
第二章 我的健康我做主(1)

My health, my way

Golf: There’ s nothing like it!

“贵族运动” 高尔夫

When most people think of golf, they probably think of Tiger Woods jet-setting to golf courses around the world winning prestigious tournaments and making a lot of money. It seems hard to believe that what is now an international sport and multimillion-dollar industry evolved from origins as humble as hitting a pebble around sand dunes with a stick.

It is generally agreed that golf was first played in Scotland in the 15th century. Its popularity spread throughout the 16th century, and the first international golf match took place in 1682between players from England and Scotland. Clubs began forming soon after, and concrete rules of the game were established.

The Industrial Revolution brought a period of change for golf. Suddenly, with the mass production of golf clubs and balls, the average person could afford to play. New railway lines made it possible for people to go to the country for the day, and thus play on a different course every weekend.

Golf was made an Olympic sport in 1900, by which time there were already more than 1, 000golf courses in the United States. The famous PGA was formed in 1916, and by 1944, the equally famous PGA tour consisted of 22events and was held throughout the year.

Legendary golfers Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, and Gary Player dominated the game from the 60s’ into the 70s’, wowing fans by winning almost all of the events they competed in. Nicklaus still holds an unbeaten record of five U.S. PGA championships, six U.S. Masters titles, and four U.S. Opens.

These days, it is up to current stars like Tiger Woods and David Duval to keep spectators glued to the TV set. Even if you are not a big fan, why not head off to the driving range and have a go? More than 23million players exist in the United States alone, and they are all likely to tell you the same thing about golf: There’ s nothing like it!






现在,高尔夫则靠当红球星泰格·伍兹和大卫·杜瓦的魅力吸引球迷通过电视观看比赛。即使你不是头号球迷,也可以去高尔夫球场挥一挥杆,尝试一下。仅在美国就有23,000,000人从事高尔夫运动。关于高尔夫,他们会异口同声地说, “没有比它更好的运动了!”




prestigious adj. 有名望的,有威信的

established adj. 已建立的;已确立的;

course n. 路线;方向

dominate v. 支配,统治,控制

spectator n. 旁观者;目击者


George is hard to get along with. (困难的)

The National Day was celebrated throughout the country. (遍及)

What are you up to? (忙于)




关于高尔夫,他们可能会异口同声地说, “没有比它更好的运动了!”

The True Cigar


Even before you come to grips with the cigar itself, there are small pleasures to be enjoyed, starting with the box-an ornately decorated yet functional relic from the days before the invention of plastic. A true cigar box is made from cedarwood, which allows the tobacco to breathe and to continue maturing. It is sealed with what looks like a high-denomination bank note (the export warranty of the respective government), and it is often covered with the kind of baroque graphic art that conjures up thoughts of brandy and boudoirs: curlicues, gold embossing, vignettes of white-bosomed ladies and bewhiskered gentlemen, florid typography-everything, in fact, that nineteenth-century pop artists could lay their hands on.

When you open the box, your nose is treated to a classic aroma, a bouquet that deserves a few quiet moments of appreciation before you proceed any further. It is a particularly masculine scent, and men have been known to line their clothes closets with the thin leaves of cedarwood that separate the fat rows of cigars. (The thought of walking around smelling like a human corona may not appeal to all of us, but there are, God knows, worse things to smell of, as anyone who has been ambushed and sprayed on his way through the cosmetics department at Bloomingdale’ s will confirm. )

Now we come to the cigars, looking as prosperous and well filled as a group of investment bankers after a killing. This is the beginning of what should be at least forty-five minutes of unhurried enjoyment. Cigars should never be rushed, or puffed absentmindedly while you’ re doing deals on the phone. The more attention you give them, the more pleasure they will give you, so if you don’ t have a quiet hour or so, save the cigar until later. The leisurely ceremonial of preparing and smoking one of nature’ s minor triumphs is worth the investment in time.

A knowledgeable smoker will always inspect his cigar before committing himself. This is not an affectation;good cigars are made by human hands, which are fallible, and are sometimes stored in unsuitable conditions, which can be fatal. A cigar in its prime will feel firm as you roll it between thumb and index finger, and slightly elastic as you squeeze it. Brittle cigars will not taste good, and should be put aside for less discriminating smokers, such as politicians.

If the cigar pleases your eye, your nose, and your fingers, the next step is to make an incision in the wrapper at the head so that the smoke can be drawn through. Surgical techniques vary from smoker to smoker. Rambo, should he ever do anything as un-American as smoke a Cuban cigar, would probably bite off the end. More delicate souls will use a cigar cutter or even a sharp fingernail to make a small opening. The cut should be clean, and not too deep;if you stab a cigar in the head with a penknife or a toothpick, you will create a funnel, which results in a hot, bitter smoke.

The last stage before lighting up is optional. Should you remove the band-that miniature work of art just below the head-or should you leave it on? When it was first invented (credit is often given to Gustave Bock, a Dutchman), the band had a practical purpose, which was to prevent the outer wrapper from coming adrift as the cigar heated up. Nowadays, with more reliable gumming methods, the risk of losing the wrapper is very slight, so it comes down to a question of aesthetics. Do you prefer your cigars to be decorated or totally nude? Either is fine, and only pedants make a fuss about it.

So you’ ve rolled and you’ ve squeezed and you’ ve sniffed and you’ ve cut, and now you are ready to light up. Once again, a certain finesse is required, and certain laws of nature should be observed. The most important rule is never to use a gas lighter unless you like the taste of gas fumes. Similarly, don’ t be tempted to lean across the dinner table and gaze into the decolletage of your beloved as you light up from a candle. Wax and tobacco don’ t mix. Use a match. When you have the cigar in your mouth, bring the flame close to the end (about one third of an inch away)and rotate it so that you make an even burn that starts at the rim and spreads to the center.

You can now settle back and take the first luxurious puff. There is a richness of texture to cigar smoke that makes inhaling quite unnecessary: it is enough just to hold the smoke in the mouth for a few seconds before blowing it gently toward the heavens. And as you watch it hanging in the air, thick and blue gray and aromatic, you can easily imagine that what you are smoking was hand-rolled on a Cuban maiden’ s long brown thigh. (I doubt that this delightful practice still exists in the cigar factories, but a man can dream. )

“The cigar smoker,” wrote Marc Alyn, “is a calm man, slow and sure of his wind.” You will never see an experienced cigar man taking quick, agitated puffs. He is concentrating-albeit in a relaxed and sometimes even trancelike fashion-on the pleasure of the moment. This mood of leisurely well-being that is induced by a good cigar is perhaps its greatest attraction. It even has social benefits, because this mild euphoria makes heated argument almost impossible. Nobody but a clod would waste a $45Havana by waggling it around for emphasis or stubbing it out in anger.

Despite a good cigar’ s tranquilizing effect, it doesn’ t kill conversation. Quite the contrary, since it encourages contented and appreciative listeners. (Why do you think cigars are handed out at the end of formal dinners? Obviously, to render the audience benign, no matter how long and terrible the speeches are. )Stories told over a cigar are funnier, observations are more profound, pauses are comfortable, the cognac is smoother, and life is generally rosier. An hour with a good cigar and a couple of friends is a vacation from life’ s nonsense.









马可·埃林写道: “抽雪茄的人是一个冷静的人,从容不迫、目标明确。” 你绝对看不到一个老资格的烟民会焦躁不安、狂吐烟圈的。他一定是专心沉浸在那一刻的喜悦之中。这份专注是轻松的,甚至像是处于一种眩晕的状态。好雪茄带来的这种悠闲、安逸的心情,或许正是它最大的魅力所在。雪茄甚至还有其社交上的好处,因为在这种略微飘飘欲仙的氛围里,几乎不太可能出现激烈的争论。除了笨蛋,有谁还会捏着45美元一根的哈瓦那雪茄四处招摇,却只是为了发表一下自己对某一问题的看法呢,又有谁会在一怒之下就将一根点燃的哈瓦那雪茄掐灭了呢?







ornately adv. 装饰过分地

cosmetics n. 化妆品,美容品

prosperous adj. 兴旺的,繁荣的

wrapper n. 包裹布;包装纸

nude adj. 裸的;与生俱有的

luxurious adj. 奢侈的;骄奢淫逸的


He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day. (至少)

He put aside his work to spend more time with his son. (把……放在一边)

They walked a couple of miles. (几个,三两个)





Six Misunderstandings on Fitness


Physical fitness is today’ s hot topic. And everywhere you turn your hear something new. But is it all true?

The more you sweat, the more fat you burn

This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off. Unfortunately, it’ s water they’ re losing, not fat.

Fat burns when it is used as a fuel source for exercise, which doesn’ t happen initially. When you first begin to exercise, you burn carbohydrates or sugars. It takes about 20minutes of easy to moderate aerobic activity before the transition from burning sugars to fat begins. (Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic and continuous activity that uses oxygen and large muscle masses of the body, such as the arms and legs. Examples are bicycle riding, jumping rope, walking, jogging, aerobic dance, and swimming. )So, to burn the flab, plan on working out at least 40minutes.

If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat

If you decrease your activity and continue to eat the same or more, you may gain back that spare tire that you worked so hard to lose. It’ s not, however, because your muscles turned to fat. Muscles may atrophy or lose their tone, but they won’ t turn to fat. Muscle is muscle and fat is fat.

Exercise increases appetite

This is true for hard or intense exercise that lasts for 60minutes or longer. Moderate exercise that is less than 60minutes, however, will probably reduce your appetite for one to two hours.

Exercise always lowers blood sugar

Generally, exercise will lower blood sugar and it’ s best to prepare for exercise by eating before you start out. If your blood-sugar level is above 250mg/dl, however, exercise could make it rise even higher.

You can get fit in 10minutes a week

This and similar claims are common, but untrue. There are no shortcuts to getting fit. Becoming fit takes work and the general rule is 20minutes of aerobic activity three times a week. Consistency is the key. If you miss a day or two, don’ t try to compensate by doing double duty-you open yourself up to injury.

No pain, no gain

Many people tend to overdo their exercise programs looking for quick results. Doing so, however, may prove to be your downfall by resulting in injury or sore muscles.

Your best bet is to start any exercise program slowly and gradually increase the workout.

We start people out with 15minutes of stretching, 30to 40minutes of walking or walking/jogging, and end with 10more minutes of stretching. This gives people a good beginning without the pain or injury.

Electric stimulation

Electric stimulation may help make a muscle contract and tone it slightly, but this technique can’ t take the place of exercise, and it certainly won’ t help you lose weight.






















topic n. 题目;话题;论题

sugar n. 糖

gain v. 得到;获得,赢得

reduce v. 减少;缩小;降低

aerobic adj. 需氧的;有氧的

sore adj. 痛的,疼痛发炎的

slightly adv. 轻微地;稍微地;微小地


Can you work out on the map where we are now? (确定)

He started out to write a novel. (着手进行)

We’ ll try to improve our teaching methods. (努力)





Watch Out for the Hot Tea


The British Medical Journal study found that drinking steaming hot tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer.

Experts said the finding could explain the increased oesophageal cancer risk in some non-Western populations.

Adding milk, as most tea drinkers in Western countries do, cools the drink enough to eliminate the risk.

Tobacco and alcohol are the main factors linked to the development of oesophageal cancers in Europe and America.

Golestan Province in northern Iran has one of the highest rates of OSCC in the world, but rates of smoking and alcohol consumption are low and women are as likely to have a diagnosis as men. Tea drinking, however, is widespread.

The University of Tehran researchers studied tea drinking habits among 300people diagnosed with OSCC and compared them with a group of 570people from the same area.

Nearly all participants drank black tea regularly, on average drinking over a litre a day.

Compared with drinking warm or lukewarm tea (65℃or less), drinking hot tea (65-69℃)was associated with twice the risk of oesophageal cancer, and drinking very hot tea (70℃or more)was associated with an eight-fold increased risk.

The speed with which people drank their tea was also important. There was no association between the amount of tea consumed and risk of cancer.

Drinking a cup of tea in under two minutes straight after it was poured was associated with a five-fold higher risk of cancer compared with drinking tea four or more minutes after being poured.

A large proportion of Golestan inhabitants drink hot tea, so this habit may account for a substantial proportion of the cases of oesophageal cancer in this population.

Previous studies from the UK have reported people prefer their tea to be about 56-60℃-cool enough not to be risky.

Oliver Childs, a spokesman for Cancer Research UK, said, “Tea drinking is part of many cultures, and these results certainly don’ t point to tea itself being the problem. But they do provide more evidence that a regular habit of eating and drinking very hot foods and drinks could increase your risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus.” He advised tea-drinkers to simply wait a few minutes for their brew to cool from “scalding” to “tolerable”. yeYYccFPP2FeC2HUDbCsp8Px07KbvkroVFcTz8fw+hlo98T68+H8rwcu0LHXcCiU
