

罗兰太太眯着眼睛喃喃自语: “天哪,大海真是太美了!”

And Mme. Rosemilly replied with a long sigh, which, however, had no sadness in it:


"Yes, but it is sometimes very cruel, all the same. "


Roland exclaimed:


"Look, there is the Normandie just going in. A big ship, isn't she? "

“看, ‘诺曼底号’ 正在进港呢。它真是个大家伙,对吧?”

Then he described the coast opposite, far, far away, on the other side of the mouth of the Seine—that mouth extended over twenty kilometres, said he. He pointed out Villerville, Trouville, Houlgate, Luc, Arromanches, the little river of Caen, and the rocks of Calvados which make the coast unsafe as far as Cherbourg. Then he enlarged on the question of the sand—banks in the Seine, which shift at every tide so that even the pilots of Quilleboeuf are at fault if they do not survey the channel every day. He bid them notice how the town of Havre divided Upper from Lower Normandy. In Lower Normandy the shore sloped down to the sea in pasture—lands, fields, and meadows. The coast of Upper Normandy, on the contrary, was steep, a high cliff, ravined, cleft and towering, forming an immense white rampart all the way to Dunkirk, while in each hollow a village or a port lay hidden: Etretat, Fecamp, Saint—Valery, Treport, Dieppe, and the rest.


The two women did not listen. Torpid with comfort and impressed by the sight of the ocean covered with vessels rushing to and fro like wild beasts about their den, they sat speechless, somewhat awed by the soothing and gorgeous sunset. Roland alone talked on without end; he was one of those whom nothing can disturb. Women, whose nerves are more sensitive, sometimes feel, without knowing why, that the sound of useless speech is as irritating as an insult.


Pierre and Jean, who had calmed down, were rowing slowly, and the Pearl was making for the harbour, a tiny thing among those huge vessels.

皮埃尔和让这时已经平静了下来,他们不紧不慢地划着, “珍珠号” 向着港口驶去,在四周的大船中,它显得十分渺小。

When they came alongside of the quay, Papagris, who was waiting there, gave his hand to the ladies to help them out, and they took the way into the town. A large crowd, the crowd which haunts the pier every day at high tide, was also drifting homeward. Mme. Roland and Mme. Rosemilly led the way, followed by the three men. As they went up the Rue de Paris they stopped now and then in front of a milliner's or a jeweller's shop, to look at a bonnet or an ornament; then after making their comments they went on again. In front of the Place Roland paused, as he did every day, to gaze at the docks full of vessels—the Bassin du Commerce, with other docks beyond, where the huge hulls lay side by side, closely packed in rows, four or five deep. And masts innumerable; along several kilometres of quays the endless masts, with their yards, poles, and rigging, gave this great gap in the heart of the town the look of a dead forest. Above this leafless forest the gulls were wheeling, and watching to pounce, like a falling stone, on any scraps flung overboard; a sailor boy, fixing a pulley to a cross—beam, looked as if he had gone up there bird 's—nesting.


"Will you dine with us without any sort of ceremony, just that we may end the day together? " said Mme. Roland to her friend.

“您愿意和我们一起吃晚餐吗?不用客套,这样大家就一起度过一整天了。” 罗兰太太问罗塞米伊太太。

"To be sure I will, with pleasure; I accept equally without ceremony. It would be dismal to go home and be alone this evening. "


Pierre, who had heard, and who was beginning to be restless under the young woman's indifference, muttered to himself: "Well, the widow is taking root now, it would seem. " For some days past he had spoken of her as "the widow. " The word, harmless in itself, irritated Jean merely by the tone given to it, which to him seemed spiteful and offensive.

这个少妇对他的冷漠态度让皮埃尔开始不安起来,他听到这话后低声自语道: “瞧瞧,这个寡妇现在算是要赖到我们家来了。” 几天来,他都称她为 “寡妇” 。这个词,本身并无恶意,可让一听到皮埃尔说这个词时的音调就上火,他觉得这种音调不怀好意,且带有侮辱的味道。

The three men spoke not another word till they reached the threshold of their own house. It was a narrow one, consisting of a ground—floor and two floors above, in the Rue Belle—Normande. The maid, Josephine, a girl of nineteen, a rustic servant—of—all—work at low wages, gifted to excess with the startled animal expression of a peasant, opened the door, went up stairs at her master's heels to the drawing—room, which was on the first floor, and then said:


"A gentleman called—three times. "


Old Roland, who never spoke to her without shouting and swearing, cried out:


"Who do you say called, in the devil's name? "


She never winced at her master's roaring voice, and replied:


"A gentleman from the lawyer's. "


"What lawyer? "


"Why, M 'sieu' Canu—who else? "


"And what did this gentleman say? "


"That M 'sieu' Canu will call in himself in the course of the evening. "


Maitre Lecanu was M. Roland's lawyer, and in a way his friend, managing his business for him. For him to send word that he would call in the evening, something urgent and important must be in the wind; and the four Rolands looked at each other, disturbed by the announcement as folks of small fortune are wont to be at any intervention of a lawyer, with its suggestions of contracts, inheritance, lawsuits—all sorts of desirable or formidable contingencies. The father, after a few moments of silence, muttered:


"What on earth can it mean? "


Mme. Rosemilly began to laugh.


"Why, a legacy, of course. I am sure of it. I bring good luck. "


But they did not expect the death of any one who might leave them anything.


Mme. Roland, who had a good memory for relationships, began to think over all their connections on her husband's side and on her own, to trace up pedigrees and the ramifications of cousin—ship.


Before even taking off her bonnet she said:


"I say, father" (she called her husband "father" at home, and sometimes "Monsieur Roland" before strangers), "tell me, do you remember who it was that Joseph Lebru married for the second time? "

“我说,老爹,” (她在家称她丈夫为 “老爹” ,有时在外人面前叫他 “罗兰先生” ) “告诉我,你记得约瑟夫•勒伯吕续娶的女人是谁吗?”

"Yes—a little girl named Dumenil, a stationer's daughter. "


"Had they any children? "


"I should think so! four or five at least. "


"Not from that quarter, then. "


She was quite eager already in her search; she caught at the hope of some added ease dropping from the sky. But Pierre, who was very fond of his mother, who knew her to be somewhat visionary and feared she might be disappointed, a little grieved, a little saddened if the news were bad instead of good, checked her:


"Do not get excited, mother; there is no rich American uncle. For my part, I should sooner fancy that it is about a marriage for Jean. "


Every one was surprised at the suggestion, and Jean was a little ruffled by his brother's having spoken of it before Mme. Rosemilly.


"And why for me rather than for you? The hypothesis is very disputable. You are the elder; you, therefore, would be the first to be thought of. Besides, I do not wish to marry. "


Pierre smiled sneeringly:


"Are you in love, then? "


And the other, much put out, retorted: "Is it necessary that a man should be in love because he does not care to marry yet? "

让不高兴了,反驳道: “难道非得爱上谁,才能说还不想结婚吗?”

"Ah, there you are! That 'yet' sets it right; you are waiting. "

“啊,说的对!那个 ‘还’ 字算是讲对了,你在等待。”

"Granted that I am waiting, if you will have it so. "


But old Roland, who had been listening and cogitating, suddenly hit upon the most probable solution.


"Bless me! what fools we are to be racking our brains. Maitre Lecanu is our very good friend; he knows that Pierre is looking out for a medical partnership and Jean for a lawyer's office, and he has found something to suit one of you. "


This was so obvious and likely that every one accepted it.


"Dinner is ready, " said the maid. And they all hurried off to their rooms to wash their hands before sitting down to table.

“晚饭准备好了。” 女佣说。于是各人都匆匆回到自己房间,洗手准备就餐。

Ten minutes later they were at dinner in the little dining—room on the ground—floor.


At first they were silent; but presently Roland began again in amazement at this lawyer's visit.


"For after all, why did he not write? Why should he have sent his clerk three times? Why is he coming himself? "


Pierre thought it quite natural.


"An immediate decision is required, no doubt; and perhaps there are certain confidential conditions which it does not do to put into writing. "


Still, they were all puzzled, and all four a little annoyed at having invited a stranger, who would be in the way of their discussing and deciding on what should be done.


They had just gone upstairs again when the lawyer was announced. Roland flew to meet him.


"Good evening, my dear Maitre, " said he, giving his visitor the title which in France is the official prefix to the name of every lawyer.

“晚上好,我亲爱的总管。” 他这样尊称这位来访者。在法国,所有律师的名字前面都带有这个尊称。

Mme. Rosemilly rose.


"I am going, " she said. "I am very tired. "

“我要走了,” 她说, “我很累了。”

A faint attempt was made to detain her; but she would not consent, and went home without either of the three men offering to escort her, as they always had done.


Mme. Roland did the honours eagerly to their visitor.


"A cup of coffee, monsieur? "


"No, thank you. I have just had dinner. "


"A cup of tea, then? "


"Thank you, I will accept one later. First we must attend to business. "


The deep silence which succeeded this remark was broken only by the regular ticking of the clock, and below stairs the clatter of saucepans which the girl was cleaning—too stupid even to listen at the door.


The lawyer went on:


"Did you, in Paris, know a certain M. Marechal—Leon Marechal? "


M. and Mme. Roland both exclaimed at once: "I should think so! "

罗兰两口子立刻异口同声地惊呼道: “没错,我们认识!”

"He was a friend of yours? "


Roland replied: "Our best friend, monsieur, but a fanatic for Paris; never to be got away from the boulevard. He was a head clerk in the exchequer office. I have never seen him since I left the capital, and latterly we had ceased writing to each other. When people are far apart you know—"

罗兰答道: “先生,他是我们最好的朋友,可他是一个巴黎迷;他不愿意离开巴黎的林阴大道。他是财政部的重要职员。自从我离开首都以后就没再见到过他,后来我们也不再通信了。您知道,当人们离得很远的时候——”

The lawyer gravely put in:


"M. Marechal is deceased. "


Both man and wife responded with the little movement of pained surprise, genuine or false, but always ready, with which such news is received.


Maitre Lecanu went on:


"My colleague in Paris has just communicated to me the main item of his will, by which he makes your son Jean—Monsieur Jean Roland—his sole legatee. "


They were all too much amazed to utter a single word. Mme. Roland was the first to control her emotion and stammered out:


"Good heavens! Poor Leon—our poor friend! Dear me! Dear me! Dead! "


The tears started to her eyes, a woman's silent tears, drops of grief from her very soul, which trickle down her cheeks and seem so very sad, being so clear. But Roland was thinking less of the loss than of the prospect announced. Still, he dared not at once inquire into the clauses of the will and the amount of the fortune, so to work round to these interesting facts he asked:


"And what did he die of, poor Marechal? "


Maitre Lecanu did not know in the least.


"All I know is, " said he, "that dying without any direct heirs, he has left the whole of his fortune—about twenty thousand francs a year ($3, 840) in three per cents—to your second son, whom he has known from his birth up, and judges worthy of the legacy. If M. Jean should refuse the money, it is to go to the foundling hospitals. "

“我只知道死者没有一个直接继承人,” 他说, “他把每年两万法郎(合3,840美元)的财产加上百分之三的利息全部留给了您的小儿子。他是看着他出生长大的,觉得他应该得到这笔遗产。如果让先生拒绝接受,那么这笔遗产将转赠给孤儿院。”

Old Roland could not conceal his delight and exclaimed:


"Sacristi! It is the thought of a kind heart. And if I had had no heir I would not have forgotten him; he was a true friend. "


The lawyer smiled.


"I was very glad, " he said, "to announce the event to you myself. It is always a pleasure to be the bearer of good news. "

“能亲自通知您这件事情,我很高兴。” 他说, “给人带来好消息总是一件让人高兴的事情。”

It had not struck him that this good news was that of the death of a friend, of Roland's best friend; and the old man himself had suddenly forgotten the intimacy he had but just spoken of with so much conviction.


Only Mme. Roland and her sons still looked mournful. She, indeed, was still shedding a few tears, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief, which she then pressed to her lips to smother her deep sobs.


The doctor murmured:


"He was a good fellow, very affectionate. He often invited us to dine with him—my brother and me. "


Jean, with wide—open, glittering eyes, laid his hand on his handsome fair beard, a familiar gesture with him, and drew his fingers down it to the tip of the last hairs, as if to pull it longer and thinner. Twice his lips parted to utter some decent remark, but after long meditation he could only say this:


"Yes, he was certainly fond of me. He would always embrace me when I went to see him. "


But his father's thoughts had set off at a gallop—galloping round this inheritance to come; nay, already in hand; this money lurking behind the door, which would walk in quite soon, to—morrow, at a word of consent.


"And there is no possible difficulty in the way? " he asked. "No lawsuit—no one to dispute it? "

“会不会遇到什么麻烦?” 他问, “不会有人提起诉讼——不会有人反对吗?”

Maitre Lecanu seemed quite easy.


"No; my Paris correspondent states that everything is quite clear. M. Jean has only to sign his acceptance. "


"Good. Then—then the fortune is quite clear? "


"Perfectly clear. "


"All the necessary formalities have been gone through? "


"All. "


Suddenly the old jeweller had an impulse of shame—obscure, instinctive, and fleeting; shame of his eagerness to be informed, and he added:


"You understand that I ask all these questions immediately so as to save my son unpleasant consequences which he might not foresee. Sometimes there are debts, embarrassing liabilities, what not! And a legatee finds himself in an inextricable thorn—bush. After all, I am not the heir—but I think first of the little 'un. "


They were accustomed to speak of Jean among themselves as the "little one, " though he was much bigger than Pierre.

他们已经习惯了把让叫成 “小家伙” ,尽管他的块头比皮埃尔大得多。

Suddenly Mme. Roland seemed to wake from a dream, to recall some remote fact, a thing almost forgotten that she had heard long ago, and of which she was not altogether sure. She inquired doubtingly:


"Were you not saying that our poor friend Marechal had left his fortune to my little Jean? "


"Yes, madame. "


And she went on simply:


"I am much pleased to hear it; it proves that he was attached to us. "


Roland had risen.


"And would you wish, my dear sir, that my son should at once sign his acceptance? "


"No—no, M. Roland. To—morrow, at my office to—morrow, at two o'clock, if that suits you. "


"Yes, to be sure—yes, indeed. I should think so. "


Then Mme. Roland, who had also risen and who was smiling after her tears, went up to the lawyer, and laying her hand on the back of his chair while she looked at him with the pathetic eyes of a grateful mother, she said:


"And now for that cup of tea, Monsieur Lecanu? "


"Now I will accept it with pleasure, madame. "


The maid, on being summoned, brought in first some dry biscuits in deep tin boxes, those crisp, insipid English cakes which seem to have been made for a parrot's beak, and soldered into metal cases for a voyage round the world. Next she fetched some little gray linen doilies, folded square, those tea—napkins which in thrifty families never get washed. A third time she came in with the sugar—basin and cups; then she departed to heat the water. They sat waiting.


No one could talk; they had too much to think about and nothing to say. Mme. Roland alone attempted a few commonplace remarks. She gave an account of the fishing excursion, and sang the praises of the Pearl and of Mme. Rosemilly.

谁也不想说话。他们都思绪万千,什么也不想说。只有罗兰太太试着闲扯了几句。她讲起钓鱼旅行,还夸赞了一番 “珍珠号” 和罗塞米伊太太。

"Charming, charming! " the lawyer said again and again.

“有趣,真有意思!” 律师重复地说。

Roland, leaning against the marble mantel—shelf as if it were winter and the fire burning, with his hands in his pockets and his lips puckered for a whistle, could not keep still, tortured by the invincible desire to give vent to his delight. The two brothers, in two arm—chairs that matched, one on each side of the centre—table, stared in front of them, in similar attitudes full of dissimilar expressions.


At last the tea appeared. The lawyer took a cup, sugared it, and drank it, after having crumbled into it a little cake which was too hard to crunch. Then he rose, shook hands, and departed.


"Then it is understood, " repeated Roland. "To—morrow, at your place, at two? "

“就这么说定了,” 罗兰重复了一遍, “明天下午两点在您那里见。”

"Quite so. To—morrow, at two. "


Jean had not spoken a word.


When their guest had gone, silence fell again till father Roland clapped his two hands on his younger son's shoulders, crying:


"Well, you devilish lucky dog! You don't embrace me! "


Then Jean smiled. He embraced his father, saying:


"It had not struck me as indispensable. "


The old man was beside himself with glee. He walked about the room, strummed on the furniture with his clumsy nails, turned about on his heels, and kept saying:


"What luck! What luck! Now, that is really what I call luck! "


Pierre asked:


"Then you used to know this Marechal well? "


And his father replied:


"I believe! Why, he used to spend every evening at our house. Surely you remember he used to fetch you from school on half—holidays, and often took you back again after dinner. Why, the very day when Jean was born it was he who went for the doctor. He had been breakfasting with us when your mother was taken ill. Of course we knew at once what it meant, and he set off post—haste. In his hurry he took my hat instead of his own. I remember that because we had a good laugh over it afterward. It is very likely that he may have thought of that when he was dying, and as he had no heir he may have said to himself: 'I remember helping to bring that youngster into the world, so I will leave him my savings. ' "

“那还用说!他以前每晚都来我们家。你肯定也记得,每逢放半天假的时候,他总是去学校接你,还经常在吃过晚饭后送你回学校。噢,还有,让出生的那天,是他去请的医生。你妈妈临产觉得难受的时候,他正和我们一起吃早饭。我们当然马上就知道这意味着什么,他便飞也似的跑去请了医生。忙乱中他还错戴了我的帽子。我记得这件事是因为事后我们为此还笑痛了肚皮。很可能他在临终时也想起了这些小事,又因为他没有任何继承人,他就思量着: ‘我记得那小家伙出生时我也出了一把力的,我要把我的财产留给他。’”

Mme. Roland, sunk in a deep chair, seemed lost in reminiscences once more. She murmured, as though she were thinking aloud:


"Ah, he was a good friend, very devoted, very faithful, a rare soul in these days. "


Jean got up.


"I shall go out for a little walk, " he said.

“我要出去散会儿步。” 他说。

His father was surprised and tried to keep him; they had much to talk about, plans to be made, decisions to be formed. But the young man insisted, declaring that he had an engagement. Besides, there would be time enough for settling everything before he came into possession of his inheritance. So he went away, for he wished to be alone to reflect. Pierre, on his part, said that he too was going out, and after a few minutes followed his brother.


As soon as he was alone with his wife, father Roland took her in his arms, kissed her a dozen times on each cheek, and, replying to a reproach she had often brought against him, said:


"You see, my dearest, that it would have been no good to stay any longer in Paris and work for the children till I dropped, instead of coming here to recruit my health, since fortune drops on us from the skies.


She was quite serious.


"It drops from the skies on Jean, " she said. "But Pierre? "

“发横财的是让,” 她说, “可皮埃尔呢?”

"Pierre? But he is a doctor; he will make plenty of money; besides, his brother will surely do something for him. "


"No, he would not take it. Besides, this legacy is for Jean, only for Jean. Pierre will find himself at a great disadvantage. "


The old fellow seemed perplexed: "Well, then, we will leave him rather more in our will. "

老伙计似乎有点困惑不解: “那么,我们在遗嘱里多留些给他吧,我们的那份。”

"No; that again would not be quite just. "


"Drat it all! " he exclaimed. "What do you want me to do in the matter? You always hit on a whole heap of disagreeable ideas. You must spoil all my pleasures. Well, I am going to bed. Good—night. All the same, I call it good luck, jolly good luck! "

“见鬼去吧!” 他嚷道, “你叫我怎么办呢?你总是找一堆理由来反对我的意见。你总让我扫兴。算了,我睡觉去了。晚安。不管怎样,这就是运气,真是太走运了!”

And he went off, delighted in spite of everything, and without a word of regret for the friend so generous in his death.


Mme. Roland sat thinking again in front of the lamp which was burning out.

罗兰太太坐在油灯前陷入了深思。灯油已经快要燃尽了。 LLdSnzdMB9aGKsZdLz3K88nIXm6iJExmVS1YWmb7gy9RascwPyva5Z1//GL3NaYE
