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nationwide [ `neiFEnwaid ] adj. 全国性的

例句The nationwidephysical fitness campaign was carried forward. 全民健身运动广泛开展。


yawn [ jC:n ] v. 打呵欠;张开,裂开

n. 呵欠;乏味的或枯燥的事物

例句The play was a bigyawn from start to finish. 那出戏从头至尾极其乏味。


wicked [ 5wikid ] adj. 坏的;令人厌恶的;顽皮的

例句She got them to handover all their money by a wicked deceit. 她用卑鄙的手段使他们把所有的钱移交给她。

worthless [ wE:Wlis ] adj. 无价值的,无益的

例句The car was aworthless wreck after the collision. 撞车以后,那辆车成了毫无价值的残骸。

串记worth,worthy, worth, while

wreck [ rek ] n. 残骸;失事,毁坏

vt. 破坏;使遇难

例句This ship was wreckedon the rocks. 船撞毁在岩石上。

withdraw [ wiT5drC: ] vt. 收回,撤消;撤退

vi. 缩回,退出,撤退;提取(钱)

例句①The troops have been withdrawn from the danger area. 部队已经撤出危险地带。

②She withdrew all her savings and left the country. 她把全部存款取出后离开了那个国家。

搭配withdraw a remark 撤回前言

withdraw a motion 撤销动议

withdraw from the competition 退出竞争


transmission [ trAnz5miFEn ] n. 播送,发射;传递,传送;传染

例句The letter wasdelayed in transmission. 这封信在运递中被耽误了。

搭配the transmission ofknowledge 知识的传授


whisper [ 5(h)wispE ] n. 耳语;私下说;谣传

v. 耳语;私下说

例句It is whispered thathe is heavily in debt. 据说他负债累累。

搭配whispered (to sb.)that… 小声(对某人)说…


whistle [ (h)wisl ] n. 口哨,汽笛;口哨声,汽笛声

v. 吹口哨;鸣汽笛

例句The judge blew awhistle to start the race. 裁判员吹了一声哨子,比赛就开始了。


uncover [ Qn5kQvE ] vt. 揭开盖子;揭露;发现

例句Agents have uncovereda plot against the President. 特工人员发现了一个反对总统的阴谋。


medal [ 5medal ] n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章

例句He received a medalfor his heroism. 他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章

abundant [ E5bQndEnt ] adj. 大量(充足)的;(in) 丰富(富裕)的

例句The country isabundant in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源丰富。

搭配be abundant in oildeposits 石油储量丰富

an abundant supply of fruit 水果的充足供应


acknowledge [ Ek5nClidV ] vt. 答谢;承认,接受;告知(信件等的)收到

例句The lawyer refused toacknowledge that the two cases were at all similar. 律师拒绝承认这两宗案件相似。

搭配acknowledge one’sdefeat 承认失败

acknowledge one’s help 谢谢某人的帮助


amaze [ E5meiz ] vt. 使惊奇,使吃惊

例句Her knowledge amazesme. 她的学识令我吃惊。

搭配be amazed at (by) 对…大为惊奇

be amazed to see 看到[听到,发现]…感到吃惊


approval [ E5pru:vEl ] n. 赞成,认可,批准

例句Father smiled hisapproval. 父亲以微笑表示赞许。

搭配for sb.’s approval 求某人指正

give one’s approval to 批准

on approval (商品)供试用的,包退包换的

串记approve; approach

ashamed [ E5Feimd ] adj. 惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的

vt. 使丢脸,使羞愧,使蒙羞

vi. 感到羞耻

例句She was ashamed toask such a simple question. 她不好意思提这么简单的问题。

搭配be ashamed of 以…为耻

feel ashamed for sb. 替某人感到羞愧

be ashamed to do sth. 以做…为耻


awful [ 5C:ful ] adj. 极度的;极坏的;威严的,可怕的

例句It was awful to seehim in such pain. 看到他这样痛苦真叫人难过。

搭配an awful accident 一次可怕的事故

awful weather 恶劣的天气

串记dreadful; doubtful,fearful

behalf [ bi5hB:f ] n. 利益;代表;方面

例句①Don’t trouble to do it on my behalf. 不要为了我去麻烦了。

②On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you. 我代表我的同事以及我自己向你表示谢意。

搭配on behalf of/on sb.’sbehalf 为了…的(利益);代表…,替代

串记behave, behavior

boast [ bEust ] n. 自夸,值得夸耀的事物

v. (of, about) 自夸,以有…而自豪

例句①He boasted of being the best player in the team. 他自夸是队里的最佳队员。

②The town boasts a world-famous art gallery. 这个镇子引以为荣的是有个闻名于世的美术馆。

搭配boast of 吹嘘

串记roast, boost, coast,toast

boundary [ 5baundEri ] n. 分界线,边界,主要指领土的边界

例句Scientists continueto push back the boundaries of knowledge. 科学家不断地把知识领域的边缘向外扩展。

搭配boundaries of acountry 国界


breakthrough [ 5breikWru: ] n. 突破,进展

例句Scientists have madea breakthrough in computer science. 科学家们在计算机科学方面取得了突破。

搭配a scientificbreakthrough 科学成就


catalog(ue) [ 5kAtElC^ ] n. 目录,目录册

v. 编目录

例句Can you catalogue theVCD sets you sell and send me a copy?


搭配a reference catalogue参考书目录

a catalogue card 目录卡


category [ 5kAti^Eri ] n. 种类,部属,类目;范畴,类型

例句There are differentcategories of books in a library. 图书馆里有各种不同种类的书籍。


concrete [ 5kCnkri:t ] adj. 具体的,有形的;实质性的

n. 混凝土;水泥;具体

v. 凝结,结合

例句①His plan is not yet concrete. 他的计划尚不具体。

②The police have nothing concrete to go on. 警方没有任何确实的东西作依据。

串记concede, concern,conceal

consistent [ kEn5sistEnt ] adj. (in) 前后一致的;(with) 一致,符合

例句①He is not consistent in his action. 他的行动前后不一致。

②What you say is not consistent with what you do. 你言行不一。

搭配consistent in 前后一致

consistent with 一致,符合

串记consistency; consist

convenience [ kEn5vi:njEns ] n. 便利,方便;便利的设备;厕所

例句①I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 我把参考书放在书桌旁用着方便。

②The house is full of conveniences of every sort. 这座房子设备齐全。

③Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience. 请尽早送货。

搭配one’s own convenience图个人的方便

suit one’s convenience 照顾某人的方便

a public convenience 公共厕所

串记convention, conservation

convert [ kEn5vE:t ] vt. 使转变;使…改变信仰

例句That building hasbeen converted into a school. 那座楼房改成学校了。

串记alert,exert, insert

curve [ kE:v ] n. 曲线,弯

v. 弄弯

例句The river curvesround the town. 河绕城镇蜿蜒流去。

串记curse, course, curb, curl

decorate [ 5dekEreit ] v. 装饰,为…做室内装修;给…授勋

例句They decorated astreet with flags. 他们用旗帜装饰街道。

搭配decorate with 用…装饰


delicate [ 5delikit ] adj. 纤弱的;精致的;灵敏的;微妙的

例句①Delicate plants must be protected from cold wind and frost. 娇弱的植物必须妥善保护以避免风霜的侵袭。

②It is a rare and delicate treasure. 这是一件少有的精美珍品。

③I admired your delicate handling of the situation. 我很钦佩你这样巧妙地处理这种局面。


dental [ 5dentl ] adj. 牙齿的;牙科(用)的

例句I had undergone amajor dental operation. 我经受了一次牙科大手术。


desirable [ di5zaiErEbl ] adj. 值得做的;合意的,称心的;期望得到的;有吸引力的

例句①It is desirable to be able to travel widely. 能四处旅游真令人羡慕。

②It isn’t really desirable to have him working here. 让他在这里工作其实并不必要。


destruction [ dis5trQkFEn ] n. 破坏,毁灭;破坏者,毁坏者

例句①The fire caused the destruction of my books. 这场大火毁坏了我的藏书。

②Gambling was his destruction. 赌博把他毁了。


dig [ di^ ] v. 挖,掘,翻土;探究;戳,捅

n. 推,戳,挖掘;挖苦;<英口>住所

例句①She makes mean little digs at him. 她冲他说一些刻薄的挖苦话。

②Newspapers love to dig up scandal. 报纸就是爱把丑事儿揭出来。

③They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。

搭配dig up 挖掘出,开垦

dig into 钻研,掘进去


discharge [ dis5tFB:dV ] v. 排出,释放;解雇;放电;解除;清偿债务

n. 卸货;释放;放电

例句①The soldiers loaded and discharged with great rapidity. 士兵们迅速装子弹发射。

②The judge discharged the prisoner. 法官把囚犯释放了。

搭配discharge…into 把…排入

discharge a committee 解散委员会

discharge debts 清还债务

discharge…from 允许…离开


disorder [ dis5C:dE ] n. 杂乱,混乱,骚乱;失调;疾病

vt. 扰乱,使失调,使紊乱

例句①Here was in a state of disorder these days.


②And a significant number of the homeless have serious mentaldisorders.


搭配 quiet the disorder 平息骚乱

in disorder 混乱,紊乱


distract [ dis5trAkt ] v. 分散,分心;打扰,使心情烦乱

例句The noise in thestreet distracted me from my reading. 街上的嘈杂声使我不能专心读书。

搭配distract sb. from 使某人从…分心

串记contract, abstract, subtract

elaborate [ i5lAbErEt ] adj. 详尽的;复杂的;精美的

vt. 详细地说明;用心地制作

vi. 变复杂;作详细说明

例句She made an elaboratestudy of Shakespeare’s works. 她刻苦研究莎士比亚的著作。

搭配an elaborate machine 精致的机器

elaborate on 详细说明


elementary [ 7eli5mentEri ] adj. 初步的,基本的;[化]元素的;容易的

例句①The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms.


②The questions were so elementary that he easily passed the test.


搭配elementary education 初等教育


entire [ in5taiE ] adj. 全部的,整个的

例句Due to bad cold shespent the entire day in bed. 她因重感冒在床上躺了一整天。

串记total,universal, widespread, altogether

equality [ i(:)5kwCliti ] n. 等同,平等,相等;等式;等同性

例句They are fighting forthe equality of women. 他们在为争取男女平等而奋斗。


erect [ i5rekt ] adj. 直立的,竖直的,垂直的

v. 使竖立,树立,建立

例句①This monument was erected in honor of the martyrs during theinternal war.


②She held her head erect.



erosion [ i5rEuVEn ] n. 腐蚀,侵蚀;削弱,减少

例句①Soil erosion by rain and wind is a serious problem here.


②They had to face the steady erosion of the president’s credibility.


搭配wind(water)erosion 风(水)蚀

plant trees to prevent soil erosion 植树预防土壤受侵蚀


extension [ iks5tenFEn ] n. 伸长,延长;延展,伸展;提供,给予;范围;电话分机

例句①He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。

②The extension of the garden will take several weeks. 扩建花园需要几个星期。

搭配the extension ofscientific knowledge 科学知识的普及

串记extend, extensive,extent; expansion

gaze [ ^eiz ] v. & n. 凝视,注视

例句①The child gazed at the toys in the shop window. 孩子眼睛盯着商店橱窗里的玩具。

②Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable. 你的注目凝视让她感到不自在。

搭配gaze at 盯着看,凝视

gaze into the sky 凝视天空

genetic [ dVi5netik ] adj. 遗传的,起源的

搭配genetic information 遗传信息

串记genius, genuine

giant [ 5dVaiEnt ] n. 巨人,庞然大物;伟人,天才

adj. 庞大的,巨大的

例句Shakespeare is agiant among writers. 莎士比亚是一位文坛巨匠。

串记tremendous, enormous,massive

grain [ ^rein ] n. 谷物,谷类;颗粒,细粒;少量,微量

例句①Grain is used for making flour. 谷物用来做面粉。

②There isn’t a grain of truth in it. 那事无丝毫真实性。

串记drain, chain, bargain,complain

harsh [ hB:F ] adj. 粗糙的;(声音)刺耳的;苛刻的,严酷的

例句①The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters. 法官对暴乱者处以严刑。

②His harsh wordscaused her much pain. 他说话很刺耳,她听了很不舒服。


height [ hait ] n. 高,高度

例句He is six feet inheight. 他身高六英尺。


hesitate [ 5heziteit ] vt. 犹豫,踌躇;不情愿

vi. 含糊,支吾地表达

例句①He did not hesitate to sacrifice his all for protecting hismotherland. 他为保卫祖国不惜牺牲自己的一切。

②Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures. 权威人士不愿提供准确数字。

串记dictate, estate,facilitate, imitate, rotate

imitate [ 5imiteit ] vt. 模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造;把…作为榜样

例句①He can imitate his father to the life. 他能惟妙惟肖地模仿他父亲。

②The workers imitate a diamond with crystal. 工人们用水晶仿造钻石。

串记dictate,estate, facilitate, hesitate, rotate

inadequate [ in5Adikwit ] adj. 不充分的,不适当的

例句I felt inadequate inmy new job, so I left on my own accord.


搭配inadequatepreparation 准备不足

inferior [ in5fiEriE ] adj. 次的,较差的,次于…的;(地位、身份)低等的,下级的

n. 下级,晚辈

例句①No inferior products should be allowed to pass. 决不放过任何次品。

②Woman is inferior to man in strength. 女人力量不及男人。

搭配be inferior to 在…之下,次于,不如

one’s social inferior 社会地位不如自己的人


influential [ 7influ5enFEl ] adj. 有影响的;有势力的

例句His father was aninfluential Democrat. 他父亲是个有影响的民主党人。

搭配an influential speech有说服力的演说


initiative [ i5niFiEtiv ] n. 主动权;首创精神;主动性


例句①He took the initiative in designing a recording study. 他开始了设计录音棚的初步行动。

②The spirit of initiative of scientists must be respected. 要尊重科学家的首创精神。

③The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police. 那孩子极为主动地把警察找来。

搭配on one’s owninitiative 主动地

take the initiative 带头,倡导,争取主动,发起

串记negative, alternative,conservative; initial

intense [ in5tens ] adj. 强烈的,剧烈的;热切的,热情的;紧张的

例句①He has intense feeling to his first-lover. 他对初恋情人一往情深。

②Diplomatic activity has been intense for many weeks. 好几周来,外交活动紧张频繁。

串记intensify,intensity, intensive

interpretation [ in7tE:pri5teiFEn ] n. 解释,说明;表演,演奏;翻译,口译

例句①His interpretation of the music was rather too literal. 那音乐他演奏得未免太乏味了。

②She gave the delegation a strict interpretation of the speech. 她把这段话准确地向代表团作了翻译。

搭配a justifiableinterpretation 理由充分的解释


investigate [ in5vesti^eit ] v. 调查,调查研究

例句He had come toinvestigate the bribery. 他已开始调查贿赂事件。


justify [ 5dVQstifai ] v. 证明…正当(或有理、正确),为…辩护

例句Nothing can justifyyour cheating on an exam. 任何事情都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。

搭配justified raise (商品价格的)合理上涨

串记identity, notify

misunderstand [ 5misQndE5stAnd ] v. 误解,误会,曲解

例句My intention wascompletely misunderstood. 我的用意完全被误解了。

luxury [ 5lQkFEri ] n. 奢侈,华贵;奢侈品

adj. 奢华的,豪华的

例句Wine is a luxury inEngland. 在英国葡萄酒是一种奢侈品。

搭配a luxury condominium 豪华的公寓


maintenance [ 5meintinEns ] n. 维修,保养;抚养费,生活费用;维持,保持

例句He has to pay maintenanceto his ex-wife. 他必须负担前妻的生活费用。

搭配the maintenance ofgood relations between countries 保持国与国之间的友好关系

annoy [ E5nCi ] vt. 使苦恼,使生气;打搅,打扰;骚扰

vi. 招人讨厌

例句①We can annoy the enemy by raids. 我们可用袭击骚扰敌人。

②I was annoyed at his intrusion. 我对他的闯入感到生气。

搭配annoy with 生…的气

annoy at 讨厌某事

be annoyed with sb. for sth. 为某事生某人气


assist [ E5sist ] vt. 协助,帮助,促进

vi. 帮忙,参加

n. 协助

例句He asked us to assisthim in carrying through his plan. 他请求我们帮他完成他的计划。

搭配assist sb. with sth./indoing sth./to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

串记consist,resist, insist, persist

awake [ E5weik ] vt. 唤醒,使觉醒

vi. 醒来,醒悟到

adj. 警觉的,醒着的

例句①A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather. 飞行员必须警觉天气的变化。

②The letter awoke old fears. 那封信又勾起了往日的恐惧。

搭配be awake to 对…警觉的

串记wake; awkward

barrel [ 5bArEl ] n. 桶;枪管,炮管

例句This country producesabout 50 million barrels of oil per month. 该国每月产油五千万桶。

beat [ bi:t ] n. 敲打;拍子;巡逻区域;(心脏等)跳动

v. 打,击;战胜;冲击;(心脏等)跳动

adj. 疲倦的

例句①Waves beat the shore.


②The Government’s main aim is to beat inflation.


③He wanted £800 for the car but I beat him down (to £600)。


搭配beat down (太阳)强烈照射,(雨)很大;打倒

beat up 痛打,狠揍

cease [ si:s ] v. & n. 停止,终了

例句①The two camps made a bargain to cease fire. 双方阵营订了停火的协定。

②That department has ceased to exist. 那部门已不复存在。

搭配cease out 绝迹

串记ease,increase, lease; quit, resign

classical [ 5klAsikEl ] adj. 古典的,古典(文学)的;正统派的

例句Both Bach andBeethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。

串记classic; classify,classification

collective [ kE5lektiv ] adj. 集体的,共同的

n. 集体

搭配the strength of thecollective 集体的力量


combat [ 5kCmbAt ] n. & v. 战斗,格斗

例句①The ship combated with the wind and waves. 那艘船与风浪搏斗。

②The troops were exhausted after months of fierce combat. 部队经过几个月的激战已筋疲力尽。

搭配combat against/withsb./sth. 与(某人[某事物])战斗,斗争,搏斗

commission [ kE5miFEn ] n. 委员会;委任;佣金

vt. 授予;使服役;委托

例句①She has received many commissions to design public buildings. 她接受多项委托,设计公共建筑。

②He commissioned a statue of his wife. 他请人制作他妻子的雕像。

③Some wartime vessels are still in commission. 有些战时的军舰仍在服役。

串记committee,commit, commitment

compel [ kEm5pel ] vt. 强迫,迫使

例句①Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission. 责任驱使军人必须志愿执行这项任务。

②His cleverness and skill compel our admiration. 他的聪明和技巧使我们赞叹不已。

comprehensive [ 7kCmpri5hensiv ] adj. 全面的,广泛的,综合的;能充分理解的

例句She has acomprehensive grasp of the subject. 她已全面掌握了这一学科。

搭配comprehensive reading综合阅读


consequently [ 5kRnsikwEntli ] adv. 随…而发生的;所以,因此

例句The rain was veryheavy and consequently the land was flooded. 雨很大,结果土地被洪水淹没了。

串记subsequently,consequence, frequent; consequent

reflection/reflexion [ ri5flekFEn ] n. 映像,倒影;反省,沉思

例句①Your clothes are a reflection of your personality. 一个人的衣着可反映出其个性。

②After a minute’s reflection, he answered. 他沉思片刻后才回答。


constitution [ 7kCnsti5tju:FEn ] n. 宪法;机构;构成;体质,素质,性格

例句According to theAmerican Constitution, presidential elections are held every four years.


搭配by constitution 天性,体质上

have a good/poor (weak) constitution 体质好[差]

串记institute,institution, constitute, substitute

companion [ kEm5pAnjEn ] n. 同伴,伴侣,共事者;志趣相投的人;成对物品之一;参考书

例句①He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.


②The companion volume will soon be published.


③His brother is not much of a companion for him.



continent [ 5kCntinEnt ] n. 大陆,洲

例句Economic depressionwas stalking the continent. 经济萧条正在大陆上蔓延。

continual [ kEn5tinjuEl ] adj. 不停的,连续的,频繁的

例句He hates thesecontinual arguments. 他讨厌这种无休止的争论。

串记continuity,continuous, continue

cooperate [ kEu5CpEreit ] vi. 合作,协作,配合

例句①I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful businessman. 我建议你不要和那个不诚实的商人合作。

②Everything cooperated to make our holiday a success. 这一切凑合起来使我们的假期圆满过去。

搭配cooperate with sb. insth. 和某人合作某事

串记desperate,operate, coordinate

correspond [ kCris5pCnd ] vi. 符合,一致;相当于

例句①Her job corresponds with her interests. 她的工作符合她的志趣。

②The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。

搭配correspond with 与…一致,符合

correspond to 相当于…,与…对应

串记correspondence; pond, beyond, respond, fond

crust [ krQst ] n. 外壳,硬壳,面包皮;地壳

例句Ice crusted the pond.冰封池塘。


definite [ 5definit ] adj. 明确的,一定的;意志坚强的,立场坚定的

例句①Let’s fix a definite date for the next meeting. 我们定一下下次开会的确切日期吧。

②He seemed definite about what had happened. 他好像对所发生的事情很清楚。

搭配definite conditions 确定条件


delivery [ di5livEri ] n. 递送;交付;分娩;交货;引渡;演讲姿态

例句①There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.


②Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech.


串记recovery,slavery, discovery

democratic [ 7demE5krAtik ] adj. 民主的,民主主义的,民主政体的;大众的

例句The company is run ondemocratic lines, and all the staff are involved in making decisions.


搭配a member of theDemocratic Party 民主党成员

democratic government 民主政府

a democratic union 民主联盟

deny [ di5nai ] v. 否认,否定;拒绝给予(可接双宾语)

例句①He denies his wife nothing. 他对他的妻子有求必应。

②She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 因不准她见我,她非常生气。

③He denied any knowledge of their plans. 他声称对他们的计划一无所知。

搭配deny a statement 否认声明


devise [ di5vaiz ] v. 设计,发明;图谋,作出(计划),想出(办法)

例句The governmentdevised a scheme for redeveloping the city center. 政府制定了市中心的重建计划。

搭配devise a new plan 设计新计划

串记revise, advise,supervise

digital [ 5didVitl ] adj. 数字的;手指的

n. 数字

搭配a digital switch 数字开关

analog digital 模拟数字

mid digitals 中指


discovery [ di5skQvEri ] n. 发现,发觉;被发现的事物

例句The discovery of oilon their land made the people rapidly rich.


串记uncover;slavery, delivery, recovery

dissolve [ di5zClv ] vt. 使溶解,使融(熔)化;崩溃;解散;结束

vi. 溶解,消散;变得模糊

n. 叠化画面

例句①They found a number of simple expediencies to dissolve the contract.


②All his hopes dissolved at the terrible news.


搭配dissolve away 溶解掉

dissolve in 溶解入

dissolve into 溶解,消失到…中


disturb [ dis5tE:b ] v. 弄乱,打乱,打扰

例句①Please don’t disturb me while I’m working. 当我工作时请不要打扰我。

②He disturbed the papers on my desk. 他弄乱了我桌上的文件。


drift [ drift ] n. 冲洗;漂流物,漂流;大意,要旨;趋势

v. (使)漂流

例句①The piece of wood was drifting down the river.


②The government is trying to prevent a drift into long-termunemployment.


搭配drift along 随波逐流,混日子

on the drift (船)漂流;[美](因失业)而流浪

get the drift of 理解…的含义,明白…的要旨


entertainment [ entE5teinmEnt ] n. 招待,款待;乐趣;文娱表演,联欢会

例句①A cinema is a place of entertainment. 电影院是公众娱乐场所。

②The entertainment of guest exhausted him. 招待客人使他筋疲力尽。

envy [ 5envi ] n. & v. 羡慕,嫉妒

例句①They envy him his good fortune. 他们羡慕他的好运气。

②He was filled with envy at my success. 他对我的成功非常羡慕。

搭配full of envy 非常羡慕

envy sb. sth. 羡慕


vident [ 5evidEnt ] adj. 明显的,明白的

例句It was evident thatthe policy was a failure. 显然这项政策是失败的。

串记resident,incident, confident

evolve [ i5vClv ] v. (使)发展,(使)进化,(使)演变

例句He has evolved a newtheory after many years of research. 他经过多年的研究,逐渐总结出了新的理论。

搭配evolve from 从…发展而来

串记involve, revolve

explosion [ iks5plEuVEn ] n. 爆发,爆炸;激增,扩大

例句The explosion wascaused by a burst gas pipe. 这次爆炸是由于一个爆裂的煤气管引起的。

搭配an explosion of rage 大发雷霆

a population explosion 人口激增

串记exploit; explode,explosive

fancy [ 5fAnsi ] adj. 花式的,奇特的,异样的

v. 想象,设想;爱好

n. 爱好,迷恋;空想

例句①People in western countries sometimes went to the party in fancydress.


②I’ve taken a fancy to that silly hat.


③He has a lovely fancy.


搭配fancy dress 化妆舞会上穿的服装

fancy doing sth. 想要做某事

take a fancy to 喜欢

串记fantastic, fantasy

frame [ freim ] n. 框架,骨架;体格;组织,机构

vt. 装框子;设计,制定

例句①This old bed has a copper frame. 这张旧床的床架是铜的。

②Sobs shook her slender frame. 她抽泣着,苗条的身体都在颤动。

搭配the frame ofcontemporary society 现代社会的模式

串记flame,fame, framework

fraud [ frC:d ] n. 欺骗,舞弊;欺骗(行为),诡计;骗子

例句The judge sentencedthe man guilty of fraud. 法官判决那人犯诈骗罪。

furnish [ 5fE:niF ] v. 供应,提供;装备;布置

例句①The company will furnish each contestant with a free ticket. 公司将为每个参赛者免费提供一张票。

②She rents a furnished flat. 她租了一套备有家具的单元房。

搭配furnish all theequipment for a major expedition 为一大探险队提供全部装备

furnish abundant instances 提供丰富的例证

串记furniture, furnace,funeral, furniture, furthermore

garage [ 5^ArB:(d)V ] n. 车库;修车厂;飞机库

vt. 把…放入车库

例句He has taken his carto the garage to be repaired. 他把车送到汽车修理厂去修理。

串记garbage, carriage,cottage, usage

gesture [ 5dVestFE ] n. 姿态,手势;表示

v. 做手势,以手势表示

例句①He put his arm round her in a protective gesture. 他用一只手臂围住她做出保护的姿势。

②She gestured her disapproval. 她用姿势表示不赞成。

串记creature, mature,torture, feature, mixture

horizontal [ 7hCri5zCntl ] adj. 地平线的;水平的

例句The sun rises fromthe horizontal line. 太阳从地平线上升起。


herd [ hE:d ] n. 群,兽群,牛群

v. 成群,放牧

例句①The prisoners were herded (together) onto the train. 一群囚犯被驱赶着押上了火车。

②He preferred to stick with the herd so as not to be noticed. 他愿随大流以免引人注目。


hence [ hens ] adv. 因此;从此,今后

例句Computers have becomesmaller and cheaper, hence more people can afford.



ignorance [ 5i^nErEns ] n. 无知,愚昧;不知道

例句We are in completeignorance of your plans. 我们对你的计划一无所知。

搭配keep sb. in ignoranceof sth. 不让某人知道某事

串记ignorant; reliance

immense [ i5mens ] adj. 广大的,巨大的;[口]极好的

例句He made an immenseamount of money in business. 他从生意中赚了一大笔钱。

搭配of immense importance极为重要的

串记immigrant,immediate, immune

illusion [ i5lu:VEn ] n. 幻想,错误的观念;错觉,幻觉,假象

例句①I have no illusions about his ability. 我对他的能力不存幻想。

②The old man’s ruddy complexion gave an illusion of good health. 老人红润的脸色给人以健康的错觉。

搭配be under the illusion(与that连用)错误地相信

an optical illusion 视错觉

have no illusions about 对…不抱有幻想


immune [ i5mju:n ] adj. 免疫的;不受影响的;免除的,豁免的

例句He seems to be immuneto criticism. 他似乎不受批评的影响。

搭配be immune to 对…免疫

串记immigrant,immediate, immense

impressive [ im5presiv ] adj. 给人深刻印象的

例句His collection ofpaintings is most impressive. 他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止。

搭配an impressiveceremony, speech, performance 令人难忘的仪式﹑讲话﹑演出

串记impression;successive, passive, progressive

index [ 5indeks ] n. 索引;(数学)指数,指标;(刻度盘上)指针

v. 编入索引中,附以索引;指出

例句①The book is not well indexed.


②The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country’sprosperity.


搭配index of… …的标志

bunch [ bQntF ] n. 一束,一串;一群,一帮

v. 捆成一束;聚集

例句In our party he isthe best of the bunch. 他在我们这群人中是尖子。

搭配a bunch of flowers 一束花

a bunch of fives 拳头

the best of the bunch 精华,最佳者


inquiry [ in5kwaiEri ] n. 质问,打听,调查

例句Make inquiries as tothe details regarding the job and the firm. 对工作和公司的详情进行调查。

institute [ 5institju:t ] n. 学会,研究所;学院

v. 设立,制定;开始;提起(诉讼)

例句①She instituted a lawsuit against the company. 她对这家公司提出起诉。

②The police instituted an inquiry into the cause of the accident. 警方开始调查事故的起因。

搭配institute an inquiryinto 开始调查

institute an action at law 提出法律诉讼

串记institution;constitute, substitute

insure [ in5FuE ] v. 给…保险;保证,确保;投保,承保

例句①His talent and dedication will insure his success. 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。

②I want to insure my residence. 我要为自己的住宅保险。

串记assure, ensure

laundry [ 5lC:ndri ] n. 洗衣店;要洗的衣服;洗熨

例句You can have ourclothes washed at the laundry. 你可以把衣服放在洗衣店里洗。


leap [ li:p ] v. 跳,跳跃

n. 飞跃,跃进,跳跃

例句①There has been a great leap in the number of births in these pastfive years.


②My heart leapt for joy at thenews.


搭配by/in leaps andbounds 突飞猛进地

leaped over the wall 跃过围墙

串记leak, peak, heap,reap

legislation [ 7ledVis5leiFEn ] n. 法律(规);立法,法律的制定(或通过)

例句The committeeproposed that new legislation should be drafted. 委员会建议着手起草新法规。

lens [ lenz ] n. 透镜,镜头

例句His glasses havethick lens. 他的眼镜配有厚镜片

liberate [ 5libEreit ] v. 解放,(使)获自由;释出,放出

例句①The country was liberated in 1966. 这个国家是在1966年解放的。

②This will liberate him fromeconomic worry. 这将解除他经济上的忧虑。

搭配liberate sb./sth. (fromsth.) 解放,释放(某人[某事物])

串记deliberate; liberal,liberty

mainstream [ 5meinstri:m ] n. 主流,主要倾向

adj. 主流的

例句Steady progressremains to be the mainstream. 踏踏实实才是主流

搭配the mainstream ofAmerican life 美国生活主流

majority [ mE5dVCriti ] n. 多数,大多数;成年,法定年龄;超过对方的票数

例句①The majority of students were interested in his lessons.


②She reaches her majority nextmonth.


③They had a large majority overthe other party at the last election.


搭配in the majority 拥有多数的;占多数的

串记security,charity, minority, popularity, simplicity

maximum [ 5mAksimEm ] n. 最大量,最大限度,极大

adj. 最高的,最多的,最大极限的

例句①The temperature reaches the maximum at noon. 中午时气温最高。

②Drivers must not exceed a maximum of 55 miles an hour. 驾车人不得超过每小时55英里的车速最高极限。

串记minimum; wax

accompany [ E5kQmpEni ] vt. 陪伴,陪同,伴随;和…一起发生;伴奏

例句①Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。

②The candidate was accompanied by six burly bodyguards. 六个魁梧的保镖护送着候选人。


absolute [ 5AbsElu:t ] adj. 完全的,全部的,绝对的;确实的;专制的;无限制的;非相对的,独立的

例句①There is no absolute standard for beauty. 美是没有绝对的标准的。

②Please tell the absolute truth.请说出事情的全部真相。

搭配absolute ignorance 完全无知

absolute proof 不容置疑的证据

absolute liberty 无限自由


acquaintance [ E5kweintEns ] n. 认识,相识,了解;相识的人,熟人

例句①I have some acquaintance with the Russian. 我懂一点儿俄语。

②He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交友甚广。

串记reluctance,resistance, substance, circumstance

abuse [ E5bju:z ] vt. 滥用;辱骂,诋毁

n. 滥用;恶习,弊端

例句①We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.


②Corruption is a major abuse in modern politics.


搭配drug abuse 滥用药品

abuse of power 滥用职权

abuse one’s privilege 滥用特权

abuse a friend 辱骂朋友


ambition [ Am5biFEn ] n. 雄心,抱负;野心

vt. 急于获得,妄想得到

例句①The ambition to go overseas is now on hold. 进行海外扩张的雄心目前已经被搁置。

②Her ambition was to become a film star. 她一心追求的是做电影明星。


appealing [ E5pi:liN ] adj. 吸引人的,恳求似的

例句This theory isn’tterribly appealing , but I fear it may be partly right.


搭配appealing look 吸引人的外表


appliance [ E5plaiEns ] n. 设备,器械,装置;应用,适用

搭配kitchen appliance 厨房用具

串记applicant,applicable, application, applied

assembly [ E5sembli ] n. 集合;装配;汇编;会议;(美)洲议会的众议院

例句①The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly lineinstalled.


②The Secretary-General’s actions were subsequently unanimouslyapproved by the General Assembly.


awkward [ 5C:kwEd ] adj. 难处理的;不熟练的,笨拙的;尴尬的

例句①I was always an awkward dancer. 我跳舞一向是笨手笨脚的。

②An awkward situation arose during the peace talks. 在和平谈判中出现了棘手的情况。

搭配be awkward for 使人尴尬的,不便的,不合适的


basement [ 5beismEnt ] n. 地下室,地窖;墙脚

例句Thrift is the basementof richness. 节约是富裕的基础。


beam [ bi:m ] n. 束;梁;笑容;平衡木

vi. 面露喜色;发光

vt. 播送,发射

例句①She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。

②The winner beamed with satisfaction. 获胜者满意地笑了。

③The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan. 世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播。

搭配beam in one’s own eye自己眼中的梁木;自己的重大缺点

beam upon 看着…微笑


bend [ bend ] v. (使)弯曲;屈从,屈服

n. 弯曲(处),曲折处

例句①The stream bends to the west. 这条小河折向西流。

②She bends to her husband’s will. 她顺从她丈夫的意志。

③He is bent on winning at allcosts. 他决心不惜一切去争取胜利。

搭配bend to 屈服,顺从


betray [ bi5trei ] vt. 出卖,背叛;泄露(秘密)

例句①The officer betrayed the secret to his friends. 那军官把秘密向朋友泄露了。

②His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign. 他的口音暴露了他的外国人身份。

搭配betrayed their cause 不忠于他们的事业

bind [ baind ] v. 绑,捆;使结合;约束;装订

例句①I am bound by my promise. 我必须遵守自己的诺言。

②I tell you this in confidenceand bind you to secrecy. 出于信任我告诉你这件事并要你答应保守秘密。

③The agreement is binding on both parties. 协议对双方具有约束力。


boom [ bu:m ] n. 繁荣;隆隆声

v. 以低沉有力的声音发出;兴隆;急速发展

例句①The city is having a building boom. 这个城市正在大兴土木。

②Business is booming. 商业正在迅速发展。


bull [ bul ] n. 公牛,雄兽;(证券等的)买方;行情看涨者

例句During the bullmarket in property, with price rising fast, auctions became increasingly popular.


certificate [ sE5tifikit ] n. 证书;证明书

搭配abirth/marriage/death certificate 出生/结婚/死亡证书


chapter [ 5tFAptE(r) ] n. 章,回;(历史或人生的)一段经过

例句Steamboat travelopened a new chapter in America’s exploration of the West.


搭配a chapter ofaccidents 接二连三的灾祸


chew [ tFu: ] v. 咀嚼;认真考虑

例句I’ll chew yourproposal over for a few days and then let you have my answer.


搭配chew over 深思,仔细考虑;反复讨论

clarify [ 5klArifai ] v. 澄清,阐明

例句The government hastime and again clarified its position on equal pay for women.


搭配clarify fomenters 澄清事实

串记modify,satisfy, defy, verify

coastal [ 5kEustl ] adj. 海岸的,沿海的

例句I fished in coastalwaters. 我在近海水域捕鱼。

串记mental,metal, vital, install

comparable [ 5kCmpErEbl ] adj. (常与with连用)可相比的;(常与to连用)比得上的,相对照的;相对等的

例句①His work is comparable with the very best. 他的工作可与最优秀的相比。

②A comparable car would cost far more in Europe. 一辆同样质量的汽车在欧洲要贵得多。

搭配comparable to 比得上

comparable with 可相比的


conceal [ kEn5si:l ] vt. 隐藏,隐瞒,掩盖

例句He tried to concealhis heavy drinking from his family. 他极力对家人隐瞒自己酗酒的事。

搭配conceal from sb. 对(某人)隐瞒

conceal oneself 潜伏,埋伏

串记concern,concrete, concede

confine [ 5kCnfain ] vt. 限制;禁闭

n. 范围,界限;约束,限制

例句①The sick child was confined to bed. 这个生病的小孩不能离床。

②I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject. 我希望演说者不要离题。

搭配confine to 限制

串记confirm,confess, conflict, confront, confuse, define

conservative [ kEn5sE:vEtiv ] adj. 保存的;保守的,守旧的

n. 保守派

例句①The researchers made a conservative guess at the population of Tokyo.


②He was a conservative military thinker.


搭配Conservative Party (英国的)保守党


considerate [ kEn5sidErit ] adj. 体贴的,体谅的,考虑周到的

例句It was considerate ofyou not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡觉时你不弹钢琴,真是体贴入微。


contemporary [ kEn5tempErEri ] n. 同代的人,同时期的人,同龄人

adj. 现代的,当代的,同时代的

例句①Keats and Shelley were contemporaries. 济慈和雪莱是同代人。

②He had devoted hiswhole life to the study of contemporary art. 他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。


copper [ 5kCpE ] n. 铜;铜币;警察

例句He had only a fewcoppers in his pocket when he came to Detroit. 他来到底特律时,口袋里只有几枚铜币。


copyright [ 5kCpirait ] n. 版权

v. 获得版权

adj. 受版权保护的

例句He decided to resignhis claim to the copyright. 他决定放弃对版权的要求。

搭配hold/own copyrighton a book 拥有某本书的版权

curb [ kE:b ] n. & v. 约束;抑制

例句Measures have beentaken to curb inflation. 已采取措施抑制通货膨胀。

搭配curb one’s temper 抑制某人的脾气

put a curb on 限[抑]制…

串记curse,curl, curve, course; prohibit, hinder

curse [ kE:s ] n. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端

vt. 诅咒,咒骂;使受罪

vi. 诅咒,咒骂

例句Gambling is often acurse. 赌博往往是个祸根。

搭配be cursed with badhealth, a violent temper, bad luck, etc. 因身体有病﹑脾气暴躁﹑命运不好等而吃苦头

be under a curse 被诅咒

串记course,curve, curb, curl

dawn [ dC:n ] n. 黎明;开端,起始

vi. 破晓;开始出现;变得(为人)所明白

例句①I woke up at dawn. 我在黎明时醒了。

②We look forward to the dawn of better days. 我们期待好日子的来临。

③It finally dawned (on me) that he had been lying. 最后(我)才明白他一直在撒谎。

搭配dawn (up) on 逐渐被了解

the dawn of hope, love, intelligence, civilization 希望﹑爱情﹑智力﹑文明的开端

the dawn of a new age 新时代的曙光

串记lawn, yawn

decent [ 5di:snt ] adj. 体面的;合适的;正派的,合乎礼仪的

例句①He made a decent record. 他成绩尚佳。

②I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary. 我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。

串记accent, recent

deliberate [ di5libEreit ] adj. 慎重的,深思熟虑的;故意的

v. 商讨;仔细考虑

例句①We had no time to deliberate (on the problem)。 我们没有时间仔细思考(这个问题)。

②The government is taking deliberate action to lower prices. 政府正在采取降低物价的谨慎措施。

③He told us a deliberate lie. 他存心对我们说谎。


detective [ di5tektiv ] n. 侦探

adj. 侦探的

例句Several detectiveshave been assigned to the case. 几个侦探被指派来侦破这个案子。


determination [ ditE:mi5neiFEn ] n. 决心,果断;结论

例句①The doctor’s determination was made after he received a report onthe tests.


②All thisincreased my determination to try in every way to fight against that war.


搭配a leader withcourage and determination 果敢的领导者

串记destination, detection

diplomatic [ 7diplE5mAtik ] adj. 有外交手腕的;老练的,策略的

例句①Try to be diplomatic when you refuse her invitation, so as not tocause bad feeling.


②Those two countries have broken off diplomatic relations again.



distinction [ dis5tiNkFEn ] n. 区别;级别;特性;声望,显赫

例句①He passed the examination with distinction. 他以优异的成绩通过了考试。

②We must make a distinction between freedom and license. 我们必须把自由和放纵区分开来。

搭配draw/make adistinction between 对…加以区别

串记distinctive,distinct; discrimination

distinctive [ dis5tiNktiv ] adj. 与众不同的,有特色的

例句His accent isdistinctive of a sailor. 他的口音是船员特有的。

串记attractive;distinct, distinction

distress [ di5stres ] n. 不幸,危难;苦恼,悲伤;贫困

v. 使悲痛,使忧伤;使穷困

例句①The life-boat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去援救一艘遇险的船只。

②The mother was in great distress when her baby became ill. 当她的小孩子生病的时候,母亲非常痛苦。

搭配be distressedat/about/with因…而感到忧虑

a distress sale 廉价出售


dive [ daiv ] v. & n. 潜水,跳水;俯冲

例句①He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child. 他从桥上跳到水中,救起那快要溺死的小孩。

②We dived for cover when the storm started. 暴风雨来临时,我们急忙寻找躲避的地方。

搭配make a dive for 向…冲去

take a dive 突然下降,(市价)暴跌

dive into 跳入,钻进


drawer [ 5drC:E ] n. 抽屉;(用复数)衬裤;出票人;制图员

例句I’m not a very gooddrawer. 我不擅长绘图。

搭配catalogue drawer 目录抽屉

drawer for tools 工具抽屉


enclose [ in5klEuz ] vt. (用篱、墙等)圈起,围绕;装,封入,附寄

例句①The football field is enclosed by a wall. 足球场被一道墙围了起来。

②I enclose a check for $400. 我附上一张400美元的支票。

endure [ in5djuE ] v. 持久,持续;忍受

例句I can’t endure herendless complaint noise a moment longer. 我一刻也忍受不了她那没完没了的抱怨。

串记venture,ensure, capture

exceed [ ik5si:d ] v. 超过,越出,胜过

例句①The results of the competition exceeded our expectations.


②The enemy troops is finally defeat though they exceed in number.


搭配exceed in 在…方面超过


exert [ i^5zE:t ] v. 尽(力),施加(压力等),努力

例句①He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan. 他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的计划。

②Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed. 她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功给了她很大的压力。

搭配exert oneself 努力,尽力

串记alert,convert, insert

exclusive [ iks5klu:siv ] adj. 独占的,排他的;孤高的;唯一的;高级的

n. 独家新闻;独权

例句①The interview is exclusive to this magazine. 本杂志得到独家访问权。

②Painting has not been her exclusive occupation. 绘画并非她唯一的职业。

③The price of the holiday is exclusive ofaccommodation. 度假费用未包括住宿费。

④The real estate agent has the exclusive right to sellthe house. 房地产代理商有房子的专卖权。

搭配an exclusive restaurant,private school 为富人开设的饭店﹑私立学校

to the exclusion 排斥着

串记executive,external; exclude

experimental [ eks7peri5mentl ] adj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的

搭配the experimental farm 实验农场


facial [ 5feiFEl ] adj. 面部的,脸上的

n. 美容,面部按摩

例句She bears a strongfacial resemblance to my sister. 她的容貌和我姐姐十分相像。

串记official,crucial, racial, superficial, artificial

favorable [ 5feivErEbl ] adj. 有利的;赞许的,赞同的;讨人喜欢的;良好的

例句①The book met with a favorable reception. 此书受到好评。

②The weather seemed favorable for the flight. 天气似乎有利于 [适于] 飞行。

搭配be favorable to 赞成


feasible [ 5fi:zEbl ] adj. 可用的,切实可行的,行得通的

例句①The electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车在技术上是行得通的。

②Is it feasible to finish the work by April? 在四月以前有可能完成该项工作吗?


fearful [ 5fiEful ] adj. 可怕的,吓人的;害怕,担心,惊恐

例句I am fearful of wakeningyour baby. 我怕弄醒你的婴儿。


feedback [ 5fi:dbAk ] n. 反应,反馈,回授

例句We need more feedbackfrom the consumer in order to improve our goods.


串记feed,freedom, freeze

flexibility [ 7fleksE5biliti ] n. 弹性,适应性;机动性,挠性

搭配enhance the flexibilityof the diplomacy 加强外交上的灵活性

串记ability,liability, stability; flexible

fossil [ 5fCsl ] n. 化石;食古不化的人;老顽固;守旧的事物

adj. 化石的;陈腐的,守旧的

例句①Coal is a fossil fuel. 煤是一种矿物燃料。

②Our literatureteacher is an old fossil. 我们的文学老师是个老顽固。

串记mineral,petrol, fuel

fraction [ 5frAkFEn ] n. 碎片;小部分;分数

例句She spends only a fractionof her earnings. 她只花了所赚的钱的一小部分。

串记fiction,reaction, auction

fruitful [ 5fru:tful ] adj. 多产的;果实累累;富有成效的;成功的;有收获的

例句①The trees are fruitful. 那些树果实累累。

②He is fruitful in expedients. 他办法多。

③She had a fruitful career. 她在事业上很成功。

串记successful, graceful,faithful, thoughtful, grateful

grateful [ 5^reitful ] adj. (to,for) 感激的;感谢的

例句We are particularlygrateful to him for his timely help. 我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。

搭配be grateful for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而感激

be grateful to sb. (for sth.) 因某事而感激某人

串记gratitude; successful,fruitful, faithful, thoughtful, graceful, successful

grocery [ 5^rEusEri ] n. 杂货店,杂货

例句Mary has boughtenough groceries for the journey. 玛丽已为旅行买足了食品。

串记gallery, balcony, bakery

harmony [ 5hB:mEni ] n. 协调,和谐;融洽,一致

例句My cat and dog livein perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。

搭配in (out of) harmony (with)(与…)(不)协调一致,(与…)(不)和睦融洽


highlight [ 5hailait ] v. 使显著,使突出;强调;照亮

n. 高潮部分,最精彩的部分

例句①The highlight of our tour to Paris was visiting the Louvre. 我们巴黎之旅最精彩的部分就是参观罗浮宫。

②The episode of the film aimed at highlighting the lead character. 影片的这个情节旨在突出主角的个性。

串记insight, enhance

hint [ hint ] v. & n. 暗示,示意

n. 暗示,提示,线索

例句①I took the hint and left at once. 我领会了暗示立即离开了。

②He hinted that he was looking for another job. 他暗示说他正在另找工作。

horrible [ 5hCrEbl ] adj. 恐怖的,可怕的;令人讨厌的;糟透的

例句①There was a horrible accident here yesterday. 昨天在这里发生了一起可怕的事故。

②It tastes horrible. 这味道很不好。

串记terrible, horror;horizon

iceberg [ 5aisbE^ ] n. 冰山,冷冰冰的人

例句Four days after theTitanic set out, a very big iceberg floated towards her.


identification [ ai7dentifi5keiFEn ] n. 识别,鉴别;证件,身份证明;认同

例句His only means ofidentification was his passport. 他惟一的证件就是他的护照。

搭配fingerprintidentification 指纹识别

串记justification,qualification, reunification

implement [ 5implimEnt ] n. 工具,器具,用具

v. 执行,实施,贯彻;向…提供工具(或手段)

例句The committee’sdecisions will be implemented immediately. 委员会的决定将立即执行。

串记improvement,instrument, investment

incredible [ in5kredEbl ] adj. 难以置信的,不可思议的;惊人的

例句①We had an incredible holiday! 我们度过了一个极愉快的假日!

②That’s the most incredible coincidence I’ve ever heard of! 那是我听说过的最难以置信的巧合!

串记independent,indispensable, indifferent

indication [ 7indi5keiFEn ] n. 指出,指示;迹象,暗示

例句He gave no indicationthat he was ill. 没有迹象表明他生病了。

induce [ in5dju:s ] vt. 引诱,劝使;引起,导致;感应

例句①We couldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air. 我们无法劝服那位老太太乘飞机旅行。

②The price is not attractive enough to induce business. 价格不足以引起兴趣,达成交易。

搭配induce sb. to do sth. 劝导[诱使]某人做某事


infinite [ 5infinit ] n. 无限的东西(如空间、时间); [数] 无穷大

adj. 无穷的,无限的,无数的;极大的

例句①The Universe seems infinite. 宇宙似乎是无限的。

②You need infinite patience for this job. 做这项工作要有极大的耐心。


inhabitant [ in5hAbitEnt ] n. 居民,居住者

例句The inhabitants of theisland are friendly. 岛上的居民很友善。


invisible [ in5vizEbl ] adj. 看不见的,无形的

例句Germs are invisible tothe naked eyes. 肉眼是无法看到细菌的。

串记plausible, accessible; visible, vision, visual, visualize

horizon [ hE5raizn ] n. 地平线;眼界,见识

例句Studying abroad wouldbroaden my horizon and enrich my knowledge.


搭配on the horizon 在地平线上;即将来临的

push back one’s horizon拓宽视野


chain [ tFein ] n. 链(条);

(pl.) 镣铐;一系列;连锁店

vt. 用链条拴住

例句The Government fear thestrike may produce a chain reaction in other industries.


搭配in chains上着镣铐,在囚禁中;当奴隶

a fast food chain 快餐连锁店

串记grain,drain, bargain

insight [ 5insait ] n. 洞察力;洞察,了解

例句His speech gave us aninsight into the problems of education. 他的演讲使我们对教育问题有了深入的了解。

搭配a man of insight 有洞察力的人

串记fight, tight, eyesight

ignorant [ 5i^nErEnt ] adj. 无知的,愚昧的;无礼的;不知道的

例句①She is very ignorant about her own country. 她对自己的国家很不了解。

②She regarded her critics as ignorant and prejudiced. 她认为那些批评她的人既无知又存有偏见。

搭配be ignorant of 不了解,不知道

an ignorant mistake 很愚蠢的错误


inquire [ in5kwaiE ] v. 打听,询问;调查,查问

例句①He asked me to inquire after you. 他要我问候你。

②The police will inquire into the cause of his death. 警方将调查他的死因。

③We inquired the way of a boy. 我们向一个男孩问路。

搭配inquire into 盘查,调查

inquire sth. of sb. 向某人询问,打听某事

串记acquire, require

junior [ 5dVu:njE ] adj. 年少的,年幼的;低年级的;后进的;资历较浅的

n. 年少者;大三学生;下级,晚辈

例句He is junior to methough he’s older. 虽然他比我年长,但级别比我低。

搭配junior school 初级小学


layout [ 5lei7aut ] n. 陈设,布局;规划图,布局图

搭配the layout of afactory 工厂的布局

the layout of a printed circuit 印刷电路设计图

lump [ lQmp ] n. 团;肿块,疙瘩

v. 使成块,形成团状;归并;(笨重地)移动

adj. 块状的;全部的,整体的

例句①A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. 养老金常可改为一次性总付款。

②The cost of these two trips can be lumpedtogether. 这两次旅行的费用可以合在一起。

串记bump,dump, pump

marine [ mE5ri:n ] adj. 海的,海产的;航海的,海运的

n. 海军陆战队士兵

例句Marine creatures arethose which live in the sea. 海洋生物是生存在海里的生物。


mechanic [ mi5kAnik ] n. 技工,机修工,机械工

adj. 手工的

例句①The mechanic phoned to say your car was ready for collection. 汽车修理工来电话说你可以去取车了。

②There is no service charge at the mechanic shop. 这家技工店是不收服务费的。


fiction [ 5fikFEn ] n. 虚构,编造;小说

例句It is a legal fictionthat a corporation is a person. 把团体法人当作一个人是一种法律上的假设。

搭配polite fiction 冠冕堂皇的应酬话

串记fraction, reaction,auction

academy [ E5kAdEmi ] n. (高等)专科院校,学术社团,协会,研究院

搭配an academy of music 音乐学院

the Royal Academy 皇家学会


accelerate [ Ek5selEreit ] vt. (使)加快,(使)增速;加速,催促;促进;速度增加

vi. 加快,加速

例句The car acceleratedas it overtook me. 那辆汽车一加速就超越了我。


accustomed [ E5kQstEmd ] adj. 适应的(一般作表语);惯常的,通常的,习惯的;按照风俗习惯的

例句He was accustomed tocommand, not to entreat. 他习惯于发号施令,而不是恳求他人。

搭配be accustomed to 习惯于

串记accustom, adjust,used

anticipate [ An5tisipeit ] vt. 预感,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用

例句①We anticipate hearing from you again.


②We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto themarket first.



appetite [ 5Apitait ] n. 食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好

例句①He has an appetite for writing poems. 他爱好写诗。

②He has a good appetite. 他的胃口好。

搭配an appetite for… …的强烈愿望

lose one’s appetite 食欲不振

串记applaud, applause, appreciate

authentic [ C:5Wentik ] adj. 真的,真正的;可靠的,有根据的

例句No authentic works byhim are preserved. 他作品的真迹没有流传下来。

搭配an authentic statement可靠的陈述


avenue [ 5Avinju: ] n. 林荫道,大街;(比喻)方法,途径

例句①Books are avenues to knowledge.


②They exploded every avenue but could not find a solution.


搭配Madison Avenue 麦迪逊大道


await [ E5weit ] vt. 等候,期待;(事情等)降临于

例句①A busy day awaits. 忙碌的日子即将来临。

②I anxiously await your approval. 我急切地等待你的批准。


bankrupt [ 5bANkrQpt ] adj. 破产的;彻底失败的

vt. 使破产,使倒闭

例句The company wentbankrupt because of its poor management. 那家公司因管理经营不善而破产。

搭配go bankrupt 破产


battery [ 5bAtEri ] n. 电池(组);(器具等的)一组;兵连,炮组

例句She faced a batteryof questions. 她面临一连串的问题。

briefcase [ 5brifkeis ] n. 公文包,公事包

例句The briefcase bulgedwith papers. 公文包装满了文件。

串记brief, relief, case

bulb [ bQlb ] n. 球状物;灯泡

例句The bulb has burnedout. 灯泡烧坏了。

calculate [ 5kAlkjuleit ] vi. 计算,核算;估计,推测;计划,打算;指望

例句This advertisement iscalculated to attract the attention of housewives.


搭配be calculated for 为适合…而设计的;适合于

calculate on (upon) 指望着,期待着


carriage [ 5kAridV ] n. 四轮马车;(火车)客车厢;运输;运费;举止;托架

搭配carriage forward 运费由收件人付

carriage free 运费免收

串记garage,cottage, usage, garbage

cassette [ kA5set ] n. 录音带

例句Cassette recorder isnot allowed in the concert. 录音机不准带入音乐会会。


chill [ tFil ] n. 寒意,寒战,寒心

adj. 寒冷的;扫兴的

v. 使冷,冷藏

例句The night air chilledhis bones. 夜间的寒气使他感到冰冷彻骨。

搭配cast a chill over 使扫兴,泼冷水

catch a chill; take a chil l风寒,感冒

feel a chill 打冷颤,发冷

串记mill,pill, thrill

circulate [ 5sE:kjuleit ] v. (使)循环;(使)流通。传播

例句①The news of her death circulated quickly. 她死去的消息迅速传开。

②Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。


classic [ 5klAsik ] n. (pl.)杰作;古典作品

adj. 第一流的,不朽的;古典的;典型的

例句①He is a classic poet. 他是一个杰出的诗人。

②This novel may well become a classic. 这本小说很可能成为经典着作。

搭配a classic example 典型的例子

串记classify,classification; classical

classification [ 7klAsifi5keiFEn ] n. 分类,分级

例句There is a hierarchyin the classification of all living creatures. 一切生物均可按等级分类。

串记classic,classical; classify

compress [ kEm5pres ] v. 压紧,压缩;(把思想、文字等)浓缩,使更为简练

例句The film compressesseveral years into half an hour. 这部电影将几年的事压缩于半小时内。

搭配compress into 压缩成…

串记press, impress,depress, express

concede [ kEn5si:d ] v. 承认;给予;(比赛结束前)认输;让步

例句①You must concede that I have tried my best. 你必须承认我已经尽力了。

②We cannot concede any of our territory. 我们寸土不让(不让他国得到)。

搭配concede sb. sth.=concedesth. to sb. 给予某人某种让步

串记concern,conceal, concrete

conquer [ 5kCNkE ] vt. 攻克,克服;战胜;征服

例句①He set out to conquer the literary world of London. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。

②The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes. 祖鲁人征服了所有邻近的部落。


consensus [ kEn5sensEs ] n. (意见等)一致,一致同意

例句The purpose of thismeeting is to reach a consensus on where to cut the budget.


搭配reach a consensus 达成一致意见


consistency [ kEn5sistEnsi ] n. 一贯性,一致性;稠度

例句①These accounts show no consistency.


②His views lack consistency: one day he’s a conservative, the next he’sa liberal.



core [ kC: ] n. 果核;中心,核心

例句It took a long timeto get to the core of the affair. 花了很长时间才抓住这件事的要害。

搭配to the core 透顶的,十足的

costume [ 5kCstju:m,-5tju:m ] n. (流行的)服饰;戏装,(特定场合的)套装

例句Her national costumeshowed which country she came from. 她的民族服装表明了她是从哪个国家来的。

搭配academic costume 学位服

costume ball 化装舞会

costume piece/play 古装戏


cough [ kC:f ] n. 咳嗽

v. 咳嗽

例句She gave a quietcough to attract my attention. 她轻咳了一声好引起我注意。

搭配cough up 咳出

backing cough 剧烈的干咳


crucial [ 5kru:FiEl,5kru:FEl ] adj. 至关紧要的,决定性的

例句Getting this contractis crucial to the future of our company. 签订此项合同对本公司的前途至关重要。

搭配be crucial to 对…至关重要

串记fatal, vital; official,racial, superficial facial, artificial

cyclist [ 5saiklist ] n. 骑自行车的人

串记crystal,cynical; cycle

cynical [ 5sinikEl ] adj. 冷嘲热讽的;愤世嫉俗的;恶意的;(对人性或动机)怀疑的

例句①They bearded me with cynical questions. 他们提出各种刻薄的问题刺激我。

②The footballer brought down his opponent with a cynical foul. 那个足球队员恶意犯规把对方绊倒了。

③She’s cynical about recovering her lost watch. 她不相信能找回丢失的手表。

搭配a cynical remark 风凉话

串记crystal, cycle,cyclist

deception [ di5sepFEn ] n. 欺骗,诡计

例句He practiceddeception on her and managed to get $2, 000. 他从她那骗到了2000美元。

串记perception,reception, exception

decoration [ 7dekE5reiFEn ] n. 装饰,装饰品

例句She picked a largebunch of flowers for table decoration. 她采了一大捧花来装饰桌子。


deed [ di:d ] n. 行为;功绩;实行;证书;契约

例句①Deeds, not words, matter most. 行动,而不是言辞,至关重要。

②The deed is executedunder the hand and seal of the owner. 这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。

搭配do a good deed 做好事

串记indeed,weed, seed, seaweed

defect [ di5fekt ] n. 过失,缺点,不足

v. 变节;背叛;脱党

例句①What defects can you find in the present system of education? 你认为现行的教育制度有什么缺点?

搭配defect to 投奔(敌方等)

have the defects of one’s qualities 有随优点而来的缺点,美中不足

串记infect,perfect, affect, effect

delegate [ 5deli^it ] n. 代表

vt. 委派…为代表;授权;委托

例句①The job had to be delegated to an assistant. 这项工作得交给助手去做。

②The new manager was delegated to reorganize the department. 这位新经理被委派重新组织该部门。

搭配an official delegate 正式代表


democracy [ di5mCkrEsi ] n. 民主政治,民主主义;民主国家

例句A true democracyallows free speech. 真正的民主国家允许言论自由。

搭配industrial democracy 企业的民主管理

串记democratic;domestic, demonstrate

density [ 5densiti ] n. 稠密;浓度,密度

例句The density of theforest prevented us from walking quickly. 茂密的森林让我们没法走得太快。


descend [ di5send ] v. 下来,下降;遗传(指财产,气质,权利);突然袭击;突然拜访

例句①My sister’s family is descending on us this weekend. 想不到我姐姐一家本周末要到我们这里来。

②I didn’t expect him to descend to personal abuse. 我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。

③The sun descended behind the hills. 太阳下山了。

搭配be descended from 从…下来;是…的后裔

descend to 把人格、身份降低到,堕落到;转谈细节

串记defend,offend, depend

detection [ di5tekFEn ] n. 察觉,发觉;侦查,探测

例句Tom try to escapedetection by disguising himself. 汤姆乔装打扮以躲过侦察者的耳目。

搭配detection of a crime 对犯罪的侦查


diagram [ 5daiE^rAm ] n. 图解,图表,简图

例句The engineer drew adiagram of the bridge. 工程师绘制了一幅这座桥的示意图。


disabled [ dis5eib(E)ld ] adj. 伤残的;有缺陷的

例句Mr. Jackson ispermanently disabled due to a terrible traffic accident. 杰克逊先生由于交通事故而终生残疾。

串记deaf,blind, limb, cripple

disguise [ dis5^aiz ] v. 假装,伪装,掩饰

n. 伪装;伪装物

例句①She could not disguise her amusement at his mistake. 她对他的错误忍俊不禁。

②The supposedbeggar was really a police officer in disguise. 那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。

搭配in disguise 伪装起来的

disguise in 用…伪装


dispose [ dis5pEuz ] v. (of) 处理;去掉;解雇;使愿意;布置,安排;使…倾向于

例句①The factory is about to dispose of its workers. 这家工厂即将解雇工人。

②The low salary did not disposehim to accept the position. 浅薄的待遇使他不想接受这项工作。

搭配dispose of 处理,对付,安排,转让,卖掉

be/feel disposed for (to do) 有意,愿意;倾向于

be well disposed to/towards 对…有好感

dispose sb. for (to do) sth. 使某人倾向于(做)某事


dominant [5dCminEnt] ] adj. 有统治权的;占优势的,支配的;主要的

例句①The right hand is dominant in most people. 大多数人右手比左手有力。

②Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。

搭配a dominant position 统治地位

a dominant person in the team 队里举足轻重的人


drain [ drein ] n. 排水沟;消耗,负担

v. 排出沟外,流干;喝光,耗尽

例句①This country is being drained of its best talents. 这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。

②All of our best laid plans are down the drain. 我们所有精心布置的计划都付之东流。

搭配be drained of one’senergy 筋疲力尽

down the drain 浪费;无结果

串记grain,chain, bargain, complain

durable [ 5djuErEbl ] adj. 持久的,耐用的

搭配a durable friendship 持久的友谊

串记curable,available, valuable

dynamic [dai5nAmik] adj. 动力的,动力学的;动态的;有生气的

n. 原动力;动态

例句Mars is a dynamic,young multinational company. 马尔斯是个年轻有活力的跨国公司。

搭配a man of dynamic personalities性格活跃的人


elbow [ 5elbEu ] n. 肘,(衣服的)肘部

v. 用肘挤

例句①He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum. 他用肘推着从人群中向讲坛挤过去。

②She sat with her elbows on the table. 她坐着,胳膊肘支在桌子上。

embrace [ im5breis ] v. 拥抱;包含;包围;接受;采纳

n. 拥抱;包含,包括

例句①Kate and Lena embraced and kissed each other when they met againafter ten years.


②The hills embrace the village.


搭配embrace the offer 接受提议

episode [ 5episEud ] n. 事件;(一段)情节;插曲;发作

例句①Being named the best athlete of the year was an important episode inhis life.


②One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in chapter 6.


搭配the final episode 大结局


equation [ i5kweiFEn ] n. 方程式,等式;(with) 相等;均衡;平均

例句His equation of wealthwith happiness led to his divorce. 他认为财富就等于幸福,这导致了他的离婚。


ethnic [ 5eWnik ] adj. 人种的,种族的;异教徒的;人种学的

搭配an ethnic restaurant 具有民族风味的饭店

串记clinic, organic, panic

explode [ iks5plEud ] v. (使)爆炸,(使)爆发;破裂

例句She exploded intoloud laughter. 她突然大笑起来。

搭配the exploding worldpopulation 激增的世界人口

串记exploit; explosive,explosion

eyesight [ 5aisait ] n. 视力,眼力,视觉

例句Her eyesight wasexcellent. 她的视力非常好。

串记insight, fight

extraordinary [ iks5trC:dnri, iks5trC:dinEri ] adj. 非常的;格外的;意外的;离奇的;临时的

例句Her talents are quiteextraordinary. 她才华出众。


facilitate [ fE5siliteit ] vt. (使)容易,(使)便利;促进,帮助

例句Tractors and otheragricultural machines greatly facilitate farming.


串记estate, hesitate,imitate, rotate, dictate

faithful [ 5feiWful ] adj. 守信的;忠实的,可靠的

n. 信徒

例句Mary is faithful toher husband. 玛丽忠实于她的丈夫。

搭配be faithful to 忠实于

a faithful friend一位忠实的朋友

串记successful, graceful,fruitful, thoughtful, grateful

fade [ feid ] v. 减弱;褪色;消失;枯萎;失去光泽

n. 淡入(出)

adj. 乏味的,平淡的

例句①Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now fading.


②Flowers soon faded when theyhave been cut.


③The memory ofher sufferings in her childhood will never fade from her mind.


串记trade,invade, parade, shade

fake [ feik ] n. 假货,欺骗

adj. 假的,伪造的,冒充的

v. 伪造;伪装

例句①The painting looked old but was a recent fake. 这幅画看上去年代久远,实际是最近的一幅赝品。

②He faked his father’s signature. 他伪造父亲的签字。

串记brake,sake, shake, wake, bake

fate [ feit ] n. 命运;毁灭,灾难

例句He expected to spendhis life in Germany, but fate had decided otherwise.


freeze [ fri:z ] v. (使)结冰,(使)冻结

n. 严寒,冻结

例句When water freezes itbecomes ice. 当水凝固时就变成冰。

搭配freeze to death 冻死


generator [ 5dVenEreitE ] n. 发电机,发生器;生殖者;创始者

搭配an emergency generator发电机

a generator of new ideas 新思想的创立者

串记generate, generation

genius [ 5dVi:njEs ] n. 天才,天赋;天才人物

例句①He’s a genius at mathematics. 他是个数学天才。

②He has a genius for getting along with children. 他擅长与孩子们打成一片。

搭配agenius for (doing) sth. 对(做)某事物的天生的非凡才能

串记genetic, genuine

glimpse [ ^limps ] n. & v. 一瞥,一看,瞥见

例句①I caught a quick glimpse at the newspaper headlines. 我匆匆的看了一遍报纸的大标题。

②I glimpsed her among the crowd. 我在人群中瞥见了她。

搭配get/catch a glimpseof sb. 瞥见,一见


grace [ ^reis ] n. 优美,文雅;恩惠,恩泽;风度;宽限,缓刑;感恩祷告

vt. 使优美;使荣耀

例句①Payment is due today, but I gave her a week’s grace. 今天付款到期,但我给了她一个星期的宽限。

②Fine paintings graced the walls of the room. 这些精美的绘画使四壁生辉。

③I’m not in her good graces at the moment. 我此刻尚未讨得她的欢心。

搭配in the good graces of为人所喜爱

with bad grace 勉强地

with good grace 欣然地


grip [ ^rip ] n. 紧握;柄;握手方式;手提包;掌握,控制

vt. 抓紧,抱住,吸住;掌握

vi. 握牢;有吸引力

例句①The child gripped its mother’s arm. 孩子紧抓着母亲的胳膊。

②The pictures gripped my imagination. 这些图画引起了我的想象。

搭配come/get to gripswith努力对付;认真谈论


gross [ ^rEus ] adj. 总的,毛(重)的;粗鲁的,粗俗的

n. 总额

例句①Her last film grossed a million pounds.


②The company only dismisses its employees in cases of grossmisconduct.


handful [ 5hAndful ] n. 一把;少数;一小撮

例句Field Museum is oneof a handful of the world’s great natural history museums.


串记handy, handle,handsome

heave [ hi:v ] v. (用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐

n. 举起

例句①I heaved the heavy box up the steps. 我用力把这个重箱子搬上楼梯。

②Don’t heave your things around. 别到处乱扔东西。


heroic [ hi5rEuik ] adj. 英雄的,英勇的

例句His heroic action hasleft a deep impression on people’s minds. 他的英雄行为在人民心里留下了深刻的印象。


hollow [ 5hClEu ] adj. 空的;空洞的,空虚的;沉闷的;虚伪的

v. 挖空,弄凹

n. 山谷;洞,窟窿

例句①His protests on human rights sound hollow. 他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。

②A fox hid in the hollow tree. 一只狐狸藏在树干的洞里。

串记shallow,swallow, allow

indirect [ 7indi5rekt ] adj. 间接的;迂回的,曲折的;不直截了当的,转弯抹角的;次要的

例句The taxi driver tookan indirect route to avoid the town centre. 为了避免经过市中心,出租车司机绕道而行。

搭配an indirect route 迂回路线

an indirect reply 侧面回答

make an indirect reference to sth. 暗示某事

an indirect cause, reason, result 次要的原因﹑理由﹑结果


inflation [ in5fleiFEn ] n. 充气,膨胀;通货膨胀

例句Inflation erodes thepurchasing power of the families with lower income.


inherent [ in5hiErEnt ] adj. 固有的,内在的,天生的

例句①He has an inherent distrust of foreigners. 他天生对外国人不信任。

②Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinesenation. 勤劳俭朴是中华民族的本色。


instinct [ 5instiNkt ] n. 本能,直觉,天性

例句①Birds learn to fly by instinct.


②When I saw the flames, I acted on instinct and threw a blanket overthem.



intimate [ 5intimeit ] adj. 亲密的;隐私的;秘密的;(指知识)精通的,详尽的

v. 暗示,提示

n. 熟人,挚友

例句He was intimate withmany of the greatest minds of his day. 他和许多当时的杰出文人有深交。

搭配an intimate friend 亲密的朋友

be on intimate terms with sb. 同某人关系密切


invade [ in5veid ] vt. 侵入,侵略(别国),侵害

例句①The army invaded the town.


②The principal of the trusts could not be invaded without trusteeapproval.


串记fade,trade, invade, parade, shade

irrigation [ 7iri5^eiFEn ] n. 灌溉,水利

例句Public irrigation isthe heart of cotton farming. 公共水利设施是棉花生产的命脉。

搭配an irrigation canal 灌溉渠

an irrigation project 灌溉工程

串记delegation,obligation, navigation

jewel [ 5dVu:El ] n. 宝石,宝石饰物;受珍视的人或物

例句①She wore beautiful jewels round her neck. 她脖子上戴着漂亮的宝石(项链)。

②The book is the jewel of his collection. 这本书是他藏书中最珍贵的一本。


log [ lC^ ] n. 航行日志;原木,圆木

v. 把…记入航行日志;伐木

例句①We logged a section of the area in two days.


②The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship’slog.


搭配a trip log 旅行日志


logic [ 5lCdVik ] n. 逻辑,逻辑性;逻辑学

例句There’s no logic inspending money on things you don’t need. 把钱花在不需要的东西上是没有道理的。


logical [ 5lCdVikEl ] adj. 合乎逻辑的,合理的

例句Rain was a logicalexpectation, given the time of year. 按时节来看,下雨是必然的。


loose [ lu:s ] n. 解放;放纵

adj. 宽松的;不精确的;不牢固的;散漫的

vt. 释放;开船

vi. 变松;开火

例句①Come and see us if you’re at a loose end. 闲着的时候到我们这儿来坐坐。

②Loose play lost them the match. 不经心地比赛使他们输了。

③Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 闭上眼睛,海阔天空地遐想一番吧。

搭配let loose 释放,松手;发泄(愤怒等),发出(声音等)


loosen [ 5lu:sn ] v. 解开,松开;放松;松弛

例句The government’scontrol over the newspapers has loosened in recent years.



margin [ 5mB:dVin ] n. 边缘;余地;幅度;利润;差额;页边空白;定金

例句She won the seat by amargin of ten votes. 她以十票优势赢得席位。

搭配notes written in themargin 写在页边上的注解


marvellous/marvelous [ 5ma:vElEs ] adj. 惊人的,奇迹般的;妙极的

例句The marvelous actingcompensated for the play’s weak script. 这部剧的精彩表演弥补了剧本的不足。

搭配a marvelous creation bythe workers 工人们奇迹般的创造

melt [ melt ] v. (使)融化;(使)熔化;(使)消散;(使)软化

例句①All his support melted away when he really needed it. 在他真正需要支持时,却得不到一丝半点。

②Her anger melted at his kind words. 听到他亲切的话语,她的怒气消散了。

搭配melt away (使)消散了,(使)逐渐减少;(人群)逐渐散去

membership [ 5membEFip ] n. 成员资格,成员人数

例句You have to apply formembership of the golf club if you want to play golf.


串记citizenship,relationship, ownership, hardship

applaud [ E5plC:d ] v. 拍手喝彩,称赞,赞同

例句Everyone applaudedwhen the play ended. 演出结束时,大家都热烈鼓掌。

串记applause;appetite, appreciate

alliance [ E5laiEns ] n. 结盟;联姻

例句Japan was in alliancewith Germany and Italy during the Second World War.


串记association, union, combination

acute [ E5kju:t ] adj. 剧烈的;敏锐的;急性的;尖锐的

例句It is urgent that theacute problem of air pollution in the city be solved.



abnormal [ Ab5nC:mEl ] adj. 不正常的,反常的;变态的

例句Her behavior isabnormal for a girl of three years old. 以三岁女孩而言,她的行为太反常了。

搭配abnormal phenomena 反常现象


aboard [ E5bC:d ] adv. & prep. 在船(飞机、车)上

adv. 上船(飞机、车)

例句We must not takecombustible goods aboard. 我们切不可带易燃物上车。

串记abroad,broad, board

apparent [ E5pArEnt ] adj. 明显的,显而易见的;表面的,貌似的

例句It was apparent thathe was in no condition to travel. 他的健康状况显然不宜旅行。

搭配apparent cause 表面原因


applicant [ 5AplikEnt ] n. 申请者

例句As the wages werelow, there were few applicants for the job. 因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。

串记appliance, applicable,application, applied

artwork [ 5B:twE:k ] n. 艺术品,美术品

搭配exhibition ofchildren’s artwork 儿童美术品展览

auction [ 5C:kFEn ] n. & vt. 拍卖

例句We auctioned off theremaining inventory. 我们拍卖剩余库存品。

搭配auction price 拍卖价格

put up to auction 将(某物)交付拍卖

串记fiction,fraction, reaction

bakery [ 5beikEri ] n. 面包店

例句An enticing smellcame from the bakery. 从面包房里飘出了诱人的香味。

串记grocery,balcony, gallery

belongings [ bI5lRNINz ] n. 财产,所有物,相关事物

例句They are my personalbelongings. 这些是我的私人用品。


blast [ blB:st ] n. 一阵(风),一股(气流);爆炸;冲击波

vt. 爆炸;损害

vi. 炸;猛攻,猛烈抨击;枯萎

例句①A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window.


②The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area.


搭配at full blast 大力地,最有效率地

blast off 发射,升空

an icy blast of wind 一阵冷风


bloodshed [ 5blQdFed ] n. 流血,杀人

例句The two sides call atruce to avoid further bloodshed. 双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。

串记bloody;bleed, breed, beard

blur [ blE: ] n. 模糊(的东西),污点

vt. 使模糊,污损

例句①My memory of the accident is only a blur. 我对那次事故的记忆模糊不清。

②His memory is blurred by his illness. 他因患病记忆力减退。

bolt [ bEult ] n. 门闩;闪电;突发事件

v. 猛冲,逃跑;上门闩,插上;囫囵吞下

adv. 挺直

例句①The news of his death was (like) a bolt from the blue. 他逝世的消息犹如晴天霹雳。

②The horse bolted in terror at the sound of the gun. 枪声把马吓惊了。

搭配to bolt sb. out 把某人关在门外

make a bolt for 企图借……迅速逃走

brake [ breik ] n. 闸,刹车

v. 刹车,制动

例句The driver brakedhard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.


搭配to brake a car 把车子刹住

串记sake,shake, fake, wake, bake

breadth [ bredW ] n. 宽度,幅度

例句It was a small river,six feet in breadth. 那是一条小河,仅六英尺宽。

串记length,width, growth

brilliant [ 5briljEnt ] adj. 光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,有才华的

例句①She is a brilliant swimmer. 她是个技艺超群的游泳健儿。

②The novel is considered a brilliant performance. 这部小说被认为是出色的佳作。

串记learned, knowledgeable, learning

champagne [ FAm5pein ] n. 香槟酒;香槟色,微黄色


childlike [ 5tFaIldlaIk ] adj. 孩子似的,天真烂漫的

例句Though she is gettingon in years, she still has a childlike fear of the dark.



citizenship [ `sItIzLnFIp ] n. 公民的身份;公民的职责和权力等

例句By accident of birthhe is entitled to British citizenship. 因出生的造化,他成为英国公民。

搭配education forcitizenship 公民教育

串记relationship,membership, ownership, hardship

clash [ klAF ] n. (常与with连用)冲突;抵触

v. (使)发出撞击声;猛撞;冲突

例句①I failed to go to her wedding because it clashed with my examination.


②The enemy armies clashed near the border.


搭配clash with 冲突;交战;不协调

串记flash,smash, dash, ash, trash

cling [ kliN ] vi. 粘紧,附着;坚持(意见);墨守(习惯)

例句We clung together inthe storm. 暴风中我们紧紧依偎。

搭配cling on to 紧紧抱住,死抱不放

cling to a belief, an opinion, a theory, etc. 坚持一种信仰、意见﹑理论等


clue [ klu: ] n. 线索,提示

v. 为…提供线索;提示

例句①Clue me in on what’s happening. 告诉我发生了什么事。

②The police found a clue which will help them catch the robber. 警察发现了能帮助他们抓住强盗的线索。

搭配clue to 线索,端倪


coarse [ kC:s ] adj. 粗糙的,粗劣的;粗鲁的,粗俗的

例句①A comedian performed a coarse imitation of the President. 喜剧演员粗劣地模仿总统。

②The sea air coarsened her skin. 海上的空气使她的皮肤粗糙了。

搭配coarse manners,laughter, tastes, etc. 粗俗的举止﹑笑声﹑趣味等


complementary [ kCmplE5mentEri ] adj. 补充的;补足的

例句Discipline and loveshould be complementary to each other. 训诫和爱应该是相辅相成的。


compromise [ 5kCmprEmaiz ] n. 妥协,折衷,和解

vt. 妥协;危害

vi. 妥协;让步

例句①They would never compromise with mortal enemies.


②You will compromise your good name if you associate with thesepeople.


搭配compromise with…on 在…方面同…妥协


condemn [ kEn5dem ] vt. 判刑,宣告有罪;谴责

例句①We condemned him for his bad conduct. 我们责备他行为不检点。

②The criminal was condemned to death. 这个罪犯被判死刑。

搭配be condemned to 被宣告…


conjunction [ kEn5dVQNkFEn ] n. 连接,关联;连接词

例句①The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. 暴风雨的同时发生引起了洪水泛滥。

②We are working in conjunction with the police. 我们与警方配合进行工作。

搭配in conjunction with 与…一道


consent [ kEn5sent ] n. & vi. 同意,赞成,答应

例句①Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage. 她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚姻。

②He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad. 他出国已经取得系主任的同意。

搭配by common consent 经一致同意

consent to 准许,同意

串记resent,absent, present

considering [ kEn5sidEriN ] prep. 就…而论,照…说来,鉴于

conj. 考虑到

例句Considering she’sonly been learning English a year, she speaks it quite well.


串记regarding;considerable, considerate

continuity [ 7kCnti5nju(:)iti ] n. 连续性,连贯性

例句We must ensurecontinuity of fuel supplies. 我们应该确保燃料供给不中断。

串记continue,continual, continuous

conviction [ kEn5vikFEn ] n. 确信,坚定的信仰;定罪;说服,信服

例句①This was her third conviction for cheating. 这是她第三次被判犯有欺诈罪。

②I speak in the full conviction that I will win. 我深信我会赢。

搭配be open to conviction能接受意见

carry conviction 有说服力

listen with conviction 倾听


crystal [ 5kristl ] n. 水晶,水晶饰品;结晶

adj. 水晶的;透明的

串记cycle, cyclist,cynical

curl [ kE:l ] v. (使)卷曲,扭曲

n. 卷毛;卷曲;年轮;螺旋

例句①A blow to the stomach made him curl up. 他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。

②My father’s bad jokes always make me curl up. 父亲那些要不得的玩笑总是让我很难为情。

搭配curl up (使)垮下去;(因恐惧等)缩成一团;局促不安;感到恶心;沉默起来,不再作声


curriculum [ kE5rikjulEm ] n. 课程,全部课程

例句Is English on yourschool’s curriculum? 你们学校有英语课吗?

搭配curriculum committee 课程委员会

串记currency, current

dash [ dAF ] n. 冲撞;破折号

v. 猛掷;冲撞;匆忙完成

例句①She dashed off a letter to her mother. 她匆匆地给母亲写了一封信。

②The boat was dashed against the rocks. 那只船猛地撞到礁石上。

搭配to dash a person’shopes 使某人的希望破灭

dash off 急匆匆地写或画

串记ash, clash, smash,trash, flash, trash

debt [ det ] n. 欠债,债务,负债;恩情;罪

例句The debt we owed themcould never be paid. 他们对我们的恩惠我们永远也报答不了。

搭配in debt 欠债,负债

out of debt 不欠债

in sb.’s debt 欠某人的债[情]


deficiency [ di5fiFEnsi ] n. 缺乏,不足;缺点,缺陷

例句①Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature. 化妆品并不能掩盖天生的缺陷。

②Deficiency in vitamins/Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness. 身体缺乏维生素就会生病。

搭配make good adeficiency 补足亏空


deficit [ 5defisit ] n. 赤字,逆差;不足额,缺乏,亏损

例句We ended the monthwith a deficit. 我们这个月有亏损。

搭配a deficit of rain 缺雨

deficit financing 赤字财政


delightful [ di5laitful ] adj. 令人愉快的,可喜的

例句He seem very serious,but in fact he have a delightful sense of humor. 他看上去很严肃,其实他十分诙谐。

搭配a delightful surprise出人意料的乐事

a delightful holiday 愉快的假期

a delightful person 讨人喜欢的人


despair [ dis5peE ] n. & vi. 失望,绝望

例句Your son is thedespair of all his teachers. 你的儿子在所有教师的心目中已毫无希望了。

搭配fall into despair 陷入绝望

in despair 绝望地


desperate [ 5despErit ] adj. 不顾一切的,拼死的;危急的;绝望的;极度渴望的

例句①He was desperate for work to provide food for his children. 为了孩子们有饭吃,他拼命工作。

②They invoked help in the desperate situation. 他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。

搭配a desperate situation严重的形势

the desperate look of hunger 饥饿者脸上绝望的神情

串记operate,cooperate, coordinate

dignity [ 5di^niti ] n. 尊严,高贵;(举止,态度等)庄严,端庄

例句She doesn’t stand onher dignity and treat the rest of us as servants. 她没有端着架子把我们当作仆人对待。

搭配beneath one’s dignity不合身份,有失尊严

stand on one’s dignity 保持尊严,坚持受到应有的礼遇


dormitory [ 5dC:mitEri ] n. 集体寝室;宿舍

例句Six students share adormitory in my college. 我们学校6人住一间宿舍。


downtown [ 5dauntaun ] adv. 在商业区,往商业区

adj. 市(商业)区的

例句Last year he lived indowntown New York. 去年他住在纽约闹市区。

串记suburb,rural, countryside, urban

draft [ drB:ft ] n. 草稿,草案,草图

v. 起草,为…打样;设计,草拟;征兵

例句①He showed me a draft for a machine. 他给我看了一部机器的草图。

②John was drafted into the Army last year. 约翰去年应征入伍。

搭配a rough draft 草稿

draft a bill 起草法案


draught [ drB:ft ] n. 拖,拉;一网(鱼);气流

例句You may catch cold ifyou sit in a draught. 你坐在风口会感冒的。


drag [ drA^ ] v. 拖,拉;迫使;缓慢行进,进行过久;扯进,打捞

n. 拖,拉;累赘,阻力

例句①Must you drag politics into everything?你非得事事都把政治扯进来吗?

②She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me. 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪。

搭配drag sb. out to 硬拖某人去…

drag on/out 拖延


duration [ djuE5reiFEn ] n. 持久;期间;持续时间

例句We hope the war willbe short duration. 我们希望战争能在短时间内结束。

搭配the duration of thisgovernment 本届政府执政期间


echo [ 5ekEu ] n. 回声;模仿的人或事物

v. 发回声;反响,共鸣

例句①The speaker was cheered to the echo. 演说者得到热烈的喝彩。

②There are many echoes of Shakespeare in his work. 他的作品中有多处模仿莎士比亚。

③They echoed their leader’s every word. 他们重复领袖的每一句话。

envious [ 5enviEs ] adj. 嫉妒的,羡慕的

例句Aged people arealways envious of young people’s energy. 上年纪的人总羡慕年轻人的精力。

搭配be envious of 羡慕…,嫉妒…

串记obvious, previous;jealous

entry [ 5entri ] n. 登录,条目;通道;进入,入口;记载

例句①We at last gained the entry to the laboratory. 我们最后获得了进入实验室的权利。

②There’s a large entry for the flower show this year. 今年的花展有大量花卉参展。

串记enroll, engage, enlarge, enable, enclose, enforce,enrich

exceedingly [ ik5si:diNli ] adv. 非常地,极端地

例句They were exceedinglykind to me. 他们对我极为客气。


excess [ ik5ses,5ekses ] n. 过量,过剩;无节制;超额

adj. 过量的,额外的

例句①You have to pay for excess luggage on a plane. 在飞机上你得付超重的行李费。

②An excess of rain caused severe floods. 雨水过量造成了严重的水灾。

③He drinks to excess. 他嗜酒无度。

搭配in excess of 超过

to excess 过度,过多,过分

to spend in excess of one’s salary 入不敷出

an excess of enthusiasm 过分热心

串记excessive, execute,excuse

excessive [ ik5sesiv ] adj. 过分的,过多的;额外的

例句①The food was bad and the bill was excessive in this restaurant. 这家餐馆饭菜很糟,但价钱又很贵。

②Excessive polite in family bring more harm than benefit. 过分的客气对于家庭有害无益。

串记exclusive, executive

excursion [ iks5kE:FEn ] n. 短程旅行,(集体)游览;离题;[物理]偏移,漂移

例句We went on anexcursion to the city. 我们到这个城市旅行。

搭配a shopping excursion 购物之行


exclaim [ iks5kleim ] v. 呼喊,惊叫,大声说

例句①She exclaimed at the beautiful view. 她对这美丽的景色感到惊奇。

②The newspapers exclaimed against the government’s action. 报纸指责政府的行动。

搭配exclaim in (with) delight欢呼

串记claim, proclaim, aim

facility [ fE5siliti ] n. 容易,便利;灵巧,熟练,敏捷

(pl.) 设备,设施,工具;便利条件

例句①Her facility with/in languages is surprising. 她在语言方面的才能令人吃惊。

②Are there washing facilities in the school? 学校里有洗涤设备吗?

搭配give facilities for 给予…方便

afford facilities for 给予…方便

with facility 容易;流利

串记facilitate; faculty

fantasy [ 5fAntEsi, 5fAntEzi ] n. 幻想,空想;空想的产物,幻想作品

例句①The young man lives in a world of fantasy. 这个年青人生活在幻想的世界里。

②Stop looking for the perfect job it’s just a fantasy. 别想找十全十美的工作了—那简直是幻想。

串记fantastic, fancy

farewell [ 5fZE5wel ] n. 辞别,再见,再会,别了

adj. 告别性的

例句①He made farewell to his wife.


②We’ve decided to have a farewell party before we leave the school.


串记fare, welfare

fertile [ 5fE:tail; 5fE:til ] adj. 肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的;主意多的,有创造力的

例句That district isfertile in wheat. 那个地区盛产小麦。

搭配a fertile imagination有丰富的想像力


fertilizer [ 5fE:ti7laizE ] n. 充实他人者;肥料(尤指化学肥料);[动]受精媒介物

例句The stalks will rotand make good fertilizer. 杆儿腐烂后会成为很好的肥料。

串记hostile, fertile

flourish [ 5flQriF ] v. 繁荣,茂盛,兴旺,旺盛

n. 挥舞

例句①The dramatist flourished around 1930. 那位剧作家于1930年左右处于全盛时期。

②Plants flourish in this earth. 植物在这种土地上生长得很繁茂。

③No village on the railroad failed to flourish. 凡是沿铁路的村庄都很繁荣。


formula [ 5fC:mjulE ] n. (pl. formulae) 公式;规则;分子式;药方;方案

例句①The chemical formula for water is H 2 O.

水的化学分子式是H 2 O。

②The two countries agreed upon the peace formula at the summitconference.


搭配a mathematicalformula 一条数学公式

串记formal, format, forum

fortunate [ 5fC:tFEnit ] adj. 幸运的,吉利的;侥幸的

例句He’s fortunate inhaving a good job, since business is bad nowadays.



fortnight [ 5fC:tnait ] n. 两星期

例句My aunt’s coming in afortnight’s time. 我的姨妈将在两周后到这儿来。


freight [ freit ] n. 货物,货运;运费

v. 装货;使充满

串记height, weight

frustrate [ frQs5treit ] v. 挫败,阻挠,使感到灰心

例句①A poor memory frustrated her efforts to become an actress. 糟糕的记忆力阻碍了她成为女演员。

②The weather frustrated our plans. 天气破坏了我们的计划。


fuss [ fQs ] n. & v. 忙乱;大惊小怪,小题大做

vi. 无事自扰;焦急,焦燥;忙乱

vt. 使激动;使烦燥

例句She’s kicking up anawful fuss about the high rent. 她大喊大叫地抱怨房租太高。

搭配make a fuss of/oversb. 娇惯某人,过分关怀某人

串记mess, mass

gallery [ 5^AlEri ] n. 长廊,画廊,美术馆;最高的楼座

例句This week there’s anexhibit of Chinese paintings at the art gallery. 本星期在美术馆举办中国画展。

串记grocery, balcony,bakery

gear [ ^iE ] n. 齿轮,传动装置

v. 调整,(使)适合;换档

例句The company’s gearingup for the big export drive. 公司正为大规模出口作好准备。

搭配in gear处于工作状态,处于就绪状态

gear up 为…准备好

gear to 使适合

串记wear,bear, fear, rear, tear, earnest, swear

govern [ 5^QvEn ] v. 统治,管理;支配,决定

例句①Govern yourselves like civilized human beings. 注意自己的言行,让自己像一个有教养的人。

②The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。

串记governor, government,governmental

greedy [ 5^ri:di ] adj. 贪吃的,贪婪的

例句①He was always greedy for knowledge, and at last became an expert inthe field of art.


②He’s not hungry; He’s just greedy.


搭配be greedy for 急需…,渴望得到…

be greedy of 贪恋…


handy [ 5hAndi ] adj. 手边的,就近的,唾手可得的,便利的;灵巧的

例句①He is handy with words. 他善于辞令。

②Our flat is very handy for the schools. 我们的住所离学校很近,非常方便。

③A few more traveler’s cheques may come in handy on the holiday. 多带几张旅行支票,度假时会有用的。

串记handful, handle,handsome

haste [ heist ] n. 匆忙,急忙;草率

v. 赶快;匆忙

例句①Her father advised her against marrying in haste. 她父亲劝她不要匆匆结婚。

②They acted with precipitate haste. 他们草率地行动了。

搭配in haste 急速的,急忙的

make haste 快速移动或行动;急忙

串记harsh, harvest

hatred [ 5heitrid ] n. 憎恨,怨意,憎恶

例句She killed the manout of hatred. 因为仇恨她杀死了这个男人。


headquarters [ 5hed7kwC:tEz ] n. (单复同形)司令部,指挥部;总部

例句The company has itsheadquarters in the suburbs. 这家公司的总部设在郊区。


hinder [ 5hindE ] v. 妨碍,干扰,阻碍

adj. 后面的

例句The heat did nothinder me from enjoying the delightful scenery. 酷热不能阻碍我欣赏这悦人美景。

搭配hinder sb. from doing妨碍某人做某事

串记curb, prohibit

humble [ 5hQmbl ] adj. 谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的

v. 使谦卑;贬低,降低

例句①He rose from humble origins to prime minister.


②The doctor was humble about his work,although he cured many people.



incidence [ 5insidEns ] n. 落下的方式,影响范围;发生率

例句This area has a highincidence of crime,diseaseand unemployment.


串记evidence,incidence, correspondence

integrate [ 5inti^reit ] vt. 使结合,使并入;使完全;使一体化,使成一个整体

vi. 求积分;取消隔离;成为一体

adj. 整合的,完全的

例句①American government has tried its best to integrate in every aspects.


②He integrated several ideas from that novelist into his writing.


搭配integrate into/with (使)成为一体


imaginary [ i5mAdVinEri ] adj. 假想的,想象的,虚构的

例句All her imaginaryhappiness vanished in a moment. 顷刻间她幻想的全部幸福都成了泡影。


inward [ 5inwEd ] adv. 向内,在内

adj. 向内的,里面的;内心的

搭配inward thoughts,feelings, doubts, etc 内心的思想、感情、怀疑等

串记outward, ward, toward, award, reward, coward

jail [ dVeil ] n. 监狱

vt. 监禁,拘留

例句He went to jail fordrunken driving. 他因酒后开车入狱。

串记fail, nail, rail,trail

jealous [ 5dVelEs ] adj. (of) 妒忌的;猜疑的,警惕的

例句The old man isjealous of his wealth. 这老人妒忌他的财富。

搭配be jealous of 妒羡,羡慕


knowledgeable [ `nClIdVEbl ] adj. 知识渊博的;有见识的

例句John is veryknowledgeable about classical music. 约翰对古典音乐了解深厚。

串记knowledge; brilliant, learned, learning

lap [ lAp ] n. 膝,衣服下摆;(跑道的)一圈;一段路程;工作阶段

v. 重叠;拍打;围住

例句①He overtook the other runners on the last lap. 他在最后一圈时超过了其他的赛跑选手。

②She was brought up in the lap of luxury. 她从小养尊处优。

搭配lap up/down (贪婪地)舐光,喝光;欣然接受

串记clap, slap

literally [ 5litErEli ] adv. 照字面意义,逐字地;真正地;差不多

例句①Translate the Greek passage literally. 逐字翻译希腊文章。

②The city was literally destroyed. 那个城市真的被毁灭了。


loyal [ 5lCiEl ] adj. 忠诚的,忠心的

例句The people stayed loyalto their country. 人民忠于他们的国家。

搭配be loyal to 忠诚于


magnet [ 5mA^nit ] n. 磁体,磁铁;有吸引力的人

例句The actor was the magnetthat drew great audiences. 这位演员曾吸引过许许多多的观众。

搭配draw like a magnet 像磁铁一般吸引

串记magnificent, magnetic

massive [ 5mAsiv ] adj. 大而重的,结实的;严肃的;可观的,大量的

例句①Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is a massive work. 贝多芬的第九交响乐是一件气势磅礴的作品。

②Doctors discourage massive doses of painkillers. 医生不赞成大量服用止痛片。

搭配a massive piece offurniture 一件大而重的家具

a massive dose of a drug 一副大剂量的药

串记giant, tremendous,enormous

mathematical [ 7mAWi5mAtikEl ] adj. 数学的,精确的

例句Einstein was amathematical genius. 爱因斯坦是数学天才。

measurement [ 5meVEmEnt ] n. 测量法,度量,(量得的)尺寸,度量单位制


mechanism [ 5mekEnizEm ] n. 机械装置,机构;机制

例句The mechanism oflocal government is far from perfect. 地方政府的结构还很不完善。

串记organism,socialism; mechanical

mill [ mil ] n. 磨粉机,磨坊;作坊,工厂

v. 碾碎,磨;(使)乱转

例句①The farmer took his corn to the mill. 农民把他的玉米拿到磨坊去。

②Groups of fans were milling about in the streets after the match. 比赛过后入迷的观众成群结队在街上乱转。

串记pill,thrill, chill

mineral [ 5minErEl ] n. 矿物,矿石

adj. 矿物的,矿质的

例句The country possessesrich mineral resources. 这个国家有丰富的矿产资源。

串记petrol,fossil, fuel, aluminum

minority [ mai5nCriti ] n. 少数;少数派;少数民族

例句There are more than 50national minorities in China. 中国有50多个少数民族。


metric [ 5metrik ] adj. 米制的,公制的


miserable [ 5mizErEbl ] adj. 痛苦的,悲惨的;贫乏的

例句①Refugees everywhere all lead miserable lives. 各地难民都过着凄惨的生活。

②How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage? 靠这么可怜的工资我怎么能养家?


missile [ 5misail ] n. 导弹,发射物

例句The missile waslaunched from the aircraft carrier. 导弹是从航空母舰上发射的。


mixture [ 5mikstFE ] n. 混合;混合物,混合剂

例句The city was amixture of old and new buildings. 该市是新旧建筑物的混合体。


mode [ mEud ] n. 方式,式样

搭配the mode of payment付款的方式

串记moderate,model, modem, modest, modesty

moderate [ 5mCdErit ] adj. 有节制的;中等的;温和的;适度的;稳健的

v. 减轻,缓和;使节制

例句①He holds moderate opinions. 他的意见稳健不偏激。

②He did what he could to moderate the grief of his friend. 他尽了一切力量来减轻他朋友的痛苦。

串记modest, modesty, moderate

corps [ kC:(r) ] n. 兵队;特种部队

搭配diplomatic corps 外交使团

Peace Corps(美国)和平队

export [ 5ekspC:t ] n. 输出,出口;出口商品

v. 出口,输出

例句①China exports to many other countries and regions. 中国向许多其他国家和地区出口货物。

②Last year’s exports exceeded imports in value. 去年的出口价值超过进口。

串记import, report,support, transport, passport

modify [ 5mCdifai ] v. 更改,修改;修饰;缓和

例句①He’ll have to modify his views if he wants to be elected.


②The heating system has recently been modified to make it moreefficient.


串记verify,clarify, satisfy, defy

moist [ mCist ] adj. 潮湿的,湿润


molecule [ 5mClikju:l ] n. 分子

例句Each sugar moleculehas the properties of sugar. 每个糖分子都具有糖的性质。

moustache [ mEs5tB:F ] n. 小胡子,八字须;(哺乳动物)触须

例句When he was twentyyears old, he began to have a moustache. 当他二十岁的时候,他长了胡子。


multiple [ 5mQltipl ] adj. 多样的,多重的

n. 倍数

v. 成倍增加

例句A multiple crash canoften be seen on that motorway. 那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。


mutual [ 5mju:tjuEl ] adj. 相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的

例句He aims to encouragemutual understanding. 他的目的在于增进相互了解。

搭配mutual fund 共有基金

串记actual,ritual, virtual, punctual, spiritual

multiply [ 5mQltipli ] vt. 乘,使增加,使繁殖

vi. 乘,繁衍,增加

adv. 多样地,多重地

例句①Rabbits multiply quickly. 兔子繁殖很快。

②We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery. 我们必须加倍努力来澄清这一神秘事件。


mystery [ 5mistEri ] n. 神秘(的事物);神秘小说

例句It’s a mystery to mewhy they didn’t come here. 他们为什么没来这儿我觉得是个谜。


mysterious [ mis5tiEriEs ] adj. 神秘的,可疑的;难理解的

例句Africa is amysterious land to him. 对他来说,非洲是一片神秘的土地。


myth [ miW ] n. 神话;虚构的理论

例句Chang’er Flies to theMoon is an ancient Chinese myth. 《嫦娥奔月》是一个中国古代的神话。


naked [ 5neikid ] adj. 裸体的,无遮盖的,无装饰的

搭配the naked truth 赤裸裸的事实

naked feet 光脚


narrative [ 5nArEtiv ] adj. 叙述的

n. 记叙文,故事;叙述,讲述

例句Narrative makes upmost of the book. 该书的大部分都是故事。

搭配a gripping narrativeabout the war 扣人心弦的战况报道


neutral [ 5nju:trEl ] adj. 中立的;中性的,中和的

n. 中立者;空挡位置

例句①That country remained neutral in the war. 那个国家在那场战争中保持中立。

②He has a rather neutral character. 他品性平平。


column [ 5kRlEm ] n. 圆柱,柱状物;列;(报刊中的)专栏

例句He used to write acolumn for this newspaper. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。


nonsense [ 5nCnsEns ] n. 胡说,废话

例句①This discovery makes nonsense of previous theories. 这一发现证明了过去的理论不能成立。

②He won’t stand any nonsense from the staff. 他决不容忍员工胡作非为。


noticeable [ 5nEutisEbl ] adj. 显而易见的,值得注意的

例句The hole in yourtrousers is not noticeable. 你裤子上的洞不明显。


notify [ 5nEutifai ] v. 通知,告知,报告

例句①He notified us that he was going to leave. 他通知我们说他要辞职。

②Please notify us of any change of address. 地址如有变动,请通知我们。


nucleus [ 5nju:kliEs ] n. 核,核心;原子核;起点

例句These paintings willform the nucleus of a new collection. 这些画将构成新的收藏品的主要部分。


nuisance [ 5nju:sns ] n. 讨厌的人(或东西);麻烦事

例句Don’t make nuisanceof yourself; sit down and be quiet. 别讨人嫌,坐下来,安静点。

搭配make a nuisance ofoneself 被人讨厌

numerous [ 5nju:mErEs ] adj. 众多的,大批的,无数的

例句Those birds havebecome more numerous lately. 近来那种鸟变得越来越多了。


nursery [ 5nE:sEri ] n. 托儿所;育儿室

例句①Many children under 5 go to nursery school. 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。

②I’m going to the nursery/nurseries in Hampton to buy some plants. 我准备到汉普敦的苗圃去买些花草。

oblige [ E5blaidV ] vt. 强迫,迫使;责成;(使)感激(常用被动语态);施恩于

例句①She was obliged to go. 她不得不走。

②The police obliged him to leave. 警方迫使他离开。

搭配be obliged to 感谢(某人)

occupy [ 5Ckjupai ] vt. 占据;(使)忙碌,(使)从事

例句Mary is occupied witha translation of French novel. 玛丽正忙于翻译一本法语小说。

搭配be occupied in sth. 正在(做某事)

keep sb. Occupied 使某人忙于做某事

occupy oneself with/in sth. 从事于…,忙于…,专心于…

occurrence [ E5kQrEns ] n. 发生,出现;事件,事故,发生的事情

例句①Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province. 这省经常发生骚乱。

②He’s studying the occurrence of accidents on this piece of road. 他在研究这段路上发生事故的情形。

搭配an everydayoccurrence 日常之事

串记innocence,patience, existence

odd [ Cd ] adj. 奇数的;古怪的;单只的;临时的;带零头的,余的

例句①I usually write odd notes in the back of diary. 我常在日记后面写些杂事。

②Her odd behavior defies understanding. 她的古怪行为无法理解。

搭配odd numbers 奇数

at odd times/moments 有空的时候,偶尔


oily [ 5Cili ] adj. 油的;油滑的;油腔滑调的

例句①Dissembling enough, he was not sufficiently oily and make-believe.


②The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily.



omit [ Eu5mit ] v. 省略,删去;遗漏,忽略

例句Minor points may beomitted. 次要点可以删去。

搭配omit…from… 从…漏掉…

串记emit, limit,commit, permit, admit

ongoing [ 5Cn^EuiN ] adj. 正在进行的

例句He interrupted theongoing discussion and announced a notice. 他打断正在进行的讨论,宣读了一项通知。


operate [ 5CpEreit ] v. 操作,运转;动手术;作用,奏效

例句①The surgeon decided to operate on her. 医生决定为她做手术。

②The lift doesn’t operate properly. 这台电梯运转不正常。

③The new law operates to destroy our advantages. 这项新法律损害我们的利益。

搭配operate on 给…做手术

串记cooperate,desperate, coordinate

oppose [ E5pEuz ] v. 反对,(使)反抗,抗争

例句Do not oppose yourwill against mine. 不要用你的意愿和我的抗衡。

搭配be opposed to sth./doingsth. 反对做某事


opposite [ 5CpEzit ] adj. 相对的,对面的,对立的,相反的

n. 对立物(面)

prep. 在…对面

例句They lived on theopposite side of the street. 他们在这条街的对面。

搭配be opposite to 与…相对;与…相反


optimistic [ 7Cpti5mistik ] adj. 乐观的,有信心的

例句We are stilloptimistic, whatever the result (may be)。 我们仍然乐观,不论结果如何。


oral [ 5C:rEl ] adj. 口头的;口述的

例句①He passed his French oral examination. 他通过了法语口试。

②The old man told us a story passed on by oral tradition. 老人给我们讲述了一个口头流传的故事。

搭配oral instruction 口头指令

串记oval,orbit, orchestra

output [ 5autput ] n. 量;输出;输出功率;排出物

vt. 输出(信息等)

例句The factory hasincreased its output by 10 percent this year. 今年这个厂的生产量增加了10%。

搭配industrial output 工业生产

串记outline, outset

outward [ 5autwEd ] adv. (also ~ s) 向外

adj. 向外的,外面的,外出的

例句There was no outwardfellowship between them. 她们俩人表面上没有什么交情。

串记inward,award, reward, coward,ward, toward

overcome [ 7EuvE5kQm ] v. 战胜,克服

例句After she’d overcomeher initial shyness, she became very friendly.


搭配be overcome by/withgrief, anger, despair, etc. 因悲哀﹑气恼﹑绝望等而不能自持

串记overwhelm; defeat,conquer

overlook [ 7EuvE5luk ] v. 漏看,忽略;俯瞰,眺望;宽容,放任

例句①My room overlooked the sea.


②He has been kind enough to overlook my fault.


③I overlook the work in the office.


④Mother had not heard, or had chosen to overlook her nurse’s remark.


串记overall,overwhelm, overtake

overnight [ 5EuvE5nait ] adj. 一整夜;突如其来;通宵

adv. 一夜间,一下子

例句①We stayed overnight with my mother. 我们整个晚上都和妈妈在一起。

②The actress won overnight fame with her first film. 这个女演员的第一部电影使她一举成名。

搭配an overnight success 突然间的成功


offense [ E5fens ] n. 冒犯,触怒;罪行,罪过,过失

例句①He is quick to take offense. 他很易发怒。

②That dirty old house is an offense to the eye. 那幢肮脏的旧房子令人看了很不舒服。

串记offend, offensive;defense, defensive,defend

overtake [ 5EuvE5teik ] v. 赶上,追上;突然降临于,意外地碰上

例句①Supply will soon overtake demand. 供很快就要过于求。

②On his way home he was overtaken by a storm. 他在回家的路上遭遇暴风雨。

串记overall,overlook, overwhelm

oxygen [ 5CksidVEn ] n. 氧气;[化]氧


panic [ 5pAnik ] n. 惊慌,恐慌

v. 感到恐慌,使…惊慌

adj. 恐慌的,惊慌的

例句①The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion. 爆炸声一响,人群便惊慌起来。

②She got into a panic when she thought she’d forgotten the tickets. 她想起忘记带入场券,顿时惊慌起来。

搭配panic sb. into doingsth. 使某人(因惊惶)仓促做(蠢事)

串记clinic, ethnic,organic

parade [ pE5reid ] n. 游行;检阅;炫耀;展示

v. (使)列队行进;炫耀;展示

例句①He is always parading his knowledge.


②The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.


③The strikers paraded through the city centre.


串记fade,trade, invade, shade

parallel [ 5pArElel ] adj. (to,with) 平行的;(to) 相同的;类似的;并联的

n. 平行线,平行面;类似,相似

vt. 与…平行,与…相似;相比;使平行

例句①His prudence is parallel to his zeal. 他固然谨慎,也同样热心。

搭配draw a parallelbetween 对照,比较

be parallel to/with… 与…平行

in parallel 并行地,平行地

without (a) parallel 无与伦比


partial [ 5pB:FEl ] adj. 部分的;偏袒的,偏爱的;不完全的

例句①The police have only a partial description of the suspect. 警察只有嫌疑犯的部分描述信息。

②I’m very partial to sweet foods. 我特别喜欢甜食。

搭配be partial to 对…偏爱,对…偏袒

particle [ 5pB:tikl ] n. 粒子,微粒;极小量;虚词,小品词,语助词

例句There’s not aparticle of truth in her story. 她讲的没有一句实话。


passion [ 5pAFEn ] n. 热情,激情,爱好;激怒;强烈感情

例句He has a passion forphotography. 他对摄影有强烈的爱好。

搭配speak with passion 充满激情地说

passion for 对…的渴望[热爱]


passive [ 5pAsiv ] adj. 被动的,消极的

例句①He had a passive expression on his face. 他脸上有一种漠然的表情。

②She was so enragedthat she could no longer remain passive. 她怒不可遏,再也不能继续顺从下去了。

串记passion; impressive,successive, progressive

passport [ 5pB:spC:t ] n. 护照;手段

例句Quite a number ofyoung people maintain that money is a passport to happiness.


串记export,import, report, support, transport

patch [ pAtF ] n. 补丁;斑点;一小片

v. 修补,补缀

例句①Her latest novel isn’t a patch on her others. 她这部新小说比以前所写的差得远。

②They patched up their tiff. 他们平息了争执。

③He patched up a couple of old tires. 他补了几条旧车胎。

搭配patch sth. up 草率地修补

patch up a quarrel 重新和好;平息争吵


physician [ fi5ziFEn ] n. 医师;内科医师

例句A physician’s sacredduty is to heal the sick. 医生的神圣职责就是治愈病人。

pierce [ piEs ] vt. 刺穿,刺破,穿孔

例句The needle piercedthe material. 这根针刺穿了织物。

platform [ 5plAtfC:m ] n. 台,讲台;站台,月台;政纲,党纲

例句①The headmaster stood on a platform at one end of the hall. 校长站在大厅一端的讲台上。

②The train at Platform 2 goes to the city. 第二站台的火车去这座城市。

串记perform,reform, uniform, inform

pledge [ pledV ] n. 保证,誓约;抵押,信物;保人,祝愿

vt. 发誓,许诺;保证;抵押,典当;举杯祝…健康

例句①The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.政府已承诺赈济饥民。

②You are under pledge of secrecy. 你已发过誓要保密。

搭配pledge to do/that… 保证(做)…

a pledge 发誓,宣誓

ge one’s honor 以名誉作担保

sth. in pledge 以某物作抵押(担保)

串记edge,judge, lodge, hege

porter [ 5pC:tE ] n. 搬运工人

例句You can ask a porterto carry your luggage. 你可以雇搬运工帮你搬行李。

串记port,portable; portion

portion [ 5pC:FEn ] n. 一部分,一份

vt. 把…分给

例句The work portionedout fairly. 工作分配的很公平。

搭配a portion of… …的一小部分

串记port, porter,portable

portrait [ 5pC:trit ] n. 肖像,画像;写照

例句He painted a portraitof his daughter. 他画了一幅他女儿的像。

possession [ pE5zeFEn ] n. 持有,拥有;所有权;所有物;

(pl.) 财产,财富;殖民地

例句①He was found in possession of dangerous drugs. 她被发现藏有危险物品。

②She has valuable information in her possession. 她掌握了重要的信息。

③The former colonial possessions are now independent states. 许多以前的殖民地现在已成为独立的国家。

搭配in possession of 控制


arbitrary [ 5B:bitrEri ] adj. 任意的,任性的;专断的,专制的;武断的;主观的

例句①Most presidents in this Africancountry are arbitrary rulers. 这个非洲国家的总统大多数是专横的统治者。

②The choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary. 队员的挑选似乎完全是主观决定的。

搭配an arbitrary decision 武断的决定

串记authentic, authority

horror [ 5hCrE ] n. 惊骇,恐怖;极端厌恶;讨厌的人或事物;淘气鬼

例句①He was filled with horror atthe bad news. 听到这个坏消息,他心里充满了恐惧。

②I have a deep horror of cruelty. 我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝。

串记horrible; honor,horizon

postage [ 5pEustidV ] n. 邮费,邮资

例句Stampsshow how much postage has been paid. 邮票表明已付了多少邮资。

串记postpone, postcard

praise [ preiz ] v. & n. 称赞,表扬;赞美的话

例句①She praised her daughter’s hardwork. 她赞扬女儿的辛勤工作。

②He gave a speech in praise of the school. 他在讲话中称赞了这所学校。

搭配praisesb. to the skies 把某人捧上天

beyond (all) praise 赞美不尽的

in praise of 歌颂


precaution [ pri5kC:FEn ] n. 预防(措施),警惕,谨慎

例句Hetook the precaution of locking his door when he went out. 当外出的时候他谨慎地锁上门。

搭配take precaution against 对…采取措施

串记preceding, preface

precious [ 5preFEs ] adj. 珍贵的,贵重的;矫揉造作的

adv. 极其

例句①Pandasare precious creatures. 熊猫是珍贵的动物。

②Precious few people can afford prices like that. 没有什么人出得起那个价钱。

串记cautious, suspicious, ambitious

pregnant [ 5pre^nEnt ] adj. 怀孕的;充满的,富有的;意义深长的;富于想象力的

例句It was a politically pregnant time in Poland.这是波兰政治上极为重要的时刻。

搭配pregnant artists 有创造力的艺术家


prescribe [ pris5kraib ] v. 指示,规定;开处(方),开(药);嘱咐,建议

例句①Don’tprescribe to me how to do it.


②The doctor prescribed a holiday as the best cure for his depression.


③The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence.



presently [ 5prezEntli ] adv. 一会儿,不久;现在,目前

例句①Thedoctor will be here presently. 医生马上就来。

②She is presently writing a book. 她现在正在写一本书。

串记present; presentation

pretend [ pri5tend ] vt. 假装,装扮,(作为借口或理由)伪称;自以为

例句①Hepretended not to know the facts. 他假装不知实情。

②I don’t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。

串记intend, attend, extend

prevail [ pri5veil ] v. (over, against) 取胜,占优势;流行

例句①Goodwill prevail over evil. 善良将战胜邪恶。

②Most of the prevail singers were very short-lived. 大多数的流行歌手都是昙花一现。

搭配prevail over/against 压倒,战胜

串记retail, detail

prevent [ pri5vent ] v. 防止,预防;阻止

例句It is the job of thepolice to prevent crime. 防止犯罪是警察的职责。

搭配prevent a disease 预防疾病

prevent from 阻止,妨碍

串记prevention, invent

primitive [ 5primitiv ] n. 原始人,原始事务

adj. 原始的,早期的;粗糙的,简单的

例句①Primitivemen lived in caves. 原始人住在山洞里。

②They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks. 他们用一些树干建造了一个简陋的棚子。

搭配primitive civilization 原始文明


procedure [ prE5si:dVE ] n. 程序;手续;步骤

例句He complainedto the manager, and by this procedure got the money back.


串记endure, exposure

proceed [ prE5si:d ] v. 进行,继续下去;开始,着手

例句①The interview proceeded in amost friendly atmosphere.


②We need a stable environment to proceed with reform and construction.


搭配proceed to 向…进发

proceed on/upon 按照…行事,遵照…进行

proceed with 继续进行;入手;继续

proceed from 出于,来自;发生于


procession [ prE5seFEn ] n. 行列,队伍

例句①A longprocession of years had passed by. 悠长的岁月已经过去了。

②A procession of visitors came to the house. 参观者川流不息地向这所房子走来。

串记concession, recession, succession

probe [ prEub ] n. 探针,探测器

v. 探查,调查

例句She tried to probe my mindand discover what I was thinking. 她试图探查我的心意,想知道我在想什么。

profile [ 5prEufail ] n. 侧面(像);轮廓,外形;人物简介

vt. 为…描绘,为…写传略

例句The BBCis working on a profile of the British nuclear industry. 英国广播公司正在报道英国核工业概况。

搭配high profile 鲜明的姿态

low profile 低姿态,不出头露面,不惹人注意

progressive [ prE5^resiv ] adj. 前进的;先进的,进步的;逐渐的

例句①Thisis a very progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.


②There is often a progressive loss of sight in old age. 上了年纪的人视力逐步减退。

串记impressive, successive, passive

prominent [ 5prCminEnt ] adj. 突出的,杰出的;突起的,凸出的

例句①Asingle tree in a field is prominent. 田地里一棵孤零零的树是很显眼的。

②He is a prominent scholar in the field of linguistics. 他是语言学领域的杰出学者。


preparation [ 7prepE5reiFEn ] n. 准备,预备;制剂,制备品

例句The country is makingpreparations for war/to go to war. 该国正进行备战。

搭配mental preparation 思想准备

in preparation (for sth.) (为某事物)作好准备

串记presentation, presumably

prosperity [ prCs5periti ] n. 繁荣,兴旺

例句Theincrease in the country’s prosperity was due to the discovery of oil.



prosperous [ 5prCspErEs ] adj. 富裕的,繁荣的

例句Afterthe war,Germanybecame one of Europe’s most prosperous countries.



protest [ prE5test ] n. 主张;抗议,不满;宣称

vi. 抗议,反对

例句①Thepeople made a protest about the rise in prices. 人们对价格上涨提出抗议。

②They protested with one accord that they had not used any drug. 他们异口同声地申明他们没有服用毒品。

搭配protest about/against/at sth. 抗议,反对(某事物);对(某事物)提出异议


provoke [ prE5vEuk ] v. 对…挑衅,激怒;激起,引起;驱使

例句①Suchtendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.


②His rudeness provoked me to strike him.



pulse [ pQls ] n. 脉搏,脉冲

vi. 搏动,跳动

例句①Hispulse is not very regular. 他的脉搏不很规则。

②The news sent the blood pulsing through his veins. 这消息让他血液沸腾。


plunge [ plQndV ] v. (into) (使)投入,(使)插进;猛冲

n. 钻进,跳进;跳水池;猛跌;投入;盲目投资

例句①The news plunged us intodespair. 我们听到那消息后就陷入了绝望。

②They have finally decided to take the plunge and get married. 他们最后毅然决定结婚。

搭配plunge into 冲入,投入


punctual [ 5pQNktjuEl ] adj. 准时的,正点的

例句The tenantsare punctual in paying the rent. 房客都能按时缴纳房租。

串记mutual, ritual, virtual, spiritual, actual,

qualify [ 5kwClifai ] vt. 使具备资格;描述; [语] 修饰

vi. 取得资格;合格

例句Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment. 你所持的护照可使你享有免费医疗。

搭配qualify sb. for/as 赋予某人…资格

be qualified for 有资格做某事

串记quality; simplify, exemplify, rectify, specify

quantity [ 5kwCntiti ] n. 量,数量;大量

例句Heate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭。

搭配inquantity 大量


queue [ kju: ] n. 行列,队伍;辫子

v. 排队;梳辫子

例句People had to stand in aqueue for hours to buy a ticket. 人们买票得排几小时的队。

搭配queue up 排队等候

串记quarter, quarrel

quotation [ kwEu5teiFEn ] n. 引语,引文,语录;报价,牌价;行市,行情

例句①She finished her speech with aquotation from Shakespeare. 她讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的语录。

②His quotation for painting my house was too high. 他给我漆房子的索价太高。

串记plantation, temptation

obstacle [ 5CbstEkl ] n. 障碍,妨害物,干扰

例句His inability to learn foreign languages was an obstacle to hiscareer.


搭配throw obstacles in one’s way 妨害、阻碍某人

racial [ 5reiFEl ] adj. 种族的

例句Racial segregationexists in some countries. 一些国家存在种族隔离。

搭配racial conflict 种族冲突

racial discrimination 种族歧视

串记official, facial, superficial,artificial, crucial

radical [ 5rAdikEl ] adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的;固有的;激进的;极端的

n. 激进分子

例句①His radical ideas are likely to produce fireworksat the meeting.


②A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air.


③There are radical differences between theory and practice.


串记rational, radiation

rational [ 5rAFEnl ] adj. 理性的,合理的

例句Theexaminers put a premium on rational argument. 评委们对以理服人的论据给以高度评价。

串记radical, radiation

receiver [ ri5si:vE ] n. 接受者;接收器;收信机

搭配put the business in the hands of a receiver 把公司交由破产管理官管理

串记deceive, receive

receptionist [ rI5sepFEnIst ] n. 招待员,传达员

例句I willleave a message with the receptionist. 我会给前台小姐留个口信。


reckon [ 5rekEn ] v. 认为,估计;测算;指望,料想

例句Theyreckon the book as one of his best works. 他们认为这本书是他的优秀作品之一。

搭配reckon on 指望

recognition [ 7rekE^5niFEn ] n. 认出,辨认;承认;赏识

例句①Myrecognition of him was immediate. 我立刻认出是他。

②She received recognition for her many achievements. 她的许多成就得到了认可。

搭配in recognition of 表彰,报偿

串记recommendation; recognize

recommendation [ 7rekEmen5deiFEn ] n. 推荐,介绍(信);劝告,建议

搭配follow one’s recommendations 听从某人的劝告

a letter of recommendationc 推荐信

串记recommend; recognize, recognition

reconcile [ 5rekEnsail ] v. 使和好,调解,使调和;(to,with) 使一致

例句We must reconcile our statements with our conduct. 我们必须做到言行一致。

搭配reconcile to 使甘心于,使情愿…,使能适应

reconcile with 使与…和解,使和…一致

recreation [ rekri5eiFn ] n. 消遣,娱乐活动

例句Football is the boys’ usual recreation after school. 踢足球是男孩子们放学后通常的娱乐活动。

搭配recreation ground 娱乐场所

串记reflection, selection

recycle [ 5ri:5saikl ] v. 使再循环,反复应用

n. 再循环,再生,重复利用

搭配recycle newspaper 回收旧报纸

串记reproduce, recover

regarding [ ri5^B:diN ] prep. 关于

例句Hebooked the holiday without regarding my wishes. 他不考虑我的意愿就把假期的一切都定下来了。


regulate [ 5re^juleit ] v. 管制,控制;调节,校准;调整

例句The activities of credit companies are regulated by law. 信贷公司的业务受法律制约。

搭配regulatetemperature 调节温度

串记isolate, violate, accumulate, stimulate

religious [ ri5lidVEs ] adj. 宗教的;虔诚的;谨慎的

搭配be religious in one’s observance ofprotocol 十分讲究礼节

a religious service 宗教仪式


reluctance [ ri5lQktEns ] n. 不愿,勉强

例句He finally agreed to sign the agreement with us, but with somereluctance.


串记resistance, substance, acquaintance, circumstance

renew [ ri5nju: ] v. (使)更新,恢复重新开始,继续

例句①Thepilot renewed contact with the control tower. 飞行员同指挥塔恢复了联系。

②Do you want to renew our contract? 你想续订我们的合同吗?

搭配renew an old friendship 重续旧日友谊

renew the heart and mind 使精神面貌焕然一新


repetition [ 7repi5tiFEn ] n. 重复,反复

例句①Thestory loses a great deal in repetition. 这个故事由于反复讲述而大为减色了。

②Let there be no repetition of this behavior. 别再干这种事了。


replacement [ ri5pleismEnt ] n. 取代,替换;替换物,代替物,接替者

例句We need a replacement forthe secretary who left. 我们需要一个人代替已离职的秘书。

representation [ 7reprizen5teiFEn ] n. 描述,表示;代表,代理

例句①The play is a dramaticrepresentation of a real event. 这出话剧改编出自真人真事。

②This painting is a representation of a storm at sea. 这幅画表现的是海上风暴。

reproduce [ 7ri:prE5dju:s ] v. 生殖,繁殖;复制,仿造,翻版

例句①Birdsreproduce by laying eggs.


②The photograph of the painting reproduces the colors of the originalextremely well.


串记recycle, recover

remedy [ 5remidi ] n. 药品;治疗措施,补救方法

v. 治疗;纠正,补救

例句①Warmth is the best remedy forcolds. 热疗是治感冒的最好方法。

②Your only remedy is to go to law. 你惟一的补救方法就是诉诸法律。

③The situation could not be remedied. 情况已无可挽救。

搭配beyond (past) remedy 无可救药的

remedy a fau1t 纠正错误

串记remind, remove

resign [ ri5zain ] n. & v. 辞去,辞职

例句①He resigned from his job inorder to engage in full-time writing.


②The team refused to resign themselves to defeat/to being defeated.


搭配resign oneself to 使屈从于;使忍受

resign a task to sb. 把任务交给某人

resign oneself to one’s fate 听天由命

串记sign, assign, design; cease, quit

resolve [ ri5zClv ] v. 决心;(使)分解,溶解;决议

n. 解决;决心

例句①Sheresolved that she would never see him again. 她决心不再见他。

②Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. 现正全力以赴来解决这场纠纷。

搭配make a resolve not to smoke 决定不吸烟


respectively [ rI5spektIvlI ] adv. 各自地,分别地

例句The first and secondprizes went to Mary and George respectively. 头奖归玛丽所得,二奖归乔治所得。

respective [ ris5pektiv ] adj. 各自的,各个的

例句Thethree men were given work according to their respective abilities.



resemble [ ri5zembl ] v. 像,类似

例句She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when shetalks. 她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。


retail [ 5ri:teil ] n. & v. 零售;细谈

例句①These shoes retail at $10. 这鞋零售价每双10美元。

②He buys wholesale and sells retail. 他整买零卖。

搭配asmall retail business 小额零售生意

to retail tobacco 零售烟叶


restrain [ ris5trein ] v. 抑制;阻止;束缚;剥夺

例句①I can’t restrain my anger when I hear of people beingcruel to animals.


②The police had difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing onto the pitch.


搭配couldn’t restrain the tears 禁不住掉眼泪

restrain a child from (doing) mischief 制止小孩胡闹

restrain oneself 自制;忍耐

串记restraint; restrict

restrict [ ris5trikt ] v. 限制,约束

例句①I tryto restrict my smoking to five cigarettes a day. 我力图限制自己每天只抽5支烟。

②The trees restrict our vision. 树木限制了我们的视野。

串记restrain, restraint; strict

retreat [ ri5tri:t ] v. & n. 撤退,后退,退却

例句①Thesoldiers had to retreat when they were beaten in battle. 士兵们在战斗中受挫时不得不撤退。

②After a week’s work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之后,我喜欢躲到乡下放松一下。

③The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position. 那部长很不光彩地背离了他原先的立场。

搭配retreat from 退出,放弃

sound the retreat 吹退军号

串记reunite, repeat, reckon

reunion [ ri:5ju:njEn ] n. 团圆,重聚

例句All our kin came to thefamily reunion. 我们的亲属全都参加了这次家庭团聚会。

roar [ rC: ] n. 咆哮,吼;轰鸣

vi. 咆哮,吼叫;喧闹

vt. 咆哮;呼喊;使…轰鸣

例句①Thelion gave a loud roar. 这只狮子大吼一声。

②The murmur swelled into a roar. 窃窃私语的声音变大形成一片喧哗。


rotten [ 5rCtn ] adj. 腐烂的;糟糕的

例句Thefish is rotten, you must not eat it. 这鱼已经坏了,你千万不能吃。

搭配an organization, a person, a policy that is rotten to the core 腐败透顶的组织、人、政策

rub [ rQb ] v. & n. 擦,摩擦

例句①Sherubbed her shoes with a cloth to make them shine. 她用一块布把鞋擦亮。

②In his job he’s rubbing shoulders with film stars all the time. 他在工作中一直与电影明星有来往。

搭配rub sth. out (把污染,写的字等)擦掉

rub into 向…反复讲(不愉快的事情等),向…强调

串记rug, mug

saddle [ 5sAdl ] n. 鞍,马鞍,鞍状物

例句The bicycle saddle is toohigh for me. 自行车的车座对我来说太高了。

saint [ seint ] n. 圣人,基督教徒;道德崇高的人

例句It would provoke a saint. 那种事连圣人也会生气的。

sake [ seik ] n. 缘故,目的

例句I’ll help you for yoursister’s sake. 看在你姐姐面上,我来帮你。

搭配for the sake of 看在…的份上,为了

串记bake, brake, shake, fake, wake

scandal [ 5skAndl ] n. 丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语,诽谤,诋毁

例句After the scandal was exposed, he committed suicide. 丑闻暴露之后,他自杀了。


scarce [ skeEs ] adj. 缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕见的

例句Thatbird has become scarce in this country. 那种鸟在这个国家已变得很稀有了。

搭配make oneself scarce 溜走,躲开

scarcely [ 5skeEsli ] adv. 几乎不;仅仅

例句①Thereis scarcely enough food. 几乎没有足够的食物。

②Scarcely had she entered the room when the phone rang. 她一进屋电话就响了。

scheme [ ski:m ] n. & v. 阴谋,诡计;计划,安排;配置

例句All the schemes andintrigues are doomed to failure. 一切阴谋诡计都是注定要失败的。

schooling [ 5sku:liN ] n. 学校教育;上学,就学

例句Hertroublesome childhood was a unique schooling. 她坎坷的童年是一种极其特殊的磨练。

搭配aman with less schooling 文化水平较低的人

compulsory schooling 义务教育

full-time schoolin 全日制教育

scratch [ skrAtF ] v. 抓,搔;乱写,划

n. 抓,搔;起跑线


例句①The scratch on your hand willsoon be well. 你手上的划伤不久就会好的。

②The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface. 饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。

搭配start from scratch 从头做起,从零开始

scratch the surface 不深刻;不周详

on the scratch 在起步线上;没有让步地


secondary [ 5sekEndEri ] adj. 次要的,二级的;从属的;中级的

例句①All other considerations aresecondary to his safety. 现在首先要考虑的是他的安全,其他事都是次要的。

②Another name for secondary school is high school. 中学又叫高级中学。

搭配a secondary source 间接来源

a secondary cause 次要原因


sector [ 5sektE ] n. 部分,部门;防御地段,防区;扇形

例句At the sectors where accidents are most likely to take place, thetrains always travel at a moderate speed.


搭配government sector 政府部门

seemingly [ 5si:miNli ] adv. 表面上地,貌似真实而未必

例句Seeminglythere is nothing we can do. 看来我们帮不上忙。

搭配seeming happiness 表面上的快乐

segment [ 5se^mEnt ] n. 段,节,片断,部分

例句Thecompany dominates this segment of the market. 这家公司控制了这一部分市场。

搭配in segments 成节(段),分节(段)

shade [ Feid ] n. 荫,荫凉处;图案阴影;颜色深浅;遮光物

vi. 渐变

vt. 遮蔽,使阴暗;使渐变,微减

例句①Sheraised her hand to shade her eyes from the sun. 她举手遮着眼睛以阻挡阳光。

②This seat is shaded by a tree. 这个座位有一棵树遮荫。

③I think it’s a shade warmer today. 我觉得今天暖和一点儿。

搭配a shade of 少许,微微

not a shade of doubt 毫不怀疑

fall into the shade 被夺去光彩,黯然失色

串记fade, trade, invade, parade

sheer [ FiE ] adj. 全然的,纯粹的;峻峭的

adv. 完全,全然地,笔直地

v. 避开,转向

例句①Hepersuaded them to join him by the sheer magnetism of his personality.


②She tends to sheer away from any discussion of her divorce.


搭配sheer nonsense 毫无意义,胡说八道

by sheer chance 纯属偶然地

串记sheet, shell, shelter, shelf; steer

shield [ Fi:ld ] n. 防护物,护罩;盾,盾状物

v. (from) 保护,防护

例句①It is impossible for parents toshield their children from every danger.


②The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy.


搭配shieldfrom 保护,防护

串记weird, yield

shock [ FCk ] n. 打击,震动;电击,触电;休克

vt. 使震动,使震惊

例句①Hisdeath was a terrible shock to her. 他的去世对她是个沉重的打击。

②He was shocked to hear his child swearing. 他听见他孩子骂人非常生气。

串记block, knock

shove [ FQv ] n. 推,挤

v. 推;强使

例句The carwon’t start. Can you give it a shove? 车发动不起来了,你能帮忙推一下吗?

搭配shove off 开船离岸;走开,离去

shove sb. aside 将某人推到一边

shove around 摆布;盛气凌人地对待

shove it 离开,洗手不干

signature [ 5si^nitFE ] n. 签名,签字;识别标志

例句He puthis signature on the contract. 他在合同上签了字。

串记signal, sign

simplicity [ sim5plisiti ] n. 简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯

搭配the simplicity of the problem 该问题的简单性

the simplicity of her style 她风格的朴实

串记security, charity, majority, minority,popularity

simplify [ 5simplifai ] vt. 精减,简单化

例句TheEnglish in this story has been simplified to make it easier to undemanding.


串记exemplify, qualify, rectify,specify

sincere [ sin5siE ] adj. 诚挚的,诚恳的;真诚的

例句His was a sincere offer ofhelp. 他真心实意愿意协助。

sketch [ sketF ] n. 素描;略图,草图;梗概

v. 绘略图;速写,写生

例句①She made several sketches ofthe old man’s face. 她画了几张那老人脸部的素描。

②At the meeting he give a sketchof recent happenings. 会上他简述了最近发生的事件。

搭配sketch out proposals for a new road 草拟开辟新路的建议

串记stretch, fetch

slavery [ 5sleivEri ] n. 奴隶制;奴隶身份;苦役,奴役

例句Theprisoners were sold into slavery. 这些囚犯被贩卖去当奴隶。

串记discovery, recovery, delivery

slender [ 5slendE(r) ] adj. 苗条的,修长的,苗条的;微小的,微弱的

例句Aslender hope still flickered within him. 他心中仍闪出一线希望。

搭配a slender income 微薄的收入

people of slender means 贫穷的人们


slide [ slaid ] v. 滑动,下滑;悄悄地溜走;滑入

n. 幻灯片;滑梯;下降,下滑;滑坡;雪崩

例句①Shefell over and slid across the shiny floor. 她跌倒了,滑过了发亮的地板。

②House values may begin to slide. 房价可能开始下滑了。

③The thief slid into the room. 小偷溜进房间。

搭配let sth. slide 对某事漫不经心,听其自然

slide int 不自觉地陷入(某种状态);把…轻轻[偷偷]放入

on the slide 日益恶化

串记slope, slip

mark [ mB:k ] n. 痕迹,记号;分数

v. 记分,打分;作标记(记号);使有特色

例句①She earned high marks from hersuperiors. 她得到了上司的高度评价。

②His death marked the end of an era. 他的死标志着一个时代的结束。

搭配mark up 把…标出;标价过高,涨价

串记mark, park

breathe [ bri:T ] vt. 呼吸;(低声地)说出;流露;注入

vi. 呼吸;喘气

例句①Theywalked through the forest breathing the scent of pines. 他们步行穿过森林,呼吸着松树的芳香。

②Promise me you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone. 答应我别将此事泄漏给任何人。

③The new manager has breathed fresh life into the company. 新经理给公司带来了朝气。

搭配breathe a threat 低声说出恐吓的话

breathe loving words in sb.’s ear在某人耳边低语情话

slim [ slim ] adj. 苗条的,纤细的;(机会)少的

v. 减轻体重,变苗条

搭配slim hopes/chances/prospects of success 成功的希望/机会/可能性不大


slip [ slip ] v. 滑动;溜走;塞;疏忽

n. 滑,滑倒;片,纸片;错误;下跌;事故

例句①Sheslipped on the shiny floor and fell. 她滑倒在发亮的地板上了。

②She slipped away without being seen. 她悄悄溜走未被人看见。

③It had slipped my mind/memory that you were arriving today. 我把你今天抵达的事忘记了。

搭配slip sth. on (off) 匆忙地穿上(脱下)衣服

串记slide; slope

slippery [ 5slipEri ] adj. 光滑的,滑溜的;难以理解的,含糊的;不可相信的,狡猾的

例句Theyare faced with slippery economic problems. 他们面临棘手的经济问题。

搭配a slippery customer 狡猾的无赖汉

be on slippery ground 处于难以处理的局面


slope [ slEJp ] n. 斜坡,斜面;倾斜,斜度

v. 溢出,倾洒;倾斜

例句①He ranup the slope to the top of the hill. 他爬上斜坡到了山顶。

②Slope the ground so that the water can run away. 让地面倾斜以便水流泄。

搭配slope down/up 向下/上倾斜

slope off (为逃避某人或某事)偷偷地溜走

串记envelop; steep,slide

smash [ smAF ] n. 打破,粉碎;轰动的演出;猛击

v. 粉碎;撞击

adj. 极为成功的

例句①She smashed (up) her new carin the fog. 她在大雾中把新汽车给撞毁了。

②We are determined to smash terrorism. 我们决心要消灭恐怖主义。

搭配smash up 摔碎

smash in 破碎

smash into 碰撞;猛冲

串记ash, dash, trash, clash

reaction [ ri(:)5AkFEn ] n. 反应;反作用(力);反动,倒退,复古;回复原状

例句①Their first reaction to theapplicant is negative.


②The forces of reaction made reform difficult.


③Her arrest produced an immediate/a sudden reaction from the press.


搭配reaction to 反应

串记fiction, fraction, auction

sociology [ sEJsi5RlEdVi ] n. 社会学

例句A fewyears ago, sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduate.


串记apology, psychology

solemn [ 5sRlEm ] adj. 严肃的;庄重的,神圣的;

例句Thesigning of this treaty is a solemn moment in our nation’s history.


solitary [ 5sRlitEri ] adj. 孤栖的;偏僻的;单一的,唯一的

例句①There was a solitary sheep inthe field. 在地里仅有一只羊。

②The arch-criminal was kept solitary confinement. 那名首犯被单独监禁。

串记literary, military, secretary

sophisticated [ sE5fistikeitid ] adj. 尖端的,复杂的,先进的;老练的,世故的

例句①She’ssophisticated. 她这个人老于世故。

②These tests require an extremely sophisticated instrumental effort. 这些试验需要极其尖端仪器才能办到。


sore [ sC:(r) ] adj. 疼痛的;痛苦的

n. 痛处;疮口

例句My leg is sore, it hurts. 我的腿疼,它受伤了。

span [ spAn ] n. 跨度,跨距;一段时间

例句The span of human life is short. 人生短暂。

串记spin, split, spur

specify [ 5spesifai ] vt. 指定;详述;载明

例句The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in theexamination. 规则规定考试时可使用字典。

搭配as specified 按照说明

串记rectify, simplify, exemplify

spell [ spel ] v. 拼写

n. 咒符;一段时期;魅力

例句My instructions seem simple enough do I have to spell them outagain?


搭配spell out 详细解释;拼出

a long spell of warm weather 持续很久的温暖的天气


spiritual [ 5spiritFJEl ] adj. 非物质的,精神的;灵魂的

例句She is my adviser in spiritual matters. 她是我的精神导师。

搭配spiritual civilization 精神文明

串记mutual, actual, ritual, virtual, punctual

splendid [ 5splendid ] adj. 壮丽的,辉煌的;极好的;杰出的

例句①Theroyal couple appeared in splendid array. 王室伉俪身穿盛装出现。

②You’re all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work!你们干得都很出色,要坚持下去!

搭配a splendid victory 辉煌的胜利

串记prominent, glorious

sponsor [ 5spRnsE(r) ] n. 发起者,主办者

v. 发起,主办;倡仪;资助

例句①Theexhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 这个展览会是由文化学会主办的。

②The cost of which is borne by an identified sponsor. 其费用由主办人承担。


spontaneous [ spRn5teiniEs ] adj. 自然的;自发的,主动的;自然产生的

例句Theeruption of a volcano is spontaneous. 火山是自然爆发的。

搭配a spontaneous offer of help 主动提供的帮助


spouse [ spaJz ] n. 配偶

v. 和…结婚

例句Theygot free tickets for their spouse. 他们为家属领到了免费的票。

串记arouse, rouse

spur [ spE: ] n. 剌激物;刺激,激励

v. 鞭策,驱策;刺激;促进

例句International competition was a spur to modernization. 国际竞争是实现现代化的动力。

搭配on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下,当即

串记spin, split, span

square [ skweE(r) ] n. 广场;正方形,平方

adj. 正方形的,平方的;坚实的;公平的,公正的

v. 一致;结清;收买;使…成方形;调整;相等

例句①I want you to be square with me.我要求你对我以诚相待。

②Can I leave you to square up with the waiter? 我把跟服务员结帐的事交给你办行吗?


squeeze [ skwi:z ] v. 握紧,抱紧;压榨;挤入

n. 压榨;拥挤;少量东西;拮据

例句①Thechildren squeezed together to make room for me to sit down. 孩子们挤在一起以便腾出空来让我坐下。

②He tried to squeeze himself onto the crowded bus. 他设法挤上了那拥挤的公共汽车。

搭配squeeze the juice out of a lemon 榨出柠檬汁

squeeze through a crowd 挤过人群

squeeze sth. from sb. 敲诈,勒索

be in a tight squeeze 陷入困境


stainless [ 5steinlis ] adj. 纯洁的,无瑕疵的;不锈的

例句Thiscup is made of stainless steel. 这只杯子是不锈钢做的。

搭配a stainless reputation 清白的名声

串记restless, regardless

stale [ steil ] adj. 变质的,不新鲜的;陈旧的,陈腐的;无聊的

v. 变得不新鲜,腐坏

例句①Herperformance has become stale. 她的表演没有新意了。

②The pleasure I get from listening to such music never stales. 这种音乐我百听不厌。

搭配stale jokes, ideas 老掉牙的笑话﹑思想

串记scale, pale

steep [ sti:p ] adj. 陡峭的,险峻的;急剧升降的;不合理的

n. 悬崖,峭壁;浸渍

v. 浸,沉浸

例句①Iwouldn’t pay three hundred pounds for his old car, it’s too steep.


②They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch.


③He steeped himself in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome.


搭配a steep rise in salaries 薪水的陡涨

串记steel, steer

sticky [ 5stiki ] adj. 粘的,粘性的;棘手的

例句①I’m feeling hot and sticky; Ithink I’ll take a bath. 我觉得又热又粘,打算洗个澡。

②The boss was rather sticky about giving me leave. 老板有些不情愿[不同意]让我请假。

stocking [ 5stCkiN ] n. 长(统)袜

例句The girl likes to wear stockings in summer. 这个姑娘夏天喜欢穿长统袜。

搭配a pair of stockings 一双长统袜

串记sock; stock

storage [ 5stCridV ] n. 贮藏(量);保管;库房

例句A quarter of the crop may is lose in storage. 有四分之一的作物可能会在储存过程中损耗。

搭配in storage 贮藏起来

串记coverage, wage, usage

straw [ strC: ] n. 稻草,麦杆;吸管

例句①Nearthe end we were grasping at straws. 快到最后我们在抓救命稻草。

②She drank her soda through a straw. 她用麦管喝汽水。

搭配catch/clutch/grasp at a straw 捞救命稻草,依靠完全靠不住的东西


stripe [ straip ] n. 条纹;袖章;军士军阶

例句She was awarded another stripe. 她又升了一级。

搭配to mark with stripes/a stripe 给…划条纹

get/lose one’s stripes 升级[降级]


submerge [ sEb5mE:dV ] v. 浸没,淹没;潜水

例句I’m absolutely submerged in work. 我工作多得不得了。

搭配be submerged by paperwork 埋头于文牍工作


subsequent [ 5sQbsikwEnt ] adj. 后来的,随后的

例句Subsequentevents vindicated their policy. 以后的结果证明他们的政策是正确的。

串记consequent, frequent

substance [ 5sQbstEns ] n. 物质;实质,本质;财产;主旨;理由,根据

例句①Therewas no substance in his complaint.


②I agree with the substance of what you say, but differ on points ofdetail.


串记reluctance, resistance, acquaintance, circumstance

substantial [ sEb5stAnFEl ] adj. 坚固的;实质的;富裕的;相当的;显著的

例句①It isa lease of land for a substantial period. 它是一种长期土地租凭合同。

②He introduced us to a number of substantial farmers. 他把我们介绍给几个殷实的农场主。

③They were in substantial agreement over the plan. 关于该计划他们有实质性的一致意见。


succession [ sEk5seFEn ] n. 继承,继任;连续,系列

例句The old lady had asuccession of misfortune in her youth. 这位老妇人在年轻的时候遭遇了一连串的不幸。

搭配in succession 连续地;连接地

串记concession, recession, procession

successive [ sEk5sesiv ] adj. 接连的,连续的

例句SuccessiveBritish governments had found the islands a headache. 英国历届政府都对该岛感到头疼。

串记impressive, passive, progressive

summary [ 5sQmEri ] n. 摘要,概要

adj. 概括的;立刻的

例句Writeme a one- page summary of this report. 替我把这份报告写出一页纸的摘要。

搭配in summary 简言之

串记primary; summarize

superficial [ sju:pE5fiFEl ] adj. 表面的;肤浅的,浅薄的

例句①Shehas a superficial knowledge of the language. 她对这种语言仅略知一二。

②He is too superficial to appreciate great literature like this. 他太肤浅,无法欣赏这类文学巨著。

搭配a superficial wound 表皮伤

串记official, facial, racial, artificial, crucial

supreme [ sju:5pri:m ] adj. 极度的;最重要的;至高的,最高的

例句①Winning an Olympic gold medalwas, I suppose, the supreme moment of my life.


②The general was girded with the supreme power.


搭配make the supreme sacrifice 做出最大的牺牲(如为信仰而捐躯)


surplus [ 5sE:plEs ] n. 剩余,过剩;[会计]盈余

adj. 过剩的,剩余的

vt. 转让,卖掉

例句①Mexicohas a large surplus of oil. 墨西哥有大量过剩的石油。

②This food is surplus to requirements. 这种食物供过于求。


surrender [ sE5rendE ] v. 交出,投降

n. 交出,放弃,投降

例句Finally,the murderers surrendered themselves to the police. 凶手最终向警察投降了。


suspend [ sEs5pend ] v. 吊,悬挂;暂停,取消;推迟;勒令停职

例句Theydecided to suspend trade with that country. 他们决定中断和那个国家的贸易。

搭配suspend payment 暂停付款

suspend a driver’s certificate 吊销驾驶执照

串记tend, bend, trend

suspicion [ sEs5piFEn ] n. 猜疑,怀疑;一点儿,少量

例句Hewas examined on (the) suspicion of being an enemy agent. 他因敌特嫌疑而受审查。


swallow [ 5swClEu ] n. 燕子;吞咽

vt. 吞,咽;轻信;忍受

vi. 咽口水

例句①The cost of the trial swallowed upall their savings.诉讼费用耗光了他们的全部积蓄。

②He swallowed all the criticism without saying a thing. 他默默地忍受一切责难。

③She swallowed her anger and carried on. 她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。

搭配swallowone’s words 收回前言

串记hollow, allow, shallow

sweep [ swi:p ] n. 扫除;肃清;视野,范围;全胜

vt. 扫除;扫荡,肃清;环视;扫射

vi. 打扫;席卷;掠过

例句①Old laws were swept away by therevolution. 这场革命彻底摧毁了旧的法制。

②I was swept off my feet by her wit and charm. 她才貌双全,我佩服得五体投地。

③Rumors swept through the town. 城里谣言四起。

串记weep, weed

symbolic [ sim5bClik ] adj. 象征的;符号的

例句A lily issymbolic of purity. 百合花象征纯洁。

串记systematic, synthetic, sympathetic

sympathetic [ 7simpE5Wetik ] adj. 有同情心的;同感的,共鸣的;赞同的

n. 交感神经

例句She felt sympathetic towards what the little boy suffered. 她对小男孩的遭遇深表同情。

搭配be/feel sympathetic to/towards 对…表示同情;持赞同态度

串记symbolic, systematic, synthetic

tackle [ 5tAkl ] v. 处理,解决;与…交涉;抓住

例句I’ll tackle the boss for a raise. 我将与老板交涉要求增加薪水。


tame [ teim ] adj. 驯服的,易于驾驭的;乏味的

vt. 驯服,制服

vi. 变得驯服

例句①Manykinds of squirrels are easy to tame. 很多种松鼠都很容易驯养。

②The film has a tame ending. 这电影的结局乏味。

搭配tame obedience 奉承的顺从

a tame cat 家猫,极为顺从的人

串记blame, shame

stiff [ stif ] adj. 硬的;拘谨的;僵直的;艰难的

adv. 极其;僵硬地

n. 吝啬鬼;过于拘谨的人

vt. 诈骗;失信

例句①Her rather stiff manner putspeople off. 她那相当生硬的态度使人们都不敢来。

②The judge imposed a stiff sentence. 法官做出了严厉的判决。

搭配be stiff in manner 态度生硬

keep a stiff face 板着面孔

be stiff with cold 冻僵

串记differ, cliff

strategic [ strE5ti:dVik ] adj. 战略的,战略上有用的;对全局有重要意义的,关键的

例句The committee discussed strategic marketing factors. 委员会讨论了至关重要的市场因素。

搭配a strategic withdrawal 战略性撤退

strategic bombing 战略性轰炸


swear [ swZE ] v. (at) 诅咒,骂人;宣誓,发誓

例句I swear I won’t tell anyone your secret. 我发誓不把你的秘密告诉任何人。

搭配swear an accusation/a charge against sb.宣誓保证指控某人的内容属实

串记wear, bear, fear, rear, tear, gear, earnest

tedious [ 5ti:diEs ] adj. 乏味的,单调的, 冗长的

例句I amtired of this tedious film. 我讨厌这部电影,太乏味了。

temporary [ 5tempErEri ] adj. 暂时的,临时的

n. 临时工,临时雇员

例句①Heafforded a temporary shelter for the needy. 他为穷人提供暂时的安身之处。

②She works in the office as a temporary. 她在办公室做临时雇员。

搭配a temporary agreement 临时协议


temptation [ temp5teiFEn ] n. 诱惑,引诱;诱惑物

例句Clever advertisements are just temptations to spend money. 巧妙的广告诱使人花钱。

搭配a strong temptation to sb. 对某人的强烈诱惑

yield/give way to temptation 经不住诱惑

串记plantation, quotation

tendency [ 5tendEnsi ] n. 趋向,趋势;癖好

例句①He has a tendency toexaggerate things. 他常将事情夸大。

②Prices continue to show an upward tendency. 物价呈持续上升的趋势。

搭配have a tendency to/towards 有…的倾向

串记tend, tender

tender [ 5tendE ] adj. 嫩的,柔弱的;温柔的

vt. (正式)提出;投标

n. 看管人;小船;偿付;投标;提出

例句①I am still in tender health. 我身体让然很虚弱。

②I wish to tender him my thanks for his kindness. 我想对他的好意表示感谢。

③Our tender was berthed there. 我们的供应船就停泊在那儿。

搭配a tender mother 慈母

open tender 公开招标

串记tendency, tend

tense [ tens ] adj. 紧张的;拉紧的

n. 时态

v. 拉紧;(使)紧张

例句The game is getting tenserall the time. 比赛越来越紧张。

搭配the future tense 将来时态

at prime tense 最初,起先,立即

tense up 紧张

串记tension; tend, tendency, tender

tension [ 5tenFEn ] n. 张力;紧张状态;拉紧,绷紧

例句Thetension in the Far East is building up again. 中东的形势又逐步紧张起来。

搭配subject to tension 使拉紧

work under great tension 在巨大压力下工作

串记version, collision, invasion, mission, tense

terminal [ 5tE:minl ] n. 终点站;终端;接线端

adj. 期末的;致命的;终点的

例句①Theterminal examinations will be held in early May. 期终考试将在五月初举行。

②His illness is terminal. 他的病已到末期。


thereby [ 5TZE5bai ] adv. 因此,从而;在那附近

例句Hebecame a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote. 他成了公民,因此有投票权。


theme [ Wi:m ] n. 题目,主题;主旋律,基调

例句Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk. 集邮是他谈话的主题。

搭配theme song 主题歌

theme park 主题公园

theme music 主题音乐


theoretical [ WiE5retikEl ] adj. 理论的

例句It’s atheoretical possibility, but I don’t suppose it will happen.


串记identical, impractical,optical, political, practical

thoughtful [ 5WC:tful ] adj. 认真思考的;体贴的,关切的

例句①It wasthoughtful of you to bring flowers.


②Hearing this news, he looked thoughtful for a moment and went away.


串记successful, graceful, grateful, fruitful, faithful

thrust [ WrQst ] n. 插,戳,刺;推力;要点

v. 插入,刺,戳;挤,推

例句①Shethrust herself through the crowd. 她挤过了人群。

②He was thrust into a position of awesome responsibility. 他被推到了一个责任艰巨的职位上。

③My mother thrust herself into our conversation. 我们谈话时,母亲插嘴进来。


tidy [ 5taidi ] adj. 整齐的,整洁的;精简的

v. 弄整齐,收拾,整理

例句Shetidied up after supper. 她晚饭后把一切收拾整齐了。

搭配tidy sth./sb./oneself up 使(某物[某人/自己])整齐


tissue [ 5tisju: ] n. 织物;纸巾,薄纸;(动、植物的)组织

例句The Christmas presents were wrapped in tissue paper. 圣诞礼物都用薄纸裹起来了。

搭配facial tissue 面巾纸


token [ 5tEukEn ] n. 表示;标志;记号


例句We shook hands as a token of our friendship. 我们握手,以表示我们的友谊。

搭配in token of sth. 作为某事的证据

tolerance [ 5tClErEns ] n. 宽容;容忍,忍受;耐药力

例句Tolerance is a sign of breeding. 容忍是有良好教养的表现。

tolerate [ 5tClEreit ] vt. 容忍,忍受;宽容;对(药物、毒品等)有耐力

例句He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。

串记accelerate, exaggerate

toll [ tEul ] n. (道路,桥梁等)通行费;损失;伤亡人数

v. 向…征收捐税,向…收费;敲钟

例句①The economic toll is heavy. 经济损失严重。

②The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。

搭配take a heavy toll 造成重大损失


tourism [ 5tJEriz(E)m ] n. 观光,旅游(业)

例句Tourismis at its peak in August. 旅游业在八月份达到高峰。


transplant [ trAns5plB:nt ] v. 移植(植物;组织,器官等);迁移

n. 移植;移居者

例句Thesurgeon has done several heart transplants. 这位外科医生已做了几次心脏移植手术。

搭配transplantone’s family to the countryside 把家迁往乡下

串记translate, transparent

treaty [ 5tri:ti ] n. 条约,协定;谈判

例句Thewarring nations will soon sign peace treaty. 交战的国家不久将达成一个停战和平条约。

tremble [ 5trembl ] n. 战栗,颤抖

v. 发抖,颤抖;摇动;焦虑

例句①The boy trembled with fear when hesaw the bear. 男孩看到熊时吓得浑身发抖。

②I tremble at the very thought of it. 我一想到这件事就不寒而栗。


trial [ 5traiEl ] n. 讯问,审讯;试验,试用;尝试

adj. 试验(性)的

例句①Takethe car for a trial run to see if you like it. 试试那辆汽车,看看你是否满意。

②He’s on trial for his life. 他正在受决定他生死的审判。

搭配by trial and error 摸索,通过各种尝试

on trial (指人)在试用期间;(指物)在试验中

put on trial 使经受严重考验;审讯;审理(案件)

triumph [ 5traiEmf ] n. 胜利,成功;胜利的喜悦

v. 获胜,成功;庆祝胜利

例句①The machineis a triumph of advanced technology. 这台机器是先进技术的成果。

②Justice will triumph over injustice. 正义必将战胜非正义。

③The winning team returned home in triumph. 获胜的队奏凯而归。


tropical [ 5trCpikl ] adj. 热带的;位于热带的

例句There are many kinds of tropical plants in Hawaii. 夏威夷有许多热带植物。

搭配tropical rain forest 热带雨林

tropical storm 热带风暴


trumpet [ 5trQmpit ] n. 喇叭,小号

v. 吹喇叭;传播

例句He’s always trumpeting his own opinions. 他总是不遗余力地宣扬自己的观点。

twist [ twist ] v. 捻;拧;扭曲;蜿蜒曲折而行

n. 拧;歪曲;曲折

例句①The police tried to twist hisstatement into an admission of guilt. 警方企图把他的话歪曲成承认有罪。

②The river twisted toward the sea. 河水蜿蜒流向大海。

搭配twist up 扭歪;把…弄得很不正常

串记waist, mist, wrist

undergraduate [ 7QndE5^rAdjuit ] n. 大学生

例句She hadan undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理学的学士学位。

串记understand, underneath, underground

undertake [ 7QndE5teik ] v. 承担,担任;许诺,保证,答应;着手,从事

例句①Sheundertook the organization of the whole scheme. 她负责整个计划的组织工作。

②I undertook to teach the children English. 我答应教孩子们英语。

串记undermine, underline, undergo

uneasy [ Qn5i:zi ] adj. 不安的,担心的;不舒服的;不稳定的

例句I feel uneasy to make you be injured. 让你受伤使我深感不安。

搭配be uneasy about 对…感到不安

串记unfortunate, uncover

unexpected [ 5Qniks5pektid ] adj. 想不到的,意外的,未预料到的

例句Hisreaction was quite unexpected. 他的反应完全出乎大家意料之外。


morality [ mR5rAliti ] n. 道德,美德;道德性

例句The government is doing its utmost to improve public morality. 政府正极力提高公众道德水平。

串记personality, mortal

unfortunate [ Qn5fC:tFEnit ] adj. 不幸的;时运不济的;令人遗憾的,可叹的

n. 不幸的人

例句①We will do our utmost to helpthose unfortunate people. 我们将竭尽全力帮助那些不幸的人。

②Unlike many other poor unfortunates, I do have a job. 与许多不幸的人不同的是,我有工作。

串记uneasy, uncover

universal [ 7ju:ni5vE:sEl ] adj. 普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的,世界的

例句①Music has been called theuniversal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言。

②Their proposal met with almost universal condemnation. 他们的提议遭到了几乎所有人的反对。

usage [ 5ju:sidV ] n. 使用,用法;习惯,习俗;惯用法

例句Machinessoon wear out under rough usage. 机器如果使用不仔细,很快就会磨损。

串记garage, carriage, cottage

utility [ ju:5tiliti ] n. 功用,效用;有用之物;公用事业

(pl.) 实用程序

adj. 有多种用途的

例句①It is necessaryto develop public utilities in western areas rapidly. 有必要迅速发展西部地区的公共事业。

②I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament.我一直怀疑这些裁军会议的效用。

搭配a utility cast member 跑龙套演员


utmost [ 5QtmEust ] n. 极限,最大可能,极力

adj. 极度的;最远的

例句I’ll domy utmost to pass this exam. 我要竭尽全力通过这次考试。

搭配do one’s utmost 竭尽全力

at the utmost 至多

to the utmost 尽力

vacant [ 5veikEnt ] adj. 空的,空缺的;未占用的;神情茫然的

例句①Thereare some vacant offices on the third floor. 三楼有几间空着的办公室。

②Smith was appointed to the vacant post. 史密斯被派任那个空缺。

搭配a vacant position 空缺职位

a vacant estate 无人继承的财产

a vacant stare 茫然的凝视


vacuum [ 5vAkjuEm ] n. 真空,空间;真空吸尘器

例句Her death left a vacuum in his life. 她去世后他的生活很空虚。

搭配live, work, etc. in a vacuum 在与外界隔绝的环境中生活﹑工作等


vain [ vein ] adj. 无益的,徒劳的;自负的;爱虚荣的

n. 徒劳,白费

例句She is vain of her beauty.她因为自己的美貌而自负。

搭配in vain/vain efforts 徒劳

take one’s name in vain 背后说某人坏话

串记gain, strain

valley [ 5vAli ] n. 山谷;流域

例句InChina, southern agriculture begins in the Yangtze River valley. 中国南方的农业从长江流域开始。

搭配the Yangtze (River) valley 长江流域

variable [ 5vZEriEbl ] n. 易变的东西;变量

adj. 可变的,易变的;变量的

例句①Hismood/temper is variable.


②With so many variables, the exact cost is difficult to estimate.


串记vary, various, variety

variation [ 7vZEri5eiFEn ] n. 变动,变化;变异,变种;变奏,变调

例句Prices have not shown muchvariation this year. 今年物价没显出多大变化。

verify [ 5verifai ] vt. 证实,证明;核实,查清

例句Truth can only be verified through practice. 只有通过实践才能检验真知。

串记clarify, modify, satisfy, defy

vigorous [ 5vi^ErEs ] adj. 精力旺盛的,朝气蓬勃的;有力的

例句①Thetomato plants are very vigorous.


②Our attack was so vigorous that the enemy had to fall back.



violent [ 5vaiElEnt ] adj. 猛烈的,激烈的;暴力引起的,强暴的

例句①He hasa violent dislike of school.


②Not a few violent scenes were cut from the film before it came toshow.


搭配a violent attack 猛烈的进攻

violent dislike 极其的厌恶

a violent storm 猛烈的风暴

resort to violent means 用暴力手段

串记equivalent, silent, talent

violate [ 5vaiEleit ] vt. 违犯,违背;侵犯;亵渎

例句①He will not violate hisprinciples. 他不会违背自己的原则的。

②These findings appear to violate the laws of physics. 这些研究结果似乎有违物理定律。

串记isolate, regulate, accumulate, stimulate

virtual [ 5vE:tjuEl ] adj. 实际上的,实质的

例句Ourdeputy manager is the virtual head of the business. 我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人。

串记mutual, actual, ritual, punctual, spiritual

visual [ 5viVjuEl ] adj. 看得见的,视觉的

例句Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力。

搭配visual navigation 目视导航

串记visualize, visible, vision, invisible; virus,virtue

vivid [ 5vivid ] adj. 生动的,栩栩如生的;(颜色等)鲜艳的

例句①You have got a vividimagination. 你的想象力真丰富。

②The incident left a vivid impression on me. 那件事给我留下了深刻的印象。


voluntary [ 5vRlEntEri ] adj. 自愿的,主动的;志愿的;故意的;非官方的

例句①The prisonermade a voluntarystatement. 那个犯人主动地做了供述。

②She does voluntary social work. 她从事义务社会工作。

搭配voluntary service 自愿服务

voluntary confession 坦白,自首

voluntary association 志愿社团

串记volunteer; volcano

vote [ vEut ] n. 投票;选票(数)

v. 投票,表决;投票选举

例句①Thechairman proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker. 会议主席建议大家向演说者鼓掌表示感谢。

②I shall vote for Hall because I thinkhe’s the better man. 我将投票选霍尔,因为我认为他是好人。

搭配cast a vote 投票

vote down 投票击败或否决

串记devote, volt

wander [ 5wCndE ] v. 漫游,闲逛;迷路;离题;走神

例句①I’ve spent two years wandering theworld. 我用了两年时间周游世界。

②He realized his audience’s attention was beginning to wander. 他意识到听众精神已经开始走神了。


waterproof [ 5wC:tEpru:f ] adj. 防水的

例句Plasticcloth is a kind of waterproof material that water cannot go through.


wax [ wAks ] n. 蜡,蜡状物

v. 增加,变大;给…上蜡

例句Pileated wood peckers are on the wax now. 有羽冠的啄木鸟现在在增加。


weave [ wi:v ] v. 编织,纺织;编造;迂回行进

例句Theroad weaves through the range of hills. 这条路在群山中绕来绕去。

搭配weave one’s ideas into a story 把自己的构思编成故事


weed [ wi:d ] n. 野草,杂草

v. 除草,铲除;清除,淘汰

例句①Every day he weeds the garden.


②The new conductor started byweeding out the weaker players in the orchestra.


串记seed, deed,indeed; seaweed

wheel [ wi:l,hweel ] n. 轮,车轮,轮子

vt. (用车)推,拉

vi. 转动

例句Withher at the wheel, the company began to prosper. 有了她当主管,公司开始兴旺起来。

搭配steering wheel 方向盘

behind the wheel of 开…的车

串记heel, kneel

powder [ 5paudE ] n. 粉末,药粉;火药

v. 往…上搽粉;以粉状物覆盖

例句Theground was lightly powdered with snow. 地上铺了薄薄的一层雪。

搭配soap powder 肥皂粉


productive [ prE5dQktiv ] adj. 生产的;多产的,富饶的

例句Itwasn’t a very productive meeting. 这个会议成效不太大。

例句aproductive writer 多产作家


wooden [ 'wodan ] adj. 木制的;僵硬的,呆板的

例句His performances havebecome wooden and dull. 他的演出变得呆板乏味。

wrinkle [ 5riNkl ] n. 皱纹

v. (使)起皱纹

例句Grandfather has manywrinkles on his face. 祖父脸上有许多皱纹。

搭配wrinkle her nose in disdain 皱鼻子表示不屑

thorough [ 5WQrE ] adj. 完全的;十足的;不厌其烦的,详尽的

例句①We aretrying to get a thorough understanding of the government’s fiscal policy.


②His thorough knowledge and competence were recognized.


搭配thorough separation 分离彻底

thorough overhaul 彻底检修

thorough soaking 浸透

thrive [ Wraiv ] v. 兴盛,成功,繁荣

例句Abusiness cannot thrive without good management. 没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。

搭配thrive on 在…中旺盛生长

trail [ treil ] n. 足迹;小径;(人流、车流等)一股,(烟、尘等)一缕

v. 拖;跟踪;(植物)蔓生

例句Thiscountry is still trailing far behind (others) in computer research.


搭配trail off (声音)减弱,渐渐消失

traitor [ 5treitE ] n. 叛徒,卖国贼

例句①He turned traitor to thecause (to his country)。 他背叛了该事业[祖国](成了叛徒)。

②He’s a traitor to himself. 他背叛了自己的信条。

transaction [ trAn5zAkFEn ] n. 办理,处理;业务,交易;

(pl.) (学术团体会议的)议事录,公报

例句His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his owncarelessness.



trim [ trim ] v. 修剪,整饰;装饰

例句Wehave to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit. 我们如果想增加利润,就必须削减开支。

troublesome [ 5trQblsEm ] adj. 令人烦恼的,讨厌的

例句Aneighteenth-century satirist reviewed the troublesome period.


搭配a troublesome situation 使人感到棘手的局面

truly [ 5tru:li ] adv. 正确地,事实上;真正地

例句I am trulygrateful for all your help. 我真诚感谢你的一切帮助。

tutor [ 5tju:tE ] n. 家庭教师,私人教师

vt. 当…的教师,指导,约束

vi. 当家庭教师,受家庭教师的指导

例句①John tutoredthe child in English. 约翰辅导那孩子学英语。

②The boy is tutoring inarithmetic. 这男孩在家庭教师指导下学算术。

waken [ 5weikEn ] v. 醒来,唤醒

例句Nature seems to be wakenedfrom a deep sleep. 大自然好像从沉睡中被唤醒。

搭配 waken up 醒来

amateur [ 5AmEtE(:),5AmEtjuE ] n. 业余爱好者;技术不精的人

adj. 业余的,非职业性的

例句He is a musician who is a gifted amateur, not aprofessional.


搭配amateurfootball 业余足球赛

an amateur actor 非职业演员

automate [ 5C:tEmeit ] v. (使)自动化

例句So, we need to automate thisprocess. 因此,我们需要自动执行此过程。

accent [ 5AksEnt ] n. 音调,强调,口音;重音;重音符号;重要性,重点

例句He speaks with a strong southern accent. 他说话带有很浓的南方口音。

accidental [ 7Aksi5dentl ] adj. 偶然的,意外的

例句The accidental death of Tom made his family very sad. 汤姆的意外死亡使他的家人十分的伤心。

accommodation [ E7kCmE5deiFEn ] n. (usu pl.) 住宿等条件,设施

例句Accommodation isexpensive in this city. 这个城市住房昂贵。

afterward(s) [ 5B:ftEwEd ] adv. 后来

例句We saw the film and afterwards walked home together. 我们看了电影后一起走回了家。

amid [ E5mid ] prep. 在…之间,在…中

例句Amid warm applause the honored guests mounted the rostrum. 在热烈的掌声中贵宾们登上了主席台。

assess [ E5ses ] v. 评估(价值或数额),评定,核定

例句It istoo early to assess the effect of the new measure. 评价新措施的影响为时尚早。

amazing [ E5meiziN ] adj. 令(人)惊愕的,使(人)惊叹的

例句What an amazingembroidery! 多么了不起的一幅刺绣作品!

accessible [ Ek5sesEbl ] adj. 易于得到(接近、达到的)

例句①The manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。

②The department store districtis easily accessible from our house. 从我们家到那百货公司挺方便。

搭配a book accessible to the commonreader 一般读者容易了解的书

accessible to reason 通情达理的

acquisition [ 7Akwi5ziFEn ] n. 取得,获得;得到的东西

例句The school has a valuable newacquisition in Mr Smith. 学校里来了个生力军(很好的新教师)史密斯先生。

搭配the library’s most recentacquisitions 图书馆最近增添的书籍

administrative [ Ed5ministrEtiv ] adj. 管理的,行政的;政府的;执行的,施行的,施政的

例句John feels that he is notcompetent for an administrative assistannt, and he holds it is a girl’s job.


搭配an administrative post, problem 行政职位﹑问题

alive [ E5laiv ] adj. 活着的,在世的;有活力的;充满着…的

例句The argument was kept alive by the politicians. 政治家们还在继续争论那件事。

allowance [ E5lauEns ] n. 津贴,补助;承认,认可

例句The dealer gave us an allowanceon our old car. 车商给我们的旧车打了折扣。

搭配make allowance(s) for 考虑到,顾及;体谅,体贴

an allowance for breakage 考虑到破损情况

anchor [ 5ANkE(r) ] n. 铁锚;(电视节目等)主持人

例句①Two major stores anchor eachend of the shopping mall. 两个主要商场位于商城两端。

②He anchored his hope in his friend’s help. 他寄希望于朋友的帮助。

搭配castanchor 抛锚

come to an anchor 下锚停泊

annual [ 5AnjuEl ] adj. 每年的,年度的

例句The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million. 这家公司的年营业额为7500万英镑。

搭配anannual event 一年一度的活动

accordingly [ E5kC:diNli ] adv. 相应地;因此,所以

例句As populationsincrease, the demand for water grows accordingly. 随着人口的增长,用水量也相应增加。

advisory [ Ed5vaizEri ] adj. 咨询的,劝告性的

例句He participated inthe conference in an advisory capacity. 他以顾问资格参加了会议。

agreeable [ E5^riEbl ] adj. 惬意的,爽快的;易相处的;适宜的,适合的

例句This arrangementis agreeable to both sides. 这样安排对双方都合适。

assistance [ E5sistEns ] n. 援助,帮助

例句Can I be of anyassistance to you? 我能帮你什么忙吗?

attorney [ E5tE:ni ] n. (AmE) 律师

例句She refused to make any statementuntil she had spoken to her attorney.


august [ C:5^Qst ] adj. 威严的,尊严的,威风凛凛

n. 八月

例句That august bodythen passed from a bullying mood to one of extreme panic.


broaden [ 5brC:dn ] v. 放宽,加阔,(使)扩大

例句Traveling broadens themind. 旅行使人心胸开阔。

button [ 5bQtn ] n. 钮扣

v. 扣上钮扣

例句Her idea is notworth a button. 她的看法一文不值。

搭配on the button 击中下颔,准确,确切,准时

blend [ blend ] v. 混合,混杂

例句He has no difficulty blending his two writing careers: novels andfilms.


搭配blend tobaccos 混合烟丝

choke [ tFEuk ] v. 使窒息,窒息,噎住;使塞住不通;抑制,使不能出声

例句①Mud choked the drainpipe. 淤泥堵塞了下水道。

②She choked with emotion. 她激动得说不出话来。

搭配choke up 堵塞,哽咽,因感情激动而说不出话来

choke back 忍住,抵制

choke off 抑制,劝阻

clash [ klAF ] v. 冲突,交锋,产生矛盾;发出金属的撞击声

n. 冲突,不一致

例句①I failed to go to her weddingbecause it clashed with my examination.


②The enemy armies clashed nearthe border.


搭配clashwith 冲突;交战;不协调

collapse [ kE5lAps ] v. 崩溃,倒塌;病倒,衰败

n. 崩溃;衰败

例句Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 资方和工会的谈判失败了。

compatible [ kEm5pAtEbl ] adj. 可和谐共处的,相容的,兼容的

例句These actions are compatible with his character. 这些行动与他的性格一致。

compensate [ 5kCmpEnseit ] v. 补偿,酬报

例句The companycompensates her for extra work. 公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。

contaminate [ kEn5tAmineit ] v. 污染,站污,弄脏

例句The river was contaminated withwaste. 这河水被垃圾污染了。

contented [ kEn5tentid ] adj. 满意的,知足的

例句He contented himself with asubordinate job. 他对自己不起眼的工作感到满足。

contradiction [ 7kCntrE5dikFEn ] n. 矛盾

例句The boss will not tolerate anycontradiction. 老板不能容忍顶嘴。

搭配in contradiction to 与…矛盾,相反。

cripple [5kripl] n 跋足的人,残废人

v. 使残废,使瘫痪;削弱

例句①The business has beencrippled by losses. 这家企业因亏损而陷入困境。

②Traffic was crippled for the day. 那天交通瘫痪了一天。

depart [ di5pB:t ] v. 启程,离开,辞世

例句You mustn’t depart from the instructions you’ve received. 你绝不可违背你接到的指示。

搭配depart from 离开;从…出发

depart from custom 脱离习俗

depart for 前往

divorce [ di5vC:s ] n. 离婚;脱离

v. (使)离婚;与…脱离

例句Never be divorcedfrom real life. 千万不要脱离现实生活

cabinet [ 5kAbinit ] n. 橱柜;内阁

例句Manymembers of the British cabinet have been graduates of Oxford.


搭配kitchencabinet 菜橱,碗柜

shadow cabinet 在野内阁

inner cabinet 核心内阁

charity [ 5tFAriti ] n. 慈善事业,慈善行为;施舍;慈悲,博爱

例句The RedCross is an international charity. 红十字会是个国际性的慈善机构。

component [ kEm5pEunEnt ] adj. 组成的,合成的

n. 组成部分,成分,元件

例句Each of thecomponents is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。

concentration [ 7kCnsen5treiFEn ] n. 集中,注意力,浓缩, 浓度

例句What is the concentration of salt in sea water? 海水中盐的含量是多少?

conventional [ kEn5venFEnl ] adj. 习惯的,常规的

例句①The chairman made a fewconventional remarks.


②According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choiceon the basis of domestic issues.


搭配conventional opinions 旧观念

correspondent [ 7kCris5pCndEnt ] n. 通讯记者,通信者

例句The outcome was entirely correspondent with my wishes. 结果与我的期望完全相符。

搭配a war correspondent 随军记者

classify [ 5klAsifai ] v. 把…分类,把(货物等)分等级;把…归入一类;确定…为机密

例句The books in the library areclassified by subject. 图书馆的书是按科目分类的。

clumsy [ 5klQmzi ] adj. 笨拙的,粗俗的

例句He isclumsy with tools. 他不擅长使用工具。

搭配beclumsy with/at/in 笨拙的

combination [ 7kCmbi5neiFEn ] n. 结合,联合,混合;团体,结合体;暗码

例句①A combination of factorsled to her decision to resign. 综合各种因素之后她决定辞职。

②These players made a very good combination. 这些球员们配合得很好。

搭配in combination with 与…组合在一起

show good combination 配合默契

confront [ kEn5frQnt ] v. (困难等)临头;(使)面对;勇敢地面对(危险等),正视,对抗

例句①New tasks now confrontedthe working class. 新任务摆在工人阶级面前。

②When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed. 她面对罪证供认不讳。

搭配confront reality 正视现实

be confronted with/beconfronted by 面临,面对,碰上

confront sb. with sth. 使某人面临…

controversy [ 5kCntrEvE:si ] n. 争论,辩论

例句The mayor will try to accord the controversy over the housing scheme.市长试图调解住房规划方面的争议。

搭配without/beyond controversy 无可争议,无疑;不消说

crew [ kru: ] n. 全体船员,全体乘务员

例句The ship’s captain and members of the crew welcomed us on board. 全体船员在船上欢迎我们。

搭配a stage crew 舞台工作人员

certainty [ 5sE:tEnti ] n. 确实性;确实的事

例句It’s a certaintythat our team will win the game this time. 这次我们队肯定会赢得这场比赛。

civilise, civilize [ `sIvIlaIz ] v. 使文明,使开化;教化,教育

例句The Romans hoped tocivilize all the tribes in Europe. 罗马曾希望使所有的欧洲部落开化。

comic [ 5kCmik ] adj. 滑稽的,喜剧化的

例句Hisjokes provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.


搭配comicstrip 连环漫画

compensation [ kCmpen5seiFEn ] n. 补偿,赔偿

例句He received 5,000 dollars in compensation for the loss of his righthand.


搭配in compensation for 以…为报酬

make compensation for 补(赔)偿

comprise [ kEm5praiz ] v. 包含,包括;由…组成,构成

例句The committee comprises five persons. 该委员会由五人组成。

constitute [ 5kCnstitju:t ] v. 构成,组成

例句①Twelve months constitute ayear. 十二个月构成一年。

②Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties. 法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。

搭配be constituted of… …构成…

cue [ kju: ] n. (给演员等所作的)提示,提词;暗示,指引

例句Follow her cue,and one day you’ll be a great scholar. 你以她为榜样,总有一天会成为博学之士。

搭配cue in 给…提示,给…暗示

(right)on cue 就在这时候

dependent [ di5pendEnt ] adj. 依赖的,取决于…的,从属的;有瘾的

例句Success is dependent on yourefforts and ability. 成功与否得看你的努力和能力。

搭配dependent on/upon 依赖;取决于

dull [ dQl ] adj. 不鲜明的,钝的;愚钝的,麻木的;单调乏味的,阴郁的;不活跃的,无生气的

例句①There’s always a dullperiod after the January sales. 在一月份大减价之後市面总要有一段清淡时期。

②The conference was deadly dull. 会议开得死气沉沉的。

搭配a dullmind 迟钝的头脑

deadline [ 5dedlain ] n. 截止时间(期限)

例句I havea March deadline for the novel, ie It must be finished by March. 我那本小说必须在三月完成。

搭配meet the deadline 赶上截止时间

definitely [ 5definitli ] adv. 当然,一定,确定;(和否定词连用)对,绝对

例句I can’t tell you definitelywhen I will come. 我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。

departure [ di5pB:tFE ] n. 离开,启程,开始;背离

例句The departure ofthe train was delayed. 火车开出的时间推迟了。

dependence [ di5pendEns ] n. 依靠,依赖;相信,信赖;对(药物的)依赖,毒瘾

例句He’s not a manyou can put much dependence on. 他不是值得你信赖的人。

dictate [ dik5teit ] v. 口述,(使)听写;命令,强行规定;支配,驱使

例句Afterwards hedictated a few letters to her. 之后他对她口授了几封信。

distribution [ 7distri5bju:FEn ] n. 分发,分配,配给物;散布,分布;销售(量)

例句Theycould not agree about the distribution of the profits. 他们对于利润的分配意见不一致。

division [ di5viV(E)n ] n. 分开,分配,分隔;部分,区,部;界限,划分物;分歧,分裂;刻度,标度

例句①His brother works in theforeign division of the company.


②The river forms the division between the heavy industrial and lightindustrial areas of the city.


搭配division of labour 分工

stir up divisions 制造分裂

dump [ dQmp ] v. 倾倒;推销;(向国外)倾销;堆放

n. 垃圾废物堆(场),脏乱的地方;倾倒,临时堆积处

例句He went to dumpthe garbage. 他去倒垃圾。

搭配(down) in thedumps 沮丧的,抑郁的

deadly [ 5dedli ] adj. 致命的,势不两立的,死气沉沉的

adv. 死一般地,非常,极度

例句①There was deadlysilence in the valley. 山谷里死一般的沉寂。

②Fog is the sailor’s deadly enemy. 雾是航海者最致命的敌人。

defeat [ di5fi:t ] v. 击败,战胜,挫败

n. 击败,败北

例句Our hopes weredefeated. 我们的希望落空了。

defensive [ di5fensiv ] adj. 防御性的;自卫的,时刻防备的

例句①Wetook a defensive attitude in the negotiation. 我们在谈判时取守势。

②She’s very defensive about herpart in the affair. 她极力掩盖她在此事中充当的角色。

搭配defensivewar 保卫战,自卫战

defensive works 防御工事

delight [ di5lait ] n. 欣喜,乐趣

v. 喜欢,乐于,使快乐

例句The clown delighted theaudience. 小丑逗乐了观众。

dense [ dens ] adj. 密集的,稠密的,不易看透的

例句Thefog was so dense that we could see nothing. 雾太浓,我们什么也看不见。

搭配adense forest 密林

depict [ di5pikt ] v. (用图画、文字)表示,描述,描绘

例句Theartist and the poet both tried to depict the splendor of the sunset. 艺术家和诗人都尽力描绘了日落的壮观。

diagnose [ 5daiE^nEuz ] v. 诊断(疾病),判断,调查分析(问题等的)原因(性质)

例句The book diagnoses our present economic ills. 该书针砭我们经济中现存的弊病。

disapprove [ 7disE5pru:v ] v. 不同意,不准许,不喜欢

例句Non-smokersoften disapprove of smoking in public. 不吸烟的人往往不赞成别人在公共场合吸烟。

搭配disapproveof 反对

dose [ dEus ] n. (药物等的一次)剂量,一服;一次,一份

v. (按剂量)给…服药

例句Failing the examwas a hard dose to swallow. 考试不及格是一服难咽的苦药。

drown [ draun ] v. (使)淹死,溺死;淹没,(把声音等)盖过

例句①The noises in the streetdrowned out the teacher’s voice. 街上的吵闹声淹没了老师的声音。

②He drowned himself in work. 他埋头工作。

搭配drown out 撤出

enterprise [ 5entEpraiz ] n. 事业单位,企业;进取心,事业心;带冒险性的计划

例句①Private enterprise is basic to capitalism. 私营是资本主义的基础。

②He got the job because heshowed the spirit of enterprise. 他因为表现出进取精神,所以得到了这份工作。

entrance [ 5entrEns ] n. 入口,门;进入,入学;入场权;计算机回车键

v. 使狂喜,使着迷

例句①Visitors are asked to gointo the museum by the front entrance. 要求观众从前门进入博物馆。

②They were refused entrance to the club. 他们被拒于俱乐部门外。

搭配the Prime Minister’sentrance into office 首相就职

editorial [ edi5tC:riEl ] adj. 编辑的,主编的

n. (报纸的)社论,评论

例句The editorial in HeraldTribune criticized the government’s action. 《先锋论坛》报社社论批评了政府的行为。

搭配the editorial office 编辑部

editorial work 编辑工作

enlarge [ in5lB:dV ] v. 扩大,放大(照片),扩展

例句This photograph isa bit too old and probably won’t enlarge well. 这张照片太老了些放大了很可能不好。

enlighten [ in5laitn ] v. 启发,开导,使摆脱偏见(迷信);指导,教育

例句①Listen to both sides and youwill be enlightened. 兼听则明。

②Can you enlighten me on this program?关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗?

搭配enlighten sb. on sth. 就某事启发某人

epidemic [ 7epi5demik ] adj. 流行性的,传染的,流传极广的

n. 流行病;(流行病的)迅速传播

例句①Violence is reachingepidemic levels. 暴力达到了流行的程度。

②A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。

erode [ i5rEud ] v. 腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损

例句①The sea erodes the rock. 海水侵蚀岩石。

②The rights of the individual are being steadily eroded. 个人的权利正逐渐受到侵。

expressway [ Ik5spresweI ] n. 高速公路,快速干道=(AmE) throughway

fabric [ 5fAbrik ] n. 织物,织品;质地,构造,结构

例句The fabric was folded widthways. 这块织物是横向地摺起的。

搭配cotton fabric 棉布;棉纤物

woven fabric 织物

knitted fabric 针织物,针织坯布

silk fabric 丝织品;绸缎

wool fabric 毛织物;呢绒

fascinate [ 5fAsineit ] v.

例句The place continues tofascinate visitors, cloaked in its mystery.


fasten [ 5fB:sn ] v. 扎牢,扣紧,系牢

例句She fastened the notice to the board. 她把通知贴到布告板上。

搭配fasten sth. to/onto 系(捆,扎)某物于…

fasten on/onto/upon 赶紧利用

foresee [ fC:5si: ] v. 预见,预知

例句We should have foreseenthe trouble months ago. 我们几个月前就该预见到这一困难。

fortunately [ 5fC:tFEnEtlI ] adv. 幸亏,幸运地,侥幸

例句Fortunately, the fire wasdiscovered soon after it had started. 幸好火势刚起就立即被发现了。

frontier [ 5frQntiE ] n. 边界,边疆;边缘,边远地区,

(pl.) (知识等)未开发的领域

例句Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland. 瑞典与挪威和芬兰接壤。

famine [ 5fAmin ] n. 饥荒

例句War, famine and flood are terrible evils. 战争、饥荒和洪水都是可怕的灾祸。

fantastic [ fAn5tAstik ] adj. 极好的,美妙的;不切实际的,异想天开的

例句①Your proposal is utterly fantastic. 你的建议一点也不现实。

②That store charges fantastic prices. 那家商店索价极高。

fluid [ 5flu(:)id ] adj. 流动的,流体的;不固定的,易变的

n. 流体(液体与气体的总称),液体,流质

例句My holiday plans are fluid. 我的假日计画不是固定的。

formation [ fC:5meiFEn ] n. 组成,形成;组合,安排,结构

例句School life has a great influence on the formation of a child’scharacter.


accuracy [ 5AkjurEsi ] n. 精确,准确

例句Accuracy is more important than speed in his new job. 对他的新工作,准确比速度更重要。

搭配accuracy ofmissiles 导弹的准确性

with great (pinpoint) accuracy非常精确(毫厘不爽)地

historic [ his5tCrik ] adj. 历史上有名的,有历史意义的,历史性的

例句Sincethat historic expedition questions about the moon still outnumber answers.


hail [ heil ] n. (冰)雹

v. 下雹;向…欢呼,欢迎,热情赞扬;高呼,招呼

例句①It’s hailing outside. 外面在下冰雹。

②The boy’s breaking of window glasses caused a hail of abuse. 这个男孩打碎了窗户玻璃,招致了一阵恶骂。

搭配hail from 来自或发源于

haste [ heist ] n. 急速,紧迫,仓促;草率,急迫

例句More haste, lessspeed. 欲速则不达。

搭配make haste 赶紧

in haste 匆忙

hatred [ 5heitrid ] n. 仇恨,憎恶,敌意

例句His words stirred up myhatred. 他的话激起了我的仇恨。

搭配racial hatred 种族仇恨

heap [ hi:p ] n. (一)堆;大量,许多

v. 堆积,堆起,积累

例句①There is a disorderly heap ofclothes in his room. 他屋里有一堆乱七八糟的衣服。

②He heaped the plate with food. 他在盘子里堆满了食物。

搭配heaps of 大量;许多

a heap of 一大堆;许多

heap up 堆积,堆起

heap sort 群分类;堆分类

insult [ 5insQlt ] v. 侮辱,辱骂;损害

n. 侮辱,凌辱,损

例句She reacted to the insultby turning her back on him. 她受辱之后就不再理睬他了。

搭配add insult to injury 雪上加霜

incline [ in5klain ] v. (使)倾向(于),意欲;赞同,爱好;趋势;倾斜,弯腰

n. 斜坡,斜面

例句①I’m inclined to believe himinnocent. 我倾向于相信他的无辜。

②Galileo rolled small metalballs down the incline. 伽利略让小金属球从斜面滚下。

搭配be inclined to 倾向于;欲…的,想…的

invisible [ in5vizEbl ] adj. 看不见的,无形的,隐匿的

例句Germs are invisibleto the naked eye. 细菌是肉眼所看不见的。

infection [ in5fekFEn ] n. 传染(病),感染,影响

例句He suffered from a lung infection.他肺部受到了感染。

inference [ 5infErEns ] n. 推论,推理;结论,推断结果

例句What inferences can wedraw from these facts? 从这些事实中我们可以推出什么结论?

intensify [ in’tensifai ] v. 加强,增强,加剧

例句We must intensify oureducational work among our own troops. 我们必须加强自己部队的教育工作。

intermediate [ 7intE5mi:diEt ] adj. 中间的,居中的;中级的,中等程度的

例句①I think you can take an intermediated language course to improveyour English.


②Attemptsto substantiate the presence of the intermediate have not yet been fruitful.


搭配intermingle…with… 把…与…混合起来

intermingle with… 与…混合

lively [ 5laivli ] adj. 活泼的;生动的

例句The band played a livelytune. 乐队演奏了一支活泼的曲调。

likewise [ 5laik7waiz ] adv. 同样地

例句Watch him and do likewise. 注意看着他然后照样做。

loaf [ lEuf ] n. 一条(只)面包,块状食品

v. 消磨时间,闲逛

例句①Those who loaf all day and donothing are social parasites. 饱食终日却无所事事的人是社会上的寄生虫。

②He loafed on the job. 他拖拖拉拉地做工作。

lease [ li:s ] n. 租赁,租约


例句The lease on this houseexpires at the end of the year. 这房子的租约年底到期。

limp [ limp ] v. 瞒珊;一瘸一拐地走;缓慢而费力地行走

n. 跋行

adj. 柔软的,易弯曲的;柔弱的

例句He limped offthe football field. 他一瘸一拐地走出足球场。

搭配A limp handshake 无力的握手

limpopposition 微弱的反抗

lord [ lC:d ] n. 统治者,主人;贵族;(对某些高级官员的尊称)大人;(cap)耶稣基督,上帝

例句The blessing of the Lord be upon you all. 愿主赐福于你们大家。

派生lordship(n. 贵族身份;统治,支配;阁下)

establishment [ is5tAbliFmEnt ] n. 设立,制定;机构,企业,编制;家庭,住宅

例句These two hotels are both excellent establishments. 这两家旅馆都是出色的商业机构。

搭配the establishment ofdiplomatic relations 外交关系的建立

magnificent [ mA^5nifisnt ] adj. 富丽堂皇的,宏伟的,极好的

例句The Hungarian view is magnificent from the summit of the mountains.


搭配Magnificent Spectacle 大观;雄奇壮观;气势壮观

machinery [ mE5Fi:nEri ] n. (总称)机器,机械;(政府、政党等)机构

例句We can’t afford to haveall this expensive machinery lying idle.


manly [ 5mAnli ] adj. 男子气概的,适合男子的

例句He looks very manly in his uniform. 他穿着制服十分精神。

ministry [ 5ministri ] n. (政府的)部;牧师的职务,全体牧师

例句①My son wants to enter the ministry. 我的儿子想当牧师。

②The ministryof books is manifold. 书的用处很多。

miserable [ 5mizErEbl ] adj. 痛苦的,悲惨的;令人难受的,糟糕的;低劣的

例句This is the mostmiserable day in my life. 今天是我这一生中最遗憾的一天

justice [ 5dVQstis ] n. 公正,正义;法律裁判,司法

例句Itwas difficult to strike the right balance between justice and expediency. 在公正与私利之间很难两全。

搭配bringsb. to justice 将…绳之以法

negotiate [ ni5^EuFieit ] v. 谈判,协商

例句We’ve decided tonegotiate with the employers about our wage claims.


搭配negotiate with与…协商

nerve [ nE:v ] n. 勇气,胆量;神经

v. 鼓起勇气

例句He braced every nerve fora supreme effort. 他振作精神准备全力以赴。

norm [ nC:m ] n. 标准,规范,准则;(工作量)定额

例句Criminal behaviour seemsto be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。

nourish [ 5nQriF ] v. 滋养,养育;怀有(希望,怨恨等)

例句She has nourished thedream of becoming a movie star. 她曾怀有成为电影明星的梦想。

派生nourishment (n. 食物,营养品)

obligation [ 7Cbli5^eiFEn ] n. 责任,义务

例句Damagingthe goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. 损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。

搭配beunder an obligation (to do sth.) 有义务(做某事)

fulfil/meetone’s obligations 履行义务

occupation [ 7Ckju5peiFEn ] n. 职业;消遣;占有,占用,占领

例句①No one is yet in occupation of the house. 这所房子还没有人住进去。

②He was bored for lack of occupation. 他因无所事事而感到厌烦。

opposition [ CpE5ziFEn ] n. 反对,对抗;相反,对立;反对者,反对派;反对党,在野党

例句①We wish to know if you have anythingto say in opposition. 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。

②The opposition melted away after their leader died. 反对派的领袖去世后,他们很快就散伙了。

optical [ 5CptikEl ] adj. 视力的,视觉的;光学的

例句A mirage is anoptical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉。

搭配optical instruments 光学仪器

orderly [ 5C:dEli ] adj. 有秩序的;整洁的

n. (医院的)护理员,勤杂工

例句He gave an orderly answerto the teacher’s question. 他条理分明地回答了老师的问题。

outlook [ 5autluk ] n. 景色;前景,前途;观点,看法

例句Asprices have dropped lower and lower, the outlook looks black for many companiesin the city.


搭配abright [dark] outlook on life 光明向上[暗淡悲观]的人生观

anoutlook on [over] the sea 海景

overwhelm [ 5EuvE5welm ] v. 战胜,压倒,克服;(指感情)压倒,控制

例句①The village was overwhelmed whenthe floods came. 这个村庄在洪水泛滥时被淹没了。

②Your kindness quite overwhelmed me.你的好意使我感激难言。

搭配beoverwhelmed with grief, sorrow, despair 陷入悲哀﹑悲痛﹑绝望之中

panel [ 5pAnl ] n. (门窗上的)方格,镶板;仪器板;评议小组,讨论小组

例句A Membershould respond promptly and fully toany request by a panel for such information as the panel considers necessaryand appropriate.


parliament [ 5pB:lEmEnt ] n. 国会,议会

例句Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week. 议会将在下周辩论国有化议题。

派生parliamentary (adj. 议会的,国会)

pave [ peiv ] v. 筑(路),铺(路)

例句The road was paved withcobblestones. 那条路是用鹅卵石铺成的。

搭配pave the way for/to 为…铺平道路,使…容易进行

penalty [ 5penlti ] n. 惩罚,刑罚,罚款

例句He kicked a penalty goalin the football match. 在这场足球赛中,他主罚,踢进了一个球。

pension [ 5penFEn ] n. 养老金,抚恤金,退休金;津贴,补助金

例句Workers in China can allget a pension after they retire. 中国工人退休后都可领取养老金。

perceive [ pE5si:v ] v. 察觉,发觉;理解,领悟

例句I perceived his comment asa challenge. 我认为他的批评是对我的激励。

perfection [ pE5fekFEn ] n. 尽善尽美;完美的典型

例句He imitates people toperfection. 他模仿别人,惟妙惟肖。

搭配to perfection 完全地

permanent [ 5pE:mEnEnt ] adj. 永久的,持久的

例句He’sbeen temping for over a year now and wants a permanent job.


permission [ pE(:)5miFEn ] n. 许可,同意

例句You must ask permission ifyou want to leave early. 如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。

pin [ pin ] n. 别针,大头针;(AmE) 胸针,徽章

v. (用别针)别住;使固定

例句①The bank manager was really toblame, though he tried to pin it on a clerk.


②A safety pin has a metal coveringover the pointed end.


搭配pinsth. On 归罪,将错事或罪行归于…

pinit down 准确知道,证实

plentiful [ 5plentiful ] adj. 丰富的,充裕的

例句Food became more plentifuleach day. 食品一天天变得丰富起来。

plot [ plCt ] n. 情节;阴谋;(地)一块


例句①They are plotting to roba bank. 他们正在策划抢银行。

②The film had an exciting plot. 这部电影有吸引人的情节。

plow [ plau ] n.

v. 犁,耕;费力地前进

例句①The ground was plowed andplanted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。

②The farmer is at the plow. 那个农民在种田。

plug [ plQ^ ] n. 塞子,栓;电插头

v. 把…塞住

例句①She pulled the plug out of thebathtub and the dirty water ran away. 她把浴缸的塞子拔掉,脏水流走了。

②You can plug into theinternational computer network. 你可以连接上国际电脑网络。

搭配plug in 给…接通电源

poisonous [ 5pCiznEs ] adj. 有毒的,有害的

例句①The heat is simply poisonous. 热得令人无法忍受。

②This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities. 此药大量服用是有害的。

polish [ 5pCliF ] v. 磨光,擦亮;使完善,润饰

n. 上光剂;(磨后的)光泽

例句①Don’t polish those badges ; thegilt will wear off if you do. 不要擦那些徽章,否则光泽会给磨掉。

②This car polish is an effectiveshield against rust. 这种汽车上光蜡很有防锈作用。

搭配polish off (飞快地)完成

poll [ pEul ] n. 民意测验;选举投票;投票数


例句①The poll reported Labour to beleading. 民意测验显示工党领先。

②Mr. Hill polled over 3000 votes.希尔先生获得3000 多票。

pop [ pCp ] v. (使)砰地响;(突然)来,去,进,出


例句He popped in to say hello.他匆匆进来说声你好。

搭配pop off 睡着,(突然)死去

precise [ pri5sais ] adj. 精确的;恰好的

例句I am not clear about the precise bearing of the word in this passage.


preface [ 5prefis ] n. 前言,序

v. 给…作序,作为…的开始

例句①The preface of this book isvery brief. 这本书的序言非常简短。

②Sheprefaced her remarksby an apology. 她以道歉的话作为开场白。

privilege [ 5privilidV ] n. 特权,特殊权益,特殊荣幸

例句①She had led a life of luxuryand privilege. 她过著养尊处优的生活。

②This pass will privilege you toattend the closed hearings. 有了这张通行证你便可以出席不公开的听证会。

promising [ 5prCmisiN ] adj. 有希望的,有前途的,有出息的

例句The weather is promising. 天气可望好转。

pronounce [ prE5nauns ] v. 发…音;宣布,宣告

例句The expert pronouncedthe picture to be a forgery. 专家断言这幅画是膺品。

搭配pronounceagainst 对…表示反对

pure [ pjuE ] adj. 纯粹的,纯的;纯洁的,无邪的;完全的,彻底的

例句It was pure luckthat he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。

persist [ pE(:)5sist ] v. 坚持;持续

例句He persisted that he hadnothing to do with robbery. 他坚持说他与抢劫毫无关系。

rage [ reidV ] n. 盛怒,狂怒

例句Their barbaroustreatment of prisoners aroused great rage. 他们对犯人的残酷虐待激起了极大的愤怒。

搭配burst into rage 勃然大怒

realistic [ riE5listik ] adj. 现实主义的,现实主义者的;现实的,实际的,逼真的

例句They were much morerealistic about its long term commercial prospects.


realm [ relm ] n. 王国,国土;领域,范畴

例句He was banishedfrom the realm. 他被驱逐出境。

搭配within the realm ofpossibility 有可能的

the realm of literature and art 文学艺术领域

refine [ ri5fain ] v. 净化,精炼;使文雅,使高尚

例句The author is planning torefine on his work of five years ago. 作者打算把他5年前的著作修改得更完美些。

搭配refine on (或upon) (尤指在细节上)改进(方法、计划等),对…精益求精

refresh [ ri5freF ] v. 使精神振作,使神清气爽,给予新力量

例句I looked at the map torefresh my memory of the road. 我看着地图,想使自己回忆起那条道路。

搭配refresh one’s memory 勾起某人的回忆

refugee [ `ri:bekaIt ] n. 避难者,难民

例句Many refugees came fromEurope to America. 很多难民从欧洲来到美国。

refusal [ ri5fju:zEl ] n. 拒绝,不允

例句He shook his head in refusal.他摇头表示拒绝。

registration [ 7redVis5treiFEn ] n. 登记,注册,挂号;登记或注册的项目

例句The registration ofstudents for the course will begin on Thursday morning.


relativity [ 7relE5tiviti ] n. 相对性,相关性

例句They teach the relativity ofall ethical ideas. 他们宣扬一切道德观念的相对性。

relate [ ri5leit ] v. 叙述,讲;使…有关联;与…有关

例句Theyare related to eachother. 他们彼此之间有亲戚关系。

residence [ 5rezidEns ] n. 居住,居留;住宅,住处

例句Ilearned Spanish during my residencein Mexico. 我住在墨西哥时学会了西班牙语。

restraint [ ris5treint ] n. 抑制,克制;自制,拘泥

例句Her anger was beyond restraint.她怒不可遏。

revise [ ri5vaiz ] v. 校订,修订;修正,改变(看法、意向等);(BrE) 温习(尤指在考试前)

例句You should reviseyour idea about him. 你应该修改对他的看法。

ritual [ 5ritjuEl ] adj. 仪式的,祭典的

n. 仪式,祭典;惯例

例句Some religions employritual more than others. 有的宗教举行仪式时特别注重礼则。

rough [ rQf ] adj. 表面粗糙的,崎岖不平的;粗暴的,粗野的;概略的;艰难的,困难的

例句I feel a bit rough I’mgoing to bed. 我有点儿不舒服——想去睡觉了。

rouse [ rauz ] v. 唤醒,弄醒;激励,激起

例句He closed the door softlyso that he should not rouse anybody. 他关门很轻,以免吵醒别人。

搭配rouse sb./oneself toaction 激励某人(自己)行动起来

sacrifice [ 5sAkrifais ] n. 供奉,祭祀,祭品;牺牲(品)

v. 供奉,祭祀;牺牲

例句Thehigh priest sacrificed the goat on the altar. 大祭司把山羊供奉在祭坛上。

搭配at the sacrifice of 以牺牲…为代价

satisfactory [ 7sAtis5fAktEri ] adj. 令人满意的,良好的,圆满的

例句In fact, I’m sure that’sthe only satisfactory way out. 我想,事实上那是唯一令人满意的出路。

scatter [ 5skAtE(r) ] v. 使分散,使消散;散播,撒播

例句Don’t scatter garbage allover the place. 不要随地乱扔果皮纸屑。

scrape [ skreip ] v. 刮,削,擦,刮落,擦去;刮坏,擦伤;擦过,勉强通过n. 擦伤,擦痕

例句According to their ownaccounts, they had barely managed to scrape through.


搭配scrape through 勉强通过,擦过

seal [ si:l ] n. 海豹;印记,印章;封蜡,封铅,火漆

v. 盖章于,盖印于;封,密封,加封

例句Thisdocument carries the royal seal. 这份文件上盖有王室印章。

搭配set theseal on 确定下来;正式结束

session [ 5seFEn ] n. 会议,会期,开庭期;从事某项活动的一段时间

例句Severalbills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.


settlement [ 5setlmEnt ] n. 移民,殖民;(新的)定居点;解决,和解

例句There is no prospect of a settlement of the dispute. 这场纠纷根本不可能获得解决。

搭配cash settlement [金融]现金结算;[金融]现汇结算;现结

sew [ sju: ] v. 缝,缝纫,缝合

例句Would you sew on thisbutton/sew this button onto my shirt? 请你把这颗钮扣缝在我的上衣上好吗?

sharpen [ 5FB:pEn ] v. 使尖锐,使急剧

例句The soldiers sharpened uptheir knives. 战士们把刀磨得锋利。

搭配Debatessharpen one’s wits 辩论增长才智

sharpen one’s knife for sb. 准备惩罚(攻击)某人

to sharpen a knife 磨

sharpen a pencil 削铅笔/sharpen a knife 磨刀

shed [ Fed ] n. 棚,小(木)屋

v. 流出,流下;脱落;散开,放射

例句I did not see her shed atear. 我没有看见她流过一滴眼泪。

搭配shed light on 阐明;使…清楚地显出

shedcrocodile tears [谚]猫哭老鼠;假慈悲

shore [ FC:, FCE ] n. (河、湖·海等的)岸,滨

例句The sailor was held upwhile he was on shore. 那个水手在岸上遭到抢劫。

搭配off shore 离岸不远

on shore 在岸上

slice [ slais ] n. 薄片,切片,一片

v. 把…切成薄片

例句One side of the hill hadbeen sliced off. 山坡一侧给削平了。

spark [ spa:k ] n. 火星,火花,电花

v. 发出火花,闪出电花;导致,引起

例句The discovery sparked us to further study. 这个发现鼓舞了我们去作进一步的研究。

stack [ stAk ] n. 整齐叠起的一堆;干草垛

例句The floor was stacked upwith books. 地板上堆满了书。

搭配a stack of 一堆;一摞

protocol stack 协议栈;协定堆

stack up 堆积;累计;加起来

stain [ stein ] n. 污点,污迹;污点,耻辱

v. 站污,染污

例句The coffee stained hisshirt brown. 咖啡把他的衬衫染上了棕色。

stake [ steik ] n. 桩,柱;利害关系;赌注,赌金

例句Detectives have beenstaking out the house for two days now. 警方的侦查人员已对这座房子监视两天了。

搭配at stake 在危险中;利害攸关

stamp [ stamp ] n. 邮票,印花;印章,图章;踩,跺,顿足;印记,图记

v. 跺(脚),顿足;压印,盖章

例句He stamped his name on allhis books. 他在他所有的书上都盖上自己的名字。

stir [ stE: ] v. 搅和,搅拌;(使)轻轻地移动,动;激起,使激动

n. 搅拌,搅和;骚动,群情激动

例句The news caused quite a stirin the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。

搭配stir sb.’s interest in sth.引起某人对某事的兴趣

stir up激起,引起

striking [ 5straikiN ] adj. 引人注目的,显著的

例句His striking good looksand charm made him very popular. 他那十分漂亮的相貌和魅力使他很受欢迎。

string [ striN ] n. 细绳,带子;乐器的弦;以线串成之物,一串,一列

v. 缚,扎,穿;上弦

例句Shedecided to string along with the others as she had nothing else to do.


stroke [ strEuk ] n. 打击;身体上部及手臂的活动,一击,一挥;笔画;钟声,敲击声;中风

v. 抚摸

例句He drove in the nail withone stroke of the hammer. 他铁锤一敲就把钉子钉进去。

搭配a stroke of paralysis中风

in one stroke 一下子

suck [ sQk ] v. 吸,啜,吮,咂


例句Don’t suck your thumb; it’sso dirty. 别舔手指头,太脏了。

supervise [ 5sju:pEvaiz ] v. 监督,管理,指导

例句Hisfirm had sent him to supervise some changes in the Roffe villa.


surge [ sE:dV ] v. 在浪涛中或如同波浪般前进;急剧上升

n. 向前或向上的运动;突然发生,激增

例句①A surge of innovation intechniques is on the horizon. 技术改进的浪潮即将出现。

②The front desk must prepare for a surge of arrving guests. 总服务台应为大批顾客的蜂拥而至作好准备。

swell [ swel ] v. 膨胀,增大;(使)鼓起

例句His ankles began to swell.他的脚踝肿起来了

swing [ swiN ] v. (使)来回摆动,摇荡;(使)旋转,(使)回旋

n. 摇摆,摆动,旋转,回旋;秋千

例句He swung round to confronthis accusers. 他突然转过身来面对著那些指控他的人

搭配in full swing 全面展开

spin [ spin ] v. 纺纱;(使)快速旋转;杜撰,撰述

n. 旋转

例句The motorcycles were spinningalong at full speed. 摩托车正全速疾驰。

pessimistic [ 7pesi5mistik ] adj. 悲观的,悲观主义者的,厌世的

例句I have to say I’m rather pessimistic. 我得说我相当悲观。

underline [ 7QndE5lain ] v. 在…下面划线;强调,加强

例句①She underlined her disapproval of the proceedings bywalking out.


②Strikes by prison officers underline the need for reform in our gaols.


undermine [ 7QndE5main ] v. 损毁…的地基;削弱;逐渐摧毁

例句①The house is unsafe since the foundation wasundermined by floods.


②The President’s enemies arespreading rumours to undermine his authority.


undo [ 5Qn5du: ] v. 解开,打开,使松开;取消,消除

例句He has undonethe good work of his predecessor. 他已毁了他前任取得的良好成就。

unite [ ju(:)5nait ] v. 使粘合,使混合;使联合,使统一

例句She unitescommon sense and vision. 她兼具常识与见识。

unity [ 5ju:niti ] n. 单一,统一,一体;统一的事物,整体;(目标、思想、情感等)和谐,协调,团结

例句There is a need forgreater unity in the party. 党内有必要加强团结。

controversial [ 7kCntrE5vE:FEl ] adj. 争论的,引起争论的,可疑的

例句This is acontroversial issue in our times. 这在我们的时代中是一个争论的议题。

conversely [ 5kRnvE:sli ] adv. 相反地,逆地

例句Ididn’t say I am against him, conversely, I agree with all he said. 我没说过我反对他,相反,我非常赞成他。

practically [ 5prAktikEli ] adj. 实际上,几乎

例句①She’s practically always late forwork. 她几乎每天上班都迟到。

②Their provisions were practicallygone. 他们的粮食几乎没有了。

publicity [ pQb5lisiti ] n. 公开,宣传,宣扬

例句①She gained publicity for hersuccess in literature. 她因文学上的成就而出了名。

②The movie was released in a blazeof publicity. 这部电影在众人的广为注目下发行了。

undoubtedly [ Qn5dautidli ] adv. 勿庸置疑地,的确地,无疑,必定

例句Therewill undoubtedly be trouble with the unions if the union leader is dismissed.


specifically [ spi5sifikEli ] adv. 特定的;明确的

例句The doctor advised himspecifically not to eat fatty food. 医生特别劝他不要吃多脂肪的食物。 ndTOn4OqLkAKixt4BOALgfE1exzNyyOMSRxfU0y8AC80SphypQtE+MV/4VOR8fAy
