



Cle.: How now, you rascal! where have you been hiding? Did I not give you orders to…?


La Fl. Yes, Sir, and I came here resolved to wait for you without stirring, but your father, that most ungracious of men, drove me into the street in spite of myself, and I well nigh got a good drubbing into the bargain.


Cle.: How is our affair progressing? Things are worse than ever for us, and since I left you, I have discovered that my own father is my rival.


La Fl. Your father in love?


Cle.: It seems so; and I found it very difficult to hide from him what I felt at such a discovery.


La Fl. He meddling with love! What the deuce is he thinking of? Does he mean to set everybody at defiance? And is love made for people of his build?


Cle.: It is to punish me for my sins that this passion has entered his head.


La Fl. But why do you hide your love from him?


Cle.: That he may not suspect anything, and to make it more easy for me to fall back, if need be, upon some device to prevent this marriage. What answer did you receive?


La Fl. Indeed, Sir, those who borrow are much to be pitied, and we must put up with strange things when, like you, we are forced to pass through the hands of the usurers.


Cle.: Then the affair won't come off?


La Fl. Excuse me; Mr. Simon, the broker who was recommended to us, is a very active and zealous fellow, and says he has left no stone unturned to help you. He assures me that your looks alone have won his heart.


Cle.: Shall I have the fifteen thousand francs which I want?


La Fl. Yes, but under certain trifling conditions, which you must accept if you wish the bargain to be concluded.


Cle.: Did you speak to the man who is to lend the money?


La Fl. Oh! dear no. Things are not done in that way. He is still more anxious than you to remain unknown. These things are greater mysteries than you think. His name is not by any means to be divulged, and he is to be introduced to you to—day at a house provided by him, so that he may hear from yourself all about your position and your family; and I have not the least doubt that the mere name of your father will be sufficient to accomplish what you wish.


Cle.: Particularly as my mother is dead, and they cannot deprive me of what I inherit from her.


La Fl. Well, here are some of the conditions which he has himself dictated to our go—between for you to take cognisance of, before anything is begun. "Supposing that the lender is satisfied with all his securities, and that the borrower is of age and of a family whose property is ample, solid, secure, and free from all incumbrances, there shall be drawn up a good and correct bond before as honest a notary as it is possible to find, and who for this purpose shall be chosen by the lender, because he is the more concerned of the two that the bond should be rightly executed. "

拉•弗莱什好的。这是他口述给中介人的一些条款,交易生效之前,需要您的同意。 “假定放贷方对自己身份的隐瞒表示满意,借方的年纪符合,而且其家庭环境富裕、稳定、安全,没有任何负担,交易双方都同意在公证人的监督下,签订一份诚实无误的契约。考虑到放贷方更加关注契约的合理履行,该公证人由放贷方选定。”

Cle.: There is nothing to say against that.


La Fl. "The lender, not to burden his conscience with the least scruple, does not wish to lend his money at more than five and a half per cent. "

拉•弗莱什 “放贷方不想让良心感到不安,决定借款的利息不超过百分之五点五。”

Cle.: Five and a half per cent? By Jove, that's honest! We have nothing to complain of.


La Fl. That's true. "But as the said lender has not in hand the sum required, and as, in order to oblige the borrower, he is himself obliged to borrow from another at the rate of twenty per cent., it is but right that the said first borrower shall pay this interest, without detriment to the rest; since it is only to oblige him that the said lender is himself forced to borrow. "

拉•弗莱什这倒是真的。 “可是由于放贷方现款不足,所以,为了履行契约,放贷方本人向第三方借取,利息是百分之二十,由此借方也应承担这部分利息,因为这是放贷方为了借方才借款的。”

Cle.: The deuce! What a Jew! what a Turk we have here! That is more than twenty—five per cent.


La Fl. That's true; and it is the remark I made. It is for you to consider the matter before you act.


Cle.: How can I consider? I want the money, and I must therefore accept everything.


La Fl. That is exactly what I answered.


Cle.: Is there anything else?


La Fl. Only a small item. "Of the fifteen thousand francs which are demanded, the lender will only be able to count down twelve thousand in hard cash; instead of the remaining three thousand, the borrower will have to take the chattels, clothing, and jewels, contained in the following catalogue, and which the said lender has put in all good faith at the lowest possible figure. "

拉•弗莱什还有一个小条件。 “因为放贷方现款不足契约规定的一万五千法郎,只能付现一万两千法郎,所剩余的三千法郎,放贷方出于善意,以最低价格折算自己的动产、衣物、首饰等。现附清单如下——”

Cle.: What is the meaning of all that?


La Fl. I'll go through the catalogue: — "Firstly: —A fourpost bedstead, with hangings of Hungary lace very elegantly trimmed with olive—coloured cloth, and six chairs and a counterpane to match; the whole in very good condition, and lined with soft red and blue shot—silk. Item: —the tester of good pale pink Aumale serge, with the small and the large fringes of silk.”

拉•弗莱什我给您念念这清单: “一、一张四脚床,附带匈牙利风格花边的幔帐,橄榄色床褥一套,外加六只椅子和配套座套,这一整套毫无破损,还镶有红蓝两色闪光缎边。另:一副床帐,面料采用欧马耳浅粉色哗叽粗纺,缝有长短不一的丝绸须边。”

Cle.: What does he want me to do with all this?


La Fl. Wait.: "Item: —Tapestry hangings representing the loves of Gombaud and Macee. Item: —A large walnut table with twelve columns or turned legs, which draws out at both ends, and is provided beneath with six stools.”

拉•弗莱什稍安勿躁。 “另:一整套描写贡保与玛赛爱情生活的挂式花毯。另:一张胡桃木大桌,有十二根桌腿儿,两头均可拉伸,还配有六条小板凳。”

Cle.: Hang it all! What am I to do with all this?


La Fl. Have patience. "Item: —Three large matchlocks inlaid with mother—of—pearl, with rests to correspond. Item: —A brick furnace with two retorts and three receivers, very useful to those who have any taste for distilling.”

拉•弗莱什别急别急。 “另:三把嵌有珍珠母的火枪以及配套的架子。另:一个砖炉,其中有两个蒸馏器,三个受容器,这对蒸馏爱好者可是好东西。”

Cle.: You will drive me crazy.


La Fl. Gently! "Item: —A Bologna lute with all its strings, or nearly all. Item: —A pigeon—hole table and a draught—board, and a game of mother goose, restored from the Greeks, most useful to pass the time when one has nothing to do. Item: —A lizard's skin, three feet and a half in length, stuffed with hay, a pleasing curiosity to hang on the ceiling of a room. The whole of the above—mentioned articles are really worth more than four thousand five hundred francs, and are reduced to the value of a thousand crowns through the considerateness of the lender.”

拉•弗莱什不要激动! “另:一把博洛尼亚产的琵琶,完好无损,几乎完好无损。另:一张球桌,一只棋盘,以及从古希腊人流传下来的鹅图游戏,这些都是闲暇无聊之时打发时间的好东西。另:一张蜥蜴皮,长三英尺半,内填有干草,悬挂于天花板上,赏心悦目。上述所有物品,合理价值总和超过四千五百法郎,但出于放贷方的好心,抵现价一千克朗。”

Cle.: Let the plague choke him with his considerateness, the wretch, the cut—throat that he is! Did ever anyone hear of such usury? Is he not satisfied with the outrageous interest he asks that he must force me to take, instead of the three thousand francs, all the old rubbish which he picks up. I shan't get two hundred crowns for all that, and yet I must bring myself to yield to all his wishes; for he is in a position to force me to accept everything, and he has me, the villain, with a knife at my throat.


La Fl. I see you, Sir, if you'll forgive my saying so, on the high—road followed by Panurge to ruin himself—taking money in advance, buying dear, selling cheap, and cutting your corn while it is still grass.


Cle.: What would you have me do? It is to this that young men are reduced by the accursed avarice of their fathers; and people are astonished after that, that sons long for their death.


La Fl. No one can deny that yours would excite against his meanness the most quiet of men. I have not, thank God, any inclination gallows—ward, and among my colleagues whom I see dabbling in various doubtful affairs, I know well enough how to keep myself out of hot water, and how to keep clear of all those things which savour ever so little of the ladder; but to tell you the truth, he almost gives me, by his ways of going on, the desire of robbing him, and I should think that in doing so I was doing a meritorious action.


Cle.: Give me that memorandum that I may have another look at it.


SCENE II. ——HARPAGON, MR. SIMON (CLÉANTE and LA FLÈCHE at the back of the stage).


Sim.: Yes, Sir; it is a young man who is greatly in want of money; his affairs force him to find some at any cost, and he will submit to all your conditions.


Har.: But are you sure, Mr. Simon, that there is no risk to run in this case? and do you know the name, the property, and the family of him for whom you speak?


Sim.: No; I cannot tell you anything for certain, as it was by mere chance that I was made acquainted with him; but he will tell you everything himself, and his servant has assured me that you will be quite satisfied when you know who he is. All I can tell you is that his family is said to be very wealthy, that he has already lost his mother, and that he will pledge you his word, if you insist upon it, that his father will die before eight months are passed.


Har.: That is something. Charity, Mr. Simon, demands of us to gratify people whenever we have it in our power.


Sim.: Evidently.


La Fl. (aside to Cleante, on recognising Mr. Simon). What does this mean? Mr. Simon talking with your father!


Cle.: (aside to La Fleche). Has he been told who I am, and would you be capable of betraying me?


Sim.: (to Cleante and La Fleche). Ah! you are in good time! But who told you to come here? (To Harpagon)It was certainly not I who told them your name and address; but I am of opinion that there is no great harm done; they are people who can be trusted, and you can come to some understanding together.


Har.: What!


Sim.: (showing Cleante). This is the gentleman who wants to borrow the fifteen thousand francs of which I have spoken to you.


Har.: What! miscreant! is it you who abandon yourself to such excesses?


Cle.: What! father! is it you who stoop to such shameful deeds?


(M. Simon runs away, and La Fleche hides himself. )




Har.: It is you who are ruining yourself by loans so greatly to be condemned!


Cle.: So it is you who seek to enrich yourself by such criminal usury!


Har.: And you dare, after that, to show yourself before me?


Cle.: And you dare, after that, to show yourself to the world?


Har.: Are you not ashamed, tell me, to descend to these wild excesses, to rush headlong into frightful expenses, and disgracefully to dissipate the wealth which your parents have amassed with so much toil.


Cle.: Are you not ashamed of dishonouring your station by such dealings, of sacrificing honour and reputation to the insatiable desire of heaping crown upon crown, and of outdoing the most infamous devices that have ever been invented by the most notorious usurers?


Har.: Get out of my sight, you reprobate; get out of my sight!


Cle.: Who is the more criminal in your opinion: he who buys the money of which he stands in need, or he who obtains, by unfair means, money for which he has no use?


Har.: Begone, I say, and do not provoke me to anger. (Alone)After all, I am not very much vexed at this adventure; it will be a lesson to me to keep a better watch over all his doings.




Fro.: Sir.


Har.: Wait a moment, I will come back and speak to you. (Aside)I had better go and see a little after my money.




La Fl. (without seeing Frosine). The adventure is most comical. Hidden somewhere he must have a large store of goods of all kinds, for the list did not contain one single article which either of us recognised.


Fro.: Hallo! is it you, my poor La Fleche? How is it we meet here?


La Fl. Ah! ah! it is you, Frosine; and what have you come to do here?


Fro.: What have I come to do? Why! what I do everywhere else, busy myself about other people's affairs, make myself useful to the community in general, and profit as much as I possibly can by the small talent I possess. Must we not live by our wits in this world? and what other resources have people like me but intrigue and cunning?


La Fl. Have you, then, any business with the master of this house?


Fro.: Yes. I am transacting for him a certain small matter for which he is pretty sure to give me a reward.


La Fl. He give you a reward! Ah! ah! Upon my word, you will be 'cute if you ever get one, and I warn you that ready money is very scarce hereabouts.


Fro.: That may be, but there are certain services which wonderfully touch our feelings.


La Fl. Your humble servant; but as yet you don't know Harpagon. Harpagon is the human being of all human beings the least humane, the mortal of all mortals the hardest and closest. There is no service great enough to induce him to open his purse. If, indeed, you want praise, esteem, kindness, and friendship, you are welcome to any amount; but money, that's a different affair. There is nothing more dry, more barren, than his favour and his good grace, and "give" is a word for which he has such a strong dislike that he never says I give, but I lend, you a good morning. 8kd5fJvkaDDSoDeF9mBRSdrWHDa7w2R6FRu2nz2CUhpA17Ck4MsPt9X+2bqAZPud
