
第三章 荒岛遇难3

It was an inexpressible joy to me, which any one will believe, that I was thus delivered, as I esteemed it, from such a miserable and almost hopeless condition as I was in; and I immediately offered all I had to the captain of the ship, as a return for my deliverance; but he generously told me he would take nothing from me, but that all I had should be delivered safe to me when I came to the Brazils. "For, " says he, "I have saved your life on no other terms than I would be glad to be saved myself: and it may, one time or other, be my lot to be taken up in the same condition. Besides, " said he, "when I carry you to the Brazils, so great a way from your own country, if I should take from you what you have, you will be starved there, and then I only take away that life I have given. No, no, " says he: "Seignior Ingles" (Mr. Englishman), "I will carry you thither in charity, and those things will help to buy your subsistence there and your passage home again. "

我从一个如此痛苦无望的境况里被解救出来,任谁都不难想象,这种喜悦对我来说简直难以言喻。我立刻提出,作为对船长解救我的回报,我要把自己所拥有的一切都送给他。但是船长慷慨地说,他不会从我这里拿任何东西,在我到达巴西之后,会将所有东西都平安地送还到我手里。 “因为,” 他说, “这次我救你,是希望以后自己也能得到别人的救助。说不定什么时候,我也会身陷同样的境遇。更何况,” 他又说道, “我会带你到巴西去,那里离你的祖国很远,如果我拿了你的东西,你就会在那里挨饿。那样,我只会断送了你这条由我救下的命。不,不,” 他说, “英国先生(葡萄牙语),我是出于善意才把你带到巴西的。你的这些东西可以帮助你在那里维持生活,帮你再次回到家中。”

As he was charitable in this proposal, so he was just in the performance to a title; for he ordered the seamen that none should touch anything that I had: then he took everything into his own possession, and gave me back an exact inventory of them, that I might have them, even to my three earthen jars.


As to my boat, it was a very good one; and that he saw, and told me he would buy it of me for his ship's use; and asked me what I would have for it? I told him he had been so generous to me in everything that I could not offer to make any price of the boat, but left it entirely to him: upon which he told me he would give me a note of hand to pay me eighty pieces of eight for it at Brazil; and when it came there, if any one offered to give more, he would make it up. He offered me also sixty pieces of eight more for my boy Xury, which I was lath to take; not that I was unwilling to let the captain have him, but I was very lath to sell the poor boy's liberty, who had assisted me so faithfully in procuring my own. However, when I let him know my reason, he owned it to be just, and offered me this medium, that he would give the boy an obligation to set him free in ten years, if he turned Christian: upon this, and Xury saying he was willing to go to him, I let the captain have him.


We had a very good voyage to the Brazils, and I arrived in the Bay de To—dos loss Santos, or All Saints' Bay, in about twenty—two days after. And now I was once more delivered from the most miserable of all conditions of life; and what to do next with myself I was to consider.


The generous treatment the captain gave me I can never enough remember: he would take nothing of me for my passage, gave me twenty ducats for the leopard's skin, and forty for the lion's skin, which I had in my boat, and caused everything I had in the ship to be punctually delivered to me; and what I was willing to sell he bought of me, such as the case of bottles, two of my guns, and a piece of the lump of beeswax—for I had made candles of the rest: in a word, I made about two hundred and twenty pieces of eight of all my cargo; and with this stock I went on shore in the Brazils.


I had not been long here before I was recommended to the house of a good honest man like himself, who had an INGENIO, as they call it (that is, a plantation and a sugarhouse). I lived with him some time, and acquainted myself by that means with the manner of planting and making of sugar; and seeing how well the planters lived, and how they got rich suddenly, I resolved, if I could get a license to settle there, I would turn planter among them: resolving in the meantime to find out some way to get my money, which I had left in London, remitted to me. To this purpose, getting a kind of letter of naturalization, I purchased as much land that was uncured as my money would reach, and formed a plan for my plantation and settlement; such a one as might be suitable to the stock which I proposed to myself to receive from England.


I had a neighbour, a Portuguese, of Lisbon, but born of English parents, whose name was Wells, and in much such circumstances as I was. I call him my neighbour, because his plantation lay next to mine, and we went on very sociably together. My stock was but low, as well as his; and we rather planted for food than anything else, for about two years. However, we began to increase, and our land began to come into order; so that the third year we planted some tobacco, and made each of us a large piece of ground ready for planting canes in the year to come. But we both wanted help; and now I found, more than before, I had done wrong in parting with my boy Xury.


But, alas! For me to do wrong that never did right, was no great wonder. I hail no remedy but to go on: I had got into an employment quite remote to my genius, and directly contrary to the life I delighted in, and for which I forsook my father's house, and broke through all his good advice. Nay, I was coming into the very middle station, or upper degree of low life, which my father advised me to before, and which, if I resolved to go on with, I might as well have stayed at home, and never have fatigued myself in the world as I had done; and I used often to say to myself, I could have done this as well in England, among my friends, as have gone five thousand miles off to do it among strangers and savages, in a wilderness, and at such a distance as never to hear from any part of the world that had the least knowledge of me.


In this manner I used to look upon my condition with the utmost regret. I had nobody to converse with, but now and then this neighbour; no work to be done, but by the labour of my hands; and I used to say, I lived just like a man cast away upon some desolate island, that had nobody there but himself. But how just has it been—and how should all men reflect, that when they compare their present conditions with others that are worse, Heaven may oblige them to make the exchange, and be convinced of their former felicity by their experience—I say, how just has it been, that the truly solitary life I reflected on, in an island of mere desolation, should be my lot, who had so often unjustly compared it with the life which I then led, in which, had I continued, I had in all probability been exceeding prosperous and rich.


I was in some degree settled in my measures for carrying on the plantation before my kind friend, the captain of the ship that took me up at sea, went back—for the ship remained there, in providing his lading and preparing for his voyage, nearly three months—when telling him what little stock I had left behind me in London, he gave me this friendly and sincere advice: — "Seignior Ingles, " says he (for so he always called me), "if you will give me letters, and a procuration in form to me, with orders to the person who has your money in London to send your effects to Lisbon, to such persons as I shall direct, and in such goods as are proper for this country, I will bring you the produce of them, God willing, at my return; but, since human affairs are all subject to changes and disasters, I would have you give orders but for one hundred pounds sterling, which, you say, is half your stock, and let the hazard be run for the first; so that, if it come safe, you may order the rest the same way, and, if it miscarry, you may have the other half to have recourse to for your supply. "

在我对经营种植园的计划刚有一些定论之后,我那友善的朋友,也就是在海上救了我的那个船长回来了——船停泊在这里,正装载货物准备出航,这次的出航大约要花三个月的时间——我告诉他我在伦敦留有一点点积蓄,他向我提了一条友善而真诚的建议: “英国先生,” 他说(他总是这样称呼我), “如果你写封信,并给我一张正式的委托书,叫那个在伦敦为你保管钱款的人,把钱汇到里斯本我指定的人手里,然后买一些适用于这里的货品。如果上帝祝福我们,回来的时候我就把这批货品带给你。但是,因为人总是会经历各种变化和灾祸,所以我建议你只拿出一百英镑,如你所言,也就是你积蓄的一半,用这一半的钱冒个险。如果它能安全到达这里,那么你可以用同样的方式,拿出另一半钱。如果失败的话,你可以借助另一半钱维持你的所需。”

This was so wholesome advice, and looked so friendly, that I could not but be convinced it was the best course I could take; so I accordingly prepared letters to the gentlewoman with whom I had left my money and procuration to the Portuguese captain, as he desired.


I wrote the English captain's widow a full account of all my adventures—my slavery, escape, and how I had met with the Portuguese captain at sea, the humanity of his behaviour, and what condition I was now in, with all other necessary directions for my supply; and when this honest captain came to Lisbon, he found means, by some of the English merchants there, to send over, not the order only, but a full account of my story to a merchant in London, who represented it effectually to her; whereupon she not only delivered the money, but out of her own pocket sent the Portugal captain a very handsome present for his humanity and charity to me.


The merchant in London, vesting this hundred pounds in English goods, such as the captain had written for, sent them directly to him at Lisbon, and he brought them all safe to me to the Brazils; among which, without my direction (for I was too young in my business to think of them), he had taken care to have all sorts of tools, ironwork, and utensils necessary for my plantation, and which were of great use to me.


When this cargo arrived I thought my fortune made, for I was surprised with the joy of it; and my stood steward, the captain, had laid out the five pounds, which my friend had sent him for a present for himself, to purchase and bring me over a servant, under bond for six years 'service, and would not accept of any consideration, except a little tobacco, which I would have him accept, being of my own produce.

当这批货品到达时,我觉得自己发财了,简直是大喜过望。我那位厉害的管家,也就是那位船长,用我朋友作为礼物给他的五英镑,替我买了一个仆人。仆人跟我签了六年的契约,这期间不要报酬,只要一点我自己种的烟草。这些烟草还是我坚持让他收下,他才接受的。 FLDapcVuwPYRt6t5S9LgyA9/wYM7RGp2ksFPlx22aaYPcdGj2dY0NrSjwYExRDzy
