
第一章 商学院(2)

Reflation And How To Exploit It


The most talked-about investing strategy these days isn’ t stuffing money in a mattress,it’ s the reflation trade-the bet that the world economy will rebound,driving up interest rates and commodities prices.

Even though the economy continues to struggle,investors are looking ahead to the time when the massive rescue efforts by central banks and governments gain traction.

They are focused on raw materials and commodity-related stocks that would benefit from the surge in infrastructure spending. They are looking to exploit potential bottlenecks in production that could lift prices and corporate earnings.

“Between the bailouts and the stimulus,it’ s pretty clear that we’ re going to have some inflation when we get out of this mess,” says Roger Ibbotson,founder of Ibbotson Associates and chairman of hedge-fund manager Zebra Capital Management. He says, “It may not show up for another two years,after that I think it’ s quite likely and I think you should be positioning a portfolio against that.”

Shawn Rubin,an adviser at Smith Barney in New York,has moved some clients partly into natural-resources stocks while using strategies to protect against a spike in inflation.

One way is to use options,where an investor is able to use relatively small amounts of money and take positions that would profit from a massive drop in Treasury prices or a near doubling in gold prices. “While in the short run such trades may not work,it’ s a long-term move,” Mr. Rubin says. “You should buy insurance when it’ s cheap.”

And despite the recentl altirity that lifted stocks 20% from their lows as of Thursday-the common definition of the return to a bull market,though they promptly fell again Friday-most investors expect a challenging environment well into next year.

But the Federal Reserve has taken dramatic steps to revive the economy and stabilize the financial system. It has lowered interest rates essentially to zero and is on track to pump more than $2 trillion into the credit markets.

On top of that,there is the $787 billion federal stimulus program coupled with a growing budget deficit. Around the globe central banks and governments are making similar moves.

Paul Kasriel,director of economic research at Northern Trust,says “the Fed will likely err on the side of ensuring that the recovery is sustained and usually that means they will be late in turning against inflation. The political sentiment will be toward inflation and in preventing deflation,” he adds.

Mr. Liinamaa suggests investors keep a “survivor bias”. That means “looking for names that have low cost structures and balance-sheet capacity to still be standing” even if demand doesn’ t recover soon. He cites steel producer Nucor as one example.

Already there are signs that the market is less worried about deflation. That’ s clearest in the market for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities. Back in February,five-year TIPS were priced for a 0.5% drop in consumer prices,now that’ s swung around to a 1.35% increase.

“The magnitude of the expected inflation rise predicted by TIPS may be small,but the direction tells the tale,” says John Hollyer,a co-manager of Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities Fund.

“The fiscal and monetary stimulus are causing investors to say there’ s a decent chance the Fed will be successful and there will be an increase in inflation,” he says.




伊博森伙伴咨询公司创始人、对冲基金公司斑马资本管理有限公司董事长伊博森说, “在诸多救助计划和刺激计划中,很明显我们走出经济危机的时候会出现一些通货膨胀。” 他说, “或许这种情况两年之内不会出现,但我认为在两年之后,很有可能出现,我觉得你们应该针对这种情况设置一个投资组合。”


期权是一种手段,投资者可以使用相对较少的资金,建立头寸应对国债价格大幅下挫或金价上涨将近一倍的情况。如果出现这种情况,他们就能从中获利。鲁宾说, “尽管此类交易短期可能不会奏效,这是一个长期性举措。你得趁成本低廉的时候就采取防范性措施。”


不过,美国联邦储备委员会 (Fed,简称:美联储) 已经采取许多重大举措重振经济,稳定金融体系。美联储已经将利率下调到实际为零的水平,并正在逐步向信贷市场注入超过2万亿美元。


北美信托银行有限公司经济研究主管保罗·卡斯里尔表示, “美联储在确保经济持续复苏时可能会出现错误,这通常意味着他们在遏制通货膨胀方面的行动可能会迟缓。” 他补充说, “政治舆论将会倾向于刺激通胀和防止通缩。”


已经有迹象显示市场并不是那么担忧通货紧缩。这点在美国财政部通货膨胀保值债券的 (TIPS) 市场上表现最为明显。今年二月,5年期通货膨胀保值债券的走势显示,市场预计美国消费者价格会下跌0.5%,但目前的走势已经逆转,市场认为消费者价格会上升大约1.35%。

先锋抗通胀债券基金的联席经理霍尔耶说, “通货膨胀保值债券走势所预计的通货膨胀率幅度或许不大,但方向说明了一切。”

他说, “财政和货币刺激举措正促使投资者相信美联储很可能会取得成功,通货膨胀也很有可能上升。”


rebound v. 重新振作;回升

surge n. 激增

infrastructure n. 基础设施;基本建设

promptly adv. 敏捷地;迅速地

magnitude n. 量;大小;强度







They are focused on raw materials and commodity-related stocks that would benefit from the surge in infrastructure spending.

But the Federal Reserve has taken dramatic steps to revive the economy and stabilize the financial system.

Already there are signs that the market is less worried about deflation.

Buying on the Installment Plan


In Western countries people have been using the installment plan since the first half of the twentieth century. Today,a large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture,household goods and cars by installment. In the U.S. A. ,the proportion is much higher than in Great Britain,and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.

The goods bought on the installment plan are,in almost every case,goods that will last-radios,television sets,washing machines,refrigerators,motorcars,motorcycles,and furniture.

The price of an article bought in this way is always higher than the price that would be paid by cash. There is a charge for interest. The buyer pays a proportion,perhaps one-quarter or one-third,of the price as a down payment when the goods are delivered to him. He then makes regular payments,weekly or monthly,until the full price is paid up. The legal ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the final payment has been made.

Installment buying has advantages and disadvantages. In the past,it was easy to find couples who had been saving for years in order to furnish their homes. Now,they don’ t have to do that. Installment buying can help couples with small incomes to furnish their homes and start housekeeping. It increases the demand for goods,and in this way helps business and employment.

There is,however,the danger that when business is bad,installment buying may end suddenly,making business much worse. This may result in a great increase in unemployment. If the people on the installment plan lost their jobs,they would probably not be able to make their payments. If great numbers of people are not able to pay their installment debts,there is a possibility that businessmen cannot collect their debts and will therefore lose money. If businessmen lose money or fail to make a satisfactory profit,the possibilities of having a depression are increased. This is why,in some countries,the government controls the installment plan by fixing the proportion of the down payment and the succeeding installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.







installment n. 分期付款;分期交付

furniture n. 设施,设备

interest n. 利息

profit n. 利润,盈利;收益


分期付款(Pay by Installments)


债券 (Bonds)



A large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture,household goods and cars by installment.

He then makes regular payments,weekly or monthly,until the full price is paid up.

If the people on the installment plan lost their jobs,they would probably not be able to make their payments. 9TjqrGZ+Dgtvzu37x4Dh39H1iQ8ObCDoqRAEwiZ1/ebPeINRUPZQTv1cnNWNDQ1u
