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learning [ 5lE:niN ] n. 知识,学问;学习

例句Our professor is a manof profound learning. 我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人。

串记learned, knowledgeable,brilliant

event [ i5vent ] n. 事件,大事;比赛项目;结果、后果

例句In the event of rain,the party will be held indoors. 如果下雨,聚会就在室内举行。

搭配at all events/in anyevent 不管怎样,无论如何

in (the) event of 如果…发生,万一

in the event (that)假如,倘若

串记incident, accident

mean [ mi:n ] adj. 普通的,低劣的;卑鄙的,吝啬的

vt. 意味,想要,预定

vi. 用意

例句①She was never meant to be ateacher. 她从来就没注定要当教师。

②I did not mean to deceive you. 我并没有打算欺骗你。

③Yourfriendship means a great deal to me. 你和我的友谊对我意义重大。

搭配be very mean with money 对钱十分吝啬

串记lean, dean, bean; meaningful

consumer [ kEn5sju:mE ] n. 消费者,用户,消耗者

例句The United States is aheavy consumer of natural resources. 美国是自然资源的巨大消费国。

串记assume, resume, consume

aim [ eim ] n. 目标,目的

v. 打算;针对,对…瞄准

例句①We aim at doubling our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。

②We must aim at increasing/toincrease exports. 我们要力求增加出口货物。

③My remarks were not aimed at you. 我的话并非针对你说的。

搭配aimat 瞄准,对准;努力,力争;针对

aim to do 立志要

串记claim, exclaim, proclaim

lead [ li:d ] n. 领导,引导;领头;铅;线索

v. 领导;领先;通向,导致

例句①This misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。

②The company has built up a substantial lead in laser technology. 该公司在激光技术方面已大大领先。

搭配take the lead 带头;居首位

lead to 通向,导致,引起

lead a…lifestyle 过一种…的生活

串记leader, leadership

press [ press ] n. 压,按;印刷;压力;拥挤;紧握;新闻

vt. 压,压榨;紧抱;逼迫

例句①The majority of the press supportthe government’s foreign policy. 舆论界多数支持政府的外交政策。

②They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们快速作出决定。

③I’m very pressed for cash at the moment can I pay you next week? 我现在手头很紧—下周再付给你行吗?

搭配press back 推回去,击退

pressforward 向前进逼,奋力推进

pressfor 急切地要求(得到);敦促(做某事)

bepressed for time 时间紧迫

串记impress, compress, depress,express

statement [ 5steitmEnt ] n. 陈述,声明;财务报表/报告书,结算表

例句The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。

composition [ kCmpE5ziFEn ] n. 作文,作品,(大型)乐曲;写作,作曲;构成,合成物;构图

例句①He played a piano sonata of his own composition. 他弹奏了一首自作的钢琴奏鸣曲。

②Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor. 她的画有功力,但布局欠佳。 OSxSYKbRFaK3IR2BSSwMz1gRsYqNzHFIpproF9pdSLA7twz9rmQ89a2b8eXfYFYg
