

28.OnlineShopping [2011年6月真题]

Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow in Chinese:







Online Shopping

(1)Nowadays, with the everrapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology, onlineshopping has become a fashion especially among the youngsters.

Online shoppinghas made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. (2)For example,shopping on the Internet can save students a great deal of time on the waybetween home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time andenergy on their academic work. Besides, the Internet has shortened the distancebetween manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in foreigncountries. (3)However,the lack of face-to-face deals makes online shopping less reliable andtrustworthy. What’s more, the delivery will increase the risk of items’ damage.

(4)In myopinion, shopping on the Internet is an irreversible trend, as more andmore people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the nearfuture. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.


(1) 开门见山地提出话题,指出网购越来越流行。

(2) 具体说明网购怎样给我们的生活带来便利和舒适。

(3) 论述网购的弊端。

(4) 提出自己的看法。


irreversible adj. 不可逆的

accustomed adj. 习惯的


①Nowadays, with the ever rapid development and increasing popularityof the information technology…has been a fashion especially among theyoungsters.

29.ThePopularity of Micro-blog







The Popularity of Micro-blog

Recently,perhaps the most fashionable greeting is “have you registered the micro-blog?”(1)Actually,micro-blog has gained a growing popularity among people.

(2)Micro-blog has changed people’slives significantly. (3)First of all, micro-blog helps to strength the powerof grass-root media. With the help of micro-blog, people could report the newsthat happened around us in the shortest time. Secondly,micro-blog helps to build another platform for social interaction. In the worldof micro-blog, a group people could give their own ideas on a same topic eventhough they are incognizant. Thirdly, with theappearance of micro-blog, people in the modern world are connected closer. Peoplecould talk with others directly by writing messages on micro-blog.

(4)As faras I am concerned, micro-blog does bring us many benefits, but it also bringssomething bad to the society. Anything people write on the micro-blogwill be totally exposed to the public, for example, our precious privacy is (5)under the hoof.Therefore, in order to brighten its future, companies, which are crazy aboutthe development of micro-blog should rely on innovation to find a way toperfect micro-blog.


(1) 开篇点题,指出微博越来越受人们喜爱。

(2) 第二段的主题句,该段主要写微博给人们生活带来的影响。

(3) 指出了微博给我们带来的三个好处:加强了草根媒体的力量;提供了另一个社交平台;使人们的关系更密切。

(4) 提出自己的观点,微博有利也有弊,该句承上启下。

(5) 指“被践踏”。


incognizant adj. 不认识的

hoof n. (兽的)蹄,(人的)脚

innovation n. 创新,革新


①Actually…has gained a growing popularity among people.

②As far as I am concerned…does bring us many benefits, but it alsobrings something bad to the society.

30.MyViews on Using Iphone







My Views on Using Iphone

(1)When walking on thecampus, you can see students playing with high-end smartphones like iphones,htcs and so on. However, opinions on whether students should use iphonesvary from one to another.

(2)Some people believe thatstudents shouldn’t use such expensive commodities. (3)For one thing, thismay cause comparison between students. Those who don’t have one may feel self-abasedand then ask from their parents, which will increase the burden of the family. For another, there is no need for students usingphones with such complex functions, which may make them distracted in class. (4)However, others insistthat as long as the students can make use of iphones properly and duly,they have the right to use them.

(5)From mypoint of view, we have no need to (6)make such a song and dance about it. Since people’sliving standards have improved, we can enjoy the more advanced devices, whichcan also promote the development of the economy.


(1) 开篇点题,指出学生使用高端智能手机的现象。

(2) 指出一部分人认为学生不应该使用如此昂贵的商品。

(3) 指出了这些人给出的两点理由,使用连接词使条理更清晰。

(4) 指出另一部分人的观点,即只要学生能够正确适当地使用iphone,他们有权利使用。

(5) 文章最后作者提出自己的看法。

(6) 意为“对此大惊小怪”。


high-end 高端的

self-abased 自卑的

distracted adj. 心烦意乱的;思想不集中的


①However, opinions on…vary from one to another.

②From my point of view, we have no need to make such a song and danceabout it.








Space Research

(1)For centuries, a number ofnations have been involved in the exploration of outer space and a large budgetis submitted every year. As to whether space research should beconducted or not, different people hold different opinions.

(2)Some people believe thatall or most space research should be eliminated because of its incredibleexpense, not only in terms of money, but also scientific and human resources.These people point out the fact that it has cost billions of dollars to sendastronauts to the Moon, but all they brought back were some worthless rocks. (3)However, other people holdthe opinion that space research has brought many benefits to humanbeings and should be continued. They figure out that hundreds of usefulproducts, from personal computers to heart pacemakers and to freeze-driedfoods, are the direct or indirect achievements of space research. In additionto these practical benefits, supporters of the space program owe part ofscientific knowledge to the space research.

(4)I agreewith those who support space research. Space research has alreadybrought many benefits to man. Perhaps in the future, it will bring even morebenefits we can’t even imagine today.


(1) 文章开头交代话题涉及的背景。

(2) 提出一部分人反对的观点。

(3) 提出另一部分人支持的观点。

(4) 提出作者自己的观点,即支持外太空探索。





heart pacemaker心脏起搏器



①As to whether…or not, different people hold different opinions.

②In addition to these practical benefits, supporters of…owe…to…

③I agree with those who support…

32.WillE-books Replace Traditional Books?







Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?

(1)The rapid development ofinformation technology brings with it the increasing number of electronicproducts, of which E-book is a new part. (2)As E-books are gaining popularity among people, the statusof traditional books is challenged.

Some peoplebelieve that E-books will finally replace the traditional books and have giventheir reasons. (3)First,compared with traditional books, E-books are much cheaper. They can be directlydownloaded from the Internet, most of which are free, while the traditionalbooks cost much more. Second, it is moreconvenient to carry a e-book around because most E-books are stored in someelectronic devices like MP3, which is much lighter than paper books. Last, E-books are more environment-friendly as thepopularity of E-books will reduce the paper consumption.

(4)In spiteof all the merits mentioned above, I am still an advocator of traditionalbooks. I think that heavy exposure to E-books will do harm to people’seye-sight. Besides, for book lovers, it always feels good to have a favoritebook held in hands and to keep it for life-long time.


(1) 文章开头先指出IT产业快速发展的大背景,引出话题。

(2) 切入主题,进入问题的探讨。

(3) 条理清晰地指出了电子书将会取代传统书的三个理由。

(4) 提出自己的观点。


device n. 装置,设备

consumption n. 消费,消耗

environment-friendly 环境友好的,有利于环保的

in spite of 尽管,虽然

merit 优点


①The rapid development of information technologybrings with it the increasing number of...of which...is a new part.

②As...are gainingpopularity among people, the status of...is challenged.

③In spite of all themerits mentioned above, I am still an advocator of...








Pyramid Scheme

(1)A pyramid scheme is anon-sustainable business model that involves promising participants’ payment orservices, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, rather thansupplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public.

(2)The pyramid scheme produceslots of negative effects. First of all, it disturbs the order of themarket economy. Secondly, it causes great harm to participants and theirfamilies. Thirdly, it leads to criminal crime, and thus affects socialstability. Finally, it cast great destruction on social morality and honestysystem.

(3)Inconsideration of the great harmfulness of pyramid schemes, effective measuresshould be taken to prevent them. An atmosphere of boycotting pyramidscheme should be created in society. Related laws and regulations should bestrictly carried out to punish those “leaders” in pyramid scheme. As thepublic, we should always keep an alert heart toward pyramid scheme. Once wefind any pyramid scheme, we should report it to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.


(1) 这里采用了定义法给文章的话题下了定义。

(2) 本段分四点论述了传销的危害。

(3) 末段的中心句,提出阻止传销的途径。


non-sustainable adj. 不能持续的

enroll v. 招收

boycott v. 联合抵制


①In consideration of the great harmfulnessof…effective measures should be taken to prevent them.

34.LookingForward to the Twenty-First Century








Looking Forward to the Twenty-First Century

The new century is approaching. (1)It can be expected that there will be abreakthrough in life science and space science in the 21st century.

(2)First, scientists will conquer incurable diseasesthrough the transformation of genes. With the same technology they can breednew species of animals and even human life in the laboratory. Most important ofall, they can decelerate aging and prolong life.

(3)Besides, permanent stations will be set up on the moonor other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of themoon and other planets or stars. Most probably, life will be found on otherstars in the universe and the planets or stars suitable for human to live onwill be discovered.

(4)However,the scientific development will also bring about some social problems. How should we regard from an ethicalperspective the one who is bred through the gene technology in the laboratory?How can the police identify the criminal from a group of people with the same DNA?

It is quite natural that we will meet problems duringthe scientific and social development. (5)Therefore, we should be prepared to meet newchallenges.


(1) 指出21世纪人类在生命科学和空间科学领域就会有突破性发展。

(2) 这一段写生命科学的发展前景及给人类带来的好处。

(3) 这一段写空间科学的发展前景及给人类带来的好处。

(4) 指出新的科学技术在给人类带来好处的同时还会带来一些社会问题。

(5) 提出我们要准备好迎接新的挑战。


approach v. 接近,靠近

breakthroughn. 突破,突破性进展

incurableadj. 不能治愈的,无可救药的

gene n. 基因,遗传因子

deceleratev. 使减速

prolong v. 延长

permanentadj. 永久的

ethical adj.伦理的,道德的

criminal n. 罪犯


①It can be expectedthat…

②However…will alsobring about some social problems.

③It is quite naturalthat… EZPTsBYcFTWyxl3Rn/uYs/ObG6Zl5qjoao0yOtOWHlAUZe07IIWrzxfLxpBVijB1
