


It was the last of Morganson's bacon. In all his life he had never pampered his stomach. In fact, his stomach had been a sort of negligible quantity that bothered him little, and about which he thought less. But now, in the long absence of wonted delights, the keen yearning of his stomach was tickled hugely by the sharp, salty bacon.


His face had a wistful, hungry expression. The cheeks were hollow, and the skin seemed stretched a trifle tightly across the cheek-bones. His pale blue eyes were troubled. There was that in them that showed the haunting imminence of something terrible. Doubt was in them, and anxiety and foreboding. The thin lips were thinner than they were made to be, and they seemed to hunger towards the polished frying-pan.


He sat back and drew forth a pipe. He looked into it with sharp scrutiny, and tapped it emptily on his open palm. He turned the hair-seal tobacco pouch inside out and dusted the lining, treasuring carefully each flake and mite of tobacco that his efforts gleaned. The result was scarce a thimbleful. He searched in his pockets, and brought forward, between thumb and forefinger, tiny pinches of rubbish. Here and there in this rubbish were crumbs of tobacco. These he segregated with microscopic care, though he occasionally permitted small particles of foreign substance to accompany the crumbs to the hoard in his palm. He even deliberately added small, semi-hard woolly fluffs, that had come originally from the coat lining, and that had lain for long months in the bottoms of the pockets.


At the end of fifteen minutes he had the pipe part filled. He lighted it from the camp fire, and sat forward on the blankets, toasting his moccasined feet and smoking parsimoniously. When the pipe was finished he sat on, brooding into the dying flame of the fire. Slowly the worry went out of his eyes and resolve came in. Out of the chaos of his fortunes he had finally achieved a way. But it was not a pretty way. His face had become stern and wolfish, and the thin lips were drawn very tightly.


With resolve came action. He pulled himself stiffly to his feet and proceeded to break camp. He packed the rolled blankets, the frying-pan, rifle, and axe on the sled, and passed a lashing around the load. Then he warmed his hands at the fire and pulled on his mittens. He was foot-sore, and limped noticeably as he took his place at the head of the sled. When he put the looped haul-rope over his shoulder, and leant his weight against it to start the sled, he winced. His flesh was galled by many days of contact with the haul-rope.


The trail led along the frozen breast of the Yukon. At the end of four hours he came around a bend and entered the town of Minto. It was perched on top of a high earth bank in the midst of a clearing, and consisted of a road house, a saloon, and several cabins. He left his sled at the door and entered the saloon.


"Enough for a drink? " he asked, laying an apparently empty gold sack upon the bar.

“够喝一杯的吧?” 他问道,一边把一个装金子的袋子搁在吧台上,但里面明显没什么分量。

The barkeeper looked sharply at it and him, then set out a bottle and a glass.


"Never mind the dust, " he said.

“金末就算了吧。” 他说。

"Go on and take it, " Morganson insisted.

“你就收下吧。” 摩根森还是坚持。

The barkeeper held the sack mouth downward over the scales and shook it, and a few flakes of gold dust fell out. Morganson took the sack from him, turned it inside out, and dusted it carefully.


"I thought there was half-a-dollar in it, " he said.

“我还以为里面得有半美元呢。” 他说。

"Not quite, " answered the other, "but near enough. I'll get it back with the down weight on the next comer. "

“不太够,” 另一个人回答说, “不过也差不多了。我会从下个客人那儿补齐的。”

Morganson shyly poured the whisky into the glass, partly filling it.


"Go on, make it a man's drink, " the barkeeper encouraged.

“倒啊,得够个男人喝的呀。” 酒保给他鼓着劲。

Morganson tilted the bottle and filled the glass to the brim. He drank the liquor slowly, pleasuring in the fire of it that bit his tongue, sank hotly down his throat, and with warm, gentle caresses permeated his stomach.


"Scurvy, eh? " the barkeeper asked.

“坏血病,嗯?” 酒保问道。

"A touch of it, " he answered. "But I haven't begun to swell yet. Maybe I can get to Dyea and fresh vegetables, and beat it out. "

“有点儿,” 他回答说, “不过我身子还没肿。或许我能到戴依去弄点儿新鲜蔬菜,治好这病。”

"Kind of all in, I'd say, " the other laughed sympathetically. "No dogs, no money, and the scurvy. I'd try spruce tea if I was you. "

“我得说,你差不多豁上一切了。” 另一个人同情地笑着说, “没有狗,没有钱,还得了坏血病。我要是你就试试云杉茶。”

At the end of half-an-hour, Morganson said good-bye and left the saloon. He put his galled shoulder to the haul-rope and took the river-trail south. An hour later he halted. An inviting swale left the river and led off to the right at an acute angle. He left his sled and limped up the swale for half a mile. Between him and the river was three hundred yards of flat ground covered with cottonwoods. He crossed the cottonwoods to the bank of the Yukon. The trail went by just beneath, but he did not descend to it. South toward Selkirk he could see the trail widen its sunken length through the snow for over a mile. But to the north, in the direction of Minto, a tree-covered out-jut in the bank a quarter of a mile away screened the trail from him.


He seemed satisfied with the view and returned to the sled the way he had come. He put the haul-rope over his shoulder and dragged the sled up the swale. The snow was unpacked and soft, and it was hard work. The runners clogged and stuck, and he was panting severely ere he had covered the half-mile. Night had come on by the time he had pitched his small tent, set up the sheet-iron stove, and chopped a supply of firewood. He had no candles, and contented himself with a pot of tea before crawling into his blankets.


In the morning, as soon as he got up, he drew on his mittens, pulled the flaps of his cap down over his ears, and crossed through the cottonwoods to the Yukon. He took his rifle with him. As before, he did not descend the bank. He watched the empty trail for an hour, beating his hands and stamping his feet to keep up the circulation, then returned to the tent for breakfast. There was little tea left in the canister-half a dozen drawings at most; but so meagre a pinch did he put in the teapot that he bade fair to extend the lifetime of the tea indefinitely. His entire food supply consisted of half-a-sack of flour and a part-full can of baking powder. He made biscuits, and ate them slowly, chewing each mouthful with infinite relish. When he had had three he called a halt. He debated a while, reached for another biscuit, then hesitated. He turned to the part sack of flour, lifted it, and judged its weight.


"I 'm good for a couple of weeks, " he spoke aloud.

“我还能挺两个星期。” 他大声说。

"Maybe three, " he added, as he put the biscuits away.

“或许三个星期。” 他接着说道,一边把点心放好。 rZmLAGY1GHmXCQJfdNVZ+1j9g8G3KLpMC08FVYc1zmC8IW06dJM7M6/WjIp//OQ/
