

10. Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.

11. Find a way to authentically encourage someone in their efforts with a “you can do it!” comment. Believe in them and show it.

12. Invite someone over (or a group of someone’ s) that you would like to get to know: set a specific time and day for a dinner together. The world could use more socializing. What about you? Take the initiative and make the invitation to a new friendship.

13. Give your spouse a physical sign of affection for 30 seconds in public. Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss. It is good for children to see their parents comfortable with quick displays of affection, and great for strengthening intimacy in marriage. Imagine how closeness might grow in marriages if every couple deliberately showed affection for 30 seconds? Better yet, do it several times a day.

14. Learn 1 new word (preferably from a different language than you already know) or learn a quick and wonderful fact about another culture or country.

15. Write a check for 10% of your monthly income and place it in the mailbox. Send it to your church, a charity, or a worthy cause, but give it away.

16. Pray every morning for 30 seconds to conquer your fear and courageously face all your opportunities, keep your mind open in setting goals and keep your attitude positive. Quickly judge your plan for the day against your priorities (be sure your choices fit with your focus-remember in business and for your family, time is one of your most valuable assets). After the 30 seconds, you may be inspired to make a change.

17. Ask someone “how are you doing?” and then be ready to truly listen.

18. Put $20 in an envelope (or $50 or $100), write “from anonymous”, and secretly (and quickly, to fit in 30 seconds) leave it with someone you know could use it. Doing good deeds without public recognition feels great... Try it and see!

19. Do something quick for the environment: refuse food in Styrofoam, tear apart those plastic things that go around cans and choke birds, or help an animal in distress break free, etc.

20. Choose a great breakfast (your best energy starts with a 30 second decision). Choose to eat no sugar and foods low in starch. Eat more protein and fruit. Start your day right to be more productive.

21. If you have been indoors, get out and feel the sunshine on your face for 30 seconds-it will elevate your mood quickly (if it is 100 degrees outside then feel the sunshine from a more comfortable temperature if possible).

22. Say yes to giving a charitable donation at your local merchant when asked (give one more time than you had planned to give).

23. Register to vote. Just fill out a 30 second card! As you follow this or any registration process of your country, determine to take advantage of the opportunity to vote when it comes, if you are able to do so.

24. Plant a seed (or plant a plant or tree if you have the skills to do so this quickly). Imagine if millions did this at once…

25. Turn off the lights in a room where you are not (turn off the water when not in use, etc. ). Every 30 seconds matters.

26. Place a bag by your trash and put a recyclable item inside it. Congratulations, you have now started recycling!

27. Stop any bad habit in 30 seconds. Then keep repeating at 30 second intervals.

28. Seek out laughter and laugh for 30 seconds. Repeat as needed to release tension.

29. Drink water.

30. Imagine for 30 seconds being content with everything you have. Then imagine balancing contentment with striving to continue God’ s purpose in you, take an attitude of perseverance, and determine to go for it!

态度是成功的基石。一个人如果既乐于分享,又态度积极,则其前途不可限量。如果你改变了你的态度,就等于改变了你对事物的理解,改变了你的行动,随之将改变你的生活。当每一个人的生命发生变化时,你就改变了世界。在Word press上写博客的Lorelle挑战众博客写作者们列出一个包含30件可以在30秒钟内完成的事情清单。试想一下,如果成百万甚至上亿的人们仅仅做了其中的一件,世界将会有多么大的不一样!延续我的博客推动个人成长的主题,我集中了一些你可以在30秒或更少的时间内完成来完善自己或他人的事情。设想一下每个人立刻做了其中的一些事情会如何。清单如下:

1. 改变你的语气。只用30秒,使用更柔和、更冷静的语气,或是任何一种听上去更舒服的说话方式。你也许会为所发生的一切感到惊讶。比如,你是否了解,在孩子们的心目中,用柔和的声调给出清楚的指示比大吼大叫更能让你获得威严。如果在一次商业交易中出师不利,可以尝试在接下来的30秒内使用更平和的语调,然后观察这能否促使事情更快地得到解决。

2. 选择一个你已经放弃的想法,然后重新思考它。用30秒的时间考虑再试一次。是否曾经有一项发明,一个项目,或是某些任务令人望而生畏,或是让人沮丧?选择其中一个,然后再次捡起它。想想看,如果每个人都鼓足勇气,在自己具备才能的方面充分运用了上天赋予的创造力,将会给这个世界带来多少新的东西?

3. 用30秒钟,给他人一次机会。也许只需要再倾听一遍,重新调整一下第一印象,或是再用一次机会去发现他们是否已经作出改变。你会感到惊奇的。

4. 告诉你的孩子们 “我爱你” 或 “我为你感到骄傲” 。让这样的表达成为一次有意义的事件,看着他们的眼睛,让他们知道他们对你来说有多么重要。这样做将意义非凡。想想如果所有的父母每天花30秒的时间对他们的孩子们说一些肯定的话,世界将会如何。

5. 下次你再发现自己在急切等待他人对你的肯定,而又不可能立即拥有的时候,用30秒来为你已经完成的事情感谢上帝。这能迅速改变你的态度。

6. 用30秒,站得更直,将你的头高高抬起。直视他人,自信地行走。有没有发现这样感觉非常棒?

7. 选择一件你一直在拖延着准备下次再做而今天可以完成的事情,决定完成它!做出一个行动的决定只需要30秒。前提必须是你十分看重对自己的承诺,并且一旦承诺则意味着付出行动。

8. 清理一次他人惹下的乱子。

9. 对他人就你一直欣赏或敬重的某一点表示真诚的赞美。

10. 为你信仰的某人或某事挺身而出。一句简短的表示支持的话会带来奇迹,迅速扩大你的影响。

11. 为他人所做的努力表示一次真诚的鼓励。告诉他, “你可以做到的” ,信任他并且用行动来表达这份信任。

12. 邀请某个你愿意了解的人(或一群人)到家中做客。定一个具体的日子和时刻和他/他们共进晚餐。适度的社交是必要的,你还在等待什么呢?采取主动,发出邀请,也意味着打开一扇新的友谊之门。

13. 在公共场所花30秒对你的伴侣用肢体表达爱意。用手轻轻的摩挲她的面颊,用手指抚弄他的头发,来一个轻轻的拥抱,温柔的握紧他的手,或是一个蜻蜓点水的吻。让孩子们看到父母很自然的迅速表达爱意是有益的。这样也能加强婚姻的亲密感。试想一下如果每一对伴侣都用30秒的时间来有意识的表达爱意,会对婚姻中 亲密感的增强有多么大的作用。如果能一天做几次就更好了。

14. 学会一个新单词(最好从一种你不会的语言中学习)或是迅速的了解与另外一种文化或国家有关的一件神奇的事情。

15. 写下一张面值为你月薪10%的支票。然后放进邮箱,寄给你所在地区的教堂,捐给慈善机构,或是为其它有价值的事业。总之,捐献出去。

16. 每天早晨祈祷30秒,以克服恐惧,或是获得勇气去面对你的所有机会。在树立目标的时候保持心胸开阔,态度要积极。以优先级标准迅速的判断你当天的计划(须保证你的选择与你的重点相符--记住无论在职场还是家中,时间都是你最宝贵的资产)30秒之后,你也许已经获得激励去做一些改变。

17. 问候一个人 “你最近怎样” ,然后真诚的聆听。

18. 将20美元(50美元或100美元也行)放在一个信封里,写上 “来自无名氏” 。然后悄悄地(当然,也要迅速地,以保持30秒的纪录)放在你知道需要它的人那里。私下里做一些善意的小事感觉很棒!不信可以试试看。

19. 迅速地做一些对环境有保护的事情:拒绝装在聚乙烯泡沫盒里的食物,撕开罐头外围的塑料包装,或是帮助一只被困的小动物重获自由等等。

20. 选择吃一顿精致的早餐。(只需要30秒作出的决定可以让你一整天都充满活力)不吃糖,吃低淀粉的食物。摄入更多的蛋白质和水果。正确的开始以使你的一天更富有成效。

21. 如果你一直待在室内,走出去,感受30秒阳光照在脸上的感觉--这会让你的心情立刻变得好起来(如果外面的气温高达100摄氏度,那么在一个更适宜的温度下去感受阳光)。

22. 如果一个当地的商店请求你做一次慈善捐助时表示同意(多给一个人一些时间,虽然你本来并不打算如此)。

23. 报名参加选举。只需要花30秒时间填写一张卡片。当你这样做的时候,下决心在选举来临时投出这一票。

24. 播下一颗种子。(如果你有技巧能迅速完成的话也可以种下一株植物或一棵树)。想想如果数百万的人都马上这样做了的话……

25. 当你不在房间的时候,把灯关掉。(诸如此类,不用水的时候将水龙头关掉。)这样的每一个30秒都不是小事。

26. 在垃圾桶旁边放一个袋子,然后在里面放一些可回收的小东西。祝贺你,你已经开始回收之旅了。

27. 在30秒钟内戒掉一个坏习惯。然后每隔30秒重复你做的事情。

28. 寻找笑料,然后大笑30秒。在有必要的时候重复这样做,来缓解紧张气氛。

29. 喝水。

30. 花30秒的时间想象一下你对所拥有的一切都感到满足的情景。然后设想一下如何在感到满足与努力发挥天赋才能之间保持平衡。拥有坚定不移的态度,并且一旦下了决心,就去尽情追逐你的梦想!

A Coke and a Smile可乐与微笑

1. I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant. We sat side by side, watching the sun go down behind the old Texaco service station across the busy street. A street that I was never allowed to cross unless accompanied by an adult, or at the very least, an older sibling.

2. Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy’ s pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy swirls danced around our heads. Now and again, he blew a smoke ring and laughed as I tried to target the hole with my finger. I, clad in a cool summer nightie, and Grampy, his sleeveless T-shirt, sat watching the traffic. We counted cars and tried to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner.

3. Once again, I was caught in the middle of circumstances. The fourth born of six children, it was not uncommon that I was either too young or too old for something. This night I was both. While my two baby brothers slept inside the house, my three older siblings played with friends around the corner, where I was not allowed to go. I stayed with Grampy, and that was okay with me. I was where I wanted to be. My grandfather was baby-sitting while my mother, father and grandmother went out.

4. “Thirsty?” Grampy asked, never removing the pipe from his mouth.

5. “Yes,” was my reply. “How would you like to run over to the gas station there and get yourself a bottle of Coke?”

6. I couldn’ t believe my ears. Had I heard right? Was he talking to me? On my family’ s modest income, Coke was not a part of our budget or diet. A few tantalizing sips was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.

7. “Okay,” I replied shyly, already wondering how I would get across the street. Surely Grampy was going to come with me.

8. Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket. I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried. Opening his fist, he exposed a mound of silver coins. There must have been a million dollars there. He instructed me to pick out a dime. After he deposited the rest of the change back into his pocket, he stood up.

9. “Okay,” he said, helping me down the stairs and to the curb, “I’ m going to stay here and keep an ear out for the babies. I’ ll tell you when it’ s safe to cross. You go over to the Coke machine, get your Coke and come back out. Wait for me to tell you when it’ s safe to cross back.”

10. My heart pounded. I clutched my dime tightly in my sweaty palm. Excitement took my breath away.

11. Grampy held my hand tightly. Together we looked up the street and down, and back up again. He stepped off the curb and told me it was safe to cross. He let go of my hand and I ran. I ran faster than I had ever run before. The street seemed wide. I wondered if I would make it to the other side. Reaching the other side, I turned to find Grampy. There he was, standing exactly where I had left him, smiling proudly. I waved.

12. “Go on, hurry up,” he yelled.

13. My heart pounded wildly as I walked inside the dark garage. I had been inside the garage before with my father. My surroundings were familiar. I heard the Coca-Cola machine motor humming even before I saw it. I walked directly to the big old red-and-white dispenser. I knew where to insert my dime. I had seen it done before and had fantasized about this moment many times.

14. The big old monster greedily accepted my dime, and I heard the bottles shift. On tiptoes I reached up and opened the heavy door. There they were: one neat row of thick green bottles, necks staring directly at me, and ice cold from the refrigeration. I held the door open with my shoulder and grabbed one. With a quick yank, I pulled it free from its bondage. Another one immediately took its place. The bottle was cold in my sweaty hands. I will never forget the feeling of the cool glass on my skin. With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall. The cap dropped into an old wooden box, and I reached in to retrieve it. I was cold and bent in the middle, but I knew I needed to have this souvenir. Coke in hand, I proudly marched back out into the early evening dusk. Grampy was waiting patiently. He smiled.

15. “Stop right there,” he yelled. One or two cars sped by me, and once again, Grampy stepped off the curb. “Come on, now,” he said, “run.” I did. Cool brown foam sprayed my hands. “Don’ t ever do that alone,” he warned. I held the Coke bottle tightly; fearful he would make me pour it into a cup, ruining this dream come true. He didn’ t. One long swallow of the cold beverage cooled my sweating body. I don’ t think I ever felt so proud.

1. 我现在知道,35年前那个炎热夏夜和我坐在破旧的木楼梯上的老人并不高大,但对一个5岁的孩子来说,他却是一个巨人。我们并排坐着,看着太阳落在繁忙的街对面那个老德克萨克加油站的背后。除非有大人或至少一个哥哥或姐姐陪着,我从未被允许穿过那条街。

2. 从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。他不时地喷出一串烟圈,在我试着将手指插入烟圈时他放声大笑。我穿着凉爽的小睡衣,祖父穿着他的无袖T恤,坐在那儿观看繁忙的交通。我们数着过往的车辆,并猜想着下一辆拐过街角的汽车的颜色。

3. 我又一次陷于两头都够不上的中间境遇,作为六个孩子中的老四,很多事情对于我来说不是因为年龄太小,就是太大而不合适。那天夜里就是这样。我的两个小兄弟在屋里睡觉,我的另外三个长兄和姐姐在拐角与小伙伴们玩,而我是不允许去那里的。我与祖父呆在一起,这也挺好,正是我想呆的地方。在父母和祖母外出时,祖父就在家看孩子。

4. “渴吗?” 祖父烟斗不离口地问我。

5. “是的。” 我回答说。 “跑到街对面的加油站去给你自己买瓶可乐怎么样?”

6. 我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,我没有听错吧?他是在跟我说话吗?就我们家微薄的收入来说,可乐不是我们家庭开销的一部分。我只是迫不及待地啜过几小口,从来没有自己喝过一瓶。

7. “好的。” 我害羞地回答说,已经在想着该怎样穿过马路,祖父当然会跟我一块。

8. 祖父将他的长腿伸直,把他的大手伸进口袋。我能听到零钱相碰而发出的熟悉的丁当声,他总是把这些零钱带在身上。他张开手,露出了一堆宝贝似的银币。那里面一定有100万美元!他让我拿出一个1角的银币。把零钱放回口袋后,他站了起来。

9. “好吧,” 他说,帮着我下楼梯到马路沿儿那儿去, “我站在这儿,听着屋里的两个孩子有没有动静,什么时候穿过马路安全,我会告诉你的。你到对面的可乐机那儿买到你的可乐后再走回来。等着我告诉你什么时候过马路安全。”

10. 我的心砰砰地跳着,紧紧地用汗手攥着那枚1角的银币,兴奋地喘不上气来。

11. 祖父紧紧地拉着我的手,我们一块看了看大街的前后左右。他走下马路沿儿,告诉我现在可以过去了。他放开我的手,我跑了起来。我从没有跑得这么快过。街道似乎很宽,我怀疑自己是否能跑到对面。跑到对面后,我回头寻找祖父,他正站在我离开他的地方,为我自豪地微笑着。我朝他挥了挥手。

12. “接着走,快点。” 他喊道。

13. 我的心砰砰乱跳着走进昏暗的修车站。我以前曾和父亲一块来过这里,对周围的一切都很熟悉。甚至在看见可口可乐机之前就听到了其马达发出的嗡嗡声。我径直走向那台红白相间的巨大的老自动售货机。我知道该往哪儿插硬币,我曾看人做过并曾多次幻想有一天我也能亲身试一试。

14. 那个老巨人贪婪地吞下我的硬币,我听见了瓶子移动的声音。我踮起脚尖伸手摸索着打开了它厚重的门。它们就在那儿!一排整齐的深绿色瓶子,瓶颈一个挨一个地凝视着我,冰箱里散发出冰冷的气息。我用肩膀顶着门,伸手抓住一个,迅速一拉,将它从捆绑中拉了出来,另一个立即占据了它的位置。瓶子在我汗浸浸的手中显得格外冰凉,我永远忘不了冰凉的瓶子接触我皮肤时的感觉。我两手抓住瓶子,将瓶颈放在固定的墙上的厚铜开瓶器下,瓶盖立即掉在一个老木箱里,我伸手将它捡了出来,感觉好凉,中间已经弯曲,但我知道我需要拥有这个纪念品。手拿可乐,我自豪地走回到外面,已是黄昏时分。祖父正耐心地等待着,并面带微笑。

15. “停在那儿,” 一两辆车在我面前飞驶而过,祖父再次走下马路沿儿, “现在过来,” 他说, “跑过来!” 我跑了起来,冰凉的棕色泡沫溅在我的手上。 “别再一个人独自过马路!” 他警告我。我紧紧地抱着可乐瓶,生怕他让我把可乐倒在杯子里,毁掉我的梦想。他没有。我咕噜噜长长地吞下一口冰凉的可乐,冒汗的身体顿觉清爽无比。我认为自己再也没有过当时那样的自豪。

Grandpa’ s Valentine爷爷的情人卡

1. I received a call from the nursing home. Grandpa was failing rapidly. I should come. There was nothing to do but hold his hand. “I love you, Grandpa. Thank you for always being there for me.”

2. Memories... memories... six days a week, Grandpa in that old blue shirt caring for those cattle... on hot summer days plowing the soil, planting the corn and beans and harvesting them in the fall... always working from dawn to dusk. Survival demanded work, work, work.

3. But on Sundays he put on his gray suit and hat. Grandma wore her wine-colored dress and ivory beads, and they went to church. Grandpa and Grandma were quiet, peaceful, unemotional people.

4. The nurse apologized for having to ask me so soon to remove Grandpa’ s things from the room. It would not take long. There wasn’ t much. Then I found it in the top drawer of his nightstand. It looked like a very old handmade valentine. What must have been red paper at one time was a streaked faded pink. A piece of white paper had been glued to the center of the heart. On it, penned in Grandma’ s handwriting, were these words: fg6nFS+qWwkkZ2fAiXmHEWwZtGfk/F5SDgXQU9g+tDXg03jIbqIihTzf0ivCIrIi

