people, especially when the elderly suffer fromserious diseases. On the contrary, when old people live in caring houses,nurses can meet their needs and advanced facilities also provide a bettertreatment. Secondly, in caring houses theelderly can meet people of similar age, taste and hobby, with who they can havemore common topics to talk about. Besides, theold people need more serenity and rest while the young need more activities. Whenthe elderly choose to live in caring houses, they need not worry about thisproblem.

(4)Fromwhat has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that elderlypeople living in caring houses is a good practice not only for their adultchildren but also for themselves. However, it does not mean that the adultsgive up the responsibility to care for the old.


(1) 开门见山地引出话题。

(2) 条理清晰地论述了老年人去养老院养老的好处。

(3) 意思是“一流的设施和服务”。

(4) 文章最后总结全文。


first-rate adj. 一流的,最佳的

serenity n. 平静,宁静


①Personally I agree with this opinion for the following reasons.

②From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that…

49.Howto Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities?

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities by discussing the possible ways of solving thehousing problems in big cities. You should write at least 120 words but no morethan 180 words.




How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities?

(1)Nowadays, with people ingrowing numbers flowing into big cities, housing problem is becoming moresevere. Many proposals have been put forward to address the issue. (2)Some suggest thatmore high buildings be constructed. Some insist thatthe underground be developed. Others propose thatsatellite cities be built. Still others argue thatcities should be expanded to move people to the suburbs.

(3)As far as I am concerned, buildingsatellite cities in the suburbs is feasible. On the one hand, thesecities are not far away from big cities. It takes little time for people to godowntown. On the other hand, fresh air and adequate space is available in suchcities. If many people move to the satellite cities, the housing problem in bigcities will be relieved.

(4)To sumup, building satellite cities can not only solve the housing problem inbig cities, but also provide a much better living environment.


(1) 开头提出现象,并提到了housing problem,与标题相呼应。

(2) 提出了四种可能解决住房问题的方案。

(3) 作者指出了自己的选择,认为在郊区建造卫星城市可行。

(4) 总结全文,指出建造卫星城市不但能解决大城市的住房问题,而且能提供更好的居住环境。


severe adj. 严峻的

proposal n. 提议,建议

suburb n. 郊区

feasible adj. 可行的;可能的;可实行的


①Nowadays, with people in growing numbers flowing into big cities…isbecoming more severe.

②As far as I am concerned…is feasible.

50.ExcessivePackaging of Commodities







Excessive Packaging of Commodities

(1)No one in China has failedto notice that goods are wrapped in flaring boxes or bags. Taking a lookaround, we can find examples with ease: (2)a small computer is packed in a thick and heavy carton;clothes are put in a well-designed plastic bags on which various kinds ofpatterns and colors are printed and so on.

(3)What are the causes ofthis problem? On the one hand, in order to earn more economic gains, aconsiderable number of manufactures usually wrap their products withunnecessary but appealing materials aiming at attracting customer’s attention,arousing their curiosity and then stimulating their purchasing desire. On theother hand, quite a few customers believe that the more delicate the packageseems, the superior the quality will be, which has also encouraged the trend ofexcessive packaging. (4)However, the emergence of excessive package has given rise to manyundesirable consequences that can’t be neglected. For one thing,it is a waste of precious andlimited natural resources,which will thus pose underlying threat to our offspring generation.For another, customers are often deceived by artificial external packing ratherthan being provided with high-quality goods.

(5)Tochange this situation, I think we should take the following measures.First, laws must be made and implemented to impose restriction on excessivepackaging. Second, a public education campaign should be launched to arousecustomers’ consciousness that packaging is not equal to quality, and to letthem know the bad impact of it. (6)Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.


(1) 描述商品过度包装的现象。

(2) 列举具体的例子,使文章内容更加充实。

(3) 以问句的形式开始第二段,引起读者的兴趣。

(4) 使用转折连词从原因的论述转到后果的论述,使文章过渡自然。

(5) 最后作者提出解决问题的措施。

(6) 使用倒装句使文章句式结构多样化。


flaring adj. 引人注目的

wrap v. 用……包裹,缠绕

stimulate v. 刺激;鼓舞

artificial adj. 人造的;伪造的

implement v. 实施,执行;实现,使生效


①No one in China has failed to notice that…

②However, the emergence of…has given rise to many undesirableconsequences that can’t be neglected.

③To change this situation, I think we should take the followingmeasures.

④Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.

51.Howto Solve the Problem of Traffic Jams?






How to Solve the Problem of Traffic Jams?

Nowadays, everywhereyou can see a number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcelymove. (1)The problemof traffic jams has seriously influenced people’s daily life and economicdevelopment.

(2)Several suggestions arerecommended to solve the problem. (3)Firstly, the number of private cars should be limitedwhile more bus and subway routes should be opened up, for buses and subways canaccommodate more passengers in the given space. Secondly,the companies should be encouraged to adopt the flex-time system to avoid trafficjam in rush-hours. Thirdly, it is alsoadvisable that people go out on foot if their destinations are not far awayfrom home.

(4)With allthe mentioned solutions to be adopted, I am sure the problem of traffic jamswill be greatly eased.


(1) 指出了交通拥堵的严重性,the problem of traffic jams呼应了标题。

(2) 这是第二段的中心句,该段主要写解决交通拥堵应该采取的措施。

(3) 分条提出了应该采取的措施,条理很清晰。

(4) 最后总结全文并点题。


block v. 阻止;阻塞;限制

route n. 路线;航线;通道

accommodate v. 容纳;使适应;供应;调解

destination n. 目的地

adopt v. 采取


①The problem of…has seriously influenced people’s daily life andeconomic development.

②Several suggestions are recommended to solve the problem.

③With all the mentioned solutions to be adopted, I am sure theproblem of…will be greatly eased.

52.MyView on Pet Raising

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Pet Raising by commenting on the issue of pet raising. Youshould write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




My View on Pet Raising

(1)Nowadays, with theimprovement of the people’s living standards, many people form the habit ofraising small or domestic animals as pets. Some have small dogs or catsas their pets while others have various birds or fishes as their pets.

(2)However, some peopleobject to the idea of raising animals as pets. According to them,animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. Besides,the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on thesurroundings, (3)forexample, dogs’ chasing people on the street and so on. What’s more, someanimals will transmit some diseases, which is a potential danger to people’shealth, especially during the outbreak of flu.

(4)In myopinion, I do not fancy the idea to raise animals as pets. We should notdeprive them of their natural right. Only in this way, can we live in apeaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.


(1) 提出与话题相关的现象,引出话题。

(2) 指出一些人反对养宠物。

(3) 举例说明,使上文更有说服力。

(4) 提出自己的观点。


domestic adj. 家养的;国内的

transmit v. 传输,传播

deprive v. 使丧失,剥夺

harmony n. 和谐,融洽


①Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard…

②However, some people object to the idea of…

③In my opinion, I do not fancy the idea to…

53.ShouldEating Food Be Banned on the Subway?







Should Eating Food Be Banned on theSubway?

(1)Currently, the regulationthat eating food should be banned on subways has been put forward in many bigcities and has sparked heated discussion. (2)Some people agree to it with the reason that foodwill attract rats and garbage from discarded food can cause accidents. Moreover,disagreements on the issue can also lead to fights, as was reported recently thatone passenger criticized a woman eating (3)steamed stuffed bun on the subway in Hong Kong.

(4)However, some others are againstthe idea. They argue that they have no choice but to eat on the subwaybecause there is not enough time to eat at home or restaurants. Besides, some peoplewith special needs, (5)forexample the diabetic, have to eat food at various times to maintainblood-sugar levels.

(6)As faras I am concerned, I oppose to the ban because of the huge inconvenienceit would cause. We should take all the people into consideration. Therefore,eating food should not be banned on the subway.


(1) 提出现象,指出许多大城市颁布禁止在地铁上吃东西的规定。

(2) 指出一些人支持这个规定。

(3) 指的是“包子”。

(4) 指出另一些人反对这个规定。

(5) 以糖尿病患者为例说明有些人需要时不时吃东西。

(6) 提出自己的看法。


spark v. 发动;鼓舞;求婚

discard v. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃

criticize v. 批评

bun n. 圆形的小面包或点心

maintain v. 维持;继续;维修;主张;供养


①Currently…has been put forward in many big cities and has sparkedheated discussion.

②Some people agree to it with the reason that…

③However, some others are against the idea.

④As far as I am concerned, I oppose to…because of…

54.Real-nameSystem for Train Ticket







Real-name System for Train Ticket

(1)With the largestpopulation in the world and an underdeveloped railway system, China isnotorious for making train tickets particularly hard to purchase for ordinarycitizens, especially during the Spring Festival when the railway is the primarymeans of transportation. The reason is that (2)ticket scalpers have proliferated, monopolizing alarge quantity of tickets by either hiring people to buy tickets or conspiringwith the ticket sellers within the railway stations.

As the entirenation’s outrage over ticket scarcity keeps mounting, the Chinese governmenthas introduced the drastic measure that (3)citizens purchase train tickets with valid personal IDs.(4)The system isdesigned primarily to crack down on ticket scalpers who have been themajor reason of the problem. By allowing each individual to buy only oneticket, the system seeks to make tickets accessible to people in real need,rather than controlled by the profit-seeking and illegal scalpers.

(5)However,this reformatory measure, while somewhat easing ticket scarcity, creates newproblems. Buyers find the whole buying process troublesome andtime-consuming. Furthermore, when boarding the train, the passenger who forgetsto bring his valid ID certificate will be denied access to the train. I believethe introduction of each new system is coupled with shortcomings but there mustbe ways to improve the system. (6)Of course, we look forward to the day when China’s railwaynetworks are so sufficiently developed that tickets are readily available toanyone at any time.


(1) 描述与话题相关的现象,为下文提出话题做铺垫。

(2) 指的是“票贩子,黄牛党”。

(3) 解释实名制购票。

(4) 指出推出火车票实名制的目的。

(5) 承上启下,上文谈到实名制部分缓解了票不足的状况,下文要论述这种改革措施带了的新问题。

(6) 最后展望中国铁路系统的美好未来。


notorious adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

scalper n. 黄牛党

proliferate v. 激增;增殖;扩散

monopolize v. 垄断,独占

conspire v. 同谋,密谋;协力,共同促成

outrage n. 愤怒,愤慨

scarcity n. 不足,缺乏

drastic adj. 激烈的,猛烈的;极端的,严厉的

crack down on镇压;制裁

reformatory adj. 改革的;感化的;革新的


①With the largest population in the world and an underdevelopedrailway system, China is notorious for making train tickets particularly hardto purchase for ordinary citizens, especially during the Spring Festival whenthe railway is the primary means of transportation.

②The system is designed primarily to crack down on ticket scalperswhose business has developed into a majorindustry.

③Of course, we look forward to the day when China’s railway networksare so sufficiently developed that tickets arereadily available to anyone at any time.

55.CityLife and Suburban Life

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled City Life and Suburban Life by discussing the phenomenon of people moving tosuburbs. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




City Life and Suburban Life

(1)In recent years, anincreasing number of people have relocated to the suburbs to enjoy the nature,the clean atmosphere and the quiet surroundings. Besides, the daily costand the house prices are far below those of the city. They don’t need to bearthe heavy traffic and the noise of the downtowns. (2)In short, they find all the elements for a healthy life inthe suburbs.

(3)It is true that the citycan provide more convenience and entertainments and this is also whymost people are reluctant to leave. (4)However, the disadvantages of living in the citiesoutweigh the advantages. Every day, you are in the environment full of wastegases, automobile noises and living wastes; and wherever you go, you are in thestream of people. What’s more, the living cost and (5)room rate are so high in the cities that many peoplehave no choice but to live in the basements.

It seems to me that each has its pluses and minuses. The city lifeand suburban life are no good or bad, and it only depends on people’s ownpreferences. We can choose whichever as long as it fits us. (6)Personally, I prefer tolive in the suburbs.


(1) 指出近年来越来越多的人开始迁往市郊的现象。

(2) 总结在市郊生活的好处。

(3) 指出在城市生活的好处。

(4) 通过however转折,指出在城市生活的不利之处。

(5) 指“房价”。

(6) 最后表明了自己的偏好。


relocate vt. 重新安置;迁移

in short 总之;简言之

reluctant adj. 不情愿的;勉强的;顽抗的

basement n. 地下室;地窖


①It is true that…

②It seems to me that each has its pluses and minuses.








Drunk Driving

(1)Nowadays, the phenomenonof drunken driving has aroused wide concern among the public. Especiallythe young generation living in metropolis, tend to drive after drinking,ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat to theirprecious life and others.

(2)Generally speaking, thereare several reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Firstly, the absenceof consciousness of driving security may be one of the leading causes. Peopleparticipate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where alcohol is inevtable.Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. Secondly, relevant laws andregulations may not have been strictly enforced to warn people not to driveafter drinking. (3)Drunkendriving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eyeand a deaf ear to it. First and foremost, this behavior will directlythreaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians, resulting intraffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured andrepairing broken cars means a grievous cost of money, time and resources.

(4)In viewof the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken beforethings get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role oflaws and regulations should be strengthened to impose heavy penalty on thosewho drive after drinking. Secondly, a more extensive education campaign shouldbe launched to arouse the public’s consciousness of the importance of drivingsafety. With these measures adopted, I strongly believe that drunken drivingwill be things of the past.


(1) 开门见山,提出话题。

(2) 指出现象背后的原因。

(3) 指出现象导致的后果。

(4) 提出杜绝酒驾的措施。


metropolis n. 大都市

banquet n. 宴会

pedestrian n. 行人,步行者

grievous adj. 严重的

supervisory adj. 监督的

penalty n. 罚款,罚金;处罚


①Nowadays, the phenomenon of…has aroused wide concern among thepublic.

②…is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blindeye and a deaf ear to it.

③In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures mustbe taken before things get worse.

④With these measures adopted, I strongly believe that…will be thingsof the past.

57.Advantagesand Disadvantages of TV






Advantages and Disadvantages of TV

Nowadays almosteveryone in the world has access to television. TV has brought significantchanges in people’s life.

(1)Different people have different views on these changes.(2)Some people hold that television benefits us a lot.It has brought people a new media to know the world. No other media could evershow people so much information than TV. Even families in isolated areas canknow what is happening in the world with the help of TV. (3)Some others, however, insist that the changes are not all positive.Since television was widely available, family numbers spend less time communicatingand doing outdoor activities together. What’s more, many people waste a lot oftime watching poor quality programs.

(4)To sum up, there are strongpositive effects of TV in terms of its informative role, but it has alsoaltered people in a negative sense.


(1) 这句话承上启下。

(2) 提出一些人的观点,即电视的优点。

(3) 提出另一些人的观点,即电视的缺点。

(4) 最后总结全文。


isolated adj. 孤立的;分离的

in terms of 依据,按照;在…方面

informative adj. 教育性的,提供信息的

alter v. 改变,更改


①Different people have different views on these changes.

②To sum up, there are strong positive effects of…in terms of…but ithas also…in a negative sense.

58.MyView on “Naked Wedding”







My View on “Naked Wedding”

“Naked wedding”,a popular catch phrase in China, reflects the reality of many young people inChina today. (1)Itrefers to a marriage with no deposit, no house, no car, no diamond ring, and nofancy wedding ceremony-just a nine-yuan marriage certificate.

(2)People’s opinions differon “naked wedding”. Some people hold that “naked wedding” is acceptable.They insist that there is no reason to oppose “naked wedding” since the twoyoung people truly love each other. They claim that the “naked wedding” couplescan earn all the things with their joint effort. Yet there is another group ofpeople who maintain that “naked wedding” is unacceptable. They think that it isquite difficult for newly married couples to have a stable life without moneyor house, and they will probably get divorced in the end.

(3)As faras I am concerned, it is acceptable for young people to have a “nakedwedding”. (4)If husbandand wife are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. Therefore,the “naked wedding” couples can endure all the hardships and overcome all thedifficulties provided that they are of one mind.


(1) 此处采用了定义法,指出了什么是“naked wedding”。

(2) 第二段的中心句,下文提出赞成“裸婚”和反对“裸婚”两种观点。

(3) 作者提出自己的看法。此短语经常用来提出自己的观点、意见或建议等。

(4) 意思是“夫妻同心,其利断金”。


catch phrase 口号,口头禅

deposit n. 存款

divorce v. 离婚


①“Naked wedding”, a popular catch phrase in China, reflects thereality of many young people in China today.

②If husband and wife are of the same mind, their sharpness can cutthrough metal.

59.MyView on Celebrating the Western Festivals

Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Celebrating the Western Festivals by commenting on the increasing popularity ofwestern festivals among the youths. You should write at least 120 words but nomore than 180 words.




My View on Celebrating the Western Festivals

(1)With the increasinginterplay of international cultures, many western holidays have been introducedinto China, such as April’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc. These festivals alsoenjoy great popularity among Chinese people, especially youngsters.

(2)The reason behind thissocial phenomenon is as follows. In the recent years, the youngstershave more opportunities to gain exposure to western cultures. The Hollywoodfilms and the western music all cater to their tastes of pursuing fashion. (3)By contrast, mostof our traditional festivals are regarded rigid, so they may be suitable forthe elder. Although festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-AutumnFestival have been added as legal holidays recently, these festivals’ influenceon young people is relatively weak.

(4)As faras I am concerned, the wide spread and recognition of western holidayswill definitely do harm to our traditional value. We, as young people, shouldstrive to carry forward the traditional culture. Because only when we are proudof our culture will the world be.


(1) 介绍背景,引出文章的主要话题“西方节日”。

(2) 第二段的中心句,指出现象背后的原因。

(3) 通过将中国传统节日与西方节日在年轻人中的影响进行对比,进一步说明西方节日更受年轻人喜爱。

(4) 作者最后提出自己的看法,即应该回归中国传统文化。


interplay n. 相互影响,相互作用

cater v. 投合,迎合;满足需要


①With increasing interplay of international cultures, many westernholidays were introduced into China, such as April’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc.

②The Hollywood films, western music all cater to their tastes ofpursuing fashion.

③As far as I am concerned, the wide spread and recognition of westernholidays will definitely harm our traditional value.

60.Struggleagainst Corruption






Struggle against Corruption

Most of thegovernment officials are hard-working and honest. However, signs of dishonestyin business and even in the government have seemed much more evident in recentyears. (1)Someofficials seek ease and comfort, embezzle public funds, or take bribes. Someeven embark on the road of political degeneration and crime.

(2)It is of great necessityfor the government to take strict and effective measures against corruption. Honestycan earn the government high prestige among people, and maintain the close tiesbetween the government and its people. Meanwhile, struggle against corruptionshould be carried out to strengthen the economic construction. Governments atall levels, with the determination of eliminating corruption, have launched anationwide campaign and adopted effective measures against all forms ofcorruption. (3)First,all the officials are called upon to learn from some (4)exemplary cadres who serve the peoplewhole-heartedly. Secondly, more relevant lawshave been adopted to punish the graters. Thirdly,people across the nation respond to the party’s call positively to expose anddenounce the offenders, and there are numerous (5)watchdog committees at all levels in society.

(6)Inconclusion, people welcome the important campaign against corruption anddegeneration. Only an honest government enjoys the confidence and trust of thepeople.


(1) 使用并列结构指出政府官员一系列的腐败活动。

(2) 避免千篇一律地使用it is quite necessary的结构。

(3) 分条论述政府采取的措施。

(4) 指“示范干部”。

(5) 指“监督委员会”。

(6) 总结全文。


embezzle v. 盗用,挪用

bribe n. 贿赂

embark v. 开始,从事,着手

degeneration n. 堕落

prestige n. 威望,声望

with thedetermination of

cadre n. 干部;骨骼

denounce v. 谴责,告发,公然抨击


①Some officials seek ease and comfort, embezzle public funds, andtake bribes. Some even embark on the road of political degeneration and crime.

②It is of great necessity for government to take strict and effectivemeasures against corruption.


Directions: Forthis part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Pirated Books by commenting on the phenomenon of overflowing piratedbooks. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




Pirated Books

(1)At present, the bookmarkets in China are flooded with varieties of piracies. Shortly after anewly-published book (2)hits the shelves, you can find the pirated ones everywhere.

(3)Different people holddifferent views about this. (4)Some people believe that the usage of pirated bookswill cause great loss to legitimate authors and producers’ enthusiasm may begreatly hurt by the fact that some customers are more inclined to purchase piracies.(5)While others claimthat the pirated books usually have a great advantage in the price andthe quality is not too bad.

(6)As faras I am concerned, we should support the original edition without reservation.Pirated books are illegal and will prevent the development of book market. Itis high time that everyone started the battle against piracy.


(1) 开篇点题,指出在中国盗版书泛滥的现象。

(2) 表示“上架”,该短语用得妙,值得借鉴。

(3) 这是第二段的中心句。

(4) 提出一些人反对盗版书的观点。

(5) 提出另一些人支持盗版书的观点。

(6) 作者提出自己的观点,即支持正版图书,其中withoutreservation意为“无保留地,无条件地”。


flood vi. 涌出;涌进;为水淹没

legitimate adj. 合法的;正当的

purchase v. 购买;赢得

reservation n. 预约,预订;保留


①At present, the book markets in China are flooded with varieties ofpiracies.

②Shortly after a newly-published book hits the shelves, you can findthe pirated ones everywhere.

③As far as I am concerned, we should…without reservation.

62.MyView on Buying Lottery






My View on Buying Lottery

Nowadays, manypeople are keen on buying all kinds of lottery tickets, (1)such as welfare lotterytickets, sports lottery tickets or computer lottery tickets. Some evenspend hundreds of thousands Yuan on these tickets so as to increase thepossibility of winning a prize.

Obviously, thereare many reasons for the phenomenon. I think the primary reason is that themajority of lottery goers want to realize their (2)long-cherished dreams, such as owning a car or aluxurious flat. (3)Asfar as I’m concerned, I believe the lottery does more good than harm.Firstly, the lottery is an effective way of raising funds for welfare programsand other public projects. Secondly, lottery goers can enjoy the excitement ofexploring the possibilities. In addition, although some people are concernedthat the lottery may encourage laziness and gambling, there is evidence that thisis not the case.

(4)All inall, the advantages of the lottery far outweigh its disadvantages, sothe rational keenness on buying lottery should be advocated.


(1) 列举出各种彩票,使文章内容更加充实。

(2) 指“长久以来的梦想”。

(3) 此段的中心句。

(4) 总结全文。


gambling n. 赌博


①Nowadays, many people are keen on buying all kinds of lotterytickets, such as welfare lottery tickets, sportslottery tickets or computer lottery tickets.

②As far as I’m concerned, I believe the lottery does more good thanharm.

③All in all, the advantages of the lottery far outweigh itsdisadvantages. 45uZOdy9W0QrYsHuhrYSA2+Q8WCVF/zrAxiRx1Ai19D6RT4vpfQTd0WFfYLHms4s
