1. Would you mind if I ask you a personal question? Are you still single?
2. Have you got a Flower Guardian, someone who cares for you? You are just like a beautiful flower in my mind. gXL中国英语学习网
你有护花使者了吗? 因为在我心目中你就像花一样。
3. I like a line from Titanic very much: You jump, and I will jump.
4. Another line I like very much is from Inside Detective 008: Are you hungry? Shall I make a bowl of noodle for you?
另一句我喜欢的电影对白是《大内密探008》里的: 肚子饿不饿,要不要我给你煮碗面吃?
5. The favorite scene I like is in a novel by Lu Yao. In the remote country, a boy fell in love with a girl. He handed her a piece of paper with only one line on it which read I Want To Be Good With You.
但是我最喜欢的是路遥小说里的一个场景:在一个僻远的乡村,一个小伙子喜欢上一个姑娘,他给他写了一个小纸条,上面只有一句话: “俺想和你好” 。