

wrong-doing (正式) 损害;伤害;错事。The storm did a lot of mischief to the crops. 暴风雨给农作物造成很大损害。这个词还可以表示调皮;捣蛋;恶作剧。If his parents leave him alone for five minutes, the little boy gets into mischief. 只要这个小男孩儿的父母让他单独呆上五分钟,他就会调皮捣蛋。

Moral of the sentence:小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

73、Be patient in adversity and cautious in prosperity.


patient, having or showing the ability to bear long waiting, or anything unpleasant, calmly and without complaining, 耐心的;忍耐的;容忍的。它的反义词是impatient不耐烦的,急躁的。patient做名词使用时表示 (接受医生治疗和/或住院的) 病人。

adversity, (an example of) bad fortune; trouble, 厄运;逆境;患难。A good friend will not desert you in time of adversity. 好朋友不会在患难时抛弃你。to meet with adversities遭遇不幸。

cautious, careful; paying attention; having or showing caution, 小心的;谨慎的;小心翼翼的。

prosperity, good fortune and success, esp. in money matters, 繁荣;昌盛;兴隆 (在金钱方面) 。

74、The bee sucks honey out of the bitterest flowers.  蜜蜂能从最苦的花里吸吮出蜜来。

bee, 蜜蜂。这个词还有一个很特别的解释,表示固执的看法。He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods. 对于保健食品他有一套固执的看法。a bee in one’ s bonnet这个词组通常用于非正式文体。

suck, to draw (liquid) into the mouth by using the lips and muscles at the side of the mouth, 吮吸,吸。to suck milk through a straw用吸管吸牛奶。

honey, 在这里是指蜂蜜。在日常生活中,我们通常听到英语国家的人在夫妻之间,或亲密朋友间,也会用到这个词,表示亲爱的意思,相当于darling。

bitter, 就是表示苦涩的,苦味的。bittersweet又甜又苦的,bittersweet memories of childhood对甜蜜而又辛酸的童年的回忆。

75、Conscience is nothing but other people inside you. ----Pirandello


conscience means person’ s awareness of right and wrong with regard to his own thoughts and actions. 是指良心、是非感的意思。我们常说的问心无愧就是:have a clear conscience例如:I must go. It’ s a matter of conscience, i. e. I think it would be morally wrong not to go. 我必须去。这是有关良心的事,不去对不起自己的良心。

Nothing but means only. 是指仅仅,只不过的意思。例如:Nothing but a miracle can save her now. 现在只有奇迹出现她才能得救。I want nothing but the best for my children. 我要把最好的给我的孩子。

76、Care is beauty’ s thief.   忧愁是偷盗美貌的贼。(哈哈,太直白了)

Care通常是照顾;管理;或是小心的意思。比如:Give more care to your spelling. 多注意你的拼写。在这里care是指忧虑;烦恼;挂念。我们来看一些例子:be free from all care无忧无虑/Care had aged him. 忧虑使他显得苍老了。

Beauty,是beautiful的名词形式,解释为美,美人,优美,美貌。大家一定看过一部电影叫《美女与野兽》吧?它的英语表达就是beauty and the beast. 还有现在比较讲究的自然美也可以翻译成natural beauty.

Thief, 是指小偷,偷窃犯。A gang of thieves一伙窃贼。/ Stop thief捉贼。

与第70句参照:Groom and sadness are poisons to the soul.

77、A cent of mirth is worth a dollar of grief.   一分欢乐抵千愁。

这里的 a cent of 和 a dollar of 都是抽象的量词,不能直译为一美分、一美元,在这里只是为了强调两者在量上的差异。

Mirth, 欢乐,高兴,欢笑。His jokes caused great mirth among his companions. 他说的笑话引得同伴们哈哈大笑。它的形容词形式是 mirthful. a mirthful laugh欢乐的笑声。

Grief表示悲伤,悲痛。She had to hide her grief. 她不得不掩饰自己的悲痛。

78、Calamity is man’ s true touchstone.  灾难是对人的真正考验。/患难见人心

Calamity, 灾难;灾祸。Natural calamities 自然灾害。Calamity howler 预言祸事者;杞人忧天者;悲观论者。例句:It is not his custom to look out for distant calamities. 将来会发生些什么不幸的事,他从不远虑。

Touchstone, 解释为试金石,或是检验标准,检验手段。比如:Adversity is the touchstone of friendship. 患难见真情。在这个谚语中就解释为考验。

79、A bad workman always blames his tools.   蹩脚的工匠总责怪工具不好。

Workman, someone who does physical work such as building, repairing things etc. 工人,劳动者;工作者;工匠。在这里我们再来学习关于work的几个引申词,worklike 工作熟练的;有技巧的;workship 手艺;工艺;工作质量;做工。A splendid piece of workship 一件绝妙的工艺品。

Blame, to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad. 责怪,谴责;找…的差错。It’ s not fair to blame me. It’ s not my fault we lost. 我们迷路不是我的错,不能怪罪于我。

Tool, something such as a hammer that you hold in your hand and use to do a particular job. 工具,器械。Rob didn’ t have the right tool to repair the engine.

80、Best defense is offence.   进攻是最好的防御

Defense, the American spelling of defence, it means the act of protecting something or someone from attack. 防御;防卫;防护。Air defense防空/ frontier defense边防/ defense and offence strategies and tactics 防守和进攻的战略战术。

Offence, the act of attacking, 进攻,攻击。Weapons of offense 进攻性武器。

81、When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes pretty little package. ---Ruskin


wrap means arrange or fold (something) about as cover or protection: 包裹,整理或折叠 (某物) 作为封皮或护套的意思。例如:She wrapped her fur coat closely about herself.  她用皮大衣把自己紧紧裹起来。


wrap up, means bring to a conclusion; settle finally or successfully, 是得出结论、最终或成功地解决的意思。例如:wrap up a business deal. 做成一笔交易。

be wrapped up in,means completely immersed or absorbed in, 是指全神贯注于、完全沉浸于或专注于的意思。例如:She is wrapped up in her studies. 她埋头苦读。

82、Idleness is the root of all evils.   懒惰是万恶之源。

Idleness, to spend time doing nothing, 是形容词idle的名词形式,解释为懒散的;无所事事的。An idle fellow 游手好闲的家伙。表示懒散的词还有 laze; indolence; lentitude 等等。

Root, the main cause of a problem, 根源,来源。Social (historical, ideological) roots社会 (历史,思想) 根源。Be the root of sth, 表示 “是产生什么的根源” 。

Evil, a very harmful or unpleasant influence or effect, 邪恶,罪恶。Do no evil. 不干坏事;不作恶。Colonialism is an evil. 殖民主义是一种罪恶

83、Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations. ----Mackingtosh


condense means to make more concise; abridge or shorten. 精简、使更简结;删节或缩短的意思。例如:A long story may be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事可缩写成几句话。

Sense of这是一个常用的短语,例如:sense of direction 方向感;sense of humor 幽默感

格言这个词有很多种译法:adage/aphorism/byword/dicta/dictum/gnome/maxim/proverb/watchword 等。

84、Caution is the parent of safety.   谨慎为安全之本。

Caution, the quality of being very careful, not taking any risks, and trying to avoid danger, 小心,谨慎。We must proceed with caution. 我们必须小心行事。

Parent, the father or mother of a person or animal. 一个人的父亲或是母亲。例句:I don’ t really get on with my boy-friend’ s parents. 我和我男友的父母亲真的很合不来。在这里parent并非此意,而是一种引申的用法,the parent of 表示是…之本。

Safety, means the state of not being dangerous or likely to cause harm or injury, 安全,平安,保险。例句:My main concern is for the safety of my family. 我主要关心的是家人的安全问题。/She led the children to a place of safety. 她把孩子们带到了安全的地方。

85、Learning is the enterprise of a lifetime. ----Wilson  学习是终身的事业。

enterprise means an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk. 是指一项事业,尤指一项雄心勃勃、复杂、且具危险性的事业。

enterprise also means a business organization. 企业商业机构

它还可以指Industrious, systematic activity, especially when directed toward profit: 干事业勤奋,有系统的活动,尤为以获得利益为目的的意思。


embark in [upon] an enterprise  举办企业

manage an enterprise  管理企业

the criminal enterprise  罪恶行径

a man of enterprise  有事业进取心的人

a spirit of enterprise  进取精神

undertake [take on] an enterprise  创办事业

86、Almost any situation---good or bad---is affected by the attitude we bring to. ---Seneca


affect means to have an influence on or effect a change in, 是指影响或使发生变化的意思。例如:Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar. 通货膨胀影响美元的购买能力。

affect also means to attack or infect, as a disease, 是指疾病侵袭或感染的意思。例如:Rheumatic fever can affect the heart. 风湿热能感染心脏。

下面我们来看一下以下几个词汇:affect、effect、influence, 它们作为动词, 都含 “影响” 的意思。

affect指 “产生的影响之大足以引起反应”, 着重 “影响” 的动作, 有时含有 “对... 产生不利影响” 的意思, 如: This article will affect my thinking. 这篇文章将会影响我的思想。

effect指 “实现” 、 “达成”, 着重 “造成” 一种特殊的效果, 如: This book effected a change in my opinion.  这本书使我的看法起了变化。

influence指 “通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的, 潜移默化的影响”, 如: Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine. 在一位中学生物教师的影响下, 他从事医学研究。

87、The ocean is formed of little streams, what is great in the end has humble origins. ----Mahinda  大海源于溪流,伟大始于卑微。


form of sth呈现形式,体态

bad form失礼的行为

a form of address称呼

form sb/sth into sth将 (某人/某物) 按一定顺序排列

form (sb) up将 (某人) 编入队伍

88、Envy is the sincerest form of flattery.   羡慕就是由衷的奉承。

Envy, the feeling of wanting something that someone else has. 妒忌,羡慕。来看一个例句:He feels envy towards his sister. 他嫉妒他妹妹。

Sincerest, 是sincere的最高级形式。Sincere, a feeling, belief, statement etc that is sincere is honest and true, and based on what you really feel and believe. 真诚的;诚心诚意的;诚挚的。

Form, a type of something, that exists in many different types. 形式,样式。

Flattery, insincere praise. 奉承;恭维;诌媚。Flattery will get you nowhere! 奉承话对你没有什么好处

89、We must beat the iron while it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure. ---Drydon


polish means make smooth and shiny by rubbing or chemical action: 磨光、擦亮,例如:polished the silver and the brass.   擦亮银器和铜器。

polish also means remove flaws from; perfect or complete, 指去除缺点;使完美或完善的意思。例如:polishing one’ s piano technique; polished up the lyrics.  提高某人的钢琴演奏技艺,给歌词润色。


polish away [off, out]   擦去

polish off  急急忙忙做完 (工作等); 很快吃完 (食物) ; [俚] 杀死, 干掉; 打败 (对手)

polish the apple 讨人欢心; 拍马屁

polish up  擦得亮亮的;装饰一新;改善, 提高

90、A grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft.   一分谨慎胜于十分心计。

Grain, 原意是谷物,谷类;也可以解释为粒子,细粒;晶粒。在这里a grain of是比喻的说法,解释为些微,一点儿。例句:They don’ t have a grain of common sense between them. 他们一点都不认识。

Prudence, a sensible and careful attitude that makes you avoid unnecessary risks. 谨慎,慎重,深谋远虑。例句:The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude and perseverance. 这个时代比以前任何时候都需要我们最大的谨慎、沉着、坚强和毅力。

A pound of在这里和前面的a grain of是一样的用法,在这里起比较作用,区分两者在数量上的差别。

Craft, 通常解释为收益,工艺。比如:the potter’ s craft 陶工的技艺。在这里它用作贬义,表示手腕,诡计。譬如:a man full of craft诡计多端的人。

91、He that sips of many arts, drinks none. ----Fuller 什么都学的人,什么也学不到。


sip means drink in small quantities. 指呷小口的喝。例如:

She sipped the hot tea.   她呷了一口热茶。

drink means take into the mouth and swallow, 是指饮放入口中并吞咽的意思。例如:

drank a cup of tea.   喝一杯茶

92、Comparisons make enemies of our friends.   朋友相比成仇敌。

Comparison, the process of comparing two people or things. 是动词compare的名词形式,也是解释为比较,对照。Beyond comparison 无与伦比。/ Comparisons are odious. 人比人气死人。

Enemy, someone who hates you and wants to harm you. 敌人,仇敌,仇人。A public enemy (社会或国家的) 公敌; (公众协助查缉的) 要犯。/ the No. 1 enemy头号敌人。

Make an enemy of sb. / make enemies of sb. 表示和某人成为敌人。例句:Jake and Paul have been enemies of years. 杰克和保罗已是多年的仇敌了。

93、Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families.   家规再严,丑事难免。

Accident, something that happens without anyone planning or intending it, 原意是指事故,意外事件。比如:I ‘m really sorry about your camera-it was an accident. 我真的很抱歉把你的相机弄坏了,纯粹是个意外。在这里联系句子上下意思,就应解释为坏事;有背于家规的事情。

Regulate, to control an activity or process, especially by rules, 制定,节制,调整。Regulated, 是形容词,就可以解释为有规矩的,有条例的。因此在这里best-regulated, 就是家规很严的,家教好的意思。

94、Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship. ---Emerson



1. give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against:

背叛,出卖给敌方提供帮助或情报;通敌叛国。例如:betray one’ s country. 背叛祖国

2. deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance:

出卖违背信任或忠诚地送给敌方。例如:betrayed Christ to the Romans. 将耶稣出卖给罗马人

3. be false or disloyal to:

背信或不忠实。例如:betrayed their cause; betray one’ s better nature. 不忠实他们的事业;背离善良本性

4. divulge in a breach of confidence:

以违背信任而泄露。例如:betray a secret. 泄露秘密

5. make known unintentionally:

无意识地暴露。例如:Her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea. 她的大笑显示了她对此观点的蔑视

95、The best remedy for an injury is to forget it. 治愈创伤最好的疗法是遗忘。

Remedy, a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious,疗法;药物。An excellent remedy for period pains,治疗周期性疼痛的特效药。例句:Take a vacation; it’ s a good remedy for unhappiness. 休假,这是治疗不高兴的好办法。

Injury, it’ s the noun form of injure, it means a wound or damage to part of our body caused by an accident or attack,伤害,损害。Insurance against injury at work工伤保险。例句:he suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs. 他的胳膊和腿都受了重伤。/injure to one’ s pride 这里的injure是一种比喻的用法,表示伤害了个人的自尊心。

96、Man should keep his friendship in constant repair. ---Johnson


constant means continually occurring; persistent. 是指持续的连续发生的;持续不断的意思。例如:constant rain绵绵不断的雨;constant trouble 时常发生的麻烦。

immutable、unchangeable、constant 这几个词,它们都含有不变的意思。

97、Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. ----Syrus


admonish means counsel (another) against something to be avoided; caution. 警告某人劝告 (他人) 不要做应避免的事;警告。例如:He admonished those frantic football fans to change their wicked ways. 他告诫那些疯狂的足球迷们改变那种捣蛋的做法。

praise means expression of approval, commendation, or admiration. 称赞,赞赏表达赞同、赞扬或仰慕。例如:She praised her daughter’ s hard work. 她赞扬女儿的辛勤工作。


praise be谢天谢地,例如:At last I’ ve found you, praise be! 谢天谢地,总算找到你了!

praise、eulogize、commend 的用法,它们都含 “赞扬” 的意思。

98、Every tragedy makes heroes of common people. ---Stephens


这里我们来看一下悲剧,喜剧,正剧 (悲喜剧) 的表达方法。

tragedy means a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, a moral weakness, or an inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. 是指悲剧戏剧或文学作品,其中的主要人物走向毁灭或遭受极端的痛苦,尤其是因悲剧性缺陷、道德弱点或无力应付不利环境而造成的后果。例如:tragedy queen 悲剧女演员

comedy means a dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict. 是指喜剧,轻松的和常有幽默感的或在调子上是讽刺的戏剧作品,常包括主题冲突的圆满解决。

例如:a comedy writer; 喜剧作家; a comedy show. 喜剧表演

tragicomedy means a drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy. 是指悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作。

99、Woe is me. Me thinks I’ m turning into a god. ---Vespasian


woe means deep distress or misery, as from grief; wretchedness. 是指悲惨或悲哀、深深的痛苦或苦恼,如因悲伤;不幸。

Woe also means misfortune; calamity, 是指不幸;灾难的意思。例如:economic and political woes. 经济和政治的灾难。


W-is me! (=W-to me! )   我真不幸!

W- (be) to sb. (=W-betide sb.! )    (诅咒语) 愿某人倒霉!

W-worth the day!   今天真倒霉!

methinks (one word) vi. (past tense, methought) =it seems to me 我想,我认为,是一个古老的用法了。

100、Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. ---Fielding



1. A publicized incident that brings about disgrace or offends the moral sensibilities of society: 丑闻带来不光彩或触犯社会道德标准的公开事件。

例如:a drug scandal that forced the mayor’ s resignation.  导致市长辞职的毒品丑闻。

There was a great scandal when we found out that the doctor had been sent to prison for stealing.  我们发现这位医生因偷盗而被送进监狱,真是个大丑闻。

2. A person, thing, or circumstance that causes or ought to cause disgrace or outrage:


例如:considered the housing shortage a scandal. 认为住房短缺是个丢脸的事。

3. Damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly improper behavior; disgrace.


4. Talk that is damaging to one’ s character; malicious gossip.


101、Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.   无知的热情近乎愚蠢。

Zeal-eagerness to do something, especially to achieve a particular religious or political aim,热心, 热情, 热诚。如:revolutionary zeal 革命的热情

Sister,姐妹,姐,妹。sister city 姐妹城市,友好城市;sister company 姊妹公司。在这里,be the sister of something的结构,表示 “和…情况相似,一样” 的意思。

Folly–a very stupid thing to do, especially one that is likely to have serious results. 愚蠢,荒唐事。

102、A burnt child dreads the fire.  一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草绳。

Burnt-damaged or hurt by burning, 烧伤的, 烧毁的, 烧坏的。

Example: The cake’ s a little bit burnt, I’ m afraid. 我想这蛋糕有点烧焦了。

Dread-to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or you think will happen in the future, 惧怕, 担心。

Example: I’ ve got an interview tomorrow and I’ m dreading it. 我明天要参加面视,真有点担心。

103、Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul. ---Whiteman



tickle means to touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements. 使觉得痒轻轻地触摸身体以引起发笑或扭动的动作.

例如:I tickled the baby’ s feet and made her laugh. 我胳肢孩子的脚, 使她发笑。

Tickle also means to tease or excite pleasurably; titillate: 逗乐,高兴地打趣或刺激;使愉快

例如:suspense that tickles the reader’ s curiosity.  激起读者好奇心的悬念

104、A drowning man will catch at a straw.  人快淹死时,稻草也要抓。(病急乱投医)

Drown-to die from being under water for too long or to kill someone in this way, 把…淹死;淹没;浸湿。举例:The river used to overflood, drowning whole villages. 过去这条河常常泛滥,淹没整个村庄。

Catch这个词既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词。做不及物动词时的用法有:catch on; catch up; catch at; catch out等等。

Straw, 稻草,麦杆。举例:strawberry草莓/ straw color淡黄色/ straw man被当作挡箭牌的人

105、A still tongue makes a wise head.  寡言为智。


这里的still是做形容词,it means quiet, calm, and without any activity,静止的,平静的。举例:in the still of night,在寂静的夜晚。

tongue,语言,舌头。比如:on the tip of (one’ s) tongue,表示就要说出某事,在被回忆出或表达出来的边缘。

wise,英明的,明智的,慎虑的。举例:a wise decision审慎的决定/ a wise leader英明的领导人。


be swift to hear, slow to speak 多听少讲; 多用耳朵, 少用嘴巴

106、Why do you weep? Did you think I was immortal? ----Louis


weep means to shed (tears) as an expression of emotion, 是指流泪,作为激情的一种表达方式。例如:weep bitter tears of remorse. 流下悔恨痛苦的泪水

weep also means to express grief or anguish for; lament, 表示哀悼、悲伤,为…表达悲伤或愤怒;哀悼。例如:wept the death of the child. 哀悼孩子的死亡

weep another means to bring to a specified condition by weeping, 是指哭泣,流泪哭…到某种特定状态。例如:She wept herself into a state of exhaustion. 她哭累了。


weep oneself [one’ s heart] out 尽情痛哭; 哭得死去活来

weep out 边哭边说; 用哭来发泄 (感情)

107、I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.  ----Napoleon



He hesitated before going into the meeting room. 他犹豫了一下才走进会议室。

He hesitated between the choice over the two books. 这两本书中他不知该选哪一本才好。

hesitate to do something是指觉得也许不该做某事,或者有疑虑。

He hesitated to ruin the show. 他怕把演出搞砸了。

也常常用否定形式来鼓励他人做某事,例如:Don’ t hesitate to phone if you have any problems. 如有问题,请随时来电查询。

与之参照:We should look before we leap. 我们应该三思而行。

108、Wherever true valor is found, true modesty will there abound. ----Gilbert


abound means be fully supplied or filled; teem. 是指充满丰富储备或完全装满;充满的意思。例如:Streams abound with fish. 河里鱼很多。这个词常用的固定搭配有:

abound in with  盛产, 富于; 充满, 多

abound in one’ s own sense  坚持自己的意见; 按自己判断独立行动。

这里,我们来看一下teem这个词,它的意思也是充满东西;丰富或充满的意思。例如:A drop of water teems with microorganisms. 充满微生物的一滴水。a street teeming with pedestrians; 挤满行人的街道。teem常和介词with连用,指聚集;盛产;充满,富于的意思。

109、The grass is always greener (on the other side of the fence).

Definition: What you don’ t have always looks better than what you have.

和这个惯用语基本相当的中文说法是 “这山望着那山高” 。常常只说The grass is always greener, 而省略后面的on the other side of the fence.

Example Dialog:

Sandra: How are things going with your new job?

Lisa: Not bad. But not as wonderful as I’ d expected before I secured it.

Sandra: Well, I understand that. You know, the grass is always greener.

110、As soon as you trust yourself you will know how to live. -----Goethe


在这里,trust是信任,信赖的意思。例如:Don’ t trust him,he’ s not telling the truth. 不要相信他,他说得不是真话。

Trust in sb/sth, 指相信某人或某物。例如:You must trust in your own judgment. 你得相信自己的判断力。

Trust to sth是指依靠 (运气等) 的意思,At such times you have to trust to instinct. 在这种情况下就只能凭直觉办事了。

我们常说的智囊团,就是 brain trust。

111、If you love me, let it be for naught, except for love’ s sake only. ----Browning


naught means nothingness, 表示什么也没有的意思。例如:All their work was for naught. 他们所有的工作都只是白做。

naught常用的短语有 come to naught = go for naught 毫无结果; 等于零; 终归失败。

naught还有零的意思。例如:Put two naughts after a six to make six hundred. 在6后面加两个零成为600。

for the sake of是说为了…缘故的意思。例如:Never do wrong for the sake of money. 绝不要为金钱做坏事。

112、Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance. ----Hugo


frank是指坦诚的,明显的意思。例如:Will you be quite frank with me about this matter? 常用的短语是:be frank with you, 明白对你说, 老实说。 L/kSfzKdoPjjFNpV/qq9uut6Mh6oQ58LcbDMioMoukes9Xgw5UynnVCj+qw//Clx
