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career [ kE5riE ] n. 经历;生涯;专业,职业

v. 猛冲,全速运动或跑动

例句①He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。

②The cart careered uncontrollably down the hill. 大车失去控制,猛冲下山。

搭配a career diplomat 职业外交家


expensive [ iks5pensiv ] adj. 高价的,昂贵的

例句The transport ofgoods by air is very expensive. 空运货物费用十分昂贵。

搭配expensive goods 高价货物

串记extensive, extension,expansion

include [ in5klu:d ] vt. 包括,包含;计入,列入,加入

例句①He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech. 他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。

②The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. 旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆。

串记exclude, conclude;inclusive

involved [ in5vClvd ] adj. 棘手的;有关的;复杂的

例句①Some articles were written in an involved style that defies easycomprehension.


②All those who are immediately involved will be informed of thedecision.


串记involve; revolve

maintain [ mein5tein ] vt. 维持,继续;维修;坚持;支持

例句①He has worked hard to maintain his family.


②The government has taken ameasure to maintain the stability of prices.


搭配maintain oneself 自立

串记maintenance; retain,contain, entertain, captain, sustain

professional [ prE5feFEnl ] n. 自由职业者,专业人

adj. 专业的,职业的

例句①She is extremely professional in her approach to her job. 她对工作极为精通。

②You need a professional to sort out your finances. 你需要专业人士替你管理财务。

搭配professional staff 专门人员


contact [ 5kRntAkt ] n. 接触,联系;关联

vt. 接触,联系

例句①Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the culturaland economic interchange.


②She comes into contact with many people.


③She contacted me as soon as she arrived.


搭配be in contact with./bringinto contact with 和…接触,有联系

come(get) into contact 接触到

in contact with 与…有联系

out of/lose contact with 与…失去联系

串记intact, contract

measure [ 5meVE ] n. 尺寸,量度标准;方法,措施

vt. 测量,测度;权衡;调节

例句①It’s hard to measure his ability when we haven’t seen his work. 没有见过他的作品,很难估计他的能力。

②The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。

搭配beyond measure 无可估量,极度

take measures 采取措施

串记leisure, pressure,treasure; measurement, measurable

continue [ kEn5tinju: ] vt. 继续(做某事);延长,持续

例句①Will you continue gardening after dinner? 饭后你继续干花园的活,好吗?

②The team continued him as manager. 该队仍让他任队长。

搭配continued story 连载小说

continue working 持续工作

to be continued 待续

串记continuity, continual,continuous

graduate [ 5^rAdjueit ] n. (大学)毕业生,研究生

vt. 准予毕业,大学毕业

adj. 研究生的,毕业的

例句She graduated fromYale in 1980. 她1980年毕业于耶鲁大学。

搭配graduate from 毕业于

串记undergraduate, fluctuate,evaluate

influence [ 5influEns ] n. 影响,感化;势力,权势

v. 感化,左右

例句①School life has a great influence on the formation of a child’scharacter.


②My teacher influenced my decision to study science.


搭配exert an influence on对…施加影响

escape sb.’s influence 避开某人的势力范围

a young ruler under the influence of his chief minister 受总理大臣左右的年轻统治者

串记fence, hence; affect,effect; influential

replace [ ri(:)5pleis ] v. 放回;替换,取代,代替

例句Cars have replacedhorses as normal means of transport. 汽车已经取代马车而成为日常交通工具。

搭配replace with 取代,以…代替,替换为


available [ E5veilEbl ] adj. 有空的;(物)可利用的;可见到的,可与之交谈的

例句①Chinese commodities available for export are varied. 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。

②Prime Minister was not available for comment. 首相无暇作出评论。

搭配be available for 可用于

make sth. available to 使…可以享受某物;使…买得起某物

串记durable, valuable, curable

community [ kE5mju:niti ] n. 社区,公众;共有;共同体

例句①His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.


②The money will go to finance a new community centre.


搭配community of goods 财产的公有

community of interest(s) 利害的一致,利害相通

串记communist, communism

demand [ di5mB:nd ] vt. 要求,请求;需要;询问

n. 要求,请求;需要(量)

例句①Good secretaries are always in demand. 好的秘书总是很多人都需要的。

②Demand for fish this month exceeds supply. 本月份鱼供不应求。

搭配in great demand 需求很大

demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要某物

in demand 所需要的

on demand 一经要求


account [ E5kaunt ] n. 说明;估计;计算;账目;报道

v. 说明,解释;总计有

例句①An old soldier gave us a vivid account of the Long March.


②The match was postponed on account of the weather.


③She could not account for her mistake.


搭配account for 解释,说明

on account of 因为,由于

on no account 决不

on one’s own account 为了私利;责任自负;独自

take into account 重视;考虑

串记accountant, discount

appoint [ E5pCint ] vt. 任命,委任;约定,指定(时间,地点等)

vi. 委派职务

例句He was appointed tothe vacant post. 他被委派填补那空缺。

搭配appoint under a will 依遗嘱指定

appoint a date to meet/for a meeting 约定一个日期见面[开会]

串记appointment, disappoint,viewpoint

lean [ li:n ] v. 倾斜;倚,靠,依赖

adj. 瘦的;贫乏的

例句①She leaned lightly against his shoulder. 她轻轻地靠在他的肩上。

②Don' t always lean on the help of others. 不要老是依靠别人的帮助。

搭配 lean on 靠在…上

lean cattle 瘦牛

串记dean, bean, mean

determine [ di5tE:min ] v. 决心,决定;确定,限定

例句①She will determine how it is to be done. 她会决定这件事的做法。

②We determined on an early start/(that) we’d makean early start. 我们决定早些出发。

搭配be determined to dosth. 决心做某事

determine on 决定


enable [ i5neibl ] v. 使能够;使可能;授予权利或方法等

例句This dictionaryenables you to understand English words. 这本词典使你能理解英语词汇。

串记engage, enlarge,enclose, enforce, enrich, entry, enroll

essential [ i5senFEl ] adj. 本质的,基本的;净化的

n. 本质;要素

例句①Is wealth essential to happiness? 财富对于幸福是必要的吗?

②His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him. 他十分正派,让人不能不喜欢他。

搭配essential to 对…必不可少

current [ 5kQrEnt ] adj. 当前的,通用的,流通的

n. 潮流,趋势;电流,水流,气流

例句Many women aredissatisfied with the current situation. 许多妇女不满意现状。

搭配against the current 逆流而行;不同流俗

go with the current 随波逐流

串记currency, curriculum

layer [ 5leiE ] n. 层,层次;阶层

v. 把某物积成层

例句A thin layer of iceis formed over the lake. 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。

搭配application layer 应用层


potential [ pE5tenFEl ] adj. 潜在的,可能的

n. 潜能,潜力;电压

例句①Every seed is a potential plant.每粒种子都可能成长为植物。

②The product has more potential in export markets. 这种产品在出口市场上会有更大的销售潜力。


outline [ 5Eutlain ] n. 轮廓,略图;大纲,梗概

v. 概述,略述

例句①He saw the outline of a house against the sky. 他看到天空下一所房子的轮廓。

②Give an outline of the new traffic regulations. 概要地说明新的交通规则。

③He listened as I outlined my reasons. 他听我粗略地说明我的理由。

搭配an outline of aspeech 讲话提纲

in outline 扼要地

串记output, outset

infer [ in5fE: ] v. 推断,推论

例句I infer from yourletter that you have not made up your mind yet. 我从你信中推测,你还没有下定决心。

搭配infer from 从…推断

串记offer, prefer, refer,suffer, transfer

subject [ 5sQbdVikt ] n. 主题,问题;科目;主语词;国民;待处理或讨论的对象,被实验者

adj. 隶属的,;有…倾向的,常有

v. 使隶属;使遭受

例句We discuss thissubject in more detail in Chapter 25. 我们将在25章中详细地讨论这些问题。

搭配subject to 依照,听候

perform [ pE5fC:m ] v. 做,实行;表演

例句Resolve to performwhat you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.


搭配to perform anexperiment/a miracle/a ceremony 做实验;创奇迹;举行仪式

movement [ 5mu:vmEnt ] n. 移动,行动,运动;乐章

例句A cooperativemovement was being vigorously pushed. 合作化运动在大力推广。

搭配in the movement 随着时代潮流

industry [ 5indEstri ] n. 工业,实业,行业;勤奋

例句Automation hasrevolutionized industry. 自动化使工业发生了彻底变革。

搭配to maintain a healthyand stable industry维持一个健康和稳定的产业

incomplete [ 7inkEm5pli:t ] adj. 不完全的,不完善的,未完成的

例句Her handbooks areincomplete. 她的手册不完整。

compare [ kEm5pZE ] v. 比较,对照;比喻,比作;比得上,相比

例句Compare the copy withthe original. 把这副本与原件比较一下。

搭配compare to 把…比作

compare with 和…比较

concern [ kEn5sE:n ] v. 涉及,影响;使关心,使挂念,使担心

n. (利害)关系;关心,关注;行业,事务

例句①Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment.


②What he does is no concern of mine. 他做什么都不关我的事。

搭配as concerns 关于

be concerned about 关心

as/so far as…be concerned 就…而言

be concerned with 参与,与…有关

to concern oneself with public work 关心公众事务

charge [ tFB:dV ] v. 要(价),收(费);冲锋;以某事指控某人

n. 费用,价钱;掌管,照管;负荷,电荷;指控

例句①The police chargedhim with car theft. 警方以偷车罪指控他。

②The fruit seller charged me toomuch money. 这个水果商要了我很多的钱。

搭配in charge of 负责,照管;指挥

free of charge 免费

charge with 控告

take charge 开始管理,接管

couple [ 5kQpl ] n. (一)对,(一)双;夫妇,未婚夫妻;几个

v. 连合,连接

例句①I have a couple of things to do.


②The delicious food, coupled with the warm hospitality of the host,made the party perfect.


搭配couple with 与…连接,联系

a couple of 两三个

be coupled with=inaddition to 和…联合;加之,除…以外

go in

aid [ eid ] v. 援助,帮助

n. 援助,帮助,救护;助手,辅助物

例句①We are raising fundin aid of the sick.


②An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning theEnglish.


搭配inaid of 支持,援助

first aid 急救

aid sb. in...(with) 为…事帮助某人

finding [ 5faindiN ] n. 心得,研究所得,调查结果

例句The findings of thecourt will be published on Wednesday. 法庭的裁决将于星期三公布。

living [ 'livilj ] adj. 活着的,现存的;生活的

n. 生计,生活方式

例句Are you living athome or in digs? 你住在家里还是住在寄宿舍?

搭配make a living 谋生 yY5dXHLSKgJgsxPFEeADCQFtrAXvdBAd72FlqHCs5JY6zQm88xbecUGgPaAM7niH
