

"Tschah! " exclaimed old Roland suddenly, after he had remained motionless for a quarter of an hour, his eyes fixed on the water, while now and again he very slightly lifted his line sunk in the sea.

“该死!” 罗兰老爹突然喊了一声。过去的一刻钟,他一直一动不动地紧盯着水面,隔一会儿就轻轻地提一提那根浸在海水里的钓线。

Mme. Roland, dozing in the stern by the side of Mme. Rosemilly, who had been invited to join the fishing—party, woke up, and turning her head to look at her husband, said:


"Well, well! Gerome. "


And the old fellow replied in a fury:


"They do not bite at all. I have taken nothing since noon. Only men should ever go fishing. Women always delay the start till it is too late. "


His two sons, Pierre and Jean, who each held a line twisted round his forefinger, one to port and one to starboard, both began to laugh, and Jean remarked:


"You are not very polite to our guest, father. "


M. Roland was abashed, and apologized.


"I beg your pardon, Mme. Rosemilly, but that is just like me. I invite ladies because I like to be with them, and then, as soon as I feel the water beneath me, I think of nothing but the fish. "


Mme. Roland was now quite awake, and gazing with a softened look at the wide horizon of cliff and sea.


"You have had good sport, all the same, " she murmured.

“不过,你们这次也还算收获不小啦。” 她小声说。

But her husband shook his head in denial, though at the same time he glanced complacently at the basket where the fish caught by the three men were still breathing spasmodically, with a low rustle of clammy scales and struggling fins, and dull, ineffectual efforts, gasping in the fatal air. Old Roland took the basket between his knees and tilted it up, making the silver heap of creatures slide to the edge that he might see those lying at the bottom, and their death—throes became more convulsive, while the strong smell of their bodies, a wholesome reek of brine, came up from the full depths of the creel. The old fisherman sniffed it eagerly, as we smell at roses, and exclaimed:


"Cristi! But they are fresh enough! " and he went on: "How many did you pull out, doctor? "

“上帝啊!这些鱼真是新鲜!” 他接着说, “你钓到了多少?医生?”

His eldest son, Pierre, a man of thirty, with black whiskers trimmed square like a lawyer's, his mustache and beard shaved away, replied:


"Oh, not many; three or four. "


The father turned to the younger. "And you, Jean? " said he.

父亲转向小儿子,问道: “让,你呢?”

Jean, a tall fellow, much younger than his brother, fair, with a full beard, smiled and murmured:


"Much the same as Pierre—four or five. "


Every time they told the same fib, which delighted father Roland. He had hitched his line round a row—lock, and folding his arms he announced:


"I will never again try to fish after noon. After ten in the morning it is all over. The lazy brutes will not bite; they are taking their siesta in the sun. " And he looked round at the sea on all sides, with the satisfied air of a proprietor.

“我以后绝不再在下午钓鱼了。一过早上十点,就不会钓到鱼了。这些懒畜生不会再咬钩;它们都到太阳底下睡午觉去了。” 他带着满足的神情环顾着四周的大海,好像他是大海的所有者似的。

He was a retired jeweller who had been led by an inordinate love of seafaring and fishing to fly from the shop as soon as he had made enough money to live in modest comfort on the interest of his savings. He retired to le Havre, bought a boat, and became an amateur skipper. His two sons, Pierre and Jean, had remained at Paris to continue their studies, and came for the holidays from time to time to share their father's amusements.


On leaving school, Pierre, the elder, five years older than Jean, had felt a vocation to various professions and had tried half a dozen in succession, but, soon disgusted with each in turn, he started afresh with new hopes. Medicine had been his last fancy, and he had set to work with so much ardour that he had just qualified after an unusually short course of study, by a special remission of time from the minister. He was enthusiastic, intelligent, fickle, but obstinate, full of Utopias and philosophical notions.


Jean, who was as fair as his brother was dark, as deliberate as his brother was vehement, as gentle as his brother was unforgiving, had quietly gone through his studies for the law and had just taken his diploma as a licentiate, at the time when Pierre had taken his in medicine. So they were now having a little rest at home, and both looked forward to settling in le Havre if they could find a satisfactory opening.


But a vague jealousy, one of those dormant jealousies which grow up between brothers or sisters and slowly ripen till they burst, on the occasion of a marriage perhaps, or of some good fortune happening to one of them, kept them on the alert in a sort of brotherly and non—aggressive animosity. They were fond of each other, it is true, but they watched each other. Pierre, five years old when Jean was born, had looked with the eyes of a little petted animal at that other little animal which had suddenly come to lie in his father's and mother's arms and to be loved and fondled by them. Jean, from his birth, had always been a pattern of sweetness, gentleness, and good temper, and Pierre had by degrees begun to chafe at ever—lastingly hearing the praises of this great lad, whose sweetness in his eyes was indolence, whose gentleness was stupidity, and whose kindliness was blindness. His parents, whose dream for their sons was some respectable and undistinguished calling, blamed him for so often changing his mind, for his fits of enthusiasm, his abortive beginnings, and all his ineffectual impulses towards generous ideas and the liberal professions.


Since he had grown to manhood they no longer said in so many words: "Look at Jean and follow his example, " but every time he heard them say "Jean did this—Jean does that, " he understood their meaning and the hint the words conveyed.

自他成人之后,父母不再总对他说: “你多跟让学学!” 但每次听到他们说 “让做了这个,让做了那个” 的时候,他很清楚这些话的言外之意。

Their mother, an orderly person, a thrifty and rather sentimental woman of the middle class, with the soul of a soft—hearted book—keeper, was constantly quenching the little rivalries between her two big sons to which the petty events of their life constantly gave rise. Another little circumstance, too, just now disturbed her peace of mind, and she was in fear of some complications; for in the course of the winter, while her boys were finishing their studies, each in his own line, she had made the acquaintance of a neighbour, Mme. Rosemilly, the widow of a captain of a merchantman who had died at sea two years before. The young widow—quite young, only three—and—twenty—a woman of strong intellect who knew life by instinct as the free animals do, as though she had seen, gone through, understood, and weighted every conceivable contingency, and judged them with a wholesome, strict, and benevolent mind, had fallen into the habit of calling to work or chat for an hour in the evening with these friendly neighbours, who would give her a cup of tea.


Father Roland, always goaded on by his seafaring craze, would question their new friend about the departed captain; and she would talk of him, and his voyages, and his old—world tales, without hesitation, like a resigned and reasonable woman who loves life and respects death.


The two sons on their return, finding the pretty widow quite at home in the house, forthwith began to court her, less from any wish to charm her than from the desire to cut each other out.


Their mother, being practical and prudent, sincerely hoped that one of them might win the young widow, for she was rich; but then she would have liked that the other should not be grieved.


Mme. Rosemilly was fair, with blue eyes, a mass of light waving hair, fluttering at the least breath of wind, and an alert, daring, pugnacious little way with her, which did not in the least answer to the sober method of her mind.


She already seemed to like Jean best, attracted, no doubt, by an affinity of nature. This preference, however, she betrayed only by an almost imperceptible difference of voice and look and also by occasionally asking his opinion. She seemed to guess that Jean's views would support her own, while those of Pierre must inevitably be different. When she spoke of the doctor's ideas on politics, art, philosophy, or morals, she would sometimes say: "Your crotchets. " Then he would look at her with the cold gleam of an accuser drawing up an indictment against women—all women, poor weak things.

她看起来似乎对让有所偏爱,毫无疑问,她是被一种与生俱来的亲和力所吸引。但是,这种偏爱只流露在她略有不同的眼神和语气中,几乎察觉不出;偶尔在她征求他的意见时也会表现出来一些。她似乎猜到了让的观点会支持她的观点,而皮埃尔的看法则必定与她相左。当谈到这位医生在政治、艺术、哲学或道德伦理方面的观点时,她总会说: “你的这些怪念头。” 然后,皮埃尔就会用一种冷峻的目光看着她,好似原告在起草诉状控诉女人——所有女人,软弱的可怜虫。

Never till his sons came home had M. Roland invited her to join his fishing expeditions, nor had he ever taken his wife; for he liked to put off before daybreak, with his ally, Captain Beausire, a master mariner retired, whom he had first met on the quay at high tides and with whom he had struck up an intimacy, and the old sailor Papagris, known as Jean Bart, in whose charge the boat was left.


But one evening of the week before, Mme. Rosemilly, who had been dining with them, remarked, "It must be great fun to go out fishing. " The jeweller, flattered by her interest and suddenly fired with the wish to share his favourite sport with her, and to make a convert after the manner of priests, exclaimed: "Would you like to come? "

可上周的一个晚上,罗塞米伊太太在他们家吃晚饭时说: “钓鱼一定是件很有趣的事情吧。” 这个老珠宝商,因为她感兴趣而受宠若惊,突然很想与她分享自己最喜爱的活动,于是他就像传教士劝人信教一样高声说: “你想一同去钓鱼吗?”

"To be sure I should. "


"Next Tuesday? "


"Yes, next Tuesday. "


"Are you the woman to be ready to start at five in the morning? "


She exclaimed in horror:


"No, indeed: that is too much. "


He was disappointed and chilled, suddenly doubting her true vocation. However, he said:


"At what hour can you be ready? "


"Well—at nine? "


"Not before? "


"No, not before. Even that is very early. "


The old fellow hesitated; he certainly would catch nothing, for when the sun has warmed the sea the fish bite no more; but the two brothers had eagerly pressed the scheme, and organized and arranged everything there and then.


So on the following Tuesday the Pearl had dropped anchor under the white rocks of Cape Havre; they had fished till midday, then they had slept awhile, and then fished again without catching anything; and then it was that father Roland, perceiving, rather late, that all that Mme. Rosemilly really enjoyed and cared for was the sail on the sea, and seeing that his lines hung motionless, had uttered in a spirit of unreasonable annoyance, that vehement "Tschah! " which applied as much to the pathetic widow as to the creatures he could not catch.

因此,到了下个星期二, “珍珠号” 就在勒阿弗尔海角的白色岩石下抛锚了。他们在那里一直钓到中午,小憩了一会儿之后又钓了一阵,可什么都没钓到。罗兰老爹这时候才明白罗塞米伊太太其实只是喜欢泛舟海上,但为时已晚。当看到他的钓线不再抖动的时候,他便不理智地大喊了一声 “该死!” ,这既是骂那个可怜的寡妇,也是骂他钓不到的那些鱼。

Now he contemplated the spoil—his fish—with the joyful thrill of a miser; seeing as he looked up at the sky that the sun was getting low: "Well, boys, " said he, "suppose we turn homeward. "

现在,他像个吝啬鬼那样欣喜地凝视着那些战利品——他的鱼。随后,他抬头看看天色,太阳已经开始西沉了。 “好吧,孩子们,” 他说, “我们回家吧。”

The young men hauled in their lines, coiled them up, cleaned the hooks and stuck them into corks, and sat waiting.


Roland stood up to look out like a captain.


"No wind, " said he. "You will have to pull, young 'uns. "

“没有风,” 他说, “你们得划船了,孩子们。”

And suddenly extending one arm to the northward, he exclaimed:


"Here comes the packet from Southampton. "


Away over the level sea, spread out like a blue sheet, vast and sheeny and shot with flame and gold, an inky cloud was visible against the rosy sky in the quarter to which he pointed, and below it they could make out the hull of the steamer, which looked tiny at such a distance. And to southward other wreaths of smoke, numbers of them, could be seen, all converging towards the Havre pier, now scarcely visible as a white streak with the lighthouse, upright, like a horn, at the end of it.


Roland asked: "Is not the Normandie due to—day? " And Jean replied:

罗兰问道: “ ‘诺曼底号’ 是不是今天该进港了?” 让回答:

"Yes, to—day. "


"Give me my glass. I fancy I see her out there. "


The father pulled out the copper tube, adjusted it to his eye, sought the speck, and then, delighted to have seen it, exclaimed:


"Yes, yes, there she is. I know her two funnels. Would you like to look, Mme. Rosemilly? "


She took the telescope and directed it towards the Atlantic horizon, without being able, however, to find the vessel, for she could distinguish nothing—nothing but blue, with a coloured halo round it, a circular rainbow—and then all manner of queer things, winking eclipses which made her feel sick.


She said as she returned the glass:


"I never could see with that thing. It used to put my husband in quite a rage; he would stand for hours at the windows watching the ships pass. "


Old Roland, much put out, retorted:


"Then it must be some defect in your eye, for my glass is a very good one. "


Then he offered it to his wife.


"Would you like to look? "


"No, thank you. I know before hand that I could not see through it. "


Mme. Roland, a woman of eight—and—forty but who did not look it, seemed to be enjoying this excursion and this waning day more than any of the party.


Her chestnut hair was only just beginning to show streaks of white. She had a calm, reasonable face, a kind and happy way with her which it was a pleasure to see. Her son Pierre was wont to say that she knew the value of money, but this did not hinder her from enjoying the delights of dreaming. She was fond of reading, of novels, and poetry, not for their value as works of art, but for the sake of the tender melancholy mood they would induce in her. A line of poetry, often but a poor one, often a bad one, would touch the little chord, as she expressed it, and give her the sense of some mysterious desire almost realized. And she delighted in these faint emotions which brought a little flutter to her soul, otherwise as strictly kept as a ledger.


Since settling at Havre she had become perceptibly stouter, and her figure, which had been very supple and slight, had grown heavier.


This day on the sea had been delightful to her. Her husband, without being brutal, was rough with her, as a man who is the despot of his shop is apt to be rough, without anger or hatred; to such men to give an order is to swear. He controlled himself in the presence of strangers, but in private he let loose and gave himself terrible vent, though he was himself afraid of every one. She, in sheer horror of the turmoil, of scenes, of useless explanations, always gave way and never asked for anything; for a very long time she had not ventured to ask Roland to take her out in the boat. So she had joyfully hailed this opportunity, and was keenly enjoying the rare and new pleasure.


From the moment when they started she surrendered herself completely, body and soul, to the soft, gliding motion over the waves. She was not thinking; her mind was not wandering through either memories or hopes; it seemed to her as though her heart, like her body, was floating on something soft and liquid and delicious which rocked and lulled it.


When their father gave the word to return, "Come, take your places at the oars! " she smiled to see her sons, her two great boys, take off their jackets and roll up their shirt—sleeves on their bare arms.

他们的父亲下令返航: “快来,做好准备划船了!” 她则笑着看着自己的两个乖儿子,给他们脱去外套,卷起他们衬衣的袖子,露出了他们光溜溜的胳膊。

Pierre, who was nearest to the two women, took the stroke oar, Jean the other, and they sat waiting till the skipper should say: "Give way! " For he insisted on everything being done according to strict rule.

离两个女人最近的皮埃尔抓起右舷桨,让抓起左舷桨,坐在那里等着,一直等到他们的船长父亲发令: “撤!” 因为他坚持一切都要严守规矩。

Simultaneously, as if by a single effort, they dipped the oars, and lying back, pulling with all their might, began a struggle to display their strength. They had come out easily, under sail, but the breeze had died away, and the masculine pride of the two brothers was suddenly aroused by the prospect of measuring their powers. When they went out alone with their father they plied the oars without any steering, for Roland would be busy getting the lines ready, while he kept a lookout in the boat's course, guiding it by a sign or a word: "Easy, Jean, and you, Pierre, put your back into it. " Or he would say, "Now, then, number one; come, number two—a little elbow grease. " Then the one who had been dreaming pulled harder, the one who had got excited eased down, and the boat's head came round.

他们同时让船桨入水,接着向后仰,全力以赴地把桨朝前划去,开始了一场显示彼此力量的争夺战。他们来的时候很容易,因为可以借助船帆,可现在风停了,于是两兄弟的男性好胜心突然被一决胜负的念头唤醒。当他们只和父亲一块儿出海钓鱼时,没人会去掌舵,就是这么划着,因为罗兰会一边忙着准备钓线,一边注意船的航向,仅以手势或是一句话来导航: “轻点儿,让,还有你,皮埃尔,用力些。” 或者他会说, “好了,现在一号加油;二号,胳膊使点劲儿。” 这时,走神的那个就划得更卖力些,划得过猛的那个就少使点劲儿,这样船的航向就摆正了。

But to—day they meant to display their biceps. Pierre's arms were hairy, somewhat lean but sinewy; Jean's were round and white and rosy, and the knot of muscles moved under the skin.


At first Pierre had the advantage. With his teeth set, his brow knit, his legs rigid, his hands clinched on the oar, he made it bend from end to end at every stroke, and the Pearl was veering landward. Father Roland, sitting in the bows, so as to leave the stern seat to the two women, wasted his breath shouting, "Easy, number one; pull harder, number two! " Pierre pulled harder in his frenzy, and "number two" could not keep time with his wild stroke.

一开始是皮埃尔占上风。他咬着牙,紧锁眉头,双腿伸直,双手紧攥着船桨,每次都把浆划到底, “珍珠号” 朝岸边飞驶而去。罗兰老爹坐在船头,以便把船尾的位置让给两位太太,他大声喊道: “老大慢点儿!老二使点劲儿!” 皮埃尔情绪激动,划得更起劲儿了,老二却无法配合他这种疯狂的划法。

At last the skipper cried: "Stop her! " The two oars were lifted simultaneously, and then by his father's orders Jean pulled alone for a few minutes. But from that moment he had it all his own way; he grew eager and warmed to his work, while Pierre, out of breath and exhausted by his first vigorous spurt, was lax and panting. Four times running father Roland made them stop while the elder took breath, so as to get the boat into her right course again. Then the doctor, humiliated and fuming, his forehead dropping with sweat, his cheeks white, stammered out:

最后船长只能下令: “把船停下!” 两支桨同时举了起来,按他父亲的命令,让一个人划了一会儿。可从那个时刻起,优势就转到他这边来了。他兴奋无比,越划越起劲。而皮埃尔一开始用力过猛,现在已经上气不接下气、筋疲力尽了,他浑身乏力、气喘吁吁。罗兰老爹一连四次下令停划,好让老大能松口气,摆正船的航向。这时医生感到丢了颜面,一肚子的火。他满头大汗、脸色苍白,结结巴巴地说:

"I cannot think what has come over me; I have a stitch in my side. I started very well, but it has pulled me up. "


Jean asked: "Shall I pull alone with both oars for a time? "

让问道: “要不我一个人用双桨来划会儿?”

"No, thanks, it will go off. "


And their mother, somewhat vexed, said:


"Why, Pierre, what rhyme or reason is there in getting into such a state. You are not a child. "


And he shrugged his shoulders and set to once more.


Mme. Rosemilly pretended not to see, not to understand, not to hear. Her fair head went back with an engaging little jerk every time the boat moved forward, making the fine wayward hairs flutter about her temples.


But father Roland presently called out:


"Look, the Prince Albert is catching us up! "

“看哪, ‘阿尔贝王子号’ 快要赶上我们了!”

They all looked round. Long and low in the water, with her two raking funnels and two yellow paddle—boxes like two round cheeks, the Southampton packet came ploughing on at full steam, crowded with passengers under open parasols. Its hurrying, noisy paddle—wheels beating up the water which fell again in foam, gave it an appearance of haste as of a courier pressed for time, and the upright stem cut through the water, throwing up two thin translucent waves which glided off along the hull.


When it had come quite near the Pearl, father Roland lifted his hat, the ladies shook their handkerchiefs, and half a dozen parasols eagerly waved on board the steamboat responded to this salute as she went on her way, leaving behind her a few broad undulations on the still and glassy surface of the sea.

当那条船靠近 “珍珠号” 的时候,罗兰老爹举起他的帽子,两位太太挥舞着她们的手帕,汽船上也有五六个阳伞下的乘客热情地挥手致意,以示还礼。汽船渐行渐远,在平静而又闪着波光的海面上留下了一道道翻滚的波浪。

There were other vessels, each with its smoky cap, coming in from every part of the horizon towards the short white jetty, which swallowed them up, one after another, like a mouth. And the fishing barks and lighter craft with broad sails and slender masts, stealing across the sky in tow of inconspicuous tugs, were coming in, faster and slower, towards the devouring ogre, who from time to time seemed to have had a surfeit, and spewed out to the open sea another fleet of steamers, brigs, schooners, and three—masted vessels with their tangled mass of rigging. The hurrying steamships flew off to the right and left over the smooth bosom of the ocean, while sailing vessels, cast off by the pilot—tugs which had hauled them out, lay motionless, dressing themselves from the main—mast to the fore—tops in canvas, white or brown, and ruddy in the setting sun.


Mme. Roland, with her eyes half—shut, murmured: "Good heavens, how beautiful the sea is! " zPQzhBDrXBBTs8WLcRejd1AAfr3xr+aDGXO4kVpv7dxD9t1LQDeV69fjw/UqqHGr
